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The Pest Problem.

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The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:01 pm

Emil was called upon to start cleaning out some buildings of rats that had started coming in and damaging them as well as the threat of them passing on sicknesses to the people that ran the businesses and the people that were coming to them. Emil figured that this will be easy enough to do and Indiana was at his side and seemed like he was also ready to help him to kill some rats and set up traps and other things that would help to detour them from coming back to these places. He knows that he will probably never be anything better or more important than he already was in the Paradise Dawn guild but he still needed to do requests to make sure that he and his children don't go poor and starve. Emil walked toward the first place that had contracted him to clear out the rats and Indiana was leading him with the request in his hands.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:01 pm

They walked in and Emil can hear the rats in the walls and moving around in the store and the poor woman that was looking at him was nearly crying when she had seen him walk in. "Thank god you are here, you have to help me and get rid of these rats they are ruining my business." She is pointing around her and looked as if she was losing her mind for the amount of stress that the rats were giving her and the amount of business that she was losing from the problem being her and she needed it fixed now as there was no time to keep ignoring it like she had been trying to do up until it had gotten to bad and now she was getting close to have to having to lose her shop. Emil agrees that he will help her of course as they were going to get paid for this job and this was the first of the three shops that he was contracted to clean up and set up traps and other things.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:01 pm

Emil put on his gauntlets and he charges them up his lightning magic and he makes a ball of lightning in his palm and he changed the element of it and then let it float out of his hand and he watches where it goes and it entered a hole in the wall and he can hear the rats getting chain attacked by the spell killing them and his companion headed to the wall and puts another tool into the wall so he can see and extract the bodies of the small rats that were in this shops wall as this was the easier part of the shop clean up as these ones were just the regular sized rats the other two shops had bigger and meaner rats. Emil pulled deterrents from his bag and he charged them with his special lightning magic they will keep rats out of this business and if any dare to come in they will be killed by them. He is unsure how much this person would have been able to take as these small rats were loud and annoying.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:01 pm

He and Indiana head for the next shop which was a bigger building that had a storage space behind it and he was met and told that the be rats were in the storage space and was ruining wares for the shop and they needed to be cleared out as fast as he can and Emil agreed that he needed to do that. They are given the key to the storage area and Emil opened the large area and there are dog sized rats that were there and they started rushing out toward him to attack him and they looked a bit rabid and Emil once again charged up his gauntlets and lets the lightning fly into the group of rats that were running at them and they seemed to get dealt with swiftly but more started to come out of the other corners of the storage area and Emil started fist fighting them.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:01 pm

His gauntlets at the ready and enjoying the sounds of the rats bones breaking as he made contact with them as he glowed with a yellow aura as he had buffed himself in speed and strength to make sure that he could keep up with them and make sure he can break them with a bit more effectiveness as he needed to make sure that there was a force behind his punches. Emil hearing Indiana warning him dodged attacks from rats that had circled around him and were going for him. Emil made a tighter fist and delivered strong punches to the rats that were coming after him and making short work of them. He made another ball of lightning magic that he turned to arcane and tossed it out and it went straight to more rats that were hidden deeper in the storage area and the ball hit them and spread killing off the last of the rats that were there.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:02 pm

Emil charged up more of the deterrents and with the help of Indiana set them up so that the rats will not come back unless they wished to die then cleaned out the bodies of the rats returning the key to the owner of the shop and they looked at him weird as Emil had rat blood on himself and he seemed to not even mind that he was covered in the blood. Emil headed for the last shop that he is to be helping to clear out and he walked up to the entrance. "You think this will be a hard one Indiana?" He saw the size of the place and he nodded that this one was going to be a hard on to clear and he walked in with Emil and they saw bear sized rats in this one and Emil guessed that is why no one was in this building to greet them as there were monster sized rats in this one and they were not looking to be nice at all.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:02 pm

Emil jumped in place and got himself pumped up as he was about to be in the thick of it and he buffs up his speed and strength with his strongest buff spells that he could use as he was going to run in and start running through the monstrous rats that were in front of him and Emil signaled for the exceed to stay back and not come in unless he told him to do so. Emil is not sure if he can really handle these rats but there was only one way to find out. Emil charged up his gauntlets with lightning and went running and trying to fight them and shocking them and watching them falling over. He was doing good damage just they were tanky and were standing back up after the shock from the lightning wore off of them, Emil was going to have to use stronger spells and hope for the best as he was going to get killed other wise.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:02 pm

Emil used his buffed speed to jump back and dodge attacks while weaving lightning punches into the mix so he hits then the lightning fist spell hits right behind it on a slight delay and it seemed to be working better as the lightning punch would then jump to the next rat and then to the next if they were in range of the strike and that was making this seem far easier for Emil but it was eating through his mana and that was going to make this a bit of a harder fight for him, if it keeps going for too long as he was already sustaining buffs on himself and that was something that he needed to keep doing so he didn't slow down and end up rat food. Indiana watched and cheered Emil on as he was punching and tossing the very big rats like a hero fighting beasts.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:02 pm

"Watch out you idiot they are starting to drop in." Indiana had seen the ceiling starting to hang lower as the rats started to break through the ceiling and down toward and with that quick warning Emil was able to use his rumble cage and the rats fell onto it and got fried by it and he used the moment that the rats couldn't just run in on him to catch his breath and he hoped that he could get a good amount of time to rest and come to terms with the issues that there might be here to deal with. Indiana thinks it is smart that Emil is taking the time to rest instead of just running in farther and get himself surrounded as the rumble cage wears off. Emil is ready when the rats finally break through the lightning cage that had surrounded him to keep him safe.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:02 pm

Emil transforms into his thunder god form which was something that he had never used and lightning spells flew from his fists and the drums released thunderous sounds making the rats scream out in pain as they were deafened by the thunderous sounds of drums so they could no longer coordinate with the others and the lightning spells were ripping through the rats bouncing the spell around and around taking them out and not stopping as more spells joined the mix bouncing around. The souls in his cape are excited and changed the spells into arcane and making them home to other hidden targets. The souls wanted more power as this form of Emil's made so much noise. They wanted new bodies but Emil couldn't give them that as he was not going to learn how to do that as he was making his life better and he wasn't a murderer.


The Pest Problem. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:02 pm

The rats had all died and Emil released his transformation and turned back to normal and they started to clean up the mess of the dead rats and to make sure that he hadn't gone over board and did any damage to the place. Once he had made sure that he had not done damage to the store he got the bodies out side as the exceed took the charged deterrents and the traps and placed them around to make sure that the rats will not be coming back. Once Indiana had finished placing them around in the spots that they needed to be in they both left the building toward the place that they could turn in that they had finished the quest and then get paid for it. Indiana told Emil that he is really going to need to get cleaned up and that he would help the lightning mage to get all the rat blood out of his clothes and skin cause that can't be good for him.
(1,819/1,750) (30% wc from companion and gauntlet) (exit)

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