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the sea, according [nq]

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#1Briar Caidh 

the sea, according [nq] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:17 pm

Briar Caidh
Another day brings another wave. Briar stands at the pier point with a skip loss from his step and a portent on his face, guiding arms firm and fingers taut along trusty old oak. He looked out at sea - far too serious. He was simply trying to weight the gravity of the situation. He had a name for himself in Hargeon; a passing one, surely, and not to the level of the true greats in his beloved guild ... but a name all the same, with people that relied on him, and friends that sought both his council and his wellness. He pushed forward in his efforts for himself and for them, and even now he'd center his gaze forward with a seriousness reserved for age far beyond his and nod his head resolute.

Today, he was leading a pirate hunt. Not just stumbling upon them, not just assisting as another mercenary in a group, but rather directly working alongside the Rune Knights as a fellow official mage and legal representative of Hargeon's interests. He was ecstatic at the idea, but working a great deal of effort into his studious expression in an attempt to come across appropriately focused. He took any chance he could to further himself and the proof of his efforts - and while he preferred not to seek out combat, he never shied in the defense of his home and country, or those he cared for, or ... well, anyone. It was nearly impossible to ask Briar to do something and have him turn you down with any amount of good faith.

[ 265 ]

the sea, according [nq] U7X0HIX

i'd rather travel 'round to find you in this goldfish bowl ♡
#2Briar Caidh 

the sea, according [nq] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:25 pm

Briar Caidh
It couldn't last on his face, no matter the energy routed to its severity; his true energy, a current building in his chest and out from his heart to the budding shakiness with which he gripped his staff - that would win out, taking hold in the lift off his heels and the grin that threatened a split of his lips. The boat that would help ferry him and his retinue off - his equals, his kin - was rolling into portside now, and his little heart about pumped itself to death in the rapid beats that pounded in his ears. He was unbridled in his excitement. This enthusiasm poured out and caught on his legs, threatening to spill him over into the roiling tides below and the wake kicked up by the marine boat's advance.

He turned this into an opportunity - set on not embarrassing himself in front of the men on duty - and transposed the trip into a hop, lunging himself with a muted, squeaked, hurrah onto the ship and landing with a skidding slide and a few more skips before taking his place at its edge. He gasped in his breath, staring out to the waters, and shuffled a firm salute as if he was meeting Saturn all over again. It was easy to fill more at home among these Rune Knights thanks to his influence, though their mix of bemusement and trepidation at his entrance made sure to keep him in line. This was still a job; and one he was going to be taking just as seriously as the people who gave their lives to it. Today, he was not just Briar Caidh, learned mage and budding adventurer ... he was Blue Pegasus, and he would not let anyone down.

[ 293 ]

the sea, according [nq] U7X0HIX

i'd rather travel 'round to find you in this goldfish bowl ♡
#3Briar Caidh 

the sea, according [nq] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:32 pm

Briar Caidh
They didn't make much small talk in their trip out to sea and the last known whereabouts of the pirate freight they chased today, but they did catch him up on themselves and the plan behind the excursion. Ultimately, this should be routine - the difference between this and his previous mercantile work was that the proper authorities would already be on the scene with him as part of the retinue, and therefore they had full jurisdiction in how they handled the rogues and could issue arrests immediately. They would underline how they still didn't intend for lethal force - there was due process for a reason - but they would still do so under circumstances that necessitated it, and their immediate objective was to recover both the stolen goods and any hostages in position of the criminals. If there were any; they hadn't received reports, but they needed Briar to be ready for that possibility and the actions necessary to save them.

He'd respond with an outline of his prior experience and an agreement that saving all life on the ship was a paramount priority, with any innocents taking the stop and most pressing spot. He wasn't unknown to fighting and considered himself - at this point - a practiced enough mage to hold down the base for his allies and assure them no great harm would come to them or anyone else on board. He would be able to fend a pirate if it came down to it, and would otherwise be taking a true defensive position and serving as the backbone for the party. This was agreed on by all 8 in attendance and settled by the time they pulled into view of the lazing ship they had come to rout.

[ 294 ]

the sea, according [nq] U7X0HIX

i'd rather travel 'round to find you in this goldfish bowl ♡
#4Briar Caidh 

the sea, according [nq] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:38 pm

Briar Caidh
They had the chance to pull in fast and they had to take it. It wasn't long before they were spotted and it wouldn't be longer before the sails were successfully hoisted with their jolly roger and the pirates were off to sea again, but the Rune Knights came prepared and showcased just how competent they were in this line of duty. It was obvious they weren't often spareable for excursions such as this one, especially when local guilds and mercenaries were often more than enough of a force to handle petty theft and piracy -- but this problem was arising more often and more severely, forcing their hand and the assistance of Hargeon's own local reign to cull, or at least deviate, the current burgeoning threat.

This found them notched up against the larger ship with their smaller but significantly more adept forces, holes blown through their main mast from those special-grade guns they all seemed to wield and hooks thrown over the bow of the pirate's vessel to hoist them up one by one. Briar, unsure of his physical capability, opted to climb with his vines and the assistance of his spellwork instead. Ultimately, this allowed him a better vantage for the ensuing fight.

[ 211 ]

the sea, according [nq] U7X0HIX

i'd rather travel 'round to find you in this goldfish bowl ♡
#5Briar Caidh 

the sea, according [nq] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:44 pm

Briar Caidh
It was unlike anything Briar had ever seen or faced before. That wasn't to say they struggled; rather, they prevailed so immensely, with so little resistance, that he was left amazed and able only to swing through the motions of his mana's cast. He did his role and he did it just swell. A barrier blocked the opening gunfire from the brigand's pistols, which his more personal shielding spells were drawn from person to person as the need arises and a garden bloomed across the lacquered wood of the ship's deck as if nature was returning to reclaim it. He made sure no one fell, both his allied Rune Knights and the resisting forces: and with no hostages on this particular boat - a relief to all, especially to Briar when he realized the situation couldn't escalate - they were able to handily clean the scene.

He'd walk away from this not with any particular personal growth, but a newfound appreciation for their blessed Rune Knights and the role he, and his guild, served alongside them.

[ 1243 / 1200 (20% Ring) ]

the sea, according [nq] U7X0HIX

i'd rather travel 'round to find you in this goldfish bowl ♡

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