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Trial by Fire [ Jikan vs Yuuki, green ]

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Trial by Fire [ Jikan vs Yuuki, green ] Empty Today at 1:22 pm


The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling combat arena. Ancient stone walls, weathered by countless battles, encircled the grounds, their surfaces etched with the marks of past conflicts. The air was thick with anticipation, and a soft breeze whispered through the towering trees that bordered the arena, carrying with it the faint scent of earth and sweat. Jikan, a striking figure with fiery red hair and heterochromatic eyes, one a vivid blend of blue and green, the other a deep mesmerizing purple hidden underneath her hair, approached the entrance with measured steps. Her movements were fluid, exuding a calm confidence that belied the storm of determination within her. Draped over her shoulders was a black cloak adorned with red clouds, the fabric billowing softly as she walked. The cloak was a symbol of her unique path, a mark of the battles she had fought and the power she wielded.

Her mind was focused, her thoughts centered on the upcoming sparring match. She had extended an invitation to a new member of their guild, a promising fighter named Yuuki. As she entered the arena, the sight before her was both familiar and invigorating. The vast expanse of the training grounds stretched out, punctuated by various obstacles and training dummies, each one a testament to the rigorous practice sessions that took place here.

The arena was bathed in the late afternoon light, the shadows long and the air cool. Jikan's gaze swept across the space, finally settling on a figure standing near the center. Yuuki, a young warrior with an air of quiet determination, stood ready, his posture relaxed but alert. His dark hair was tied back, and his piercing eyes locked onto Jikan as she approached. "Yuuki," she greeted, her voice steady and welcoming. "Thank you for accepting my invitation. Are you ready to begin? If you have any requests, now is the time." She said before walking onto the arena stage separated from the training dummies and other items.

wc: 337
twc: 337

Stats, and Gear:

Perks and Abilities:

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Trial by Fire [ Jikan vs Yuuki, green ] 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


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