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Walk of the Land 1

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Walk of the Land 1 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:41 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been out of shape with handling quest within Earthland. He didn’t care for it, but as of lately, he was fighting more. He felt like he needed to get stronger because of it and that was why he was taking on one today. He had visited the North to see Lumikki, but now he was finishing some stuff here. He had taken a quest this was to handle some spirts within the Woods. It seemed like the situations of bandits had caused harmless spirits to become eviler through the agitation they felt things became worse.

The board had asked for someone to handle the situation through two means. They could get rid of them through force or find out what they could do to calm the spirits. Drakkon didn’t have time to find a solution to the problem, so he decided to get rid of the spirits through force.

He was in the area with Bai Long not too far from him. The two of them didn’t work together, and his egg was still with him.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Walk of the Land 1 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:52 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon wasn’t going to be using Bai Long in this. He didn’t need the horse to finish this. He moved through the woods as he hated being here. The nature here felt as if they were trying to play a trick on him. It was not something he enjoyed as chaos it was what he wanted and confusion. While moving around, he was trying to follow the direction of where he needed to go. He knew that this wasn’t the only place that had evil spirts, and when he finished this quest he would tackle another right away.

“You are getting stronger every day Drakkon, but do you think you can handle fighting your father?” He asked him.

“I don’t know, but I do know that I need the power of the other dragons to be able to fight him without me being a hindrance.” He said to himself as they were getting closer to their destination.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Walk of the Land 1 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:02 am

Go D. Drakkon
It wouldn’t take long, but Drakkon had arrived at the location. It looked a little creepy in the area, but it was not something that would get under his skin. He didn’t care and he actually liked the vibes right now.

“Alright here goes nothing.” He spoke to Luci as he entered the place.

When he got there, he could see that the place was dead. There wasn’t any sign of life, which was to be expected. His eyes scanning the area trying to look for anything. There was nothing around right now, and it didn’t seem like there was anything planning something. Of course, danger wouldn’t take long to kick in. He felt something in the air, and it was due to the power of what he called divinity. This power allowed him to do a lot with his surrounding and never be caught in a situation where he didn’t see something bad coming.

155| 490

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Walk of the Land 1 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:08 am

Go D. Drakkon
It was then something was coming from behind him. It had lashed out on him for being here. Drakkon felt it and he dodged it to his right before seeing something for just a second. It disappeared for a second, and he took in a deep breath before he did anything else. When another attacked had come his way, he exhaled, and he dodged again as he crouched to avoid the incoming attack.

The spirit saw that he had dodged twice, and with that it decided to do something else. Drakkon wasn’t sure what was coming next, but he was careful and waiting for something to happen. His scales appearance through his skin as he was ready to demolish this creature and everything that it thought it was capable of.

He saw a bunch of things floating into the air. These things varied throughout anything that was in the place and he figured they would all be thrown to him at the same time.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Walk of the Land 1 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:15 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon waited and that was when all the attacks would come at him at once. The objects had been launched at him, and he had a smirk on his face. He moved around the area dodging the attacks with minimal movements. He felt relaxed in this form, but it wasn’t enough. He needed to be stronger and be able to take people out with pure strength. He was pretty sure that fighting people like Yuurei, Brone, or Ikazuchi he needed more.

Still, he would activate his spell and a dragon would appear. The dragon had rushed in the direction of where the Son of chaos felt like he saw the spirit last. The spirit was surprised by this as it barely dodged the attack. It seemed like this man wasn’t scared of any of this which enraged the spirit even more. Drakkon had a smirk on his face because he could feel the anger it had towards him.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Walk of the Land 1 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:31 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had looked around t hara and while he was doing that he would unsheathe his blade. He was going to finish this with his Yamato. His Enma had become stronger as it had come out of it sheathe now. Still, it was still awakening, and he couldn’t wait to use its full power soon.

It was then the spirit would rush toward Drakkon trying to take a hit on him. When he felt this, he turned to the direction the spirit was coming from and he would swing his blade at it. His Enma was ready to kill, but it would go through the spirit. That was what he thought was going to happen. He figured he would use Yamato now to catch the spirit off guard now that it thought it knew he couldn’t hit him.

The spirit had turned to face Drakkon, showing itself to the Devourer. He looked at it with a smirk on his face ready to put this thing to rest.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Walk of the Land 1 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:37 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was ready for it and the spirit didn’t like that he was too calm for this. The spirt felt like something was wrong, but it had to be careful now. Still, it rushed toward him without a problem, and when he pulled Yamato to slash the creature, he would miss again. The spirit had felt fear for a second because of the sword, but when it saw it did nothing, it was relieved.

The Son of Chaos had looked at it as he could see that it had gotten calmer, but was still a vengeful spirit. Now that it was bringing its guard down, he knew what he was going to do. He took a deep breath once again as the spirit was rush toward him again.

“I guess this brings your days as a spirit to an end.” He said to the creature.

It didn’t know what he meant, but it would find out soon enough.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

Walk of the Land 1 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 10:43 am

Go D. Drakkon
The spirit had rushed straight to Drakkon as it was going to attack him this time. He saw his, and he would swing Yamato once again. This time he activated his strongest spell. A bunch of dimensional slashes would aim for the evil spirit. The difference dimension the two were in was something else, and with his blade that wouldn’t matter.

It would slice the spirit up, and when it felt the attack, it would screech throughout the entire room they were in. The Devourer Dragon Slayer saw this, and he would sheathe his blades as that was the end of this. It wasn’t a hard fight, but he wanted to get the spirits guard down before ending its undead life. When he was finished here he would more out of the place. He knew his job wasn’t done here. There were more spirits to take care of which meant that he would get more jewels for the job.

159|1286 (50% 10% WCR Guild perk 3, 25% Enma, 20% Joyan Obi)


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