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House Wolfenstein: The Night of Silver Knives [Epic]

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House Wolfenstein: The Night of Silver Knives [Epic] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 10:45 am

House Wolfenstein: The Night of Silver Knives [Epic] 1Vag99i
Name: House Wolfenstein: The Night of Silver Knives

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Saturn and his companions.

Story: With the rituals and death cults now in shambles, the next step is to take care of the house that has been supporting Lady Wolfenstein through the ages. While there are instances of Wolfensteins that have not been supportive of her in the past many of those that are loyal to her aren't affaliable or are willing to change their ways. They still present a unique problem that can't be allowed to build again. Their resources have been diminished for now but how long will it be before they pose a threat again?

Saturn and his companions destroyed their ability to perform the summoning rituals. Obliterating their cult in several fell swoops. Without leaders, without the ritual schematics and more importantly the locations that they can perform the ritual sites have been secured. Leaving them unable to continue bringing otherworldly henchmen or the like to this one.

They now know of the location of the last Wolfenstein hold. It lay within the frozen wastes of iceberg, hidden behind a veil of draugr, blizzards and magic most foul. While it doesn't directly affect the world, it will make it a safer place hopefully.

Rewards: Mythic + Epic Rewards

Objective: Travel through the frozen wastes of iceberg, fighting draugr and other beasties until arriving at the house Wolfenstein hold. Deal with them accordingly and discover a powerful secret.

Required Progress: Epic: 6 A ranks, 6 S ranks put into the equivalent of 13,500 words [50% WCR]


House Wolfenstein: The Night of Silver Knives [Epic] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:40 pm

This storyline is approved to start.

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