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One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.)

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#1Judith Karlinius 

One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:31 pm

Judith Karlinius
Attempting to lay some what low was easy for Judith, but it was worrying when Judith had not been spotted over all with in magnolia for a few days and no one in the guild knew where she was, Any attempts to knock on her door was met with her husband telling people to leave because they where not welcomed here. Which made the matter at hand even more worrying to anyone who had actually paid attention for Judith always told at least one person where she went when she disappeared, In this case Anders did actually know but most people could not figure out a way to get him to tell them.

Having brought herself a quiet place mostly left uncheck by most people Judith was back in the area she set up with her family a while a go. She was here to removed all of the dead flowers and plant new ones for the spring. She seemed about half way done the task she had removed all of the dead plants and seemingly was just laying in the field. looking upon the sky asking her anything at this point would yield that she seemed to be in a state of almost confusion she could not explain how long she had been here, Just it was day time when she was here to start with. But her mind was drifting away in many different thoughts.

It was almost like Judith was in a trance in some manner, she was staring blanky up at the sky and that was it. the only sign she was still alive was the fact you could see the stomach raising and falling from breathing. This graveyard looked different with the sunflowers gone, almost like it could be unsettling with Judith just laying there.

#2Judith Karlinius 

One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) Empty Fri May 12, 2023 5:24 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was worrying to ponder upon many things and have your thoughts fracture. Judith always considered that a dangerous thing. Just when it happen to her she never really talked about it because she was one who never needed to be worried about in her view, Even if it was not true and she was just trying to get people to go continue their tasks.

Judith needed to most likely address these problems in the future but for now it was not the time, no one needed to see Judith in a state of worry or any way beyond just being herself. The happy there and reliable Guild Mother there was no exceptions to this.

finally getting up from where she was staring upon the sky Judith would finish the work she started out here to start with. Or at least try too anyway. Any previous visitors here last Judith noted left this place leaving it even more empty. Since that day Judith had dread that thought with in her mind, It in some manner emotionally struck Judith harder after the fact rather than when it first happen.

In some manner even now having the power to fix things. There was a moral obligation to never alter time in Judith's view for all it did was risky causing more problems, For if something was meant to happen it was meant to. But staring a gravestone with no body under it when you knew what happen almost felt wrong.

But things had to be in line for a reason and kept secret, Judith had to focus on the things before her now and that is what she did. After all there was still two other people here as well. She knew Regis had not visited them in a long time either, But alas that did not stop Judith to continue planting the green in which would grow around here soon.


One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:39 am


Magnolia magnolia. How the town seemed to roll off at the tip of her tongue. The famous town to the home of the light guild, Fairy Tail. Was a mighty guild of a history linage of powerful mages. Some twisted and hard pasts for sure, some former dark mages that caused trouble to the nation of Fiore started their journeys here. And other became the statues of saviors and guardians. By all means it was a guild that held its ups and downs but respected in its history for sure. And better yet, the best wine location from what Jikan could tell of the rumors. And there was one lady responsible for it!

But there was just one simple small tiny thing. Jikan had no idea where Judith was!! She had a bit of a bad reputation right now, and as much she enjoyed a good fight she did not want to show up at Fairy Tail and have the upstarts turn rowdy and cause Jikan to get active. She was sure if she did not crack some heads too bad Judith would not mind but still. Bahh...

Jikan just walked and walked. An aimless walk that somehow ended in a sacred ground for the dead. A cemetery. With a start Jikan found Judith deep in thought, cleaning graves or rather a specific one. In respect Jikan chose to hold her tongue, keeping her figure leaned against a tree as she watched the guild master of Fairy tail.

wc: 247

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#4Judith Karlinius 

One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:39 am

Judith Karlinius
If anyone really looked into it, Finding Judith was easy. She only expected you to respect rules she set in places in areas, Even this graveyard had rules for she funded it herself. It was a graveyard for the Karlinius family members who passed on. Thus the only people who are more often then naught seen here are Judith and her family members.

Even if most of the time it was Judith and Anders casually cleaning the spot. Working away was simple. The field of sun flowers was easy to maintain for Judith. No one came around and damaged them after all.

With the gravestones cleans and the flowers tended too. Jikan could almost feel like Judith knew she was their the entire time. But Judith being the way she was did often make people expect things at different times. But as Judith seemingly stood still for a moment.

She seeming to have vanish, A smart mind would realize that she most likely just used her magic to do something. But leaving Jikan most likely to ponder what that was.


One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:59 pm


Jikan was quite curious about this situation that she found Judith in. Well, not really in full honesty. It was nothing new for people to visit graves. To give respect to the dead, fallen comrades, loved ones, even the innocent. It was of human nature, even more so for the pure hearted light mages that Judith found herself apart of. Leaving out that she was the guild master of Fairy Tail, the goodiest good children of the Fiorian government. That was just how Judith was, a sweet old lady who had suffered through the ups and downs of time. Not many cleaned the whole graveyard up though, was this a job she was doing or...?

The further she was in thought watching the Fairy Mother, the more the Amazon wonder if her prescence was known. It was not like Jikan was trying to hide after all, and even in the worst hiders in hide and seek would be aware that standing in broad day light, in the sun, uncamouflaged would make you viable from a side glance. Just when Jikan thought she would begin to walk over to her acquaintance finding her done standing still. She just...vanished.

Blink blink blink

Jikan finished taking a couple steps forward before crossing her arms over her chest. Hmmm, she had heard rumors that Judith had acquired a new magic, one that was previously only in possession of Karisa. Chronos Dragon Slayer magic. Maybe that was true after all. "After not seeing each other after so long to get a prank from you? I did not know you were such a jokester", Jikan said in an attempt of a light hearted tone.

wc: 279
twc: 526

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#6Judith Karlinius 

One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 2:43 am

Judith Karlinius
Suppose while there was many things one could ponder about Judith, the most her humour ever was noted was just plays on her nature magic, Or that former nature magic. Suppose was Judith playing a joke.

If it was, It was almost going to be seemingly a bit cruel. But Judith did return. While she was still seemingly the same in looks, There was an odd sense that whatever magical presence one normally felt, Was off. If Jikan knew what void energy was like. It was that feeling. But as this progress.

Judith was giving Jikan a history lessons of this are....but rather then explaining it. Judith was going to show her through time magic. From the various hours Judith and her husband did to work on this place, the progression of Ander's age of a human continuing to show. in his hair graying more and more. The setting up of the bench, The tome stones. Moving the bodies over.

To random passerbys who where not Judith or kin seemingly finding it and either paying their respects or leaving. One young man with short blue hair came by at one point, But as the progress before Jikan showed they would not be around often But he left something on Judina's Grave.

Then slowly the old rusted set of armor showed up at point and fell before the other two graves here. While hearing was hard to make out as they were watching this as a fast forwarding film he was weeping. It was Regis before the current series of events made his life better.

Then, There was the grave robbers who dug up Judina's decaying corpse from it's casket, only to take all of it's armor and it there. seeing past Judith hang over it all to sweep, Being carried away by Anders.

Upon them bringing back the stolen items, for a while the garden of sun flowers and galdius flowers seems to blossom. Then another figure came and stole Judina's body's outright. While two graves next to her seemingly were never touched. Eventually however a figure that looked like Kazimir, returned it.

But eventually the grim parts seem to end. Kaito seemed to have showed up here to pay his respects, Miriko brought Alistair here to let out his owes of his first masters' passing, Miriko made a Judina statue with some help,Alisa for Blue Pegasus left a crystal.

But suppose as the time lapse came to and end and Jikan was brought back to the current time. Judith simply asked."Is it a prank now?"


One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:30 pm


All things as they were, the aged guild master of Fairy Tail was a very unknown individual for Jikan. For a person like Jikan, she did not come off as opposition when they were on different sides to a scale in the past, but not the same. She felt different. Something foreign and trustworthy but needed to be cautious of. This act she was going on with right now was something she did not expect someone of her age, even if she was an elf. Jikan really did not take her as a jokester when they first met so long ago.

When she finally ‘appeared’ again, Jikan tried to get an understanding about what she was feeling. Judith had a different aura about her, she looked the same by all accounts. And as far as she could tell, no longer blessed by her old use of dragon slayer magic, she smelled the same at least. Hair, yep. Eyes, same old color. But, this magical presence felt odd, maybe even, otherworldly.

With a startled blink Jikan found the environment gone. Well, different. The large trees were sprouting seedlings. The worn out stone was freshly layered gravel, it felt like she hovered from this place. A bystander. A man was near suddenly, his appearance foreign to her, but there was someone next to him. It..looked like a younger Judith, maybe? On and on it rolled like a camera film, with the woman slowly changing while the man shifted like he was growing before fading in a shrinking size. The growth and loss of well tone muscles, the graying of hair, the wisdom forming on his face through experiences in life. They moved and took care of it all, creating the bench, the tome stones, the care and burying of bodies. The tears, mourning, the quietness of remembrance.

More and more, images of the past flowed through to Jikan. Pieces of a puzzle that made sense, and others where it was unknown to her ability to comprehend. But soon it was very clear. Faces she knew well enough. Each bringing something. Each showing respect and sadness. Honor. Love.

With reality, time, coming back to the present. Jikan felt a bit, overwhelmed with all of the information given at once. It was a lifetime of events, long and heavy, coming quick to this red headed by stander. But at Judith’s words Jikan slowly walked up. Giving a second as she stood before the grave but kneeling down and giving a soft pat to the stone tomb. “So this is your family rests. I am sorry to have bothered you then, Judith”.

wc: 439
twc 968

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc

#8Judith Karlinius 

One Flower's Sunny Reminder, Of Things Far In The Past.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:05 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith did not seem like she was bothered if anything she had questions for her. But first she patted Jikan on the shoulder. Judith's point was made entirely for a reason and she would reveal it now."It was to show you, how important this place is. Hopefully you will forgive me for such a large emotional brick."Judith mentioned as she stood beside what Mirko made that long time a go. it was as clean as the day it was left there.

Judith might just go on flowing with thought."Here it reminds me at times...I miss these three...But I need to remember to be able to try and live life even with the loss i feel."Judith mentioned almost like it was a mention to herself more then anything.

The it would be Judith with the questions for the moment."What are you doing here? After all a well known Dark mage going to a grave year of a known legal mage's daughter, Most people might not assume good."While Judina's grave was touched and affected. Regis' wife and daughters grave;s where clean and left untouched. Judith was trying to not make it seem like Jikan was up to trouble. If anything the fact that Judith was here to talk to her was most likely the benefit to the problem.

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