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Preparing for a Foreign Venture [Travel | South to West]

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Preparing for a Foreign Venture [Travel | South to West]  Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:22 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

The trip had been short-lived, their time in Myras being even shorter than what they would have first figured it to have been. Of course, The Divine had her motivations to send Astrid there, which while they had been unclear at the time, it became all the more apparent as she arrived there. To fuse with the Nine-Tailed Fox, that was the purpose of it all. Something so simple, yet at the same time confusing and hard to imagine all at once. But it was done with, Astrid having done exactly what was expected, even perhaps beyond that of what even The Divine could have first imagined it being. And as she said it, so simply explained and in so few words after showing what she was now, the only answer that seemed to have been given next was to venture to Seven. It was the endgame from the very beginning, the place of origin that Noir, the Sevenese Goddess that Astrid had taken possession of, would return to. Where the Heavens would open up, and from it The Divine would seek her ascent to the Heavens.

How the power granted by the Nine-Tailed Fox remained to be seen in the overall equation, but it was not Astrid’s show. This was all being run by The Divine, each and every step of it up to this point. As they prepared the required materials needed to take the trip to Seven, Astrid found herself again on the road, this time going to Oak Town again, using it as a chance to rest sufficiently and prepare everything required. A brief and unexpected trip to Myras from Oak Town, that was one thing that could have been done with relatively little matter. But a trip that would see her leave the nation of Fiore altogether and venture to a nation like Seven, that would require time. It would require proper preparation, such that could not be done hastily from some place foreign to her like Myras. The Divine may have been able to get away with such an unexpected trip, as no doubt she had everything prepared, but there was no reason to think that that was going to be extended to Astrid. She did not much wish for that to happen either. She would have preferred handling the matter herself, knowing what to expect, or at the bare minimum, knowing that she would have say in how she handled the matter.


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