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Fire and Light, Bright as Day [Toga]

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Fire and Light, Bright as Day [Toga] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 1:49 pm


Yuurei thought he had it; when he fought Lumikki he thought he had reached the pinnacle of mastery of his swords. Still, something felt off, and he didn’t know what it was; where he was, wasn’t the best he could do. No, like his other weapons, he could do better than this, and he planned on figuring out what he was missing. Leviathan had fought eight battles within the Arena of Champions, a place where he had enjoyed his time and wondered how much more he would enjoy here.

Another day, meant more chances to fight, and the people who hosted the events of these battles had decided today was another day for battle. They looked at the people that they had on their list. There were plenty of fighters that they could use today, but two of them stood out to them. There was Yuurei, who had been running around with the alias of Leviathan. A strong man, and one who seemed to have no limits to what he could do. They chose him for today’s fight, and the other, his previous fight had shown that he was strong and had a lot of potential.

They had reached out to Toga to participate in this fight against Leviathan. Yuurei of course, felt that there was something in this fight that he was going to need to master every weapon that he had owned. He didn’t have the mastery that Brone had with his axes, but he wanted something close to it. The Seraphim had decided to use something he had found within the Icy Cavern in Iceberg. It was the place where he had killed a bunch of Voidfrost Hollow, and it was the place where something had attached themselves to him.

He couldn’t believe this, but it seemed like these sentient beings found themselves latching onto him.

“Yuurei are we fighting today? You think you can handle using me?” The Venom parasite asked him as a little face appeared next to Yuurei’s shoulder.

The Seraphim wasn’t used to that just yet. He was comfortable with Migi, but that was a bit creepy as well in the beginning.

“And now we have another one living in Yuurei. You guys got to pay rent, I was here first.” He said to Venom.

“Come here and make me little arm.” He said to Migi.

Shuten and Leviathan couldn’t believe this but they were living with another thing in this Seraphim. Yuurei shook his head as he looked at the two of them.

“Behave you two. If Venom is staying you two better get along.” He said to the two of them.

Yuurei was at the gate already as he was going to be testing out his Symbiote Suit alongside weapons. He was wearing his regular outfit for the time being as Venom had shown up instantly whenever he wanted to. The only thing he had with him was his Lerzar’s Dreadwatcher in one of his hands. He was more comfortable showing his arms in battle or when there was a battle about to happen, so all four of his arms were out. They had all wielded a blade of their own, one of them being a floating ball around the palm of his hand.

That was where he was holding his helmet ready to put it on at any moment. The Seraphim only had four swords, and he was wielding them all at the same time today; he felt like he needed to do this to bring out what he was missing.

“Alright let’s do our what we need to do guys.” He spoke to his team as the cape flew around him showing them he was also here before going on Yuurei’s back.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, how are we all doing today?!” He asked as the crowd cheered with excitement.

“That’s what I like to hear! Today we have ourselves a good fight. I don’t think these two have ever fought in the arena, but we will bring one of them out here right now. In this side of the arena, you all know him, he has been in the arena taking down his opponent left and right. He is currently destroying the arena at seven wins and zero losses, give it up for Leviathan or as a lot of you know him now Yuurei!” He shouted as Yuurei’s gate would open up.

When it was all the way to the top, Yuurei would walk into the arena with a smile on his face as he walked to the arena. When he walked onto it he looked around as he raised one of his swords up as he did turn about for the audience. They would cheer for him as they were waiting for the next person to show up. Yuurei wondered who he was fighting today, and he hoped that this would be good.


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Migi's Arm:


Fire and Light, Bright as Day [Toga] Empty Yesterday at 7:12 am

The Arena of Champions stood as a colosseum of dreams and nightmares, a crucible where the fire of combat forged legends. This hallowed ground, nestled within the heart of Seven, pulsed with an energy that transcended mere spectacle. It was a living, breathing entity, fed by the fervor of countless spectators and the raw ambition of those who dared to step into its unforgiving embrace.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its golden rays upon the arena's weathered stone, anticipation crackled through the air like lightning. The stands groaned under the weight of an ever-swelling crowd, a sea of faces alight with bloodlust and wonder. Here, in this grand amphitheater of human spirit, fortunes were made and shattered with each clash of steel, each burst of arcane might.

Tōga, still a neophyte in this realm of controlled chaos, found himself at the epicenter of the storm. The dragon slayer, accustomed to the unpredictable ebb and flow of true combat, now grappled with the artificial constraints of organized spectacle. Yet, even as the unfamiliar pressure of expectation settled upon his shoulders, a part of him recognized the crucible for what it was—an unparalleled opportunity for growth, a forge in which to temper his skills against the finest blades Earthland had to offer.

The muffled roar of the crowd penetrated even the thick walls of the vestibule, a constant reminder of the Trial by fire that awaited. Tōga's keen senses, honed by years of battle, picked up the telltale signs of his opponent's arrival—a surge in the crowd's fervor, a shift in the very air of the arena.

"Well, it's time to go, huh, Strigr-chan?" Tōga's voice carried a mix of excitement and trepidation as he addressed his draconic companion. The majestic creature, its scales a shimmering tapestry of azure hues, offered a silent nod of encouragement. With a deep breath, Tōga rose, the weight of his armaments a comforting presence as he strode towards tomorrow.

As the gates parted, Tōga was assaulted by a tidal wave of sensory overload. The sudden burst of sunlight momentarily blinded him, while the deafening roar of the crowd threatened to overwhelm his enhanced hearing. Yet, even as he blinked away the spots dancing before his eyes, Tōga's spirit soared. This was it—the moment of truth, the crucible in which his mettle would be tested. Gradually, as his vision cleared, Tōga's gaze locked onto the figure standing thirty meters away. Recognition dawned, bringing with it a surge of exhilaration that set his draconic blood afire.

"Oooooi! Yuurei-sama!" The cry burst from Tōga's lips, unbidden and unrestrained. Zangetsu, his faithful black steel companion, carved an arc through the air as Tōga waved with unabashed enthusiasm.

There, poised like a statue carved from living ice, stood Yuurei—the snow-haired enigma whose name was whispered in reverent tones across the continent. Rumors spoke of power enough to bring nations to their knees, of magical prowess that defied comprehension. And now, by some twist of fate or grand design, Tōga found himself face to face with this living legend.

A grin, equal parts fierce joy and nervous anticipation, spread across Tōga's features. Their previous encounter had been but a fleeting moment, a mere prelude to this grand symphony of combat that was about to unfold. In the clash of steel and magic that awaited, Tōga knew he would glean more insight into Yuurei's true nature than a thousand conversations could ever reveal.

As the two warriors locked eyes across the arena, time seemed to slow. The roar of the crowd faded to a distant murmur, irrelevant in the face of the connection forged between these two titans of combat. In that moment, Tōga felt a profound sense of gratitude—for this opportunity, for the path that had led him here, for the chance to test himself against the very best.

The air crackled with potential energy, heavy with the promise of the spectacle to come. As the officiator's voice rang out, signaling the imminent start of the bout, Tōga's entire being thrummed with anticipation. This was more than just a fight; it was a chance to etch his name into the annals of history, to prove his worth not just to the roaring masses, but to himself.

With Strigr's silent support at his back and the indomitable spirit of a dragon coursing through his veins, Tōga readied himself for the challenge of a lifetime. Win or lose, he knew that this day would mark a turning point in his journey—a vessel from which he would emerge forever changed, forged anew in the fires of combat against one of Earthland's mightiest mages.

wc: 792
Combat Log:


Fire and Light, Bright as Day [Toga] Empty Yesterday at 10:07 am


Yuurei would see who he was facing; he was surprised honestly to be able to see Toga here. He honestly, didn’t think he would bump into him in the arenas, but here he was. That was nice and he figured that they were always going to cross in battle one day. This was the best place he could think of and he couldn’t wait to see what he could do. Still, the roaring of the people here was enjoyable for him and he heard Toga screaming toward him. He had seen him waving at him, and he had a smile appear on his face. He would wave at him back, but before that, he would put on his helmet.

It was then the wave of his free hand would start as the black orb followed the direction it was waving.

“So, you’re my opponent today, Toga. I’m glad to see you and it seems like you’ve gotten stronger since last time.” He could tell just from his gear alone.

It was different from the first time he had met, and he wondered just how strong he become.

After a few seconds of waving his hand, he placed it back to its original position. They were going to be fighting soon, and that was something he had to get ready for. This was a fight for the people and the entertainment that they were hoping to get here.

His stance changed as the weapon of four occupied his hands. His Zabimaru locked into its hidden form, as the same with Samehada. Fragarch had felt the activation needed from Yuurei revealing the blade made from the orb itself. Then there was Excalibur, it was already, invisible to those who couldn’t see through invisibility.

“Yuu can you call me Anti from now on? I don’t like the name Venom.” He said as he was speaking to him on his shoulder.

Yuurei nodded as he was fine with that and when Anti saw that he agreed he figured it was time to cover Yuurei’s body. The Symbiotic Suit would start forming and appearing around Yuurei. While this happened, Yuurei’s appearance would start to change as well as wings would come out from his back. His hair was whiter and brighter than before his eyes golden with life and the energy he had was different from before.

His body was covered in a white and black skintight suit with what looked like an insect on the front of his chest. His helmet had not been covered though and he just stared at Toga. He had also brought all of his weapons to turn from their respective element to light. When the announcer told them to start, Yuurei figured he would do just that. His Samehada had unwrapped itself from its bandages becoming more volatile than it was before. It wasn’t just that, but Yuurei’s Zabimaru would also start changing as well.

“Awakening Zabimaru.” Yuurei let out those words and the blade would start to change its form.

It went from one type of blade to a different type of weapon completely. It was much larger than before as the entirety of the weapon itself reached up to twenty-five meters. It wasn’t just that, the spine-like blade had a serpent as the edge of the sword. It looked at Toga as if it were ready to attack the young man.

“Alright I guess I will start things off.” He said this and as soon as those words were spoken his wings flapped and he pushed himself in the direction of Toga.

He was going to test him out first before he used any of his spells. A simple swing would do the trick and as he got close to him he decided to swing with his Samehada first. The reveal of the purple blades and the mouth of the weapon as it was hungry to absorb the power of Toga. Yuurei swing was aiming for his side of Toga aiming for his armor first.

“How have you been?! Still, not interested in joining me?!” He asked with a smile on his face as he knew he was a Rune Knight.

Yuurei had the other three swords ready to make a move if they needed to at the moment. His eyes focused as he wanted to make sure he had a grasp of Toga’s condition before anything else.

Action Log:

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Migi's Arm:


Fire and Light, Bright as Day [Toga] Empty Yesterday at 11:44 am

Yuurei was an enigma cloaked in the form of a man, a being whose very existence seemed to bend reality to his will. His power, a colossal vortex, radiated outwards, enveloping him in an aura that crackled with celestial energy. When their paths first crossed on Luluhawa Island, Tōga had sensed the immense strength within Yuurei, a realization that intensified as they faced each other in the arena. Yuurei's essence pulsed and shimmered, a luminous beacon of otherworldly power.

While such an awe-inspiring spectacle might have intimidated others, Tōga was enthralled. This was not a threat, but an invitation, a challenge that ignited the dragon slayer's spirit. Tōga, ever the inquisitive warrior, watched with keen interest as Yuurei prepared for battle. The ritualistic placement of his helmet, the enigmatic stance suggesting unseen weapons, and the dramatic transformation that followed - a swirling maelstrom of cosmic ink that morphed his attire into a stark, monochrome armor.

With the addition of four arms, glowing eyes, and ethereal wings that unfurled from his back, Yuurei's metamorphosis was complete. He now stood as something more than mortal, a being that defied definition. Reacting to the palpable shift in the air, Tōga felt his own mana surge in response, a fiery tide that called forth the draconic essence within him. Scales as red as smoldering coals wove across his skin, his eyes narrowed into slits of predatory focus, and his canines elongated into ferocious fangs. His Dragon Force awakened in full, a testament to his readiness to meet Yuurei’s challenge head-on.

Yuurei, now fully armed and eerily majestic, wielded his weapons with a grace that belied their deadly intent. The black orb in his hand morphed into a sinister blade, while his other weapon, Zabimaru, transformed into a serpentine behemoth that slithered through the air with lethal precision. Tōga, observing every movement, prepared himself for the inevitable clash.

The dance began with Yuurei's charge, his wings beating like a tempest, propelling him forward with terrifying speed. Tōga's enhanced senses screamed a warning as Samehada, the most grotesque of Yuurei's arsenal, lashed out towards his side. In that split second, Tōga's mind calculated trajectories, angles, and possibilities.

With a burst of strength that belied his mortal frame, Tōga launched himself skyward. His leap carried him over the horizontal sweep of Samehada, a hair's breadth separating him from its ravenous teeth. In the same fluid motion, Tōga brought Rengoku's Kimetsu to bear, its fiery edge arcing towards Yuurei's chest in a daring counterattack1.

Zangetsu remained poised at Tōga's side, ready to parry any follow-up from Samehada's direction. The dragon slayer's cape billowed behind him, a feathery banner that spoke of his indomitable spirit. In this moment of vulnerability, suspended in mid-air, Tōga embodied the essence of his fighting philosophy – calculated risks tempered by unwavering courage.

Oooi, Yuurei-sama! You’re persistent!

As the blades closed in on their respective targets, time seemed to slow. The roar of the crowd faded to a distant murmur, irrelevant in the face of this cosmic clash. In Yuurei's four-armed, winged form, Tōga saw not just an opponent, but a mirror reflecting the infinite possibilities of power. Every move in this deadly ballet carried the weight of worlds, each decision a potential turning point in a battle that transcended mere physical combat.

Mindful of Yuurei's other occupied hands, as well as the looming threat of Zabimaru and the advent of the suit, the dragonslayer made sure to keep an avenue open for himself in the event of a potential escape.

wc: 631 [1423]
Combat Log:


Fire and Light, Bright as Day [Toga] Empty Yesterday at 7:52 pm


Yuurei had noticed that the young man had started to change his form. He knew what it was as he had seen it from Kaito; this was Dragon Force, something that many Dragon Slayers had if they trained enough. It seemed like Toga had access to this power too, which was a good thing. This made the Seraphim know that this man would become another strong person within the world. When he swung his blade, he had done a simple swipe to Toga, but he had missed his mark. The Seraphim had a smirk on his face as he could see that Toga had leaped into the air to avoid being hit.

That was interesting, and he wondered if the young man had a way to avoid being hit if Yuurei had chosen to attack him in the air. When this happened, the danger he had sensed from Toga had arrived. It seemed that the man was trying to cut him with the beautiful katana that had come out from its sheathe. The Warden had the option to take a step back and move out of the way of Toga’s blade. Still, he decided he wouldn’t take a step back, no he decided to take his Antivenom Symbiotic Suit for a spin. The blade would cut Yuurei’s armor, and the damage would be done, but it wouldn’t stop there. The Symbiotic suit would take negative to what Toga had done and tendrils would come out and it would hit Toga’s armor.

The Seraphim had a smirk on his face as he figured he would continue on with what he had planned to do from the start. While Toga had cut him, Yuurei had stopped his Samehada’s swing and had snapped it in the direction of where Toga was. It wasn’t just that, but he had also swung Zabimaru. The Serpent sword started moving as it rushed toward Toga from above him as he was ready to crash into Toga.

“Me persistent? I am indeed, but nice moves Toga, I didn’t think you would jump into the air to avoid my attack. Not a lot of people do that, because of how hard it is to dodge once you in the air.” He said to Toga as he was attacking him.

Anti had been harmed and he wasn’t happy about that, but he figured that if he had been harmed, he would have harmed the person who did it as well.

“Yuu he hurt me.” He said to the Seraphim.

He ignored him for the time being as his focus was on Toga. Migi would appear on his arm, and he laughed at him.

“It hurt, doesn’t it? You will be alright though.” He said to Anti as he looked at Toga and Yuurei’s fight.

The Seraphim had plans within this fight, but he wanted to see what Toga would do next. He had two other hands that were free and ready to be used whenever he had to.

The crowd was cheering and roaring with what was happening right now. The two of them had attacked each other, Yuurei looked like he had been harmed, while Toga hadn’t been hit at first, but those tendrils had attacked him right after. This fight was moving quickly and they were anticipating with what would happen next.


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Migi's Arm:

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