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Deep trouble in the Deep green Continued

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 Deep trouble in the Deep green  Continued Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:11 pm

Fairies, forest spirits, wood elves, and even more species coexist in this flourishing peaceful haven hidden away from outsiders. They help one another by using their natural abilities to cover the disadvantages another may have. Acts of compassion and love are taught to everyone, leading to the peaceful society they have maintained till recent times. What Zeno saw upon entering the domain of the great tree was the fruits of those teachings.

As Darren, Vincent, and Zeno made their way through the village, many younger fae and wood elves would run up to Darren and Vincent asking them to play together and shower them with praise, like heroes returning home after a grand battle. The children were as vigilant as hunters, keeping a watchful eye on the stranger, but keeping their distance and focusing on the other two. The two would keep pace with Zeno while interacting with the youth by carrying them or walking with them side by side. The children suddenly dispersed from the trio when they noticed armed elves and fairies approaching them.

The armed forces surround the trio, giving nasty looks toward Zeno before questioning who he is and why he is here on sacred land. The other guards questioned Darren and Vincent about the visitor they had brought with them. Before they interrogated Zeno further, a robust, taller, intimidating fairy stepped out from the encampment where the guards were stationed. “Guards! And you 3 come forth” The guards heeded their captain's words, all about-faced, and marched towards him, keeping in formation.  “Just follow through with what he says for now, we are on high alert if you have not noticed” Vincent whispered to Zeno from behind before marching over to the General with Darren, Zeno followed them into the base.

WC: 296


 Deep trouble in the Deep green  Continued Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:14 pm

Moments later, Zeno found himself thrown into a holding cell without any rhyme or reason, but it was obvious from all the fae traps and high security that he was seen as a trespasser. A great amount of frustration swelled up in him from being confined. This did not sit right with him, he wanted to be free as soon as possible before he got too riled up and caused a scene. When trying to distract himself, focusing on the details of the cell and his surroundings for potential escape options, he noticed in the corner a shadowy figure, black as night blending into the wall. The figure was a shackled fae emitting so much corrupted mana it altered its skin pigmentation. It was shaking uncontrollably and restrained to the bench.

“That is what awaits our kind when impurities breach the mana we have at our core. We have been conducting a series of trials to figure out how to expel these impurities and where the source is coming from” The Captain of the fae guard said prudently. “Lots of visitors have been passing through the deep green as of late, be it humans, demons, seraphim, vampires, and even werewolves, but the problem lies mainly with the human bandits and hunters. They are using our sacred home to conduct smuggling deals and taint our land with their poison. Next to you is one of our kin whose food batch got contaminated by them. If we cannot find a cure, we will be forced to take more drastic actions to preserve our kind life. I hope to avoid any bloodshed if possible” The captain briefly paused from speaking while continuing to pace back and forth.

“Something about your soul is similar to that of the impure ones but more stable, unlike the ones we have seen thus far. Unfortunately, we had to put you in a cell like this, but as you can see, you may have answers to our dilemma. If you could rid them of their impurities, we will let you go free without any problems…resist, and we can't promise you your safety…” The figure constantly shaking beside Zeno suddenly stopped moving and stood up. Looking the captain in his eyes with a cold dead stare, he lunged towards him viciously trying to grab him, gargling undecipherable words. The captain stared painfully at the figure before shifting his gaze onto Zeno.

WC: 403


 Deep trouble in the Deep green  Continued Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:17 pm

The situation seems dire in deep green, but this is not a matter that can be solved easily. With the captain already on edge and making such brash decisions, Zeno felt reluctant to help if he wanted to leave peacefully and help his comrades. He sat and pondered what the best course of action was. “Say captain, I will do my best to help you out. First I need to use my magic, so would you mind removing these mana suppressors?” He put up cuffed hands to the cell bars, dangling them as a gesture to remove them. “You know you could simply kill the hunters with poison, but as for the corrupted ones, I say put them out of their misery” Zeno said nonchalantly while continuously waving his arms with the cuffs.

The captain stared at Zeno with disgust at the thought of just slaughtering life so effortlessly and thoughtlessly. His anger and grief boiled over due to the reality and stress of the situation eating away at him. Needing results fast, the captain harbored impure intrusive thoughts that were starting to spill over into his reasoning. Images of children and loved ones turning corrupted and bringing havoc to the forest they protected for generations filled his head. More thoughts the captain could not escape from was the forest denizens being at war with the humans, leaving the forest burning down and turned into a battleground. Holding his head as the pressure of these thoughts circled around nonstop, giving him a migraine. Trying his hardest to keep his composure even though he was at the cusp of breaking, he looked over to Zeno, the potential savior of this crisis, but he was only met with a sly smirk on Zeno's face which only brought on more cracks to his fragile reasoning.

“Let's work together, captain. I care about the life in this forest and would hate to see it fall to waste. I will take on the cruel jobs you cannot afford to do, like killing this one beside me. They seem far too gone as is, their soul is more black than the night.” Zeno continued to talk to the captain, offering deals and solutions to problems. The words seeped into his mind, making him think carefully about what Zeno had said, realizing even if this was a trick, it may be worth going with it for the time being.

WC: 402

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