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Caravan Guard [Quest]

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Caravan Guard [Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:49 am

It seemed Crocus City wasn't free of criminals after all. Augustus was certain that somebody was attempting to steal his caravan, so tonight Rhea would be guarding it at its parking spot. Truth be told, it was extremely late, and Rhea had worked her tail off earlier today already. The weariness from the day's energy consumption weighed heavily on her, but she knew this was part of what she signed up for. As she made her way to the spot where the caravan was parked, the Dragon Slayer could already feel herself fighting off sleep. The streets of Crocus were quiet at this hour. Lacrima-lit lanterns flickered along the streets, and the tree's leaves danced with the faint breeze.

Rhea circled the caravan, her senses on high alert despite her fatigue. She could feel the cool night air against her skin. With each lap around the caravan, she listened intently for any sign of trouble, her eyes scanning every shadow and alleyway. Hours passed, and the repetitive nature of her patrol made her mind wander. She thought back to her recent battles, the adrenaline of facing down monsters, and the satisfaction of honing her skills. Guarding a caravan seemed mundane in comparison, but it was a task that needed doing. At some point in the night, a strange noise caught her attention. It came from the caravan parked beside the one she was guarding. Rhea approached cautiously, her muscles tensed for action. It could have been someone plotting to take the caravan, a monster, or anyone else. She peered inside, ready for anything.



Caravan Guard [Quest] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:49 am

To her surprise, she saw a couple kissing and flirting. They were completely absorbed in each other, ignorant to her presence. Rhea felt a smirk tug at the corners of her mouth. Definitely nothing to worry about. She decided to let them be, nobody wants to be a cockblocker, after all. She backed away quietly and resumed her patrol. The night dragged on, the hours blending together as she continued her watch. The city remained quiet, the only sounds the occasional rustle of leaves or distant dog barking. Rhea’s eyelids grew heavier, but she fought to stay awake, determined to see her duty through to the end.

Eventually, the first light of dawn began to creep over the city. The sky lightened from deep blue to soft pink. Nothing had happened tonight, Augustus had been worried for no reason. Rhea didn't much mind anyway, she was too tired to face off with anyone. The rumors of thieves were just that... rumors. As the sun began to fully light the city, one of Augustus' mercenaries approached Rhea. He looked well-rested, as opposed to her who clearly looked drained. With a nod of appreciation, he handed her a small pouch as a reward for her efforts. The Dragon Slayer walked away from the caravan, her steps a bit slower as she dragged her feet  back home. Another task completed, another day ahead. She looked forward to some well-deserved shower, some food, and some rest.


- End -

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