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Go D. Drakkon's Husbandry

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Go D. Drakkon's Husbandry Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:02 pm

Go D. Drakkon


Name: Hai Gone

Slot: Companion

Race: Dragon

Class: Evolved Mythic - 102

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Mana: 3000

  • Strength: 412
  • Speed: 1
  • Constitution: 320


Height: 8 meters³ in Dragon Form|6 Feet in Human Form
Weight: 1,560 lbs. Dragon Form| 360 lbs. in Human Form

Appearance: Hai gone is a huge black and purple dragon. His outer scales are black and within certain areas between the black scales are purple hue of mana pulsing from those section. Under him or around his belly you can find a more purple color throughout his torso and chest. Hai’s Dragon bicep is the same way showing the purple color muscles. His hair has a purple color to it as it goes down to his neck. He has two dragon hors that come out and are long. His wings have purple scales that glow and pulse with mana as well. His tail is big, fat and long. It has a black and purple color, and it’s covered with dragon scales all over. This is where a lot of the weight on Hai is located.

In his humanoid form, Hai still has scales around him. His arm covered in black scales, and he has pulsing purple mana through his arms. His chest is bare and well built. His wings are black with the area that is used to fly has a purple color to it. His hands have scales and he has sharp claws for each finger. His tail is also long as well being all black with purple under the tail. Hai’s eyes are purple and he has two horns on top of his head. His hair is black and messy and he has pointy ears. Hai where’s black pants to cover any human parts, and keeps his feet uncovered by shoes or anything of the sort.

Description: Hai Gone was hatched the day Tiamat had given him the Egg. He wasn’t sure why, but the young lad had shown up rather quickly. When he had looked in the direction of where Bai Long had been, something ethereal had come out of the horse, and into the egg. It was as if the dragon egg and Bai Long had understood the hope that Drakkon had tried to achieve. It also allowed Bai Long to become free from its wretched horse form and that into a dragon once more. Still, the Dragon in the Egg would swallow up Bai Long, inheriting his temper, and his hatred to those that were not Dragons. It wasn’t the only thing that he had earned though, the Dragon had taken some of Drakkon’s Essence of being the Demigod of Chaos.

Personality: Hai is a quiet dragon, but his glares and his stares show a lot. He is always ready to fight and create chaos wherever he goes. Hai also has this sensation of gluttony; he is always hungry, so he can always be found eating food. He doesn’t like to do much, but follows Drakkon a lot. He feels like everything is a drag, and even though he enjoys fighting, he doesn’t like to do any work in his fights. He will speak when he needs to and he will make sure that he doesn’t disobey father, who he claims Drakkon to be. He enjoys woman as well, but he dislikes going out to party because of all the work it requires. He would rather stay home, but forces himself to go because of Drakkon. He hates humans, but unlike Bai Long, he keeps it to himself, but will be quick to attack them if they say anything stupid or threaten his or Drakkon’s life.


Requirements: Dragon Order Guild Perk 5


  • Speech: Hai is capable of speaking every language throughout Earthland and is capable of using the Dragon tongue as well.
  • Human Form: Hai is able to transform into the shape of human. He keeps some Dragon Feature because he doesn’t want people to mistake for a regular person.

Companion Perks:
  • Fortitude of Growth: This grants the user +50 Constitution per rank in their owner’s Guild.
  • Dragonborn: The user's companion and themselves are linked through an ancient rite that sees their souls intertwined. While this bestows telepathic abilities between both parties, it also makes it so that any damage taken by one party is also taken by the other, and if one side is rendered unconscious the other faints as well.
  • Dragon Scales: Hai’s Dragon Scales are different than most and have magical properties in the sense they affect their spells. This gifts the companion’s ability to have Magical Armor Piercing on Spells.
  • Dragon Charge: Hai’s Dragon has a power that is very different. It has the energy dwelling within itself and gives its magic a special property to be stronger. This gives the companion the ability to have Offense Overcharge on spells.
  • True Flight: This gives the companion the ability to fly 15 meters higher with their flight spells.
  • Chaotic Dragon: Hai has the ability to create chaos to those they hit. This gives them the ability to mitigate the resistance of a person by two instance against arcane magic

Partner Perks:
  • Dragon Speed: Hai gives Drakkon the ability to have his spell move an additional 5 meters per second.


  • Name: Consumption
    Rank: D-S
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Dragon
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 1 Meter
    Cooldown: None
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The Dragon opens their mouth towards an Offensive-type spell that is 1 meter within their range to consume it. The spell dematerializes into mana and is inhaled and consumed by the user. These spells must be of the same element as the respective element of the slayer magic. If the user consumes a spell that has another element combined with it, the damage or effect of the spell will be applied to the portion. Upon consuming a spell that is S-rank or lower, the user will receive the mana that was spent to cast the spell. Should a user try to consume a spell that is one rank higher than them they must instead pay mana equal to the amount used to cast the spell to consume it. Spells that are at least two ranks higher than the user require double the amount of mana to consume.

  • Name: Dragonborn (Merge Spell)
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 5% mana per turn from user and companion
    Requirements: Dragon
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Topic-Wide
    Cooldown: Once Per Thread
    Duration: Sustain
    The Dragon unleashes a bellowing warcry that affects the user's mental state, allowing the two to temporarily merge together to become a fused form of both. This grants the user access to their dragon's attributes and their perks/spells. However, during this transformation, both parties will take damage when hit. This is an ability that can't be nullified.

  • Name: Dragon Flight
    Rank: S+
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Hai
    Type: Supplementary
    Element:  Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Hai being a heavy Dragon uses his magic to coat himself and his wings to fly into the air. While doing this, they are able to fly up to 15 meters and move at their speed. This spell cannot be nullify.

  • Name: Dragon Storm
    Rank: S++ (Autohit, Damage Dealt to Every Equipment Piece, Canceled Sustain Spells, Damage Over Time)
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Hai
    Type: Offensive – Aoe
    Element: Arcane
    Range:  25 Meters
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Hai Gone uses his wings to create something chaotic around them. They can choose anywhere around a specific location and a Chaotic storm appears in the sky. It causes it to rain and have the place in that location get cloudy. Once the spot is located within 25 Meters, this storm covers up to 16 Meters in Diameter. A bolt of what looks like lightning will drop down on everybody but the caster, dealing S Rank damage to the target(s) and all of their items. The spell is so chaotic it also cancel any sustain spells that are currently active and it deals damage over time to everything and everyone that was hit until it goes down to D Rank.

Points Breakdown

  • Guild Mythic SL Companion
  • Guild Perk 5
  • Fortitude of Growth - Guild Perk
  • Dragon Born - Guild Perk
  • Speech – SL Companion
  • Human Form - SL Companion
  • Dragon Speed - 3
  • Dragon Scale – 12
  • Dragon Charge – 12
  • Chaotic Dragon – 24
  • Consumption - Guild Perk
  • Dragonborn - Guild Perk
  • True Flight – 24
  • Dragon Flight - 12
  • Dragon Storm -  15
  • Bonus Mana (if applicable)

Total points Acquired: 102
Total Points Spent: 102

Last edited by Go D. Drakkon on Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:13 pm; edited 8 times in total


Go D. Drakkon's Husbandry Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:48 am

Hey there drakkon! Just two problems

For Chaotic Dragon you can't apply weakness to folks, that isn't a passive that is outside of the mm shop (or thematic to my knowledge). What it can do is mitigate a resistance (physical or magical)

Physical Resistance Mitigation: You ignore up to one instances of physical resistance your target may have when dealing damage. Does not reduce resistances below base.

Magical Resistance Mitigation: You ignore up to one instances of magical resistance your target may have when dealing damage. Does not reduce resistances below base.

As for Dragon Storm, you can't sustain an offensive spell period. You could replace that perk with something else though.

Tag me here when you've made the changes!

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Go D. Drakkon's Husbandry Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 8:12 am

Go D. Drakkon

I changed Chaotic Dragon Perk, let me know if that is okay.

Dragon Storm I changed it, but it does say in the rules of S++ you can sustain an offensive spell

Sustained Offensive/Healing

Let me know if I'm wrong about that, but I did change the spell


Go D. Drakkon's Husbandry Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:53 pm

They both look good.

Sustained Offensive/Healing (Drawback: Mana cost is doubled every turn; Range is limited to touch)

So while you can have sustained offensive/healing it couldn't be an AOE like your prior iteration. If you'd like to change it to something in line with those drawbacks lemme know, if not I can accept it as it is now.


Go D. Drakkon's Husbandry Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:02 pm


This custom has been approved, please create a copy of the item and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section.

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