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Light by New Colors

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Light by New Colors Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:10 pm


It had been a short time since Lumikki had been reborn, the Demoness was now nuzzled in her home of Paradise Dawn. Resting and recuperating from the endeavors of the prior adventure that lead to usurping her father and stealing his power. It was a lot for her to process. The experience of being a Demon was still far too new and she had to make sense of her new body and existence.

Her siblings that joined her in the fight, were also on their way to reconstruct their lives. Now without the overbearing presence of their shared father, they were free to live how they pleased. But for some, where the influence was all they knew, they needed time to reassess themselves. To plot who it is that they wanted to be.

And so for the moment, all of the Lorimer were in a time of rest. How it should be, but as they entered and enjoyed their respite, others stirred and came back to life. Waking up as it were, for better or worse. For the first Demon to exist within the realm once more after all those years was a reason to….rejoice.

Light by New Colors Img_0811

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Light by New Colors Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 6:18 pm


In the state of disbelief, many of the old orders patiently kept an eye on those considered Daemon. After all, they were the tethers left in this realm that connected to the old Gods. The forces that contrasted the Seraphim and their blasphemous order known as the Illumin.

Such beings made them sick to their stomach, and the nauseating light would only bolster those sentiments to levels of pure revulsion. Not many remembered the history of old as it was wiped away by those of the light. So it was their sworn duty to hold onto what little history remained….and wait….wait until the day a Demon would return. Whether in full power, or simply being born upon these lands. They bid their time until something permanent remained. And such, they did not stir when the lesser of their orders, or fellow mortals in search of power, called to the old beings that be. Hoping to be bless with strength, magic, or their desires met so long as they fulfilled their end of the bargain.

Light by New Colors Img_0811

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Light by New Colors Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 8:01 pm


”Is it true?” Words uttered by a man sitting in a dark blue cushioned chair, he was in a room with a small handful of other men. There was a book cracked up on his lap and his eyes never left the page. His voice would also hint at his lack of intrigue. The older man could not be bothered to spare his attention on something that didn’t matter, something that would only injure his hopes further in the long run. Even if many of the individuals beside him attested to the news they just brought him.

But as a good old friend of his slid through the doorway, and took the empty seat beside him. His narrow eyes widened as he shifted his gaze to greet him, still skeptical, but not as apprehensive. ”Didn’t think I’d see you here brother….do I take it as…fact?” The gentlemen pulled back, in his gesture he almost shut his book entirely without setting a bookmark in place.


Light by New Colors Img_0811

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Light by New Colors Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 8:10 pm


”Oh it would indeed seem so, my friend. You know I do well to keep competent informants around, even with how much time passed us by. It doesn’t hurt to always be sure, as they say and my men got back to me I’d say, two days prior.” The grin on his face was a warm was, as his voice handled the words with care. Though the man was also eager, giddy even to deliver the news, he kept his emotions tempered so as to let his friend have the space needed to take it all in.

”Yes, well…….we prepared for this day, yes?” He was winded from the acceptance. It never occurred to him that he would see the day of this passing within his life time. Not after witnessing both his grandmother and father watching every passing day. He’d have to send word to his own daughter real soon, so that she may rejoice and the celebrate together.


Light by New Colors Img_0811

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Light by New Colors Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 8:38 pm


”That we have Martin. So perhaps it is time get things started. Shall we?” There was a chuckle to his voice, he was indeed quite pleased by the turn of events, as well as the reaction to his good friend. Lawrence leaned over slightly, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his dress pants pocket. He handed it over to one of the younger men sitting in the same room with them, and he’d open it up eager to see what was inside.

Call for the hounds, said the note, followed by the signature of his name. It was clear that this was simply a task to be carried out, so the young man followed by two more went off to see it done. That only left three within the room, including Lawerence himself.

Martin, no longer interesting in the tomb he was reading, would toss it upon the desk beside him. Getting up to walk over to the phone. He already had an idea of what could have been in the note, so it didn’t interest him. But the reaction of his daughter would.


Light by New Colors Img_0811

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Light by New Colors Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 8:50 pm


”Tell me son, what do you know about the old world? What do you know about the Demons of the past?” His voice was cheeky, almost brimming with a reason to talk should the lad give him one. And sure enough, the young man did just that. Recanting the little knew from listening to his own father. This pleased Lawerence, who sat back and listened patiently. All the while, Martin was on the phone with his girl. His enthusiasm could be felt throughout the room and it bolster the young man as he told his story.

”Very well son, seems like your father taught you well. But there is still just so much more of the story you are yet to know, no fault of the old man mind you, there’s simple just a limit to what could be passed on to the uninitiated.” Lawrence go up, holding his tongue for just a bit longer.

”I’ll need you to do me a favor. Call the rest within your rank and have them meet on the temple grounds. It’s finally time to get everyone back to speed if we what to make the most of the blessing were presented now.”

1,238 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

Curtain Call

Light by New Colors Img_0811

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