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The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina

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The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:20 pm

Karina was given a lead on some criminal that had been causing issues and then getting away before the knights can make it to stop him and she was going to bring them in and make sure that they are stopped from causing anymore issues for the people of this place. She knows that is still a tall order for her but she was not sure that she was really the right one for the job, but this was another chance that she could prove herself. She would follow the clues and check around the crime scenes to see if there was anything that stood out and would help her find out where the man could be hiding out, she saw small chips that looked like they were from some kind of wood and she would thing about where there might be a wood working shop or maybe an abandoned lumber yard they could be using as a hide out.


The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:20 pm

She was going to look around the town and look for the shop first as she knows that she should work closer first then go for the place that is out of the city as she needed to make sure that she stays low and careful so she doesn't get herself caught or to become a victim of the man that is hurting people and causing issues but he hadn't kidnapped so she was probably safe on that front but she was going to still tread careful against this man. She kept her gun in her had as she walked up to a run down looking wood working shop. She pushed on the door but it seemed like it was locked tightly so she walked around the building and tested the boards that covered the windows and then found a back door that was kicked in. She gently pushed open and she looked around the inside of the shop looked like it was clean.


The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:20 pm

She wasn't finding the wood chips she saw at the scene that she looked at but she went deeper in just in case she was wrong and she found a trap door that lead to a tunnel. She snapped a stick from her bag and it glowed and she used it to light her way ahead to see where it went and she kept following it till it lead to a tunnel ladder that went down. She took a deep breath and went down the ladder into an area that was wider and lit by some torches on the wall that had yet to go out though they seemed like they were close to done when she got there. This was a mining tunnel she could tell by the marks and some of the old tools that were left around. She followed the tunnel out and when she came out she was in front of the mine.


The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:20 pm

Karina could see a campfire that was farther ahead and she thinks that she had found the place that this man was at now. The woman moved slowly and carefully as the man could have set up a fake campfire with traps in case someone ever got this far to deal with them and this man was clearly not an idiot. She kept an eye out for anything that might be out of place or seem in an odd place and then she sees trip wires that glowed in the light of the magic light stick she had on her and she wondered if this was a trap for the trap. She moved around the wires carefully and she made sure to give them a wide birth as to not get spooked by someone or something and set off the traps. Karina moved forward and she could hear faint humming.


The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:21 pm

She knows now that she had found the right place for she can hear him and he seemed to be content and happy thinking he had won and she moved in with her gun in hand and she walked around the building that was there slowly as she didn't want to alert him that she was here till it was too late for him. She got to the door and in a rush she opened in and ran in and she saw it was a trap and she had fallen for it and she jumped back just barely missing being smashed by a log that fell out of the ceiling above her. she had been played like a fool and she wished that she had thought about it before she came in here and she figured that she was going to probably get jumped from behind so she swung around.


The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:21 pm

When she did the man was there and knocked her gun away as she had pulled the trigger the shot missing wildly and the gun flying across the room and she dodged another hit from the man. He reached and grabbed a fire poker to use against Karina who was scrambling to go and get her gun back so she had it to use to protect herself in here. She was sure that she was going to get hurt if she didn't hurry and that is when the mans next attack come for her and hitting her armor. She had the wind knocked out of her as he grabbed her gun and she attempted to chance her breath as she wheezed trying to catch her breath so she didn't pass out and keep the blood flow going to her brain. She fired the gun and it winged the man which cause him to take cover behind a couch.


The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:21 pm

She wasn't sure which way that the man would peek out of and attack her or throw something at her. She had been about to catch her breath and she kept her gun pointed toward the middle remembering a less from her father not to guess and to keep it in the middle and let her reactions and relaxes move the gun to the target, she use to have it trained into her about her control and to trust her instincts and to keep the gun level. She got up slowly and looked for him and then she felt a vibration from under the floor so she jumped over the couch just barely getting be hind it before the spot where she was standing exploded. The man had taken a trap door that was there to get under her feet and cast an explosion. She took aim and fired into the floor hoping to hit him.


The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:21 pm

The man seemed to be quick under the floor boards and she chase along taking a shot every now and again to try and get him so he would stop moving and then she doesn't hear him under the floor any more and he hurried out of the house and to that side and she sees fresh foot prints and she sniffs as she can smell him and she has his scent and she could track him. Karina started running as hard as she could feeling her werewolf blood in her starting to act up a bit and she was going to keep on the trail as she sees the wounded man leaning against a tree. She can tell that it is bait and she takes a shot at the man and he dodged the attack and started running and Karina followed behind him with her gun taking shots at the man.


The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:22 pm

The man having no other choice seemed to turn with a gun of his own and taking shots at Karina who dove behind some trees and kept moving and shooting as she needed to catch him and the man was not going to get caught so easily and he lights and throws smoke bombs at her and the smell burned her nose as she had a heightened sense of smell and that was something that needed to be careful of as she wasn't sure where he was as the bombs had pretty much made her nose blind to the man and that was when he struck at her. Unlucky for the man she figured where he would come from and she roundhouse kicked the man in the head knocking him to the side. She walked over to him as he tried to get back up off the ground where he had been kicked to.


The Hanged Man Tarot: Karina  Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 9:22 pm

She walked up to him and she pressed the barrel of her gun against the man and she smirked. the man knew he was defeated and he admitted that he was defeated but that doesn't mean that he was coming with her willingly. He took a hand full of dirt and threw it up into her face and now her face was covered in mud and she was not happy about that and took a few more shots at the man that hit and sent the man to the ground in pain and then she walked over and she locked the cuffs on him then she cleaned her face off and then pulled the man up and she started on her way back to the city to turn this criminal into them and tell them where his hide out was so she could be rewarded in some way though it was probably only with fame and nothing more than that.

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