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Car Ride [Central to East]

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Car Ride [Central to East] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 11:37 pm

Ittindi had planned on staying in the city longer, but the disappointment of his failed recruitment was weighing on him. He had failed many times in combat, but the idea of failling socially hurt him on a different level. Ittindi of course wouldn't mention this to anyone, maybe the Young Master. As he woke up that morning and went throught he same usual routines, everything just felt a little off. Deciding it was time he'd hop in his car Tuxedo on suitcase in the trunk. He was going to travel out to East, it was still too soon to see the Fairy Tail guildmaster's house they were still probably out traveling. Instead he'd go see the famous hot tubs that everyone spoke about.

He had wanted to go for a while, he had just always invented excuses. There would always be a reason to not do something, he told himself as he buckled up. It wouldn't be long before he was on the road. Ittindi had mastered swerving off the road to pass any carriages if their was no way to pass them. It was just after one of these manuevers that he had recieved a strongly worded curse that Ittindi realized he had arrived and would have to deal with the now justified complainer.


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