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Beach action! [Sleeping Calamity, Lumikki, Ittindi)

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#1Knuckles Shi 

Beach action! [Sleeping Calamity, Lumikki, Ittindi) Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:53 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles Shi glanced around the beach, the golden sands stretching out to meet the azure waters of the Ionian Sea. The sunlight glittered off the waves, creating a mesmerizing dance of light. The beach was the perfect setting for the party, reminiscent of ancient Seven celebrations by the sea, with a touch of Seven grandeur in the form of elegant columns set up around the area.

Knuckles set up the large BBQ grills, the smell of sizzling meats and freshly caught seafood mingling with the salty sea air. The grills themselves were a sight to behold, crafted in the style of ancient braziers yet modernized for convenience. Around the grills, he arranged a variety of local delicacies: olives, feta cheese, roasted vegetables, and fresh bread.

He adjusted the decorations, ensuring the garlands of olive branches and vibrant flowers were perfectly draped around the tables and tents. The tents, inspired by Seven pavilions, provided shaded areas for dining and lounging, with plush cushions and low tables set up in an inviting manner.

His girlfriend was helping with the final touches, her presence calming yet invigorating. She had an eye for detail, ensuring the tables were set with beautiful ceramic plates and goblets, reminiscent of ancient pottery. Her smile was reassuring as they exchanged a glance, both hoping this gathering would ease any lingering tensions.

The Guild mates of Sleeping Calamity were starting to arrive, their faces a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Knuckles greeted them warmly, hoping to set the tone for the evening. "Welcome, everyone! Please, make yourselves at home. We've got plenty of food, drinks, and good company."

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, casting a golden glow over the beach, Knuckles felt a sense of optimism. This party was not just a celebration but a chance for them all to come together, share stories, and laughter, and maybe even mend some old wounds. With his culinary skills, his girlfriend's charm, and his determination, Knuckles was hopeful that tonight would be a success.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Beach action! [Sleeping Calamity, Lumikki, Ittindi) Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:15 pm


Knuckles was kind enough to extend an invitation to the celebrations, though one could argue that this guild would serve as her second home. This was just her first steps toward getting situated with the new environment and culture and a chance to meet his new brother and sisters in arms. The excitement left her giddy, if not, somewhat nervous. The Demoness never quite cared for such things before, the irksome desire to be liked or wanted since perhaps the first time she stepped into the Paradise Dawn guild hall; since then, she assumed anyone would simple have to take her as she was. Yet now that this was for her beloved, she simply couldn’t remain indifferent.

Lumikki’s ravens were perched among the columns and tents along the beach, they never strayed too far from their master, but promise at a chance of food left them quite eager and observant. They’d announce the approach of others in words only Lumikki would know, alerting her of their guests arrival.

Eight servants, all the boon of a mysterious key from with the Demoness acquire, helped in the preparation of the gathering. Tending to set up of tents and the arranging the garlands while Lumikki carefully arranged the plates and pottery Knuckles invested in for the guild’s use. Depictions of old Seven lavish scenes on the ceramic. The servants wore tradition Icebergian linens, though more thin than the usual kind at home, with bluish purple sashes and traditions patterns. Black feathers adorned their dress as well whether as hair accessories or broaches.

Meanwhile Lumikki held her white hair back in braids and red ribbons, the lower sections loose and flowing with the wind. She wore a short soft pink, somewhat puffed out sundress a motif or red and pink flowers. Her citrine and sapphire eyes hidden behind thick dark, rounded shades to block the annoyance of the prevalent sun, though its presence got easier with moment it came closer to kissing the horizon. Her lips and eyes were painted black with shadow, a laurel wreath with forget me nots and red Bougainvillea flowers adorned the crown of her head and she’d wear a small black choker consisting of raven feathers and red ribbon. Her black stained hands jingled with the clanking of her silver bangles and her legs and feet were coiled with living shadows that served as a barrier for the clinging sand below.

Lumikki, who didn’t fair the best with the heat of warmer climates, pushed her aura so that chill may hang in the air long before the sun departed. There were various places where large black frost blossoms sprouted, ushering a cool air in the areas they were in. And as she passed by in her various little errands to get things started, she’d snack and sustain on the shadows cast on the tables she had worked to arrange.

”I still worry love, do ye think they’d have me?” Lumikki approached Knuckles as he welcomed his guests, her skin and hair painted in the warm hues of the descending sun. Despite her dark nature, Lumikki was glowing softly and in her anxiousness she’d cling onto his arm. The sounds of her birds announcements continued to echo, alerting her of more to come.

As those two stood at the entry for their visitors, Lumikki’s inner flock would visit their old friend. ”How is it being busy in Seven…Murder was it? Even the air feels different here, has your new life been serving you well?” It was Lonu who approached Murder first, followed by Trygve and Gunvald. ”Yes, good of you to find another master. Reassured Lumikki is faring fine but it’s nice to have you coming to and fro.” Trygve was always pleased when another raven found their place elsewhere. It would leave him with more room with their absence, but he would always despair that of all the ravens it wasn’t Gunvald who left to join Knuckles instead. ”Aaah yes, you know how to pick ‘em don’t you lad. Not many people turn up to a fight like him. If I wasn’t so invested in the carnage our demon could have, maybe I’d find my way to Seven as well…..now….tell me of those fight ya seen! Has to be a lot by now, no?”

Beach action! [Sleeping Calamity, Lumikki, Ittindi) Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Beach action! [Sleeping Calamity, Lumikki, Ittindi) Empty Today at 4:57 am

Harrison was an odd man, Odd enough at times that things he may be invited too how he showed up to these events might show for how smart and grand he was about his goals. Harrison was sometimes a little stuck on other things. Various times it was social norms and things he should be logically prepared for. But his mind was always on other things sometimes trying to talk to Harrison about anything that isn't his desired task in life. But Harrison's fore coming problems would eventually show there was other things on hand to see now.

Harrison arrived at the beach, entirely just in the clothing he was seen wearing the first time she showed up here. His clothing was still clean so he still took care of it and washed it all. But he still was wearing that compared to most likely anything a person would wear to a beach normally.  One could question if he really got invited and went go beaches before, His behaviour was a bit different to most people, While he managed to settle into seven with out much problem, he really did not try to get much sun light often.

He had just dived into note taking and theories. At least when requested to show up here, he did. So he did still pay attention. Harrison always seemed to be observing the world around him at times. Even remarking to him in wonder if in fact Ravens where common in this area. But he figured it was not best to question things and continue on his way.  Walking until he at least saw some one who he knew then merely just stood by waiting, Then after a minute he would find some shade to stand under and stand under it.

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