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Goji's Sheet

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Goji's Sheet Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 1:14 am

Goji's Sheet SRl9wRp


  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Daemon (Vice)
  • Ethnicity: Seven/Stella
  • Birthday: November 8th, X772

  • Sexuality: Demisexual
  • Relationship: Not sure yet


Rough on the outside, snuggly on the in. A stoic warrior of monstrous proportions serves as a shell of a man who is much more caring and empathetic than he lets on. Described as exceptionally blunt and very to the point. Perhaps even a little rude by some. Goji is a simply spoken and motivated man with very clear desires. What most mistake for unintelligence is really the makings of a pragmatic mind. What you see is what you get and if you don't like it he wont give you the time of day to complain about it. Unless it has to do with him directly or someone he cares a lot about, he lacks the attention span to give credence to matters outside of his own little bubble. Unless of course he's paid to do so and even then it's a stretch. Outspoken and exceptional brazen in the face of conflict and strife. It's easy to say that the man has an ego on him that very quickly makes itself known. Smack talking those who stand against him in friendly forays while mocking opposition on open battlefields to break through their mental defenses. Because theres no easier pray than those who have lost their focus. Which funny enough, he's no stranger to either. Triggered by a very select list of bitter topics. If you manage to find a crack in his emotional armor then you best hope you pray to whatever god may take you by the end. As he will go blind to put another in their place that has overstepped their boundaries. Until they are left a broken husk of what they were before.

Deeper down within exists a man who is much more tender and considerate in nature by comparison. A fiercely faithful soul with a bleeding heart that is reserved for those he places only the utmost trust in. People who have, in one way or another, broke down the barriers he's surrounded himself in for so long as a way to maintain his dominating presence. In doing so, they are allowed to pull back the layers and reveal underneath a sentimental soul who will stop at nothing to keep his loved ones happy, healthy, and smiling. Whatever he can do to maintain such he will do so without hesitation. Always trying his best to stay in their good graces out of fear of being tossed aside or worse. With such devotion driving him from within he will also stop at nothing to keep these precious individuals safe at all costs. Even going so far as to put his own life on the line to assure as much if it was fated to be so.

All around Goji is just one big himbo for the ages and in time most people who stick around tend to see as much. Regarding him as a fearsome but endearing force to be reckoned with


Topics Completed:
  • ???

Topics Ongoing:

  • ???

  • ???

  • ???


D-Rank Quests Completed:

C-Rank Quests Completed:
  • ???

B-Rank Quests Completed:
  • ???

A-Rank Quests Completed:
  • ???

S-Rank Quests Completed:
  • ???

Last edited by Goji on Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:45 pm; edited 21 times in total


Goji's Sheet Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:59 am

Goji's Sheet RG7k35y


Lore: Daemons are humans who have been bestowed with Obscura. When this happens, a human gets a portion of power similar to that of the Demon. Because of the Obscura they turn vile and malicious.

Contract: Most common among the Demons are those that give in to their desires. They are chaotic evil by nature and delight in dispensing death and destruction wherever they go. Most of them are simple and only act according to this need for chaos and destruction, however, there are more intelligent ones among that are cunning with their need for chaos and destruction. They plot their destructions in advance, sometimes even lead armies, and are capable of bestowing their Obscura to others to further their agenda and cause destruction by proxy. The user may decide the specifics of the reasoning further themselves.

Racial Perks:
  • Elemental Resistance
    Daemons receive Minor Resistance to Darkness.

  • Elemental Weakness
    Daemons receive Minor Weakness to Light.

  • God Slayer
    Daemons can purchase God Slayer Magic.

  • Obscura Enchantment
    Daemons may enchant Arcane weapons with the Darkness Element changing its elemental alignment from Arcane to Darkness for the remainder of a topic. This doesn't change the element of the spells attached to the weapon. When applied to Bows or Guns, the Basic Shot spells of the weapon change to Darkness-type though.

  • Darkness Synergy
    Daemons receive a 1 post cooldown reduction on Darkness-type spells. This may be applied to God Slayer Magic.

  • Obscura Synergy
    Daemons receive a 20% Mana Cost Reduction on Darkness-type spells. This may be applied to God Slayer Magic.

  • Abyss Gazer
    Daemons cannot be blinded by Darkness-type spells.

Contract Perk:
    In return, the user receives a passive increase of 10% to their Strength, Speed, Constitution, and Endurance when battling opponents of Good Alignment (Fame higher than Infamy). Should the opponent be equal or higher ranked, this becomes a 20% increase. The boost is added on top of the percentage of the Daemon transformations resulting in 20% instead of 10% for Obscura Manifestation for example. Should the user do Good Quests or perform actions that could be considered good in the eyes of the Demon, they will lose this boost and must pay double mana to use the spells listed under Daemon Mode from that moment on.


Obscura Manifestation: 2% Mana - 3 Post CD - Sustain
    The user starts to manifest their Obscura causing their eyes to turn into a bright red or purple color. The attributes of the user are increased by 10% of their base amount. In addition, Daemons reduce the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the Daemon will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the Daemon. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Half-Transformation: 2% Mana - 3 Post CD - Sustain
    Requirements: 21/25 RP Posts + C-Rank
    The user starts to manifest their Obscura causing their eyes to turn into a bright red or purple color. In addition, they materialize black wings composed out of Obscura. The wings are 2 meters wide and allow the user to fly up to 5 meters above the ground without any mana cost. The attributes of the user are increased by 20% of their base amount. In addition, Daemons reduce the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the Daemon will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the Daemon. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Transformation: 5% Mana - 3 Post CD - Sustain
    Requirements: 21/50 RP Posts + B-Rank
    The user starts to manifest their Obscura causing their eyes to turn into a bright red or purple color. In addition, they materialize black wings composed out of Obscura. The wings are 2 meters wide and allow the user to fly up to 15 meters above the ground without any mana cost. The user is partly shrouded in Obscura as well such as their arms and legs. While it may appear different per Daemon, their human appearance is always clearly visible. The attributes of the user are increased by 50% of their base amount. In addition, Daemons reduce the attributes of those that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the Daemon will suffer a reduction of 20%. This only affects those within 25 meters of the Daemon. This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.


Lore: The berserker throws himself into a fight with such reckless abandon, it seems like he wants to die. It could be over-enthusiasm, overconfidence, unstoppable rage, or the desire to die in battle. Whatever the cause, it's often accompanied by a bellowing warcry. Sometimes with total obliviousness to whether he's actually fighting the enemy. And he never, ever retreats.

Some will brood about whatever it is that causes their berserk fits, or show remorse about losing control of themselves. Most end up one of two ways: being taught by their teammates to control themselves after a particularly close call, or dying in a dramatic fashion while lamenting that they died without completing their mission.

Berserkers are also very prone to heroic sacrifices, for very obvious reasons. Berserkers who tend up ending on the more evil spectrum of the alignments show little to no remorse when it comes to their actions in combat afterward. They can easily retaliate against their allies in a fit of rage as well if they get in their way.

Spell Types:
  • Self-Buff (Superior), Offensive (Normal), Supplementary (Normal), Debuff (Normal)

Class Perks:
  • Superior Self-Buff
    Self-Buff-type spells increase double the amount of points compared to the points mentioned in the regulations.

  • Off-Hand Slot
    Should a Berserker wield a Fist-type weapon in their Weapon slot, they may wield another Fist-type weapon in their Off-Hand slot.

  • Not selected yet


Lore: When it all boils down to it, this guild stands as a beacon of not only resilience, but also compassion and freedom. While many may believe that these words describe the ideals of a light guild, Paradise Dawn has declared itself an entity of its own, choosing to be as far away from the Fiorian Government as possible to be its own entity. In short, they are a Monster Hunting & Mercenary guild that has established their territory as its own thriving nation. After the return of the dragons, with an influx of ruthless beasts and all sorts of other creatures seemingly crawling out of hell to cause destruction, Paradise Dawn has taken matters into their own hands.

They often have a variety of political stances, some more heroic and some even more on the darker spectrum so when it comes to mercenary work, virtually anyone can be taken for the right price. Giants, evil sea creatures, crazed vampires, cyclops', lords, villains, you name it, Paradise Dawn deals with it all. Dawn is an entity that is not affiliated with the King, the Magic Council, or the Rune Knights and many members aren't fond of the nobles for their long history of corruption. Instead, this guild focuses on the protection of Paradise.

  • Rank: Newbie
  • Guild Level: 0
  • Next Rank: 12/25 Posts

  • Reputation: 300
  • Infamy: 300
  • Fame: 0

Guild Perks:
    [ ] I Do What I Want
    Members can do both good and bad quests.

    [ ] Work Smarter, Not Harder
    Users receive 10% more experience when obtaining rewards.

    [ ] Unlimited Potential
    Members of Paradise Dawn can do up to 3 Neutral Quests per week. This does not allow the user to bypass the S rank quest cap.

    [ ] Work Even Smarter
    Members receive 20% more jewels when obtaining rewards.

    [ ] To Be a Hunter
    The user may once per month complete a Special Quest called either "Monster Slaying", or "Mercenary Work." The quest may be one rank higher than the user (unless the user is S-rank) and is not affected by the monthly S-rank quest limitation. The quest may be done in any country available as long as the theme of the topic is slaying a monster or doing mercenary work relevant to that region. This special quest can be done with other guild members, however, they must meet the rank requirements to tag along per the quest regulations and it will also consume their monthly Monster Slaying. Once completed, the topic may be submitted in Quest Review with a reminder of the perk to receive rewards for the completed Special Quest.

Last edited by Goji on Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:47 pm; edited 20 times in total


Goji's Sheet Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:10 am

Goji's Sheet Yee8UVU


Weapons: ???

Helmet: ???

Armor: ???

Cape: ???

Earrings: ???

Necklace: ???

Ring: Ring of Muu
  • 20% Jewels Boost for Neutral and Good/Bad Quests
  • Purchased on 07/29/2024

Relic: ???

Companion: ???


Tarot: The Empress (3/5 Quests)
  • 20% Jewels Boost per Quest
  • The user must complete 5 quests


Greed Magic is utilized for any physical attacks. The user has no actual spells for this magic except for a single-mode spell. The spell shifts the appearance of the user into a metallic being. While it has no sustain cost, upon deactivation it has a cooldown period. While in this mode, the user can nullify any physical damage, as long as they can pay an equal amount of mana to the damage that they receive.

The user can only perform the spell listed below. This spell is acquired immediately without any training.

  • Greed
    This spell requires no motion. The user rearranges the carbon in their body to make their skin impenetrable. Their appearance shifts into a metallic being. When using this spell, the user will nullify any Physical Damage that hits them, at the cost of mana equal to the amount of damage that they have received, this is influenced by any resistances or weaknesses that the user has. The amount of mana drained for physical hits is determined by what the rank of damage would have cost as a spell. The user cannot choose which hits they null or not when using this spell, all physical hits will drain mana automatically. The user cannot be cut, stabbed, pierced, or hurt in any way physically. This means that the user can battle weapon users bare-handed. If the user's Strength is one or more rank higher compared to the opponent, they may stop weapon hits without being moved from their spot i.e. grab a weapon slash with their bare hands without being pushed back. The spell does not have any sustain cost. The actual mana cost comes from the user paying mana to nullify Physical Damage. This spell cannot be nullified.


D-Rank Spells:

C-Rank Spells:

B-Rank Spells:

A-Rank Spells:

S-Rank Spells:


( ) = Numbers after buffs are included.

  • Experience: 6,500

  • Strength: 18 (0)
  • Speed: 17 (0)
  • Constitution: 3 (0)
  • Endurance: 3 (0)
  • Intelligence: 1 (0)
  • Mana: 300

Stat Perks
  • Lunge Distance & Speed (7.5 m/s)
  • Lunge Frequency (Once per 2 posts)
  • Run Speed (15 m/s)
  • Run Duration (3 posts)

  • Damage (1xC-Rank)
  • Hit Points (A-Rank)
  • Pain Tolerance (C-Rank)

  • Weapon Mastery WC Reduction (0%)
  • Spell Training WC Reduction (0%)
  • Mana Cost Reduction (0%)

  • Word Count Reduce: 0%

  • Jewel Increase: 50%
    Character Bonus (+30%) + Ring of Muu (+20%)

  • EXP Increase: 30%
    Character Bonus (+30%)

Last edited by Goji on Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:23 pm; edited 6 times in total


Goji's Sheet Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:22 am

Goji's Sheet CL6nvX7


Altuo Dorian - Really Good Friend?

Elise - Guild Member
    A chance encounter during the calm and quiet of the night. Curiosity brought the two of them together for a decent conversation where they found some common grounds over drinks.

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