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V. Ring of Zeus

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V. Ring of Zeus Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 4:54 pm



Name: Ring of Zeus

Slot: Ring

Type: Ring

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: lightning & Wind

Durability: 2x S-Rank


Description: During one of his many ventures from Olympus to Earthland, Zeus would commonly place a portion of his power into his ring so that he could experience living as a mortal. This unfortunately came with a substantial risk, that being the potential for it being stolen thus diminishing Zeus whilst he was in Earthland and giving the wielder untold people over the storms above them. After gambling the ring and losing to a dice game with a sleight of hand from the dealer, Zeus was stuck in the real world, only returning to Olympus with the aid of his children, he allowed the thief to retain their ring after being tricked.


Requirements: None


  • The Power of Storms: The user can cast spells through the Ring of Zeus causing them to be lightning & Wind elementally and cause deafening upon targets that are struck by spells enhanced by the Ring of Zeus, the potency of this effect is determined by the rank of the spell applying half-deafen from D- to B-Rank based spells for three turns and full deafen from A- and S-Rank based spells for two turns.

  • Hearing Loss Prevention: Whilst wearing the Ring of Zeus the user can not be deafened by any means.

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