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Old Friends: Traces [Epic]

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Old Friends: Traces [Epic] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:47 pm

It didn’t take long for one of the guards to come back with news; with a small contract that he found amidst the bandit camp. Saturn read through it and like he.. And echo thought it was just as they feared. The merchants were gathering their kind to ship them somewhere. But it was to the middle of no where in the ocean; somewhere that had no land. Somewhere that made no sense to any of them. This caused the elders of the mindrache to call a council. One that saturn was invited to.

He sat there amidst the bickering elders, silent and thinking about the actions they could take. These people were under his charge and the guards were happy to listen to him if he spoke. But no words were; he didn’t have a solution to them. When they brought in a bandit there was many questioning that was done but little was gained from him. Saturn didn’t expect the man to talk very much and only when the behemoth made his presence known did the man start talking rapidly, practically flinching as saturn stood above him; his eyes staring down at them without a single emotion conveyed in them save for… something darker than his naive and friendly nature could allow.

The mindrache were all targets, their entire caravan had been looked at for months and they were figuring they’d catch them in astera. But that didn’t happen because of saturn so they had to pay people to help; get a bigger group as they moved along. But even that wasn’t enough it seemed. Their failure likely would be noted and there would be more sent. This caused an uproar and saturn dragged the man outside. Tossing him to the ground outside of the camp.

Tell Lady wolfenstein when you see her, if she wants them so badly she can come and get them herself.

The bandit scurried away into the night as saturn watched him; he felt like he could have done more to protect these people. Seeing the bandit make it to the trees his eyes fell to the mindrache child that had been captured. Staring for a moment at them he’d reach down to gently pat the top of their head. They’d smile up at him softly before speaking…

...Why’d you let them go?

To send a message to the one responsible child. There was enough senseless slaughter and pain this day.

The child nodded slowly as saturn explained it to them and the behemoth would lead them back into the camp. Sighing a bit as he got back to listening to the council. More wanted to move out of the area now and others were starting to relent. Saturn felt his irritation rise and after a moment he’d stand up; causing everyone to fall silent. His eyes traced around the room; golden orbs laced with trails of black. Eventually settling on the elders after taking in everyone here.

They won’t stop. You can run, you can hide. You can continue losing people and brushing it off. Or we can make this place a home for you, a place where youc and live, thrive and defend. There’s much that we can do here if you just commit and I can as a member of the rune knights give you assistance in many forms. You saw it already. It’ll just take time.

The bickering started after a few moments after saturn finished speaking. More people were back on the idea of staying around but the ones that remained adamant about moving on were threatening to leave anyways. Splitting the caravan pretty much right down the middle. However the guards that saturn had helped train all were in favor of staying. The green one folding their arms and the red one rubbing it’s snout as saturn looked on. The group was going to be a formidable foe once they got stronger saturn felt.

Echo eventually took a seat next to saturn as the elders bickered deep in the night and saturn couldn’t help but just sigh as they went on and on, they were getting no where fast. It was hard to even really listen to them. There was much about it that wouldn’t make a difference; if they ran faster, stopped scouting, if they maybe stayed in ruins or tombs to avoid detection. Saturn could feel the bristling energy of someone spying on them and he’d tilt his head upwards. Seeing what felt like a gaze upon him he’d wave his hand. The orb that had been oh so hidden smashed into pieces against his magical touch causing silence to fall again and he’d look to the elders without much more than just a simple telling glance.

She’d find them no matter where they hid and there was very little that they could do about it. It was a sensation that made the arguments fall silent. There was much to discuss still and saturn would sigh; there were plans that he could make but there was going to be a lot of bickering in the next few days he felt…

It would do them all some good if they rested and perhaps tackled this in the following day; tensions were high and people needed rest. Himself included. He’d take a seat outside amidst the stars and then slowly lay back; staring up into the sky. Watching some of the nightkin fly about; watching the clouds devour the stars and the moon in the sky gently going through the soft motions of dancing across the sky. The world was a beautiful place and these people deserved to see it out of bondage. Saturn turned his hand over and noted that since the bandit camp his armor hadn’t reverted to it’s social standpoint. Something that boded ill for the future. It only activated when he was aware of the danger around him and further still? He didn’t feel as though they had even moved forward even though they were on the site of greatness.


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