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The Meeting Between Elves (Judith)

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The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 10:38 am


Yuurei was thinking about his conversation with Lumikki; he was pleased with Seven and honestly, he didn’t want to leave this place, but the Demon and the Oni demanded that he rule over Seven. This brought him to think about what he had suggested when he spoke to her. If he actually became the King of the Elves would that be even grander than being the Emperor of Seven? This could lead to something big, and hopefully, they would leave him alone to do what he pleases and not have them intervene.

Still, he couldn’t just walk into the Altharan and claim that he would be king. He knew of his mother’s blood, and what she was, but he wasn’t sure if they would be welcoming with him claiming his legitimacy to the throne. He was pretty sure they had been an Elf Queen since forever; still, if there were other elves that had backed him up and were fine with him being King of Elves, then he would hope to find them.

There was one person he enjoyed her company; when she visited the North, it was the first time they had met, and he was hoping that she would hear him this time.

Yuurei had sent her a letter; this letter contained details, basically saying the following, he wanted to meet with her, speak about the future of the elven race, and basically talk to her about the idea of him sitting on the throne.

He figured he would also go back to his mother and speak to her about it and get more information about their history, and such. He wasn’t sure if she would be happy with him aiming for something so dangerous, but he always felt like he should have a long time ago.

There was another person he wanted to speak to as well. This person was a half-elf like him, a man who was part of the same guild as he was. The man was egotistical, but when they met that day he saw something that made him feel like he could relate to him.

There were a lot of things he was thinking about doing since his conversation and walking around with Lumikki. Anti and Migi sense this as well as the two others. They did not bother Yuurei though as they allowed him to do things his way as long as they saw results.

“Do you think they’re going to show up?” Migi asked.

Anti would pop out onto Yuurei's shoulder looking at Migi.

“Of course, they will what do you think Yuu is chop liver? He’s an important person.” He said to Migi.

Renji was next to Yuurei and he shook his head, those two were always bickering.

“How do you two live with each other? You both need to go back and forth all the time.” He said this to the two of them.

They looked at Renji and then looked away when they saw the Exceed was about to smite them if they kept going. He knew she would come when he saw her last time she presented herself as someone who would show up if someone called out to her.


#2Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:46 pm

Judith Karlinius
While yet to be expressed, This entire situation was odd to Judith. Most people had not considered even asking or inviting Judith to various places often  While she had been to Seven before, The  invite was interesting. When your a human for most of your life and then shift to two different kinds of elves. One's life was surely over all interesting now days. Judith had not spoken to a lot of other elves she was only one really in her family line, She did not even know how to speak their language to boot.

But she was called here, by some one she knew well enough that it would not too much  of a worry. Since for the most part there was a standing Judith did not mind coming here, But she also never really knew where it was. It was a nice change of pace, After all it was a chance to learn something new. Have a chance to see and witness how she could eventually fit in if she ever needed to come here for whatever reason.

Personal interest aside, Judith also saw this as a means to continue helping in others people in way most people might likely would expect her too but most people would never expect unless the time arise for it. Arriving at the time Migi and Renji started to ponder, They at least never told Judith she was late, But wondered if she would show up.

Given the mystery, oddity and even rarity of the Ash Elves, Judith had to ponder how people would think about being around one now they she was here. Suppose it was a different conversation in the future as this all was getting pieced together."This banter is something I am use too, However far more tame...Less drunken rambles or insults to try and fight one another."Judith said with a bit of a laugh because it was just fitting for the time.

"But, that is a simple life in which i live in."Fairy Tail was a lot of the times treated as a bar with Judith being it's sole keeper compared to a guild. It is why Judith had to many things about what a person liked to eat or drink compared to what kind of mage they where.

But Judith would express being grateful."I do thank you for inviting me here, I have not been in Seven in a while But suppose I also felt a long period of time, I had no place here either."It hinted Judith would not come here along even if she had been a known elf. Most likely because most of her life she was human, There was a worry of the motherly soul not being accepted, Putting it off because she was busy with other things in life.

Judith put up a lot of brave fronts, But even the most socially well adjusted people did have some things they could fear, But Judith did not want people to know her fears, just as much as she did not want people to know her secrets."But even I can never guess what fate throws upon all of us."



The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 6:11 pm


Yuurei was waiting for this person to arrive. He was leaning on one of the many huge statues that resided within Seven. The Seraphim listened to his partner scolding the two parasites that loved within him. It wouldn’t take long for the vibration to kick in of someone approaching them. He had a smirk on his face as he had figured she had made it. He wasn’t expecting her to arrive here so soon, but he was glad she would take time off her busy schedule to speak to him.

Migi, Anti, and Renji looked in the direction of the person who spoke up. Their eyes looked at the beautiful woman called Judith. A Guild Master at that, and it seemed like she had finally arrived. The Exceed laughed hearing this, as he changed into his cat form, and jumped onto Yuurei’s head.

“Yeah, sometimes you got to stop all these from talking or it makes it look like Yuu is crazy. He has two parasites that don’t seem to get along right now.” He said to Judith as Anti's face looked at Renji from Yuurei's shoulder, and Migi also did the same from his arm.

Yuurei looked at her as he pushed himself off the statue and gave her his full attention. He listened to her words and he nodded as he was glad that she could make it.

“I’m glad you could make it. I didn’t think you would be able to come any time soon, so I have been coming here every time around this time to make sure I didn’t miss you.” He said to Judith as he figured they could walk.

“If you want we can walk a bit and talk. I kind of wanted to speak to you about something, but not sure if you care or have an interest in the matter.” He said to her as he knew that she wasn’t always an elf.

It was weird to say something like that, she wasn’t always an elf? But here she was an elf right in front of him, her ears showing shape, but her race different than others. She was even different than the half-elves like him. Still, her legitimacy to that race was much different than his and ever greater in his opinion.

“She seems different than you Yuu.” He said to him.

“Of course, she is a woman, and well her powers are different than his.” Migi said as the two stared at each other.

Renji would just shake his head again as this wasn’t going to stop now, was it?


#4Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 2:10 am

Judith Karlinius
Was it truly crazy? Well the free well of all beings there interesting. It was the way people spoke and interacted with one another that was interesting to watch. Merely adding in."Suppose it could be much much worst, You could be talking to just yourself or talking to something not there to start with." It was good to listen into, Judith in some manner would gather a sense of what these two where like, Judith just liked the connections with people. Since it was just a breath of fresh air."But people can learn to get along eventually, When each person does give themselves a chance."There was logistics to everything, there was chances to butt heads, argue and have some things they could never agree upon on.

As for what Yuurei mentioned it seemed to be a fair point."Well, I might be hard to piece together if i will actually show up, I will make times if invited if not I will make people are aware i can not make it in some manner."Judith did take these things seriously enough, Since most people knew she was busy with something it would all work out eventually.

Since there was a reason to everything, Judith would enjoy the moment to hear about it."What entirely do you need to hear me speak on? It is always interesting to be asked some things."Did he just need a different view on something. Judith figured she was always some what fair and equal with most things.

"Everyone is different from one another, Even down to the smallest details. Its what makes all us beings interest when you break it all down."It was a general statement but most likely more to mention about Judith being different.

At least there was something to it she would always enjoy just asking."Is that all or is there something else you notice?"These kind of things were interesting Judith enjoy the view of each perspective, Did they pick up on something interesting?


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:17 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:28 am


Yuurei laughed when he heard that. He could be found talking to himself sometimes, but that is because of what was within him. There were two other beings that were silent right now. They had done a lot to him and his mind against them was on a different battlefield. Renji nodded hearing Judith and she was right in that manner. He and Yuurei didn’t get along at first, well they did, but Renji was so rude back then.

“You’re right about that, but I hope that they do it sooner rather than later.” He said as he looked at Migi and Anti.

Renji would speak again before Yuurei could, and it was to answer her question.

“I think that is it. I mean I haven’t taken the time to see if there was anything more to you than meets the eyes.” Renji said as he rubbed the back of his head.

Yuurei would clear his throat as he figured he would talk. Migi and Anti would listen to her words too and figured that it was true. They knew they were both parasites, but they were both different and how they operated was just different as well.

“I was thinking about moving forward to something I had thought about for a long time. When I spoke to my mother, she told me that we were of noble blood. I think she wasn’t speaking the entire truth on the matter. Still, recently, I have been having this desire of wanting more.” He paused when he said this.

He wasn’t sure if this was always him, or if this was the combination of the Demon and the Oni messing with him and tapping his darkest desires.

“I want to sit on the throne of the entire Elf Kingdom. I want to make sure that the lives of the elves are protected by those who might endanger them. It isn’t just that, but I want to give half-elves and other elves a better life in the community. I was treated poorly growing up, and one might say if I didn’t have an X-Factor by my side, I probably wouldn't want to rule, but destroy it all.” He said as he smiled at Judith.

“It’s why I called you hear. I know you haven’t been an elf for too long, from what I’ve gathered about you, but you are indeed a full-blooded elf. Whether or not Althran and the other cities don’t know you, showing up and showing your support for a half-blood to take the throne, could gather a lot of supporters for me. They trust their kind more than anything and if they see their kind trust in someone like me, then that’s even better.” He said to her as he wondered if she understood anything he spoke about.


#6Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 5:58 am

Judith Karlinius
So that was his plan, It was truly something interesting. Not many think or consider taking up that part. these parts might be different for her."So I have been speaking talking to a royal elf in passing this entire time? interesting."It was a good casual remark about it. She did not know that part about him but i was interesting to know.

The goal was logical and simple, How who knows how many half elves could have benefited the community of elves who had been turned away."I would assume in some manner finding and adding Half elves in truly easier said then done."Judith mentioned while she seemed to ponder many things over but she did seemed to like the idea. Peace was just something Judith enjoyed.

Suppose this is where Judith assumed she was the oddity, These all sounded well but she knew little of elf life even then she was something rare most people might not have seen in many years."I am willing to see what I can do, everything has limited as anything in life."Judith knew she was stated something simple.

"I am sure there is many things I can do to help, Mind you...with how many people have heard Ash Elves is something that might be of note,  comparative to the normal elves you are considering to dealing with."They had a starting of a good plan so far.

So she had to asked."I am willing to see what i can do, Might be a bit of struggle for me since I have never exactly dealt with these elves you spoke of, I don't entirely remember if i have. What is the starting point of this idea?"Judith asked seeing if there was starting moves where already thought up.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:18 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 7:28 am


Yuurei heard her and he laughed, it was true, but did he really need to tell everyone? Nah, Judith was of the few that knew about his lineage. He only told her because he was planning something big, and he needed to make sure that he had the support of a few elves.

“Yeah, I guess, I’m still just me, a man with a short temper, who only wishes to protect what he loves.” He said to Judith as Renji and the others watched.

He nodded hearing her words and he knew of a few of them that he would have to reach out to.

“Yeah, Emil is one as well, and I’m pretty sure he would love to be able to a society where he could keep his children safe. Either that or he would love to know that he had a king that would accept him in Elf territory if he ever needed it.” He said to her as he wasn’t sure if she knew who Emil was.

Her input meant a lot, she hadn’t been an elf that long, but that didn’t matter. Her blood was real, and that was what mattered to him. He stood quiet this time around listening to her words and understanding where she was coming from. She was indeed an elf and a rare ash elf that nobody had seen for centuries. If someone like her had backed him up that would do a lot for him.

“Your kind were exiled from Altharan though, but showing them that even someone whose race is exiled wants someone like me, a half-elf to be King would do a lot. I do need an Elf to back me up as well though.” He said as he was trying to figure out who that could be.

He heard her words and he rubbed his chin as he was thinking about it.

“We can start by gathering other elves for the cause. If I can get enough to back me up in this, then they can’t really deny me a chance to seek the throne. That is what I need, a supporting cast to help me strengthen my legitimacy. I have an Ash Elf, that is you, and I need to reach out to Emil, who is a half-elf. If I could get an Atlas Elf, and a Wood Elf, to support me, then that would be good enough I hope.” He said to her as he was trying to think of more.

“I would start by speaking about there being someone of royal blood a man, who can believe that he could sit on the throne as the one true Elf King.” He said as he wondered if she had more to input.


#8Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 5:44 am

Judith Karlinius
It was a good plan in her mind it was well thought out, Good intentions something that could be been guessed, over all it was nice to hear it for herself. But Judith was an Ash Elf now, But she had the knowledge of old wise human. Most likely what made her some what made things work for Judith."Much like I still think over I am use to being a shorter middle age human."She was unsure or did not recall if Yuurei himself ever met Judith when she was human. But at this point it was over all not that important until time passed and Judith saw everything she loved start fading away.

It was forming a solid peaceful nation that everyone always seemed to want but unsure how it would be achieved. Since Judith did not know too many other elves off hand, But she merely did not know that part of Emil's life, But she also didn't ask and dive into that part of his life. Since over all it was not something she ever did need to ask and Judith's motherly side she was easily guessed taking over and she was being as much as a parent as she was allowed too with any child.

Judith did have to pose this question since she did not know."It might be helpful, I do not know why Ash elves were exiled."Most likely maybe that information was able to be found."Suppose knowing and finding an Ash Elf in it's self is a good chip to add in."Judith at least pieced in. that all mannered on how Ash Elves where viewed.

How many other elves did she know? She could not list many off hand. But Judith was a woman of many ways to learn things."When I get back to Fiore then, I will go look around and search for some other elves or half elves."It would be a good start in one of the many years Judith could help.

Mind you they were just in Seven at this time so she had to pose."vast are we looking? just in Fiore? Or other areas?"It was a good thing that might be useful people can expand and go into areas and see where to go from there. Sure it was a simple question but a good one to start.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 1:33 pm


Yuurei had never met Judith before the time she had come to Rush Valley. There, she was an Elf, and he didn’t know her before. Of course, he knew of her as one of his best friends was Kaito.

“Ah, yes, I remember that you were a human before. How did that happen, did something in your genes activate bringing forth a change in your DNA and your race?” He asked curious to hear what she had to say about that.

As for her being a middle-aged woman, he couldn’t see it from looking at her. He could only assume something incredible had happened to the woman when she had this change within her. If he remembered correctly about the Ash Elves, they were exiled because they had an affinity to the void, which the other elves couldn’t explain, so they figured it was blasphemy.

He was going to speak, but she had inputted that she would help him out and seek others as well. When he heard this, he grinned at her. That made him happy to hear she was really ready to help him. He nodded as he was happy about that.

“I appreciate that.” He said to Judith as they kept moving around.

“If memories serve me right, Ash Elves were exiled because you guys had an affinity to the Void. It seems to be quite the thing right now, but ages ago, the elves didn’t know what that was. With the addition of the Ash Elves’ ritual, other elves agreed to exile them, so nothing “demonic” could land onto the rest.” He said as this was something that he disliked about the High Elves.

“As for how vast we’re looking at, it can be the entirety of Earthland. I plan on becoming their King, and if all of the Elves can accept it then that would be for the best. I figured if there is any resistance within the community, I would nip it in the butt. If a war breaks out, I will do my best to settle this without any casualty from the opposing side.” He said to Judith.


#10Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:16 am

Judith Karlinius
An interesting thing to learn is all of the time lines Judith had been through with in her life. While it was some what a confusing these parts Judith was not really hiding it."It was an odd case really..Went to Samhain upon the first time people had learned they could go there, While it was a wonderful time and I handed out candy. It seems the magic of the area changed me from a human to a wood elf when i got up the next day."Judith mentioned her view of it.

Since this still was a over all good means to understand Judith, it would be useful to know what things Judith did know and what she did not."While I am sure waking up as an elf was wonderful, It was...worrying. For I am the only one of my family who was effected."Sure it was a ever haunting thought that she was not going to see her human family just all die from old age around her now and she may have to move on, But that might be a problem for the future.

But it seemed Judith got some knowledge while having other things make sense."That explains why I had another elf track me down and ask me questions, Believing I was corrupted by the void when I started lingering around."Even then maybe going around Talaz laagar entirely not worth the risks it was a risk that while she got out okay, Seems to have gone horribly in other ways.

"But I suppose, I was diving into a lot of things in Talaz Lagaar that maybe becoming an Ash Elf from that was slightly worrying...my looks into Talaz really did not come up with much, Anything I learned was just as much as everyone else."Judith almost wanted to say it was not worth it. But it seemed being one of the few Ash Elves known to the public now might be the good here, Good to show Ash Elves aren't evil or a problem even if it was just Judith herself who was the harmless one.

Even making a bit of a joke about how Ash Elves where viewed at the time."I suppose other elves did not learn that other things spawn demons and not just an entire sect of Elves."Judith laughed about it slightly.  

Searching all of earthland was going to be a task, At least Judith had means to finding them in simple ways."Suppose some resistance will always be a worry, From what I could gather, The Older the Elf the more resistant they are to change."But that could apply to a lot of things being stuck in the past.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 12:14 pm


Yuurei heard her story; it was so simple, but at the same time it just raised more questions. What could have done that to her? It could have been that one of the Ash Elves’ souls had looked for a new body and had gone to Judith. That would be interesting, but whatever it was, it looked like she was the only one who was affected by this. That was interesting indeed, and he couldn’t wait to learn more.

Still, the story shifted to someone, or more specifically another elf had found her and questioned her for being who she was. He could only shake his head and chuckle in disappointment that someone had done something like that.

Yuurei nodded as it seemed like Talaz Lagaar had done a lot to the people in Earthland. It was insane on what had happened to them all. He had lost his arm on that island and it was how he got the arm he had now. It wasn’t just that, but the symbiote on him was apparently also from that island as well.

Yuurei heard her finish things up and he nodded agreeing with her that the older the elf indeed found it harder to change or see change.

“Ah, so it seems like you were once human, and then became Wood Elf. From there Talaz Lagaar changed you from Wood Elf to Ash Elf. It seems like you had an interesting life indeed. I just feel like something in those two places had awakened something within you that you yourself didn’t know about.” He said to Judith as he continued on.

“Talaz Lagaar was indeed a place that seemed to have messed people up. I lost my arm and got Migi as a replacement there, and Anti is also from that island, but I didn’t meet him there, I met him in a Void Cavern.” He paused for a second.

“Yeah, resistance I guess is inevitable, but hopefully, I can do things smoothly by taking care of them. Who was it that questioned you?” He asked curious to hear what she had to say.


#12Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 5:14 am

Judith Karlinius
There was still much more Judith had yet to learn of herself but that was a problem for her in the future if she ever braved herself enough to actually try it. But alas Judith might likely would avoid it for now as other things seemed to needed to be worked on."She was named Yu, an smaller elf, snow white hair and green eyes, Apparently Yu was tracking down sources of Void energy and magic use to determine if it's origin was a threat to earthland, Apparently I was being tracked."It was a casual mention of it. But if anything as people learn of Judith more, They learned that Judith kept a lot of secrets at times she did not want people to know for personal and good reason. Admitting to tracking and spying on her was never a good thing.

But at least she did not linger on it too long."All I learned that, anything void related, Even if it is a medium to cast magic for some or runs through their vines in others. No matter what will leave some one looking at you twice."While in some manner maybe Judith was starting to be less commonly found because it seemed she often had people starting to show signs she was being tracked, But at least she was still willing to help when the time called for it.

With general ponder it seemed Judith only could ponder."I do not know how stubborn actual Elves are to change..So who knows i could be wrong as well."She was not trying to over all not seemed like knew had everything right about how elves would be, But at least with Judith was some one who was willing to learn, She did not lack the time.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:34 am


Yuurei had her the name of the elf that was following her. He had never heard of this person before. It was new to him and he was wondering if he should find her himself. He thought about it for a second and dismissed it as he figured that they weren’t a threat.

“I see, that is interesting to know that you were being tracked or even looked for. I don’t think you have much in your history that would list you as a person someone would track.” He said to Judith.

As far as Yuurei knew, Judith didn’t do much in the world. She had taken care of her guild and had someone like Kaito to make sure that nobody would attack it. Still, the guild itself was more relaxed than it was in the past, and it was through the leadership of Judith that it had happened.

“I wonder what makes you special that people have been hounding over you.” He said rubbing his chin and trying to figure it out.

While he was thinking about it he heard her words and nodded as he agreed with what she had said.

“I’m not sure either, but like you said we could be proven wrong in the long run.” He said to her.

He noticed they were talking about all of this and he didn’t ask her how she was doing or how Fairy Tail was doing either. A smile appeared on his face as he looked at her.

“How is your guild doing Judith?” He asked curious to hear the state of her guild.


#14Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:59 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith in the end learned it was as all harmless. But still seemed some what puzzled by why she was being tracked. But suppose it was logically explained to her."The elf did mention there had been previous people who had altered mentally within Talaz lagaar, So tracking off of entirely void energies alone apparently was get me looked at."Judith mentioned as she seemed to ponder.

Even adding in to remark."But I suppose it did not help i did not feel like answering questions right away, but it seemed it was very important to learn if i was corrupted or not from the void."Judith mentioned in her ponderings. Since she did not mind sharing her view currently with Yuurei about the events behind it."I suppose I just had to stop hiding was an Ash Elf a lot sooner then I would like too...But I value keeping any secrets I have,Since they did not know that. getting me to answer questions seems difficult."Judith then seemed to chuckle for a moment since she realize she might be just rambling on about it when it might not be the most interesting things.

So she would just make sure she would stop with it."But I suppose i am just going on about it needlessly."There was always other things to talk about as other plans where going on at this moment.

As for Fairy Tail and how it's going Judith almost seemed jaded, in some manner it would not be Judith if she was not honest about how she felt about it."Fairy Tail over all as a guild as how I always figured it would end up being. People come and go, Most never return, I merely watch behind the serving window making food and drinks for the small number of people who return between my paper work and normal guild master duties...But alas the numbers seem less and less now days."Judith did sound depressed  about it even if it was expected. But Judith always figured she was not the best guild leader or there was just other things she did not take into account for why it was this way. But at least in her mind it felt like a fitting answer, the only thing she did not mention was her own self doubt of being a guild master. It was not important at this time to talk about.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:21 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:03 am


Yuurei heard her and he thought about it. It seemed like there was someone who had known too much than they should have. He didn’t think people mentally had been affected, but a lot of them had been affected. Still, it was in the past, and Judith was fine and whoever that person was most likely was in the past.

“I don’t think you were corrupted or anything. You were touched that I can tell you. Still, it happened to everybody that had set foot onto that island.” He said to her.

The bit of stuff he had learned from Judith showed that she had a kind soul. She did things that meant it would benefit herself and the guild that she had to take care of. Still, it seemed like she enjoyed her secrets, and he understood that all too well.

“I mean that’s understandable, you can tell me what you didn’t want to tell them if you’re okay with that. If not that’s cool with me.” He said to her as he heard her answer his question about Fairy Tail.

Yuurei nodded hearing her story about the guild. That sucked to hear, but he was sure they were alive. They were probably doing their own thing and it was why they didn’t come back home like they should. His guild was different, they were always in and out, but a lot of the guild members found themselves coming back home without a problem. Still, he was glad to hear she was hanging in there.

“I see, that sucks to hear, but I think they are fine. It happens a lot, and I do that a lot even when I was the Guild Master. Granted whenever I got back, I would go straight into paperwork, so I was always busy there. If you ever feel like you don’t want to lead and enjoy your life without a worry you can always join Paradise Dawn, and bring everyone you want with you.” He said to her as he was offering even though he was no longer the Guild Master there.


#16Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:05 am

Judith Karlinius
The details where odd, But the world was always odd everything in this world could be equal parts confusing and complex. But she figured for how uncommon Ash Elves are not days the magic that might come off of might be worrying when apparently all you see is."Suppose not everyone could assume that, Even if it all worked out in the end."Judith figured it was going to be fine at this point.

No matter what suppose a good answer to say about it was something far more simple."I suppose most of the time the more work related and serious matter, I will always talk about with out problems, But I tend to keep secrets when it comes to right away family and related matters to it, That is more I perfer to keep out of public eyes."Judith mentioned more because it was not much else to add in on for not secrets wise.

Yuurei then left Judih with an offer that sounded tempting, Over all might be better how she wanted to live her life and lessen some work loads for her. While she figured out her answer quickly before she told him."Interesting offer, Any reason why you had considered that option?"Judith sounded curious she assumed it would ass some shock to some parts of Fiore if she chose to go that route.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:21 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:31 am


Yuurei heard her words as they were walking around the place. He understood what she had kept secret, which was understandable to him. He would keep work-related secrets as well as anything that was no business to him. Unless someone was a problem to Paradise Dawn, then he didn’t have any problem keeping what he knew about someone to himself. The young man noticed that Judith was caught off guard by his offering. He had a smile because he knew what it meant to be a Guild Master, but he also had an interior motive as well.

“I just figured that if you got tired of leading and wanted to live a life where you could do whatever you wanted at all times, Paradise Dawn would be the place for you. Still, even though that is true, you joining us would bring Kaito with you. One of my best friends refused to join me because of what you’ve done for him in the past. So, getting you to join us, would also bring Kaito to us as well.” He said to Judith.

Yuurei wasn’t the Guild Master, he knew that, but he always thrives for the guild to be the strongest. He knew that Kaito would always help out the guild as long as he was there, but where the insignia would solidify his help even more. One thing he had also learned was that power for the Guild meant everything. If they could be the strongest, which they were already, then why not thrive for more?

“I’m sorry if you don’t like that reasoning. Still, I enjoy these little strolls of our Judith. It was just the second time, but I enjoyed them. Is there anything you want to know about me, Judith? I don’t think you’ve ever asked.” He wondered what she would say, but he was here for it.


#18Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:24 am

Judith Karlinius
It seems some one did some really good insight into Judith's life, Because in mind she was still an old woman and her husband was still human age and time where catching up to him quicker now days and time was ticking away. A mere devote life. In some manner it was because that it seemed to have a positive outlook in life. Even if other factors even to be mentioned to him.

But Judith's Struggles where all her own and she did not think entirely anyone had picked up on it yet."So hiding away from my struggles as guild master isn't working out as I thought."She seemed to come to terms with how it seemed to be, She was struggling to hide her struggles.

But Judith did understand."I find your reason logical and sound, I do not disagree with it. I merely assume I was putting up a good enough front that my desire to walk away from Guild Master duties considering my problem that most people might not pick up on it."Judith also admitted that she was hiding it intentionally but it was entirely normal of her to keep a lot of herself.

But Yuurei finally allow Judith a chance to learn, While she was not nosey and never asked even when curious."I am heavily considering saying yes your offer, I would have to arrange changes to a few business related things."She did have a wine business arrangement and a family graveyard she would have to consider where it would go and move if need be.

She was not refusing she just had another focus."Then answer me this most simple of question, Loooking past the elves, looking past seven...Who is the one sole person you value most and why?"Judith was asking her sole wonder right away and it far more harmless then what most people would wonder about Yuurei, But Judith was about people connections.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:22 am; edited 2 times in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:54 am


Yuurei only guessed that the life of a Guild Master was a struggle for her. He was also not too long ago, and they were leaders of their respective guilds around the same time. He figured that with all these years she had to have some type of struggle. His guild was always lively, but hearing how her guild was going, he could only assume it stressed them out.

“It’s not that I knew about your struggles, I just know what it's like to be a leader. You do put up a good front. If we didn’t talk about things like this, then I wouldn’t know if you were stressed or not. I don’t ask Kaito about Fairy Tail much, as I figured it’s none of my business, and it’s not his information to tell.” He smiled at her and reassured her that she was doing a good job at putting up this front and that everything was fine.

The offer was enticing it seemed, he heard her words and he nodded. He was glad that he understood. Sometimes it was best that people moved on to better and lively places. Somewhere that people would appreciate her being around the area. It would also allow the stress of having to be on top of things to move away from their mental.

Then she asked him a question, before he could comment on anything else she said, he was now thinking about the question she had asked him.

“The one person I value the most and why? Well, they died, so I can’t say her. I value everyone in the North and my Guild, but if I have to say one person, it would be surprisingly Lumi. When I met her that day and saw that she was curious about my plans and the wars I would bring forth, I knew I could show her a way to be powerful.” He paused for a second.

“It was then I fought her repeatedly, watched over her, and made sure that she didn’t give up. I didn’t spend a lot of quality time with her, and I know she kind of resents me for that, but I never stopped looking out for her, and it was why when I stepped down I gave her the leadership to the guild, instead of Brone, who I love like a Brother.” He said to her hoping that answered her question.

“What about you, Judith?” He asked her waiting for an answer.


#20Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 4:23 pm

Judith Karlinius
So she had been doing well enough, But here it seemed the connection was building. But suppose Judith was hiding a fair amount of things that she never really consider letting out quiet yet. These small harmless question would start adding pieces to a bigger puzzle."Kaito does know some in which i struggle with, So did Esperia before her passing. I am only delighted they have kept their word never spoke of it."As she mentioned that she seemed to be thinking how to explain the main worry on her mind, For it would show Judith thought about many things.

For that crept closer and closer to the subject of death, Something that Judith was going to admit a bit things death related about."Well it seems the main that has plagued my mind is now the main subject....Death."It seemed Judith view Yuurei's openness as a good thing for what she was about to talk about might click to many things about her now and possible risks from her in the future.

But as always Judith would first start with."While I am sorry for your lost...Death is an ever lingering thought in my mind now...Not of my own...But all who bare the Karlinius family name....For now, Since they are all human..I will watch them all pass on long before me..."Judith was a mother first, the fact this might emotionally impact her was entirely logical given what all happen with her, She was not prepared for this.

Adding more in."My husband's old age starting to show on him, The death of my daughter in law, her daughter, My Daughter Judina's death, The reality of death coming for everyone else I know and love...Is something I am not prepared for."It is something that if a smart person would keep track of. Judith's mental state was risking being in decline because of the things she was mentioning.

Even moving on."While death it's self, is not something I fear. I was prepared for death a long time a go, I have stared many of things that could kill me in the face yet lived expecting death."What was the point of this long winded explanation when Judith could have kept it short? The idea of Judith letting something eating away at her out almost seemingly hoping something could help, For she was lost.

Stuck on this one point."I am not prepared to see generations pass before me...When I feel I should have been sooner..."It was something Judith seemed to have not been prepared for, Outliving her family. She was the only elf in it and she most likely would not be the type to move on from the current one.

Judith answer to the question she was in return would make sense, while she most likely not need to explain it."My husband is the answer who i value the most."There was a sense now, Judith just exposed who she valued most and she mentioned she feared seeing him die yet she knew it was something unavoidable, But now one could wonder, what happen if Judith live that nightmare of seeing her family die off more then expand? What could be done to help her plight?


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:23 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:10 am


Yuurei heard her words from those who knew of her secrets. He nodded and he had twitched a second hearing that name. A bit of anger had appeared on his face, but he removed it quickly.

“Damn Esperia is no longer with us? I wished I was the one to do the deed.” He said out loud.

He had heard about Esperia’s disappearance, but he figured she was hiding, with what Judith had said it was confirmed the person who was one of Paradise Dawn’s top targets had perished.

“Yeah, I never ask Kaito about you, if I had to ask I could just ask you directly.” He said as he smiled at her.

Yuurei heard her words and he stood quiet as he looked at her wondering if she was about to express herself to him. He nodded when he heard that her family would be dying out before her due to them being human. That was something he understood and he felt bad for her, but life did pass and go, if they passed happily then that was what mattered.

The Seraphim heard her and he nodded. He wondered if he could do something about it. His eyes could see it in her face and he understood the pain.

“I see, so your husband is what you value the most. It’s a shame he’s getting old. You couldn’t use your magic to make him younger? Also, if you want I could always give anybody you care for my grace. They won’t be human anymore, but they will at least live long lives as a Nephilim.” He said to her wondering how she would react to what he suggested.

Yuurei wouldn’t force his grace on anybody, but he suggested it because he wanted to help her. He wasn’t sure how it worked, but he had never given anybody a piece of his power before. There was indeed a first time for everything though.


#22Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 8:58 am

Judith Karlinius
It was a good question what stopped Judith, you think one with such power as Judith had could do many wonderful things, But there was more of a sad reality that there was always something holding Judith back. Something beyond most people's control. Judith hands were tied to something that most people would think so simple yet Judith as a person it made complete sense why she had not broken or moved on from.

Judith could admit."I had considered,I had considered it for a few things..."Temptation seemed to be a massive reality for Judith that might be effecting her and she was seemingly putting up a good fight resisting it. for the longest time she just never talked about it.

But here it was going to be maybe be a good thing that some one knew, Judith was being some one left to be dulled down from what she could do."When...I got this magic from the previous user of it, She made me promise to do things that..While i assume can agree be stupid, Hinder things i could do with this magic."Judith seemingly was now prepared to be called stupid for agreeing to it.

Which was the following."I am not allowed to alter fate and time lines from how it is currently, All things that happen here must happen with out alterations...needless to say, I almost feel like it is now something while noble in some way, hinders and ruins many things in other at this point.."It was easy to guess Judith had agreed to it and thus she was hindered to do so many things because of this oath.

But it left her posed with being blessed with grace"how does that entirely work?"It was something that might seem to branch her interest. Judith was smart but there was always things she could learn, this was a learning moment for her.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 1:23 pm


Yuurei listened to her words and he tilted his head to explain. The stipulation of gaining that power wasn’t fun. He didn’t like it at all, to be granted power and not be able to use it how they wished sucked. He felt bad for Judith as it seemed to have affected her in a negative way. He felt bad for her, but he would be able to help her situation in his own way. It was then that she would ask him how his grace would work in general. He looked at her and thought about how it would work. He thought about how he had become one, and it was when he was dying, but he was sure that wasn’t necessary.

“I would give them some of my power and it would change them. They wouldn’t be considered human or an elf or dwarf anymore. They would be given powers and would be known as Nephilim. This will allow them to live a much longer life than they could normally. Like, I’m a Seraphim, but I still have the traits of when I was a half-elf.” He said to Judith as he showed her his ears.

They were slightly more pointy than humans but were shorter than what elves' ears would look like.

“In a way, they would be loyal to me, but I would never ask them of anything. I would just be doing it as a favor to you.” He explained to her that he didn’t want to lie and hold back anything.

The only thing he didn’t mention was breaking a contract with a Seraphim, but he just didn’t think there was a need for whoever was to receive his grace to break the contract. He looked over to her though wondering how she would react and what she would say to that.


#24Judith Karlinius 

The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 10:54 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith was not going to reckless throw this upon her husband but she was going to continue to ask a few question just to be sure what all and ll it could mean. "I suppose I could suggest this to him after I tell him of my worry."Judith did seem emotional but seemed now to be getting it under control after all solution was finally in her hands.

Even leading up to asking."While the process it something i would let him choose, How much longer would live as this?"This one is entirely a fair question since she wanted to be sure, Even then it might be a long shot to suggest this to him.

But it was because it could solve a problem, Lead to a few other solutions." But Anders will most likely if he is interested ask a lot more questions, Even if most of the time he just wants to sit in his shop and smith things."As grumpy as Judith would mention him, Judith for the most part might actually be able to handle these kind of things better then Judith. He kind of had a knack of just adjusting to the things in front of him in life if he wanted too.

But she would mention."It is an good idea so far, It solve one lingering problem for me."It was a step in the right path, At least for what Judith could do. After all she could not change anything herself.


Last edited by Judith Karlinius on Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total


The Meeting Between Elves (Judith) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:12 pm


Yuurei heard the question, and he rubbed his chin as he was thinking about it. When a Nephilim is created, they will be able to live double their lifespan. He would tell her the truth because he needed and wanted trust between the two of them.

“Yes, letting him choose would be for the best. He would be able to live until he’s two hundred years old if he doesn’t die to someone else taking his life. He is human, right? It usually doubles the race’s lifespan. Then from there if they can become a Seraphim, like me then they will live an immortal life.” He told her as it seemed like her husband was a smith.

“I see, well he can ask me everything and anything he wants. It would make him look younger, so that would be a good thing. And I mean we can bond about smithing as I’m also a blacksmith.” Yuurei said to Judith with a smile on his face.

He patted her on her shoulder with a smile on his face.

“Anyway I can help, I don’t mind at all. Him being a Nephilim would make him a target to other Seraphim. They don’t like me, so if I give my grace to someone else, I might make them a target. Still, I will protect him without a problem.” He explained to her letting her know what they would get into with Yuurei’s power.


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