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Haunted Riverside? [Eelzad/D-Rank/Solo]

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Haunted Riverside? [Eelzad/D-Rank/Solo] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:51 pm

Eelzad stood at the entrance of Orchidia city once more, but this time under different circumstances. The events involving Dex Miller and the mysterious blue light by the river still weighed heavily on his mind. Today, he had been contacted privately by Dacol Lubex, a known figure in the city, who seemed deeply concerned about a new sighting of the strange light—this time in a more human-like form.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the bustling streets, Eelzad made his way to the agreed meeting spot near the entrance gates. There, he saw Dacol, who usually wore a friendly and welcoming demeanor, looking uncharacteristically worried and tense.

"Dacol," Eelzad greeted him, extending a hand. "I got your message. What's going on?"

Dacol shook Eelzad's hand firmly but quickly, his eyes darting around as if expecting something to emerge from the shadows. "Eelzad, thank you for coming. I saw the light again, but this time... it was different. It took on a more human-like form, like a small child, and it was glowing cyan. I'm worried about what this entity might mean for the city."

WC: 196


Haunted Riverside? [Eelzad/D-Rank/Solo] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:27 pm

Eelzad nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Let's go investigate. Tell me more about what you saw as we walk."

As they made their way towards the river, Dacol described the entity in more detail. "It appeared near the same spot as before, but this time it seemed... sentient. It felt like it was calling out to me, not just with light but with thoughts, feelings. I felt an overwhelming urge to approach it."

Eelzad listened carefully, piecing together the information. "Did it communicate with you in any way?"

Dacol shook his head. "Not directly. But the feelings it projected were intense. There was sadness, longing, and a sense of urgency. I think it needs help."

They reached the riverbank as the last light of day faded, and the first stars began to twinkle in the night sky. The air was still, and the river's gentle flow was the only sound breaking the silence. Eelzad's eyes scanned the area, searching for any sign of the entity.

"There," Dacol whispered, pointing ahead.

WC: 179
TWC: 375


Haunted Riverside? [Eelzad/D-Rank/Solo] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:40 pm

Eelzad followed his gaze and saw it—the glowing, cyan figure of a small child, standing by the water's edge. The sight was both beautiful and haunting, the light casting an ethereal glow on the surrounding trees and reflecting off the water's surface.

As Eelzad and Dacol approached, a gentle voice echoed in their minds. It wasn't a voice in the traditional sense but a telepathic connection that felt warm and inviting.

"Come closer," the voice said, filling Eelzad with a sense of peace and curiosity. He took a few cautious steps forward, feeling the entity's pull.

Dacol stayed close behind, his notepad ready. "Eelzad, what is it saying?"

The entity's voice continued, "I am the spirit of someone who passed away long ago. My magic, in life, connected me to the river and the forest. When I died, my essence remained, becoming one with the collective mana of this place."

Eelzad relayed the information to Dacol, who scribbled furiously in his notepad. "The spirit says it was once a person, connected to the mana of the river and forest. Now, it's part of the very essence of this place."

The spirit's voice grew more urgent. "I need your help. There is a preventable danger approaching, and I cannot intervene directly. I also seek someone dear to me, lost long ago. Will you help me?"

Eelzad nodded, feeling the weight of the spirit's plea. "What do you need us to do?"

WC: 249
TWC: 624/500


Haunted Riverside? [Eelzad/D-Rank/Solo] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:45 pm

The spirit's light flickered slightly. "Find the source of the impending danger and stop it. Also, search for any trace of the one I lost. I will meet you here in one day."

With that, the entity's form began to dissolve, sinking into the ground. Eelzad felt a sudden wave of weakness wash over him, and a sharp headache pulsed in his temples. He steadied himself, breathing deeply to regain his composure.

Dacol finished his notes and looked at Eelzad with concern. "Are you alright?"

Eelzad nodded slowly. "Yeah, just... a lot to take in. We need to inform Inspector Nilan about this. If the spirit is right, the city could be in danger."

Dacol placed a reassuring hand on Eelzad's shoulder. "I'll handle notifying the higher-ups. You should rest and recover. You've done more than enough for one night."

Eelzad agreed, feeling the exhaustion from the encounter. As he made his way back to his lodgings, he couldn't shake the lingering sense of urgency.

WC: 172
TWC: 796

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