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The Ancients Clash Once More. (Green)

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The Ancients Clash Once More. (Green) Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:10 am


Kaito feeling that his last fight vs Drakkon that the other man was holding back, he wanted to see how well that he can stack up against the other man when he was doing more than just holding back and using his sword. Kaito hoped that he wouldn't make a fool of himself here in the arena but he needed to make sure that he gave it his all and faced the man, but he has a sinking feeling about facing the other man after what he had seen that he could do. Kaito walked up to his door and he waited for the announcer to call his name and him walk out, he needed to do this as he was able to do a lot but he was not sure if he was going to be able to handle the other man if they faced off head to head again.

The announcer walked out into the arena and he looked around the arena and then spoke. "Today we have a rematch between the Dimensional Dragon slayer and another that he faced here, please give them your energy and make the most of this fight! Come on out Kaito Todaro and show us what you've got!" Kaito's door opened and he walked out while waving his arm and his gear appearing on himself and he looked around at the people in the arena and they seemed excited to be able to see him take on another fight here in seven but he wondered how long that would last once the fight started, the crowd seemed to cheer his name when they saw the charm that hung from his armor and he was happy that they were excited to see him and were rooting for him he had to make this a good fight for them and their belief in him, that is if he could.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

The Ancients Clash Once More. (Green) Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had mastered the way of his katana. It was not something he thought would happen so soon, but here he was. It seemed like there was someone who wanted to challenge him again. The Demi-God didn’t think he would be fighting against Kaito again. He didn’t feel like he was ready right now. He had spells that he was in the process of learning, but what could he do right now? He wasn’t going to back out that was for sure. He figured he would go in with what he had and decided that it would be interesting to see how it all played out.

The Devourer was behind a gate staring it down as he heard them calling out Kaito to the arena. He cracked his neck as Hai was behind him. If he was going to be fighting against Kaito, then he was going to need the power of his son to beat him or bring things to an even fight.

“In the other gate, we have someone who loses and wins, but it seems like his fights are always entertaining! He doesn’t seem like he could be killed from what we saw last time they fought! Hopefully, he will show us his full force this time around! Let’s bring out the Devourer Dragon Slayer, Go D. Drakkon!”  She shouted as his gate opened.

He would walk out of the arena and with Hai behind him. They would both enter the arena, which confused the announcer. She didn’t know this was going to be a two versus one. He looked over to her as he wrapped the bandana on his head.

“He won’t be around for long, so don’t worry, but I need him for the fight. It will still be a one versus one.” He said as he looked over to Kaito.

He would take out Yamato, and he couldn’t unsheathe Enma just yet because it was too heavy. That was why he needed Hai to be with him, so he could be able to use his strongest weapon. He got into a stance as his right hand was still on the hilt of Enma. Drakkon had three blades though, but he wanted to test out Enma and not his Senbonzakura.

“A rematch so soon Kaito? I guess I can show you my progress for you.” He said to him as he was ready for him.

Hai Gone was waiting for the woman to say begin, so he could do what he needed to do right from the beginning. He would be Drakkon’s strength and durability to be able to fight Kaito and hopefully win against him.



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The Ancients Clash Once More. (Green) Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:45 pm


Kaito saw as the man walked out with the dragon and Kaito wondered if this was really going to be okay, but he would just have to deal with it even if it was going to end up being a two on one fight against him. Kaito was going to have to do his best to fight them as they were still who he was going to be facing and Kaito wondered if there was really a point in the fight but he knew that the other man had not seemed to have taken him serious last time so this was him going back at the man to see what they other man could really do if he wasn't just holding himself back but Kaito knows that there was only so much he could still do though he knows that he was nothing special just a strong guy that was all he had in name nothing more than that and that he would need to make the most of what he was giving to this fight. He heard the other man speak about how the other man's companion wouldn't be around for long and Kaito wondered what that meant, was the companion about to self destruct on him in an attempt to give the other man a heads up on him in the fight.

Kaito didn't think that Drakkon would be that heart less of a man but he had been hearing some bad rumors that this man was getting mixed up with some bad people so he was wondering if maybe the man would do that to his own companion. Kaito then heard the other man speak to him and ask him about the rematch so soon. Kaito sighed softly then spoke out to the other man in a some what confident voice. "I enjoyed our fight from last time so I figured you wouldn't be against another spar in the arena or was I mistaken?" Kaito kind of used a teasing tone for the last part as he was not sure how the other man would take it and he made sure that he was ready for what this other man might attempt to make happen as he needed to wait and see what the other man was going to do with the companion and be ready to dodge and get out of the way but Kaito only knows so much about what things like this companion can do, but there were a lot of creatures in the world so he would need to make sure that he didn't just back down. Kaito stood his ground and waited to see what would happen.
(447) (764)

Kaito's spread:

"Action Log:

#4Go D. Drakkon 

The Ancients Clash Once More. (Green) Empty Tue Sep 10, 2024 11:25 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon chuckled a bit when he heard Kaito’s words. He did enjoy their fight last time and he was hoping to do so more today. He was sure that Kaito had some spells that he did not consume today, so he was wondering if he could gain more power today. He just wished a little bit longer and he would have been stronger, but the same could be said about Kaito.

“Of course, I never turn down a spar, especially from a Dragon Slayer like yourself. Back then I was mastering my swordsmanship, today, you will have me and my entire arsenal at your disposal.” He said to Kaito.

The announcer had told them that they were ready to fight, and Hai would roar so loudly that it started a ritual that would merge both Drakkon and Hai together. Once that was complete, Drakkon had Hai’s wings, scales, and talons on both hands and feet. The horns that had the Dragon and finally the tail that whipped around from behind. This allowed him to gain the strength and durability that Hai had within his own. That was when he was able to release Enma from its sheathe as he was now strong enough to wield it with one hand.

He looked over to Kaito as if this was what he needed to fight the man. He would use this in conjunction with his Perfected Ultra Instinct as it was something he would use from the very beginning. This ability allowed him to bring more power to him physically. Drakkon had used his Hawken eye to Lock-On to Kaito as he swung the arm holding Yamato away from him. It was then a magic circle that would appear above him before a Dragon came out of it and rushed straight toward Kaito aiming to hit him on his chest.

While this was happening, he started running toward Kaito attempting to close the gap between them depending on what the man would do with the Dragon coming his way. When he got close he would swing Enma with a simple horizontal swing with Yamato being swung right after from the other side and slightly above Enma.

This was the fight he should have had with Kaito before and he was happy for the rematch now.


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The Ancients Clash Once More. (Green) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:30 am


Kaito looked at the man that seemed excited to be here as well and Kaito wonders if this man is okay or not and then he hears the dragon roar and he looked at the dragon he hadn't sensed any danger from the roar of the dragon and then he sees the dragon and the man combine and he wondered if there was a chance that this was going to be one of the cool fusions or one of those ones were the man will see the other dragon slayer turn into a dragon woman for some reason instead of a man but it seemed that the man and the dragon companion did turn into a normal transformation together so he needed to ready himself as the other man would probably be coming his way. Kaito then sensed danger as he was locked onto and then a dragon spell was coming his way.

Kaito not really worried about it swung his sword and a slash flew forward into the dragon spell making short work of it as the spells met in flight, Kaito's danger sense kept going and he saw the man coming straight at him now with both of his swords at the ready and Kaito wished that he could do that but he knows that is a learned skill and not one that he had but maybe in the future he might be able to get a weapon that he could wield in his off hand like he saw other people but doing but first he needed to make sure that he mastered the sword that he had been holding this whole time and he hadn't yet done it rather through laziness or through the act of not seeing it as an overly needed thing to do. Kaito mad a slash with his sword and he teleported away from the spot he was to an area behind the other dragon slayer and he started running so he was moving.

Kaito knows that he was going to have to wait out the man's transformation as fighting him in that form was not a smart idea as the man was giving off some major danger sense pings. Kaito is not sure that he has enough dodging skills to help him but he was going to have to make it count as he knows fighting this man at range with spells is a waste of his time as the other man will only just eat them but he needs to come up with a better plan than just fleeing and running or the crowd might turn on him but for now the crowd is cheering and chanting his name from seeing his charm which Kaito still doesn't know what it does to this day. Kaito actually thinks maybe he should use his spells against the other man but he needs to make sure he stagnates the use as he doesn't want to over use his own mana.
(496) (1,260)

Kaito's spread:

"Action Log:

#6Go D. Drakkon 

The Ancients Clash Once More. (Green) Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 11:02 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had a smirk on his face, Kaito’s spell had clashed with his, but the spell wasn’t destroyed. It would continue clashing with Kaito’s spell, standing up to it as its durability was higher than normal. While the normal durability of spells was one to two, Drakkon’s durability was at a four. So, Kaito wouldn’t realize it, until it was too late, but the dragon would hit him without a problem. That was perfect as it had begun.

He wouldn’t be able to move from there, due to Drakkon’s Thunder abilities, which would bring Kaito to a paralysis state to his chest. Kaito would have difficulties using spells bringing his mana to be doubled and his spells taking more time to be used. He would come to notice that his Inferno properties didn’t take effect on Kaito.

One thing he did forget, was the spell he got, he had gotten it from the former Sanguine Dragon Slayer, so the spell had properties of that of a Sanguine Dragon Slayer as well. Kaito’s physical abilities would go down, as well as raise his physical abilities.

The Devourer had predicted this might happen, and it was all because the beings in this realm were used to the norm and he was not it. Kaito’s only choice was to defend from here on out without moving from one place to the other. It was then he swung his blade, and he had missed completely. The man was able to use a spell to get away, but no matter as he noticed that Kaito didn’t appear in front of him, as he would have to be behind him.

The son of chaos had turned to look over to the man, and when Kaito had tried to run things didn’t go well for him. Drakkon was already running to him the moment he saw him appear in his new location and while doing this he would swing his blade as he would use the same spell Kaito just used to try and destroy his dragon. This was also aimed at his chest as the other attack before it did.

While that moved to him, so would Drakkon as he would move a little bit to the right of the spell, so he wouldn’t bump into it. When Kaito had tried to run, he would notice that he couldn’t and Drakkon would try the same attack on the man in front of him once again.

“I’m happy that you allowed me to fight you again. You, Lumikki, Brone, and Yuurei are the only ones I think I can test my abilities on and see the full effect. Everyone else just falls down too quickly.” He said to Kaito.

He would swing both his katanas horizontally, one above the other toward Kaito’s abdomen as he was trying to tear through his armor with his weapons.

Combat Log:

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The Ancients Clash Once More. (Green) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 6:44 pm


Kaito hadn't expected the spell from Drakkon to be stronger than his spell, something about the spell was wrong to him, but he had cast his die and the spell ended up hitting him. Kaito had Teleported past Drakkon but he felt that it had taken more mana then it had been for awhile to do so, he felt like he had been weakened as well from it hitting him and wondered what was in that spell as he went to run he felt a sharp pain in his chest like his chest had been caved in and Kaito knows that he can't run, Kaito had seen that Drakkon was heading toward him and Kaito having no choice turned his blade as he was hurt went into his own dimension to see if he can either wait out the effects or if he was going to need to fight like he is right now in pain but he knows that it was impossible that he would be able to fight in the condition that he was in so he had to hide for the moment and see what would happen.

Kaito in an instant was gone from the battle field as he appeared in his own inner dimension and he flopped on the ground his chest feeling like someone had put a hole through his chest from the shock of the attack that hit him. He needed to figure out what that spell had done as a overcharged spell had done little to slow it or even stop it and his body armor was just pierced like it didn't exist to hit him in the chest it was a slightly weakened hit from his body now having a slight protection from magical damage but that still hurt and he needed to figure out what he was going to do against the other dragon slayer as he couldn't just stay in here as the crowd out there would start getting mad or think him a coward. The crowd in the arena was booing Drakkon because they had favor toward Kaito because of his charm.

Kaito looked around the place that he had ported into and he wondered if this was a mistake to have fought someone with that kind of power that could just hit harder than he could, that hindered his chest and weakened his body a bit. That spell was too much and it hit too hard for a normal spell and he had no idea why it had done that, was that from his wins over other dragon slayers? Kaito could only guess that man could take more than just the spells that he could from the dragon slayers he had consumed or beaten.
(456) (1,716)

Kaito's spread:

"Action Log:

#8Go D. Drakkon 

The Ancients Clash Once More. (Green) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:17 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was hoping to start the beating of what had happened to that day. He didn’t hold a grudge against him for losing or getting a hole blow through his chest. Nah, that happened in a fight, but he wanted to prove that he was not weak. He was sure that Kaito knew that though, but this was their second fight together, which meant he could prove it to him this time around.

When he was approaching Kaito he noticed the man had pointed his blade down. One thing he noticed was that every time a move was used, the man gestured his sword in a certain way. He tried to inhale the spell, but it wouldn’t work, the man had disappeared and this time Drakkon moved around the arena to see if he could get a sense of him. Still, he was not around the place, and the announcer could see Drakkon’s confusion on his face.

The crowd was intrigued, they were on the edge of their seat. They didn’t think Drakkon could fight with Kaito like this. The last time they fought it was obvious who was the stronger of the two. This time it was a bit different; they were certain that Kaito was stronger, but there was something dangerous about Drakkon. They started booing him as they were not happy with what was going on. At first, he was confused about why they were making these noises, but then he came to terms with it and decided to be the bad guy he was anyway.

Still, after a bit, the crowd and the announcer were wondering where Kaito was. They didn’t see him, nor did he do anything. The announcer usually saw people disappear and reappear throughout fights, but she never seen anybody disappear and just stayed that way. Drakkon was no longer using his mark on Kaito as the man wasn’t around anymore, he could tell from the fact that his slash was not going in the direction of where Kaito had gone.

“Announcer when he comes back let the match keep going.” He said to her.

She was confused about why he said that, but she didn’t ask him because well he wasn’t listening to her. Instead, he would calm himself as he would let down his perfected ultra instinct. He didn’t need to use that form at the moment, and he was waiting to see what was going to happen. He was hyper-focused; he was making sure Kaito didn’t get him off guard or anything.


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