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V. Bloodbane

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V. Bloodbane Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 5:33 pm



Name: Bloodbane

Slot: Weapon

Type: Sword

Class: Mythic

Weight: One-Handed

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Damage: +100

Durability: 3x S-rank


Description: Bloodbane is a sinister sword with a dark and formidable aura. Its hilt is adorned with multiple menacing spikes, and several golden chains extend from the blade, wrapping around the wielder's hand and arm. These chains embed into the user's flesh, ensuring the sword can never be disarmed but inflicting constant pain and damage that bypasses any form of protection. The blade itself gleams with malevolent energy, hinting at its dark origins and the bloodthirsty nature imbued within.

Measurements: The sword is 40 inches in total length, with a blade that is 30 inches long and 2 inches wide. The hilt is 10 inches long and decorated with intricate yet ominous designs.


Requirements: None.

Bonus: None.

Drawback: The sword deals 1x B-rank damage to the user per turn directly to the user's Constitution, bypassing any resistance or armor due to the chains burrowing into the user's flesh.


  • Bloodthirst: The sword recovers 1x A-rank damage per post if damaged. Excess blood drips off dramatically when no healing is needed.
  • Unyielding Grip: The blade cannot be stolen or disarmed from the user's possession due to the chains embedded in their flesh.
  • Extended Reach: The user can release the sword, allowing its chains to extend its reach by 1 meter without reducing its damage output.

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