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The pack attack (NQ D-Rank)

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The pack attack (NQ D-Rank) Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:04 pm

Ryuuji having been handed a mission to go and help with handling a small pack of lycans, Ryuuji has no idea how hard or not that it will be to do this task so he agrees to take it on as it can't be very hard if they were only paying a d rank which was a small amount of jewels to handle this job. Ryu readied his self as his companion was having one of it's stubborn days and didn't really want to come with him but as he walked away ignoring the temper tantrum it was throwing it chased after him at a distance cause it was still being stubborn about this. Ryu got to the edge of the forest and he looked around for the markers the quest said would be around so he knew he was going the right way. He found the markers and he started into the dark scary forest looking around and listening to the sounds of the forest.


The pack attack (NQ D-Rank) Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:05 pm

Ryu who was good at tracking saw big dog like prints and he pushed forward toward the way they were going when he came across some vampires kicking around a young adult werewolf trying to probably kill it or get it to lead them back to it's pack. Ryu run out and the vampires turned around and went for him trying to bite him but his skin was hard as carbon and the vampires ended up hurting their fangs and that is when Ryu smashed them together. "Yeah you are going to find me a bit tough on the teeth!" The vampires hadn't expected that this man was a mutant human that had hard skin. Ryu knowing they had attempted to kill him kills them as this was a game of survival not a game of mercy and his wife is not around to stop him from killing them as she had left him and that pain and anger was burning in his belly.


The pack attack (NQ D-Rank) Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:05 pm

The young adult werewolf got up to it's feet having seen him kill the vampires like that was now scared of him and an enraged group of werewolves came busting in from the forest around Ryu but he readies himself as it looked like they had lost control and were aiming to protect the child werewolf. Ryu tried to signal that he was peaceful up the dead vampire bodies with broken teeth didn't sell this to them. Ryu's skin turned hard as the werewolves struck him. Ryu used his magic and reflected their attacks back at them making them hurt themselves and whimper in pain and Ryu keeps fighting with them and Ryu knew he only had so much mana to handle this with and this mission had turned into so much more than just a track and fight it had become a fight to survive but once he had gotten the werewolves beaten and calmed he sat and tried to get them to understand he was peaceful then they left back to their den with the child and Ryu went to go get paid and fix his clothes before someone askes him what happened.
(195) (527/500) (Exit)

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