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Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei]

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Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:37 pm


"So this is Seven, huh? Quite the color palate," Ohta spoke sarcastically as he saw the white stone and the simple landscape compared to Joya's. He was in his human form, burgundy short hair with white streaks, golden pure eyes and tall. His body type being muscular yet toned in the arms. Ohta wore military ware of a high status. "Ohta, do not judge a Country due to their differences...", her voice was cold as death, yet it was not without affection for beauty within the differences between her ruling Country and this one. Her black hair trailed behind like thin ribbons of black silk. Her eyes looked like the void of life yet shined like gemstones as she was enthused about experiencing something new despite her inability to show how she felt due to the things that came with who she became.

"Let's go, Ryujin has Joya protected during my absence there. If you really wish... you can go back too.", Mishiko told Ohta who shook his head and had a small smirk, "Never," he simply said as he'd never leave her side. She wore her Shogun attire, but not the headdress as she didn't want to gain too much attention despite her existing here already gathering enough of it. She walked on the stone walkway towards the beautiful fountain with statues. Her fingers traced the stone, "We should talk to the ruler of this Country someday...", she spoke out loud during a deep thought. Mishiko let the cool cream skin of her hand feel the sparkling water that came from the statue's hole of the stone-made jug of the fountain. Her eyes looked tired, soft yet they did not express how she really felt.


Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:59 pm


Yuurei and Renji had been away from Fiore for a bit; the Seraphim had been mentally battling things that he couldn’t get rid of. Therefore, bringing himself close to those dearest to him could be a problem. He was sure that a lot of them could fight him and if they were together, they could put him down, but he didn’t want to risk it. He left his guild in the hands of Lumikki, he was sure that things would be fine in her hands, especially with Brone next to her. He was always there to help them, but for now, he kept his distance.

Of course, his guildmates found themselves in Seven most of them and they fought him constantly. Today, Yuurei was not in the Arena of Champions, instead, he found himself on top of a champion statue that was within the area. His legs were dangling in the air as he looked around the place. Renji was also on top of the roof and in his human form. His eyes closed as he was napping until Yuurei was ready to move from this place. Migi was just dormant as there was nothing to do right now. He needed energy after Leviathan and Shuten-Doji harassed him repeatedly.

Yuurei, you need to seek more power. This country is beautiful and you can take it for yourself. Shuten said to Yuurei. The Seraphim hearing him would shake his head a bit ignoring him for a second. He’s too scared, he wants to be a lapdog to the King of Fiore for the rest of his life. What a pathetic life he wants to live. Leviathan added on. Yuurei continued hearing their words and his mind was going crazy. These two were on another level of annoyance and he wanted them out of his mind.

Still, they were right, he was under the thumb of King Reign; he could never truly rule the North if he had to answer to him. He wasn’t a bad person, but he didn’t care about him. The Warden only cared about the people in the North and his friends.

“If I say yes, will you two leave me alone until it’s done?” He asked them.

When they both agreed that they would step back just a bit, Yuurei would agree to it. They laughed a bit and they were glad to hear it.

Make it soon or else. We don’t care how you do as long as you do it. Shuten said to him. If we see you aren’t making any effort then we will continue to mess with you until you break. Leviathan said to Yuurei.

He couldn’t believe this was happening, and soon enough, he noticed someone in the corner of his eye. He shifted his head to his left to see someone familiar nearby. He remembered that man, and then he looked over to the tall beautiful woman moving around the area.

“Mishiko why are you here?” He said this to himself as he figured he could welcome her here.

Yuurei got up from the statue, and it was then he would release his grace and no longer conceal to his human form. Renji saw this and he would go back to be a cat as he hopped on Yuurei’s shoulder. The man would descend from the statue and toward Mishiko. A smile on his face as he was glad to see her.

“How long has it been? Still, as beautiful as the day I saw you last.” Yuurei said to her.

When they landed on the ground, Renji hopped off his shoulder and returned to his human form as he looked at Ohta.



Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:47 pm


Still spaced on the water going through the cracks between her fingers that were soft and fleshy, she did not pay attention to her surroundings. Mishiko felt Ohta will keep watch as always since he could pay attention to his surroundings at all times. Soon enough she heard some steps as the voice was familiar. "Yuurei...", her voice was still ghostly, breathy yet softer than normal as she let her hand leave the water, her eyes gazing now towards him with a turn. "I see your flattery hasn't gone down since we last saw each other.", she made a small smile form from her lips as she felt amused.

Ohta saw this and remembered him from when he helped with the battle of the ninetailed fox, or at least a fragment of him. He was dangerous, even a God could tell that easily and Mishiko knew that too, but unlike many others who would cower or plan some trap, she saw him as another person she knew.

She listened to him ask her about her visit here and she wondered how to answer. "I felt that it is only right to study the other countries and their beauty,", Mishiko told him calmly and looked back at the architecture of the water fountain with the statue. "Their designs are quite unique compared to Joya's and even Fiore's.", she continued as she then wondered. "Why are you here, Yuurei?", Mishiko wondered since it was only right for him to speak. Thankfully, it was lovely outside and they could walk together peacefully, or sit and do the same.


Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:54 am


Yuurei was hoping that she had remembered him; he knew people had bad memories, but he was hopeful that it wouldn’t be the same with her. She had called out his name, and that within itself made him a bit happy to hear. Then her comment after that made him blush, but on top of that, he would rub the back of his head as he chuckled slightly.

He couldn’t help it, she was a beautiful woman and one that he had found interest in since they had first met. Death between the two of them had connected them and he was pretty sure she was a being that had to do with the underworld herself.

“I can’t help it. When I’m around you, all I see is beauty no matter where I look, but I will stop and not make you any uncomfortable that I might have made you.” He put his hand down to his side as he kept his smile while looking at her.

It was then she would speak about her reason for being here. He had nodded in acknowledgment of the reasoning. He had come here because it was somewhere close to home, but away from it all at the same time. When she asked him why he was there, his smile dispersed, his eyes looked down and he scratched the side of his head. A lot had happened since they had seen each other last. He was in her country with life took an unexpected turn.

Still, he would shake the emotion of sadness from him. He looked at her with the same smile he had before, but this time it wasn’t a genuine one.

“Let’s walk shall we?” He asked her.

If she accepted the gesture, he would walk beside her as he would start his conversation or his story.

“So when I was in Joya, I had an Oni take possession of my body. Well, I had no choice it was either me or someone around me. Now that it happened, though, I have him and a Demon within my soul. Those two combined have influenced me to do things I myself would never do. So, out of worrying about what I could do if those two actually won against taking my body over, I stepped down as the Guild Master of Paradise Dawn and then ran away to Seven. I have been occupying myself in the Arena of Champions.” He explained to her as kept walking and looking to see her reaction.



Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:10 pm


"Uncomfortable? No, just... amusing," she spoke soothingly. Mishiko nodded to his words as she listened. She was still bad at normal interacting with people that weren't gods since other than the people she sees on a daily basis, the Shogun doesn't talk to people. His offer on walking was rather welcoming as she walked beside him once started. Her walk was silent as she listened to his words carefully, Ohta stood his distance and paid attention to every motion from the distance he could feel and see while keeping an eye on Mishiko. He knew when to give space.

"An Oni? Not the first I've heard of it, but normally it doesn't end well for the person," Mishiko spoke calmly astonished as her eyes glisten a little. She listened to the rest of his explanation and nods. "Oh! So that's why Lumi is now the leader of your guild. I spoke to her, quite a lovely girl.", Mishiko complimented Lumikki. 'To think an Oni is now possessing him. I wonder what can be done... if he truly wants anything to be done,', she wondered in the depths of her mind. "I'm sure someone such as you can handle an oni and demon within your soul, but if you ever need assistance, I am here." she gave a rare giggle as she use to before she became what she is now. Mishiko misses her Quillareine days when she was free to express her emotions, but now she felt trapped into not expressing herself.

'Remember sister, showing emotions out-right in front of others show weakness. People, mostly mortals will exploit it.' - Amaterasu towards Mishiko.

She went back to here calm and expressionless restless face while her eyes still tried to show emotion, but those died too. "Arena of Champions. I have heard of it, perhaps we should go sometime and I'll watch you or perhaps watch others sometime," she spoke trying to offer to do more together. she was bad at this. She still remembered her first old fan and it will always be memories she'll forever remember painfully but held close. Thinking about it made the rain, yet also the rainbows and she hopes someday she will find it within herself to feel those things again joyously.

"I wanted to say I'm glad to see you doing so well, but so much as happened since the last we've seen each other. Other than the war, it was Halloween... felt like so long ago.", she spoke and looks at him. "Is there anything you're looking forward to?", Mishiko wanted to get to know him and his thoughts.


Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:30 pm


Yuurei was glad to hear that she was fine with his compliments. That was good to hear and honestly, he wouldn’t want it any other way. While he explained things, Renji was behind them as he had walked next to Ohta. It seemed like the man knew when to back off, which was cool and all, but why was he so quiet? He figured he would be the first to break the ice for them then.

When Yuurei had finished speaking though, she seemed surprised about the Oni topic before commenting and complimenting Lumikki. He nodded as she was indeed lovely when she wasn’t shooting explosive darkness spells and playing her harp. Yuurei heard her words and he was happy to see that she had offered her hand in assisting in that matter. The seraphim had thought of ways that he could have gotten rid of them, but he wasn’t sure just yet.

When he saw her giggle, it lit Yuurei up. He had seen her smile like this before, but it was before her sudden disappearance and changes from the night they escaped together. It was her though, but she had been closed off from what he could tell. That was no good, and he was stupid enough to ask her about that. He nodded with a smile as he looked at her, keeping the same pace of his walk with her.

He looked away from her as she spoke to him and his attention was up to the sky. The sun beamed down on him as he couldn’t be blinded by the light he looked into.

“She is a lovely girl. She will become one of the strongest in Earthland one day. The guild we have will always be great.” He said happy to be a part of it.

For now, he would talk about the Oni part a bit after as he continued talking about everything else she had said.

“Yes, I would love it if you came to watch. I’m there as much as someone accepts fighting me. It’s not too often, but it does happen, which I’m grateful for. I should change my name though, so I get more fights.” He laughed when he said that, but it was the truth.

When he was looking to the sky he had enough time to think about what to say regarding their time from before.

“It does feel like a long time. You were more expressive with yourself around Halloween. Is there a reason a change happened?” He asked her as he figured it was a deep and hard question and he felt the need to say something else to lighten up the mood.

“As for those two I am doing my best to keep them intact, but with so many entities taking refuge in my body who knows how long I can win the internal battle? As for helping me, I would appreciate that, but what if it’s something intimate that can stop this from continuing?” He chuckled a bit as he couldn’t help himself.

Renji heard Yuurei’s and he shook his head as he looked at Ohta and figured he would talk to him.

“Why are you so quiet over there? Talk to me, how did you and she meet?” He asked curious to hear what he had to say.



Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:25 pm


Mishiko found him amusing in a way that was different than Ryujin's and Ohta's, or Inari's. "Oh? What would you change your name to? Make sure it's not something too strong, they may fear the name next," she jested calmly and shared a small smile till he asked about her emotions. Her eyes slid to gaze away from him while keeping her posture while walking. How will she explain it without it sounding like a dumb reason? Mishiko still felt anxious about her wording and yet she felt like maybe she should be just honest with him.

"There are many factors to my emotions dying down.", she started and was thinking before looking forward. "My sibling told me that it is better to not show the public how you really feel due to people wanting to exploit and use it against you.", she continued and watched as the agriculture around here was beautiful. "Also being the Goddess of Death amongst other things is very draining. That and everything that has been going on in my personal life. Many factors," she repeated her first statement before wondering what to say about his next thing. Her inner side was blushing, despite having children before already, those things made her blush still.

"Intimate? I'm sure you have many who would line up for such a feat,", she jested and yet serious due to how famous her friend has become. Sure they weren't old friends like her and Akuko or even her and Kaito, but all the same - well, besides Akuko who was like a sister. "I doubt intimacy would control a spirit who is known for battle - well actually...", she blushed as she thought of a story and then shook her head to erase those thoughts.

Meanwhile, Ohta arched his brow as his golden eyes looked down at the companion of Yuurei's. "Renji... was it?", he spoke in his controlled tone as he was not use to talking to people without an extremely serious reason behind it. "I am quiet to simply enjoy the view and to watch over her. Me and her have met over thousands of years ago," he simply spoke as she thought of the chaos and things that happened. He sighed and his gloved fingers through his strands of hair as he then spoke. "Before you and many others existed and many generations before that, gods only had each other and rare occasions, someone would be born half god, like Mishiko herself. We never really associated personally with mortals till later on besides specific gods. She was one of the handfuls of the first Demigods. Inari, or myself in a way created this form out of a fragment of himself and gifted it to Mishiko. Me and her became inseparable. I swore on my life to protect and stand by her side, but unfortunately many things happened.", he spoke gravely as he despised Mishiko's siblings and most of the fellow Gods.


Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:49 pm


Yuurei thought about what she said and he rubbed his chin thinking about it. He had gone in there with the alias of one of the souls in his body. He was pretty sure that nobody knew what a Shuten-Doji was, so he could use that, but then there was Migi. If he had gone by that name, then maybe they would fight him.

“I will call myself Migi, which is basically my right arm.” He chuckled at the thought of his name being that.

Migi heard Yuurei’s laughing, and he wanted to interrupt him, but he just left him alone and kept quiet for the time being. He was going to give him an earful later though. Still, while she was thinking about what to say, he would also stay quiet and let her gather her thoughts. When she spoke, he looked at her as it seemed like she was trying to figure out how to explain to him what happened to her. He would hear her out and it would seem like her sibling had told her to hide her emotions and it seemed like what she was and everything that was happening in her life was draining.

Yuurei nodded as he smiled at her and he would pat her on her back. When she spoke about the woman who would be fine with what he wanted, he shook his head. He didn’t care for it, yes he could have a good time with them, but that didn’t matter.

“I can have women do what I want to get what I want, but that’s boring. I wouldn’t trust them to build a future with.” He paused for a second.

“I thought about things, if I had kids, would the souls be entangled with those two kids? If that happens I need to make sure that they have strong genetics. I know being my child would be great, but I’m not sure if it would be enough.” He said he had been reading about things but wasn’t sure if it was plausible.

“As for what your sibling had told you about hiding your emotion. They could be wrong about that, showing emotions could just allow people to relate to you more. I know you could be emotionally vulnerable, I don’t need to exploit anybody to achieve my goals.” He said as he had a huge smile on his face showing that she didn’t have to worry about something like that from him.

Renji’s ears twitched when Ohta asked him for his name.

“Yeah, the name is Renji.” He answered him as he kept moving.

Renji heard his words and it seemed like Mishiko was old as hell. He also heard that she was a Demigod, which was interesting to hear. It seemed like a lot of things happened but he wasn’t sure what that was.

“I see, so there are people who seek to do her harm. That’s sad to hear, she seems like a nice lady, but damn a thousands of years ago is a long time. I wonder if Yuurei even knows that she is that old. I’m pretty sure Yuurei is only twenty-one or twenty-two. Still, it’s cool to see to meet another Demigod. We’ve met a few like Kaito, and Drakkon. Don’t know what Kaito’s boon is as a Demigod, but pretty sure Drakkon’s parent is Chaos, whatever that means.” He said that as Yuurei might have been older than that.

“Still, I can understand swearing to be by her side. I’m like that with Yuurei, and I made sure I did everything I could to be as strong as he could to help him whenever he needed me to. Even though I think Yuurei himself is feared to make a foe throughout Earthland. I think nobody wants to be his enemy, and those who do become his enemies seem to regret it afterward.” He said



Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:22 pm


After listening to him talk about himself and then about what she said when it came to sharing emotions, Mishiko had somethings to think about. Famous people had fans, sometimes fame came to each other's head which causes problems. She had heard some history of Rulers accepting lovers that do not come from an already god status if not royal status that ended up causing chaos. Caused by the person abusing the newly power or because of the people not liking that person. The humanity part of her heart wanted to take a step forward into this, but was afraid of it repeating her first and last one she had. "Ah, so it's genetics you're after.~", she calmly jested to make it the air light instead of heavy due to the type of conversation.

Her brow arched as she saw Yuurei smile and it made her quietly chuckle with a big side grin, her dark eyes shimmering. "Maybe I can learn to show a little emotion, Yuurei.", Mishiko spoke softly and lets her barrier down more to be more human-like. "Yuurei, where do you see yourself at the end of this year?", she asked curiously.

Meanwhile, Ohta listened and chuckled when it came to his 'Sweet death flower's' age. "Age does not matter amongst the gods, but for mortals perhaps it does," Ohta shrugs and thinks. "Despite her being that old, she acts like a teen sometimes, or simply a mother that she is and then her serious side that many are stuck with due to her sister's teachings," he started and thinks. "People as a whole are scared to make enemies with someone strong such as your friend. It's natural. Mishiko does not care if she makes an enemy out of anyone if it is right to do so, but she tries to find a common ground to make peace. Her sister is insisting her to find a mortal to marry ever since Mishiko's official godhood status for diplomacy reasons, but she still feels broken after her last relationship with a mortal despite her not showing it. Not even I nor Ryujin can fill that void.", Ohta tells Renji.


Death, war and Angels among the White Stones.[Yuurei] Empty Yesterday at 12:00 am


Yuurei chuckled when he heard her words. The way she said it made him laugh a bit. He figured this was the option for his kids. I mean if he was talking to Mishiko about it, she was beautiful and he kind of had a thing for her. They just didn’t interact much, so it never got too far. He figured she was here now, so he might as well see if this could lead to anything.

The Seraphim heard her comment and he had stopped laughing and it would turn into a smile. He was glad to see that she would try. The next question though had surprised him; he didn’t think he would hear her say that, but he was fine with that. If he wanted her to trust him and open up to him, then telling her wasn’t going to hurt.

“A year from now, I plan on being the Emperor of Seven.” He said without hesitating.

He was very nonchalant about it as if he didn’t have to worry about anything interfering with his objective.

“I made a deal with the Shuten-Doji and Leviathan. They told me they wouldn’t interfere with me if I produced results in taking over this country. I figured it would be the right thing to do as I could bring the people from North Fiore across the border and start a new life here if they want.” He said to her as they kept walking.

Renji heard Ohta and he thought about it, was Yuurei even mortal? The man was a God amongst God. He was surprised that a God from the other realm didn’t reach out to him and give him the blessing to be one of them. Still, it seemed the age that she had gained didn’t matter as time worked differently for them. Then he spoke a bit about Yuurei and soon after it seemed like they were trying to get Mishiko to marry a mortal. It was interesting to hear and he rubbed his chin.

“I see, that is interesting. Do they want her to marry any mortal, or does she have to fall in love, or does she have to find someone that her sister would approve?” he asked him curious to hear what he had to say.

“And who broke her heart?” He asked curious to hear the story.


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