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Before the Second Bell [Travel | Central to West]

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Before the Second Bell [Travel | Central to West]  Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 1:47 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

At first, she had no imagining that she would have been leaving Crocus, certainly not so soon.

The summer session had barely just started, and yet already she was on her way to departing back to Oak Town. It was far from normal, neither by traditional norms, nor particularly given her massive victory in the Senate only a few days earlier. She was the Reigning Senator of Oak Town now. By all accounts, she controlled everything of the city now, and here she was set to depart before even her first session in such a role.

It was hardly the outcome that she had imagined, but the reality was that she had found herself thrown into a much more serious matter than she could ever expected.

The threat posed by The Divine’s demand very much rang within her head, even as they made their way towards departing back to the West. There wasn’t a matter of choice involved, only survival then. Fortunately though, that such a threat came from a figure of such prominence, it would be enough that those within the Senate that may have thought her departure was unwelcome would soon find themselves stepping back.

After all, the opportunity to work alongside The Divine, in any capacity, was a rare honor that seldom few would ever receive.

That it meant that she had to be elsewhere, least of all outside of Crocus, would hardly be looked down upon then.

If anything, to refuse would be all the more of an insult.


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