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If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... [Eelzad/Solo/C-rank]

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If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... [Eelzad/Solo/C-rank] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:36 pm

Eelzad stood at the edge of the small city, his eyes fixed on the imposing silhouette of the manor house that loomed in the distance. Marlee's plea had been urgent and heartfelt—her fiancé had gone into that manor a month ago to finalize the sale of their cheese shop and had never returned. Determined to uncover the truth and bring him back, Eelzad set off towards the manor with a steely resolve.

As he approached the manor under the cover of night, Eelzad moved silently, his senses heightened. The large, ornate doors were slightly ajar, creaking softly as he pushed them open. The interior was eerily silent, save for the faint ticking of a grandfather clock echoing through the halls. Eelzad took a deep breath and stepped inside, careful not to make a sound.

The moment he crossed the threshold, he felt a strange shift in the air. He turned to look at the doors, only to see them slam shut with a resounding thud, locking him inside. Before he could react, a small duck waddled into view, quacking softly as it began to follow him around.

"Well, this is peculiar,"
Eelzad muttered, glancing down at the duck. "Let's see what we can find."

WC: 207
TWC: 207


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... [Eelzad/Solo/C-rank] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:20 am

He moved cautiously through the manor, the duck trailing faithfully behind him. Each room he entered was filled with strange, unsettling sights—medical equipment, bizarre tools, and half-finished experiments cluttered every surface. Eelzad's unease grew with each step, but he pressed on, determined to find Marlee's fiancé.

After what felt like hours of searching, Eelzad finally came across a room that was different from the others. The walls were lined with shelves of medical books and jars filled with strange substances. In the center of the room, sitting on an examination table, was a man who matched the description of Marlee's fiancé. Eelzad's heart leaped with hope, but his excitement was short-lived.

The man was quacking like a duck.

"Marlee's fiancé," Eelzad whispered, approaching cautiously. The man turned to look at him, his eyes wide and confused, but he continued to quack and waddle in place.

Eelzad frowned, his mind racing. "What happened to you?" he muttered, more to himself than to the man. He knew he needed to find a way to undo whatever transformation had taken place, but first, he had to understand it. This was a bizarre turn of events, but since Eelzad took on the assignment, he had to see it through.

WC: 213
TWC: 420


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... [Eelzad/Solo/C-rank] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:26 am

He began to search the room, looking for any clues or documentation that might explain what had been done. On a cluttered desk, he found a series of notes written in a messy scrawl. The notes detailed various experiments involving the fusion of human and animal traits, all conducted by someone referred to as "the Wack Scientist."

Eelzad's eyes narrowed. "Looks like we have our culprit," he said grimly. He turned to Marlee's fiancé, who was still quacking softly. "Don't worry. I'll fix this."

As he left the room, the duck continued to follow him, quacking occasionally. Eelzad moved deeper into the manor, his resolve hardening. He finally found a staircase leading down to a dimly lit basement. The air grew colder, and the faint hum of machinery became louder as he descended.

At the bottom of the stairs, Eelzad came face to face with a makeshift laboratory. In the center stood a man wearing a lab coat, his wild eyes gleaming with a mix of madness and curiosity. Various contraptions and experiments filled the space, and the air was thick with the scent of chemicals.

"So, you've found me," the Wack Scientist said, his voice dripping with condescension. "I see you've met my latest creation."

WC: 212
TWC: 632


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... [Eelzad/Solo/C-rank] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:44 am

Eelzad's fists clenched, his Aqua Sphera Gauntlets glowing faintly. "Undo what you've done to Marlee's fiancé and the duck, now."

The scientist laughed, a high-pitched, unsettling sound. "Why would I do that? My work is revolutionary! But if you insist on interfering, I'll just have to deal with you first."

Without warning, the scientist lunged at Eelzad, wielding a strange device that crackled with electricity. Eelzad dodged the attack, countering with a powerful punch that sent the scientist sprawling. The battle was fierce, with the scientist using all manner of bizarre gadgets and potions to try to gain the upper hand.

"With that magic that you have, I'll switch your body with an animal to see if a mage can maintain their magic while their minds are transferred as well. Look forward to it!"

But Eelzad's determination and strength prevailed. "This will be the end of your experiments, and the end for you!" He delivered a final, decisive blow with his Ripple Magic, knocking the scientist unconscious. Panting, Eelzad surveyed the room, his eyes falling on a series of vials and notes detailing the reversal process.

"I'm no scientist so I'll have to take my time here. Wouldn't want to make things worse than it already is. "

WC: 217
TWC: 849


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... [Eelzad/Solo/C-rank] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:49 am

Carefully, Eelzad followed the instructions, preparing the antidote. He returned to Marlee's fiancé and the duck, administering the antidote to both. Slowly, the quacking subsided, and the man began to regain his senses. The duck, too, seemed to change, becoming more alert and aware.

Marlee's fiancé blinked, his confusion giving way to relief as he recognized Eelzad. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice hoarse.

Eelzad smiled, helping him to his feet. "Let's get you out of here."
With the scientist subdued and the antidote administered, Eelzad led Marlee's fiancé and the duck back through the manor. The doors, which had magically closed behind him, now opened easily, allowing them to step out into the fresh night air.

Marlee was waiting anxiously outside, her face lighting up with joy and relief as she saw her fiancé. They embraced, tears of happiness streaming down their faces.

"Thank you, Eelzad," Marlee said, her voice choked with emotion. "I don't know how to repay you."

Eelzad smiled, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. "Seeing you both safe is enough. Take care, and good luck with your new cheese shop in Crocus."

WC: 184
TWC: 1000

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