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Sleeping Calamity

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#1Knuckles Shi 

Sleeping Calamity Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:05 pm

Knuckles Shi

Sleeping Calamity

Sleeping Calamity Img_2510
Situated within the ancient and culturally rich country of Seven, known for its Greco-Roman architecture and deep-seated traditions, lies the formidable guild known as Sleeping Calamity. Seven is a nation steeped in history, with grand marble temples, intricate mosaics, and sprawling amphitheaters that echo with the voices of philosophers and the clash of gladiators. The very air is thick with the legacy of heroes and the spirit of competition, making it the perfect homeland for a guild whose very essence is rooted in the art of combat.

Sleeping Calamity is a guild unlike any other in the realm. Its members are bound not by a desire for dominion or wealth, but by an unquenchable thirst to master the martial arts and prove themselves as the strongest warriors across all dimensions. Vast training grounds where the sound of steel meeting steel is a constant symphony.
The guild's training regimen is rigorous and all-encompassing. Members of Sleeping Calamity are trained in a variety of combat styles, from hand-to-hand martial arts to the wielding of mystical weapons imbued with elemental powers. The guild places a heavy emphasis on physical and mental discipline, understanding that true strength comes from a balance of body, mind, and spirit.

Regular tournaments are held within the guild, drawing spectators from all over Seven and beyond. These contests are more than mere displays of strength; they are profound tests of strategy, skill, and resolve. Victors are celebrated with lavish ceremonies, their names etched into the annals of the guild's storied history.

Unlike other guilds that might seek political influence or territorial control, Sleeping Calamity's primary objective is personal and collective growth through combat. Their motto, "Strength in Serenity," encapsulates their belief that true power is achieved through inner peace and unwavering focus. The guild is a sanctuary for warriors who seek to push their limits and transcend their own potential, regardless of their background or origin.

Sleeping Calamity is both respected and feared. They are known for their unparalleled combat prowess and their unwavering commitment to their principles. While they rarely engage in conflicts for political or economic reasons, their presence in any battle is a guarantee of intense, honorable competition. Allies and rivals alike recognize that crossing paths with Sleeping Calamity is an opportunity to face some of the most skilled and disciplined fighters in existence.

The guild fosters a strong sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among its members. New recruits are mentored by seasoned warriors, creating a lineage of knowledge and skill that is passed down through generations. Despite their fierce dedication to combat, the members of Sleeping Calamity are bound by deep bonds of friendship and loyalty, finding solace and strength in their shared journey towards becoming the ultimate warriors.


  • Members of Sleeping Calamity must adhere to a strict code of honor both in and out of combat. This includes showing respect to opponents, never striking a downed adversary unless they rise to continue the fight, and always maintaining integrity in both victory and defeat.

  • Every member is required to dedicate a significant portion of their daily routine to training. This includes physical conditioning, combat drills, and mental exercises. Regular attendance at guild training sessions and tournaments is mandatory to ensure constant improvement and readiness.

  • Senior members are responsible for mentoring newer recruits, and sharing their knowledge and skills to ensure the growth of the guild as a whole. Acts of camaraderie and mutual support are essential, and any form of internal conflict or division is dealt with swiftly and decisively.

  • Participation in the guild's regular tournaments is a crucial aspect of membership. These tournaments are not only a test of skill but also a celebration of the guild’s spirit. Members must enter these tournaments with the intention of showcasing their progress and learning from their peers. Cheating or dishonorable conduct during these events is strictly prohibited and punishable by severe sanctions.


The guild hall of Sleeping Calamity is a majestic structure perched on a rugged cliff overlooking a vast, shimmering sea. This awe-inspiring edifice, reminiscent of ancient Greco-Roman architecture, stands as a testament to the guild's dedication to martial excellence and its deep cultural roots in the country of Seven. The guild hall is an architectural marvel, featuring grand columns and intricate designs carved into the stone, showcasing the craftsmanship of a bygone era. The imposing central tower, capped with a red dome, rises high above the surrounding structures, symbolizing the guild's unyielding pursuit of strength and honor. Golden domes adorn the tops of various buildings within the complex, reflecting the sunlight and casting a warm, inviting glow.

Nestled on the edge of a cliff, the guild hall is both a fortress and a sanctuary. Its elevated position provides a strategic vantage point, with sweeping views of the sea and the horizon beyond. A series of terraces and balconies extend from the main structure, allowing members to train while gazing out over the water, drawing inspiration from the natural beauty that surrounds them. At the base of the cliff, a bustling harbor welcomes ships from all over Seven and beyond. The harbor is connected to the guild hall by a series of elegantly constructed pathways and bridges, illuminated by torches that cast a soft, golden light. This harbor serves as a crucial point of contact, facilitating the arrival of new recruits, visitors, and dignitaries who come to witness the guild's renowned tournaments and training sessions.

Within the guild hall's sprawling complex, vast training grounds and arenas are meticulously maintained. These areas are designed for rigorous combat training and are equipped with the finest weapons and equipment. The sound of steel clashing and the sight of warriors honing their skills are a constant presence, embodying the guild's relentless pursuit of martial mastery. The guild hall is more than just a place of training; it is the cultural heart of Sleeping Calamity. Grand halls and chambers are adorned with tapestries and artifacts that tell the storied history of the guild and its legendary members. Statues of past champions stand in honor throughout the halls, serving as inspiration for current members to strive for greatness.


Knuckles is an imposing figure, radiating strength and power. His physique is muscular and well-defined, indicative of years of rigorous training and countless battles. His eyes, a striking pink hue, are often intense and focused, reflecting the depth of his emotions and the intensity of his inner turmoil. His armor, now dusted with snow, adds to his formidable presence, with Shattered Mjolnir—a massive hammer—often held ready in his grip, crackling with elemental energy.

Knuckles is a man of deep emotions, his rage a constant undercurrent that he has learned to channel and focus. He carries a history of personal loss and betrayal, fueling his drive for vengeance against those who destroyed Sleeping Calamity. Despite his anger, Knuckles adheres to a strict code of honor, respecting fellow warriors and acknowledging their strength and integrity. This honor-bound nature often guides his actions, even in the heat of battle.


Level 1:

  • Way of the Warrior The user can do good, neutral, and bad quest

Level 2:
  • Zenkai Boost The user receives an additional +10 SP per fight, up to +40 SP per month.

Level 3:
  • Shards of the Thcalz: The user may purchase the Shards of the Thcalz in the Modification section of the Mysterious Merchant which may be purchased at a 50% discount.

Level 4:
  • Great Impurity: The user unlocks the Great Impurity Perk of the Shards of the Thcalz

Level 5:
  • Magics Pressure: The user unlocks the Magics Pressure Perk of the Shards of the Thcalz

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

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