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{ D } Squeaks in the Night

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#1Altuo Dorian 

{ D } Squeaks in the Night Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:23 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 274 / 500Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Cozy TavernTags : NoneSpells UsedNone
Disturbed and robbed of a peaceful night's rest,

A sluggish figure sat up from the cozy comforts of their soft bed. Rising annoyance twisting their features into a disgruntled mess as they rolled over towards the edge. Light murmurings fumbling from their lips lowly accompanied by a few grumbles of discomfort. Half closed eyes struggled to open at first as groggy senses attempted to find the source of their sleeping troubles. From off in the corner of the inn room they swore they could make out the sounds of something scurrying about and was that squeaking? If not for the intensity of each little chitter growing the rudely awoken gentlemen would swear he was almost dreaming.

Both intrigued and concerned in equal measure, Altuo was motivated to his feet. Knife point ears perking with a curious flick. The noises that danced around him becoming more numerous as seconds ticked by. Though unable to place the culprit at first, with enough looking around he spotted something from out of the corner of his eye. The frantic skittering of several small bodies jumping from one hiding spot to another.

"Oh, lovely..."

Wanting nothing more than to return to the peaceful respite within dreams. Minus any further problematic interruptions of course. Altuo pressed a few fingers to the top of his head. Rubbing circles into the flesh as a means to ease the nerves rising just under the surface. However, much to dismay the sudden sensation of something small and fuzzy creeping over his toes made the well seeming man become unseemingly sinister in an instant. Warranting an equally unpleasant retaliation in the form of volatile vexation.
deadly sins

#2Altuo Dorian 

{ D } Squeaks in the Night Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 5:14 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 780 / 500Mana : 175 / 200Theme : Cozy TavernTags : NoneSpells UsedShatter to Pieces
Surprisingly striking for a man half asleep on his feet. Without so much as a thought spared for his surroundings Altuo's hand snapped with the sharpness of a whip towards the direction of the musculus masses or at least where he suspected they had gathered within the room. With his index finger locked and loaded on target, a small arcane glyph formulated at the tip. A glow of amber and flash of sparks signaling the arrival of two more arcane circles that would encapsulate the rodent rally from top to bottom. Bringing with them a concentrated storm of shimmering serrated shards. Each singing a siren call of callous carnage as they ripped through the tiny terrors with minimal resistance.

No doubts crossed his mind that the tavern below and perhaps even the entire inn had been made an unwilling bystander to the savagery that unfolded. Between a sea of painful shrieks and the panic inducing pang of shattering glass traveling through the walls and then some. It was a definite assurance that he was no longer the only one riled from their slumber in a manner most foul.

Mangled remnants were what remained from the brutality after all was said and done. Bloodied gore spanned across the wooden tiles of his room as the morbid scene did little to quell his frustrations. If anything, his fury only boiled deeper into disgust. As no sooner did he realize he had been in the splash zone. Speckled flecks of crimson and bits of squishy innards sunk into the finely woven silks of his pajama bottoms eliciting a wince of viciousness in his gaze. His amber orbs narrowed into an unhinged glare as the color of each phased into a distinct shade purple. An intense glow radiating from them as they did.

That's it, that was the final straw for evening. Taking care to hand select a few exceptionally gruesome specimens to take with him on the way out. Altuo emerged from the room as he was. A few confused onlookers peeping from behind the doors of their own abodes only to recoil as he passed on by. Along the way he contemplated a sickening plethora of options to remedy the situation according to his own high standards.

Perhaps he could drop them in the latest batch of stew that had been served as the night's main dish. Send a warning to any new arrivals who might be looking to stay awhile. Ooo, maybe hanging them to the front door as a decorative piece suited them better. After all, just look at the stunning color they applied to any surface they touched. No, perhaps the best option was to tuck them into the innkeeper's pillows for extra padding. As Altuo recalled quite clearly hearing a few complaints about lacking rest.

Well wasn't that just coincidental, he could relate.

No matter the twisted decision he opted to side with. It was evident in his demeanor that the Daemon intended for due compensation for his inconvenience. Whether in coin or in chaos.

☆{ Quest Completed }☆
deadly sins

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