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I've Seen You In The Dark & Now, the Light [Ursula]

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I've Seen You In The Dark & Now, the Light [Ursula] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:08 pm

There was an intangible difference about Mahalo Island that day. The sun, a familiar celestial orb, shone with its usual brilliance, casting a warm embrace upon the land. Fluffy clouds drifted lazily across the cerulean sky, resembling a celestial flock of sheep. The gentle breeze, a harmonious blend of warmth and coolness, caressed sun-kissed skin and danced with the rhythmic ebb and flow of the ocean tide. The air was alive with the intoxicating scent of plumeria blossoms and salty sea spray, a symphony of aromas that teased the senses.

It was a quintessential island day, teeming with the joyous laughter of families frolicking on the sandy expanse and splashing in the azure waters. Children built sandcastles that defied gravity, their laughter echoing against the rhythmic crashing of waves. Couples strolled hand-in-hand along the shoreline, their footprints disappearing with each retreating tide. Yet, for Tōga, this day was extraordinary. He was not alone.

Having shared an intimate night with the enchanting Ursula, he now awaited her awakening with a mixture of anticipation and tenderness. The memory of their shared moments lingered in the air, a silent testament to the blossoming connection between them. Not wanting to disturb her slumber, he had risen with the dawn, leaving behind a gentle kiss and a note revealing his whereabouts.

Luluhawa Island held a special place in Tōga's heart, a sanctuary that rivaled the allure of his homeland, Joya. It possessed a unique charm, a tapestry of traditions and natural beauty that he had vowed to protect. Sharing this haven with Ursula felt like a significant gesture, a chance for her to witness him in his element, a place where he felt truly at ease.

With meticulous care, he had laid out a blanket on the pristine sand, a makeshift haven for their rendezvous. Clad in nothing but vibrant orange swim trunks and a black sleeveless shirt that accentuated his lean yet muscular physique, he basked in the warmth of the sun, his pink hair dancing playfully in the breeze. A small picnic basket sat beside him, filled with local delicacies and exotic fruits, a feast for the senses waiting to be shared.

As he awaited his companion's arrival, a sense of contentment washed over him. Today, they would share the simple pleasures of a day in the sun, a stark contrast to the nocturnal escapades Ursula was accustomed to. It was a chance for them to forge a deeper connection, to explore the vibrant tapestry of their souls beneath the radiant glow of Mahalo Island's sun.

Outfit: Here
wc: 445


I've Seen You In The Dark & Now, the Light [Ursula] Empty Yesterday at 8:57 pm


WORDS: 380 | Fun In The Sun

“You know…” A soft but not unsatisfied sigh seeming to escape the lips of Ursula Wilke as she slipped onto the beach quietly and covertly to lay her eyes upon the young man who had invited her here, while perhaps most girls might have thrust themselves toward the partner with whom they were so very smitten this particular violet haired vixen prided herself on being somewhat contrary, and so was happier to slip around quietly with the cover of a towel and parasol in order to take the lad a little by surprise with the resulting reveal of her appearance.
“Goth girls usually aren't ones for the sun and sand~?” As such approaching the lad quietly and cautiously in an effort to make sure her arrival might have maximum impact, it was hard for this enchantress who often wore ebony to restrain the urge to giggle as she moved in close enough to call out to him from behind, and as she did so drop the screen which had guarded both her identity and her fair skin from the sun overhead, and the towel as well for that matter.

“Lucky for you, you landed one who can make it work…” Pulling each from view in one of her hands and showing off something which had proven surprisingly expensive given the absence of material required, the minx in mulberry as she showed off a two piece costume which seemed largely comprised of loops and twine and the least amount of cloth necessary to preserve at least a little of her modest, and did so both for the benefit of her own esteem but ever more so the boy she had arranged to meet here.
“Don't you think~?” After all few things seeming to provide the princess of purple with quite the same thrill these days as the avarice and want she saw in the eyes of her man when she wore something that really got those well known embers burning within him, all that she could do was tip and twist as she showed herself off in all her glory, fully aware of how there were likely to be more than one set of eyes upon her both because of her frame and the absence of fabric which covered it, but ultimately only caring about one of them really…


You're afraid of a big, bad wolf~?
- Ursula Wilke -

credit to nat of adoxography.

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