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Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank)

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Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:21 am

Yijun being still on the lower part of the totem pole was sent out on a quest to deal with a petty dispute in Fiore's Worth Woodsea over trade dealings as two villages wished to come to terms and help the other through trivial dealings of goods but they were in need of someone to help them to come and get the terms fair and to remove hostile terms from coming into effects as this is a semi-powder keg waiting to explode and he walks through the worth woodsea and he looked around as this place was nice on the eye but he could tell how easy one could be mislead down a wrong path here as there were thick brush and trees as far as one could see and it was these times that he wished that he had a companion or someone that would travel along side of him, he wonders where Iza is but he was sent here alone.


Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:22 am

Yijun finds his bearings and he walks along the path that will take him to the village that had hired him and he watched the people as he walked up to their village some are giving him dirty looks and are looking at how he is dressed and judging him but he was not worried about it. He was sent here as he was trusted and thought to be able to handle this for his shogun but that was something that was probably a semi-pipe dream of his to climb the ladder. He was shown to the village heads home to look over the terms and to be filled in on what will need to be handled and which village they were wishing to open trade with but he was not sure where this might lead but he kept his spear hidden away. He was not looking to get into any fights over anything during this but he was still ready in case he was going to have to deal with it.


Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:22 am

The head of the village warns of some people who had taken action on the guild master and Yuurei both being gone and traveling so there were only a hand full of people that could even come and deal with them. They were trading in people and creatures, Yijun was surprised to hear this as he didn't think that those things would happen in this country but he guessed there were a lot of dark guilds as well as one that was placed in the west that could be supplying into it. Yijun was going to have to think about it and see if he sees any signs of it on the trip to the other village with this villages witness. He stood up and bows and the witness followed behind the man as he made his way to leave the village. Yijun could hear a voice speaking to him and he thought it was the witness but it wasn't.


Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:22 am

The voice was coming from his arm where the spear in but it is faint. The man kept walking and ignores the little nagging voice and he heads on his way and then he sees it off to the side of the trail back nearly hidden behind some trees he could just make out something and he stopped and signaled the witness to hold back for a moment and he called out his spear and with it came a small dragon like spirit creature that looked around. Yijun didn't have time to question it, as he was either losing his mind or something had happened. Yijun went around the trees staying to the brush and he sees it plan as day, a slave deal was being made and he walked out of his hiding spot and toward them, the slavers guards acted first and Yijun readied his spear and clashed with them and they fell back to their leader and the buyer tried to run off. Yijun threw a debuff spell slowing the man to a crawl.


Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:22 am

Yijun broke the chains of the slave that was standing in front of him looking at him like a deer in the headlights of a mana car and he signaled to them to go toward the witness and he kept moving forward toward the slaver and his guards and he gives them a good thrashing before setting the rest free and toward the witness the creatures just fled off where every the wished and then he restrained the slaver and his guard then he went back to the witness from the first village and the group of slaves with them. Yijun sighed as this was not the plan but he was going to take them with them to the second village and probably leave around half of them their and the other half will return with him to the first village and maybe have someone come and get them and maybe give them homes.


Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:23 am

Yijun and the group reach the second village and they walk into it with the witness and the small group of people and he heads for the village heads home thanks to the village guards and he walked into the home after knocking the witness following him in and the group waiting outside with the guard who was looking them over and wondering what in the world was happening and why this daemon man just showed up with a group of slaves in tow. Yijun sits at the table where the head of the village was sitting and he looked at the daemon man and his odd clothing and then he took the form and looked it over to see the terms and the man rubbed his chin and he wondered if these were, working terms as this require some small changes and the advisor from the other village that came with Yijun as a witness looked over the changes and they were mostly just minor changes.


Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:23 am

The advisor agrees to the slightly changed terms of the agreement. They sign the document and hand it back to Yijun that then asks if they could take in a few slaves till he can send someone to come and help them and the village head looked confused but Yijun explained about it and they agreed and Yijun and the witness went to head back to the first village and left half the group of slaves there to be taken care of as he was not going to leave them out into the wild as he has no idea how long they were slaves and that could be a death sentence for them as they might not have skills or know how to survive out of bondage alone. Yijun returned to the first village and he gets past the guards with the witness and the group as the guards think they realize what had happened.


Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:23 am

Yijun walked up to the village heads home and he knocked again and then made his way in and to the table of the first head and he sat putting out the slightly changed agreement that had been signed and the first head looked over the agreement and sees the changes and he smiles as it was better than he had thought that it would be as the changes were minor but made sense and were fair terms to be agreed to so he had the witness get close and he signs the agreement and Yijun as well asked this head if he could leave the remaining of the group of slaves with the village for now till he could arrange for some one to come and get them as he was not betting on their survival in the woodsea alone without someone leading them to survive. The head agreed to these terms then handed Yijun the sealed agreement to take to the trade office so it can be notarized so it is fully binding.


Trade Deal (NQ B-Rank) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:23 am

Yijun agrees to do this as his final task as the go between of the two villages which seemed to have a decent bow to it and he headed from the home of the head and he tells the group that they will be safe here and someone will be coming to get them and take them to safety and he hopes that at least but maybe the rune knights in the area may also be in the pocket of the slavers. Yijun headed for the villages exit and he headed back down the path toward where the trade office was to make the deal final and binding for the two villages which he wishes luck to and he hopes that the slaver will be properly dealt with but he doubted it as they were probably long gone by now. He reaches the trade office and he walked into the build and to the clerk and he handed over the form along with the names of the villages that were taking part in the agreement and the term in which they were entering into the agreement for. The clerk smiles and stamps it as approved and Yijun went to go and collect his reward.
(204) (1,526/1500) (Exit)

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