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Detecting Derailers [Quest]

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Detecting Derailers [Quest] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:16 pm

Rhea thought defeating the wyvern would lead to more challenging quests, but here she was, strolling towards the heart of Era City for another snooze-fest assignment. The high of her recent victory had her craving more action, but instead, she got stuck with this boring task. Still, she bit her tongue. As a Rune Knight Private, her job was to serve, no matter how mundane the task. Captain Lionel, a high-ranking Rune Knight who exuded an air of no-nonsense authority, had briefed her quickly. He suspected five of his underlings were corrupt and needed someone to tail them. Rhea glanced at the list he handed her. Five names. Five pictures. Five locations. She committed each to memory before setting off.

First up was Francine Decataur, stationed in the market area. Rhea moved throughout the crowded streets, slipping a narrow alley. From her hidden perch, she watched Francine. At first glance, she seemed overly friendly with a group of merchants. Rhea’s eyes narrowed as she saw Francine accept a pouch of coins in exchange for ignoring some suspicious-looking crates. Classic. With a resigned sigh, Rhea took mental notes. Next, Rhea headed to the docks where Luke, the second knight, was stationed. She found him in a tavern, engaged in a whispered conversation with a rough-looking sailor. Keeping a low profile, Rhea watched the transaction unfold: a small package for a lump sum of money.

The sailor’s eyes and Luke's nervous glances left no room for doubt. Marcus was clearly knee-deep in some shady smuggling operation. The third knight, Kira, was patrolling the parks. Rhea’s heart sank as she saw Kira shaking down a young couple for protection money. The fear in their eyes and Kira's threats made Rhea’s blood boil. Her hand twitched but she forced herself to stay hidden. She was here to gather intel, not start a fight.

Then there was Alistair, stationed at the city gates. Unlike the others, he seemed to be doing his job right? Rhea watched him for hours, but saw no signs of betrayal or dishonesty. His interactions with citizens were professional for the most part. Clearly, Lionel’s suspicions didn’t apply to everyone. Finally, Rhea headed to the poorer area to find Henry, the last knight. The atmosphere was a bit tenser as she swiftly moved through the cobble stoned streets. She spotted Henry in a heated argument with a group of criminals. Her heart sank as she watched him accept a bribe, promising to overlook their criminal activities. Three out of five knights were dirty. Not too bad, she half expected more.

Rhea returned to Captain Lionel’s office and handed him the list of names, detailing her findings. His stern face grew deeper into a frown with every word. When The Dragon Slayer finished, the silence was...uncomfortable. “Three out of five,” he muttered, almost to himself. His eyes, usually so calculating, flashed with a mix of anger and disappointment. “This is worse than I feared.” Rhea stood awkwardly, sharing in his disappointment. She had hoped for less corruption among the Rune Knights, but reality was harsher.

"Err- I mean, we're law enforcement. Do you honestly believe corruption isn't running rampant all throughout the organization?" She asked, her mouth twisted to the side and her hand scratching the back of her head. Lionel dismissed her, and as she left his office, she happily took the pouch of jewels on his desk.


- end -

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