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The Meeting Between Elves (Judith)

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#26Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:05 am

Judith Karlinius
It was a solid plan and if anything it all came down to some one else, It would be a long talk for her in some manner the talk about how some one would always feel about altering life in such a manner"200 is a fair amount more time." A means to settle Judith some what for a while.

But Seven was far away from Fiore and she did not bring him with her."Then it sounds like we can start getting a few things rolling...mind you the man in mention is in Fiore, He does not tend to travel with me all that often."Judith brought up, but it seemed at least still she did ponder on the other major thing she was asked to help him.

"I can go talk to him while I am back in Fiore seeking out other elves of sort to help for your mission at hand, Is there anything else we might need to talk about?"It went back to be some what professional rather then Judith lingering upon her many owes.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 2:53 pm


Yuurei heard her words and it seemed like she was fine with that. The number of years he would have to live would be enough for her. It was nice to see that she loved her person and didn't want to lose them because of time. He was there, so his way of doing things worked without a problem. It was then that she had told him her husband was in Fiore. He understood that, and that was never a hard solution. He could always pop into that country without a problem and with just a simple key. It was then she had asked him a question and paraphrased the plan. He rubbed his chin for a bit as he was thinking about it and he would look at her with a smile.

“You can always talk to him, and If he is fine with it, send me a letter. I will be in Seven and the Arena is the best place to reach me. Once you get an okay from him, I will come to Fiore and proceed with the plan.” He paused for a second as he looked at her.

“I don’t think we will need anything else. If anything just think about my other offer as well with joining Paradise Dawn. Then from there, we can always think about how to go about the deal you made with this goddess.” He said to him as he didn’t know that it was Karisa, and honestly he never met the woman before.

Yuurei would find a door for Judith, and he would use his skeleton Key to open it. This door would lead Judith back to Magnolia without a problem if she chose to take it or not, it was up to her.



#28Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 2:27 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was a productive time for Judith in the end, there was a few other things that needed to be done now but the walk to where the ships was rather peaceful and quiet. But the some one else knew a bit more the internal struggle of Judith, while she was not out ward with a fair amount of things in her life, It merely proved even the most helpful of people struggled in some manner in which they did not seem to have help for.

It was not Judith was ignoring her problems, she was putting them off. But also because Judith in some manner knew she should be able to solve these things herself, She had the power mostly too. Just risked some other things happening to her.

It was almost in some manner tempting to see how far Judith could take somethings, While also in some manner figuring out a way to disappear forever so she would not have to deal with it, As well no one would have to put up with the risks of Judith's own suffering. For Judith feared what things could go on wrong if she lost control of her mental state after all she was self aware of many things.

But the trip home was nice and quiet, Most people on the ship back really did not see Judith she merely seemed to have hidden away from everyone not intending to talk to many people. Most people would forget she was there, She would come out every once and a while and look upon the open sea.

Everything was going to be okay, That is what she thought in her mind and she in some way really needed to believe that would also be the case. Delusional as it was seemingly, Judith needed to do that to herself while she had to get these plans into action or else who knows what would happen.

Judith assumed she might have cracked mentally, Over all it was just also a mere theory of Judith's that she would degrade mentally over time,she could be entirely fine in the end. The trip back home helped Judith settle her mind. It would be a patch to her worry at the time and she didn't have to think about what all could go wrong, She just needed to focus on how things could go right.

It would take a while for Judith to talk to him. But he was asleep at the time and Judith was unsure how exactly to talk to a man who most likely expected to be human, how she wanted to make sure he lived longer. It was a subject she was sure most people would not ever consider thinking about. At least at their ages when they where content with being human for many years. But alas Judith figured it was worth a shot. Not only just for her, As well as for him as well There was a benefit.

But the results would happen eventually, Only time would tell for Judith and anyone else what was to come. But all that mattered was hope and faith for everything to turn out. Maybe her mind would finally settle.


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