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Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith]

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Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 4:02 pm

Zenith could hardly contain his excitement as he prepared for his first real quest as a member of Fairy Tail. Up until now, he had been bouncing around Fiore, exploring places like Seven and even taking a brief escape to an island retreat. While those experiences had been valuable, giving him a chance to meet intriguing individuals like Jai, Vex, Yuurei, Salem, and Ryuuji, they had felt more like preparation. This, however, was different. This was a true test; a dive into the unknown, filled with potential dangers and unimaginable rewards.

He had spent the last few days gathering information, packing his gear, and mentally preparing himself. The job wasn’t one he had found on a board or through any of the typical guild channels. It was more of a general call to adventurers, a challenge that could see him paired with anyone who dared to answer it. Zenith hoped that whoever he met along the way would be fellow Fairy Tail members, but he knew he couldn’t count on it. Regardless, he was determined to push himself out of his shell and be less of the introvert he had always been. The mission itself was supposed to be both thrilling and daunting. Explorers, thrillseekers, and adventurers had been warned about the strange portals that had started appearing all over Ishgar ever since the catastrophe at Talaz Lagaar. Most who ventured into these portals never returned, and those who did spoke of terrifying dangers that nearly cost them their lives. Yet, they also spoke of untold riches, exotic materials, and powerful artifacts...treasures that Zenith could hardly resist!!!!!!!

His destination was the Worth Woodsea, a dense, vibrant forest soaked in the rich Nature element Mana. Deep within it lay a cavern known as Wings of the Void, a place teeming with avian Void monsters. These creatures, though small and seemingly harmless on their own, posed a significant threat in numbers, especially with their ability to summon reinforcements with a rallying cry, or so the rumors went from those who had entered already. Could be that they were just saying that to ward off others to keep all the riches for themselves. The thought crossed Zenith's mind that this was a possibility. After all...not everyone is altruistic.

Standing at the edge of the forest, Zenith took a deep breath, his heart pounding. He was about to step into the thick of it, into the kind of adventure that had only ever been words on a page for him before now. This was his moment to prove himself, not just as a scribe or a scholar, but as a wizard and an adventurer. He had the knowledge, kinda, he had the power, kinda, now it was time to see if he had the courage. He just had to wait for the others to arrive. While he waited he'd pull out a book on various magical birds that he had bought from his father's shop; Book Land in Magnolia. Zenith turned the pages of the book. The book, titled Avian Arcana: The Mystical Birds of Earthland was a comprehensive compendium of magical birds found across the world, detailing their abilities, habitats, and the magics they were known to wield, if any. Though it didn’t contain anything specific about the Void birds he was preparing to face, he knew that understanding the magic of other avian species might give him an edge.

The chapter he was currently engrossed in focused on Phoenixes, legendary birds of fire and rebirth, and in some stories even fire and light. There was one small passage on something called a Twilight Pheonix, but all there was mentioned about that is it was evil and there was one. The text described how these majestic creatures could conjure flames that burned hotter than the sun and were capable of incinerating entire forests in moments. More fascinating, though, was their ability to rise from their own ashes, regenerating after death in a cycle of eternal rebirth. It was said that a Phoenix’s tears could heal the gravest of wounds, their magical essence infused with the life giving power of fire itself. Further along, the book discussed the Stormwings, massive birds that rode the winds of powerful tempests. He liked the part about the Moon Owls, elusive nocturnal birds that were deeply connected to lunar magic. These owls, with their silvery feathers and glowing eyes, could manipulate light and darkness, bending shadows to their will and illuminating the darkest of nights. It was rumored that Moon Owls had the ability to see through illusions and could even influence the tides with their lunar magic, making them revered by sailors and navigators who sought safe passage across the seas. The book also spoke of Songbirds of the Arcane, small yet powerful creatures known for their enchanting melodies.

Each page of the book was filled with detailed black and white pencil drawings of the birds, their magical abilities, ecology. Closing the book with one hand and a thud, Zenith stood up to stretch has he reached into a pocket and pulled out a bit of jerky from a sack. "I wonder when the others will show up" he'd say out loud to himself. Zenith was bound to stick out like a sore thumb here for he was wearing his Monopoly suit today. The dapper jacket and hat were not his normal wear but he was told the magic in it would help him grow and that was what he needed to do.

WC: 916

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 5:26 pm

Ryu had also gotten the same call to arms to come and take on the evils that were in the forest and he wondered who else might be there as he was aiming to do what he can but he is not an offensive mage through his magic. He would have to make sure that he watches himself and he protects those that are around him as he is a tank type of magic user and his "Gift" from the void wasn't one a lot of people would like to have. He was going to do what he can to make a big impact but he doubted he would really be worth much in an event like this if he wasn't around at least one strong mage that can do ranged damage. He was sure if the guild master saw him going off on a mission like this that he would be told to stay back and not go in on it.

So he wasn't going to ask for her blessing to go and he would worry about if he gets scolded later as there was more to do than just sit back and get yelled at before he even did something wrong and he was going to fight and worry about what comes after later. All he knew was bare bones that there are nasty birds that are in the cavern that they have to deal with and he was not really worried about that but he was worried that he might end up out ranged even if he could deal with being out ranged he was going to hope for a strong team mate or at least one with the power to use some ranged spells and make this an easy enough time for them to deal with as long as he helped to protect them.

Ryu got to the point before going in and he saw a familiar face it was Zenith which means he had also evaded Judith to come here and he wonders if this man has any ranged spells so he could work with him to protect him to keep him safe while they took down some birds that tried to kill them down and they made it even farther into the place for the good and Ryu waved at the man.

#3Judith Karlinius 

Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:13 am

Judith Karlinius
It was time to work some magic, Magic that most people rarely had a change to see, But Judith was over all happy she was getting out and seeing new member at play, one she had yet to meet and another she only just met one and so far found some what interesting.

While Judith was known as a mothering type, But she was not that controlling as far as she was aware of, People where still free to do whatever they wanted. How they ended up here was entirely because two people wanted to on into the Void Caverns, But Judith just happen to be curious enough to want to see them all herself.

Give the nature of anything void related, Judith had a feeling things might not be a simple walk towards anything nice and friendly to the newer younger mages. But that was just a Judith feeling things would be a but more risky then just a casual walk. Judith would just merely get her bow and her silly fuzzy bunny ears. Then make her way to the void caverns more importantly get close enough that if something where to happen.

Judith just start shooting things with her bow. The Walk was nice the weather over all was a nice day for exploring. Also a nice day to sneak your way into visiting your newer younger guild members, But that time would close in where she would actually come speaking to them. Since if anything Judith seemed to be taking her time to take in the information of what all was going on around her. It seemed fairly clear at this time.

So she would just continue on her way with her casual stroll towards the void cavern. By the time Ryuuji had caught up to Zenith, Judith was a few feet behind them both and staying quiet for now.


#4Iza Bicdic 

Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 1:34 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza and Sylph had finally gotten to a spot where they decided it was best to look over the void caverns that were spread across the world. It seemed from what he had gathered, the one he was heading to right now was the weakest of them. That was a good start and he was hoping that he would get some type of reward by entering it. He had been in the North with Yijun this entire time, but he figured he would do this on his own. He wasn’t sure if he would have wanted to, and honestly, he should have asked.

The Worth Woodsea would welcome him with a problem. His affinity with nature due to him being a wood elf worked wonders. It guided him to the location he was supposed to be going. The Shinigami had arrived at the location, and instead of going straight in, he would do something else. Yes, he would scout the area as he didn’t want to go in there and there were others waiting for him or a sad victim with a trap.

The two of them would move around the area as they soon realized that they had nothing to worry about. When they got back to the entrance, it would seem like there were three people around the place. He would suck his teeth as he couldn’t believe they just blindly walked here without seeing if everything was clear. Still, two people stood out to him. They were both elves, one of them being an Athlas Elf, the other being an Ash Elf.

They were rare to see out of the forest and the mountains. He was intrigued and he looked at the final person who was with them, he looked normal, a human maybe? Still, he was comfortable introducing himself as he wondered if he could tag along with them. It would make traversing through this place easier. He would make noise on purpose as he approached from their left and he waved at them in Shinigami cloak and his purple jester hat.

“I didn’t think I would see people hea. I thought I was gonna be enterin this on my own. Da ya mind if I tag along? I’m Iza a wood-elf. What is ya name Ash Elf, Athlas Elf, and um human?” He asked them wondering if they were cool with him coming with them.

Sylph just floated around them as it seemed like she wasn’t sure how this was going to go down. This might go totally wrong and they had three of them who could surround Iza.



Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:31 pm

As he looked around, his eyes caught sight of a familiar face; Ryuuji, another member of Fairy Tail. Zenith felt a small wave of relief wash over him. Ryuuji was someone he had seen in the guild and had done a few things with so far. Seeing him here, knowing that he wouldn’t be facing the void alone, gave Zenith a bit more confidence. He raised a hand to wave back with a smile on his face. Just as he was about to approach Ryuuji, he noticed another figure emerging from the shadows, a wood-elf in a Shinigami cloak with a purple jester hat. He introduced himself as Iza and seemed eager to join them. Zenith blinked, feeling a little overwhelmed by the sudden influx of people.

Taking a deep breath to wash away the introvert from his personality, Zenith moved forward while attempting to collect his thoughts. His voice was a touch softer than he intended when he said, "I'm Zenith...I’m… new to this, but I’ll do my best to help." He looked to Ryuuji, thinking that since he was more seasoned, he would take the initiative. All of this was very dissimilar from the peaceful existence he was accustomed to, when he studied alone while surrounded by books.

A few feet away, another figure drew Zenith's attention as it approached a few feet behind Ryu. When he recognized it as the Fairy Tail guild master, his heart skipped a beat. He froze in response to Judith's presence, his mind racing. With a worried expression on his face, he seemed to be asking Ryuuji, "Are we in trouble?" inaudibly.

WC: 270
TWC: 1186

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:24 pm

Ryu was not sure off all the issues they might face here but he was ready to make shields for himself and Zenith when he heard the other man speak to someone else and Ryu wondered if he had been followed or something and as Ryu turn cause this new guy that was standing there kind of gave him the creeps and give off a bad aura and then he saw just out of the corner of his eye the guild master and he wondered if his goose was cooked or not and he looked back to Zenith and he shook his head as he doubted the guild master would just come out here to scold them before they committed the crime to her yet but he was going to be extra careful not to get himself caught up to much as he wasn't looking to get deeper in trouble than he was probably already and that was just a fact of this.

When the jester had asked them their names Ryuuji spoke right after Zenith did. "I see how you could be mistaken I am not a human I am a demi-human boar, My name is Ryuuji, but you can call me Ryu." He had no idea that he was an atlas elf and not a demi-human so he spoke the truth of the matter that he knew as the truth not a truth he didn't know about. He looked at the silver dragon like creature that was flying near him that was giving the jesters companion the stink eye as it clearly didn't like her but was here cause Ryuuji had spoken about treasures and the little silver dragon creature couldn't care less for people and his owner he lover treasure and that is why he was here cause he wanted to get some and not be bothered waiting the creature flew inside of the void cavern and Ryuuji without a second thought ran in after him to make sure the creature would be safe.

As soon as Ryuuji went in the bird sprung to going onto the attack and he make a shield that moved with him as he protected the dragon creature that wasn't even paying him any attention or the creatures trying to attack it. The birds would hit the mirror like shield and bounce off hurting themselves and Ryuuji keeps making more shields to keep this creature safe as it wasn't slowing down and the birds were not going to stop coming at them for now as they were the first ones in to the cavern so they were what the birds were targeting and he was going to need to keep the shield up and make the most of it as he needed to not let himself get side tracked as these birds seemed like they were not going to stop until it got to them but Ryuuji wished this creature respected him as it seemed from they day he found it that it hates him and it doesn't respect him so he needed to find a way to get it to listen to him and respect him.

Ryuuji really hoped that the others would come in soon as he casted offensive spells that passed through his defensive shields without harming them but Ryuuji really needed to make sure that he was ready for this as it was going to be a problem if the others either didn't follow him in or if they didn't get brought into the same area as he did as he didn't know how these things worked and if he was just going to be trapped in here alone.
(613) (1,001)

#7Judith Karlinius 

Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:53 pm

Judith Karlinius
Everyone was now here, Which was a good thing this was going to be a good run at it. For everyone would not give each other too many problems. Not that there was a worry about it for the most part. There was no lingering signs that anyone would be to start with. But Judith was far more happy two of her guild members were getting along and seemingly some what starting a bond already at least she thought they where. It was hard to tell when you haven't spoken a word yet. In due time one suppose would happen.

But the newest to the group was some one Judith never met, but even then her thoughts on him so far was that he was not too horrible, Sure they spoke a bit different but that never was really a true sign of a problem. if the world taught Judith anything, You can make friends with the most interesting and oddest people at times. this might be one of the time. Unless one of them are was really scared of clowns then that might be a problem. But Judith did not know that either. But Judith was not scared of clowns, so that was something she at least knew.

So far everyone seemed fine with Iza, Judith merely smile when he asked. She had not objections. But she was still not close enough to group yet anyway. She was watching, waiting and preparing for when things might have started to go at any of them. But as things gather around Ryuuji, Judith just started firing arrows at the seeming birds flying at Ryuuji. It was just how Judith felt like she needed to do things this mission so far. They would manage well Judith was just providing control and cover.


#8Iza Bicdic 

Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 2:28 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked over to the kid. He was a newborn basically. He seemed a little wet behind the ears, and even his introduction was just that that. Still, his concerns were when the other man spoke. It seemed like he was confused for a second. He heard that he said he was a demi-human. He couldn’t help but laugh when he heard that. He was not being disrespectful, and he was going to apologize for it. He wondered why that man thought he was that, but he would find out, right?

“I’m sorry I don’t mean to be rude, but who told ya that ya a demi-human? I know my own kind. I been living fa about four hundred yeas and I gotta say ya ain’t no demi-human, Ryu. Those markins ya got on ya is somethin ya get when ya ascend or are born an Athlas Elf. I’m surprised nobody has told ya that.” He said to him as he was hoping that it would clear things for him.

He hoped that he didn’t upset the man by telling him any of this. Still, they were entering the place, and when they got inside, he could see the beauty, yet the disgust behind this place. He could feel the unnatural energy that was there, and he could tell they needed to get rid of it. He wasn’t sure if he could, but it was harming the nature that was around the area. When he moved around, he could see that Ryu was fighting already.

Honestly, he could see the creatures flying around the area. They seemed a bit annoying, and they seemed to want Judith, Ryu, and him. He figured it was because they were all elves, and this was worth woodsea. Still, he wasn’t going to let the guy fight alone, he was blessed by their sacred tree. That was a man who couldn’t die, and he would not allow it. He would bring forth his Stand as another Jester had appeared next to him.

It looked like him, but he was wearing different clothes. They were both in sync and the Stand would snap his fingers to activate the magic that they were going to be using. He took his daggers out as things would go to work. A bunch of knives made out of his element would start to fall down the area. Yes, he made sure that there wasn’t anybody within the range of his spell. He didn’t want anybody to get hurt. The creatures, however, were fair game. They looked like they were made of wind, but the void in their aura made him think otherwise.

The knives would fall on them, and they would be harmed and eventually destroyed. Iza had a smirk on his face as a few of these monsters had made their way to him. He would dodge their attack, and a few of them would meet his daggers as he swiped them left and right bringing them to the ground.

“These are some nasty creatures. I wondered if we can destroy em all.” He said out loud as he was thinking about it this entire time.

Sylph was going to fight, but she wanted to help him. She looked at him and figured that she would give him a suggestion while he was fighting these winged creatures.

“You sure you don’t want my help? I can have you fly which would put you on their level and make killing them much easier.” She said to him as he would think about it.

He hummed while slashing his daggers at these creatures while getting close to an answer.



Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 3:18 pm

As Ryuuji and the others launched their attack on the void creatures, Zenith observed the odd things spoken by Iza taking place. Iza's statement that Ryuuji was a Athlas Elf rather than a demi-human had left him stunned. He wondered why he would drop a bomb like that, or maybe it wasn't true and he was just causing chaos. Zenith truly didn't know what was going on. They were engaged in combat right now, so that realization would have to wait until later.

The other three were holding their ground, and he knew he had to contribute. Gathering his courage, Zenith decided to focus on supporting Ryuuji and keeping the creatures at bay. He took a deep breath, centering himself as he prepared to use his magic again. With a quick motion, he began to cast another spell. This time, he chose to use his Heavenly Body Magic in a way that could help finish any off not killed by the others, the ones flapping on the ground regaining their strength to fly and attack again. The golden light formed in his hands shooting a beam of light at one such a bird.

“I’ll keep those creatures on the ground stunned or not dead from coming back,” Zenith called out, his voice steady. “Just focus on getting through them. I’ll cover you as best as I can.” It was now he cursed the fact he didn't have any sort of AOE spell and would need to train one as soon as possible.

"Oh, hello Judith. I'm Zenith. It's a...please to meet you."

WC: 262
TWC: 1448

Zenith Sage, the First of His Name, Eater of Kupo Nuts, King of Mooglekind, King of Ivalice, Spira, and the Crystallis Realms, Chieftain of the Eternal Plains, Liberator of the Lost, and Father of Espers.

Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:28 pm

Ryu kept remaking his body shield to defend him self as he saw the arrows fly past him and into the birds that were attempting to hit him. It seemed that the others had followed him in as well were fighting that seemed to lighten his load again as he sprayed mirror shards from his hand at the birds that were dive bombing at him that weren't getting hit by the arrows or the knives that been falling and he kept pushing forward as he had his shield around the companion that was fixated on the nest that was on the other side of the cavern as it saw shiny things in the nest on the far side of it. Ryu knew that this stupid thing was just greedy and he knows that he needed to make sure that the companion wasn't going to get itself killed by the monsters that were around in this place but the companion didn't listen to him and was just a brat.

The shield kept the enemies bouncing off and away from the companion, the man keeping it sustained so his companion wasn't going to get itself killed or harmed Ryu really wished this thing would listen to him and stop being so childish. Ryu heard the other newbie like him talking about making sure the birds that had fallen were dead. Ryu knows the other man should be fine as he had the other two with him and Ryu knows he will be fine as he has strong defenses that will keep him safe he was more worried about the creature that was still flying for the nest as Ryuuji had no idea what would be in there and what might come out of the next once they get close to the nest as if there is treasure there is usually a scary monster that is protecting it and Ryuuji would have to figure it out as he goes and he was not going to abandon this idiot companion to it's death and he would keep fighting.

The man fired more shards of mirror out of his palms through the shields and he was not stopping as they reached the nest the companion took something from the nest and Ryuuji attempted to grab the creature as it was something strange that it had grabbed but the creature had just looked around and Ryu wondered why he was looking around like this was this creature looking to leave now and then the creature went out of the cavern through and opening and Ryuuji sighed and grabbed something from the nest as well as he needed to make sure he had something to show for his time in here and he fired off one last bolt of mirror shard from his hand as he went out the portal to the outside world again where they had all come in from and he wondered if everyone else was okay and if he really should have left like he had or not but really he had no choice as this companion was his responsibility.
(517) ( 1,518) (Exit)

#11Judith Karlinius 

Void Caverns - Wings of the Void [Judith, Ryuuji, Zenith] Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:02 pm

Judith Karlinius
These events where interesting, was the void truly starting to enter this world? Or was other things causing it to break through? it was a good thing to ponder over all. But still dangerous beings for most people to be around. So she would just merely continue firing at them with various arrow shots, Seemingly if the time arise she fired an extra shot at them. She was not over all talking much at this time, But this was more out of focus and dedication to the work in front of them. They needed to be shot down and contained, everyone else's safety was a bit more important. Hence why it seemed Judith choose action over speaking.

It did help everyone here seemed to be getting along. It was just about how she expected and hoped things to work out. Ryuuji was doing a good job too. Iza seemed to be actually mentioning a few interesting details to the group, weather it was intentional or not she was not sure, But it did feel harmless. Judith would take note to check on Ryuuji later just in case something was truly odd and amiss with their conversation, but this was Judith being motherly as always, But alas she needed to keep shooting arrows at whatever these things are, One could ponder how long this swarm would last. But it seemed At least everything was in control.

Judith had a wonderful at times annoying habit of being worried about things she did not need to be. When people did pick up on they would eventually learn that while she was worried she was easily settled with her worry as well. But some one else did greet her. Thus the serious demeanour of Judith when back to normal. She would no long be that serious looking ever watching archer, She smiled so gently and nicely and waved to Zenith."Hello." She always seemed to make sure, if some one addressed she if it was something she felt like she needed to talk too she spoke to them back. Even if she right away when back to just shooting her bow at various void like being around them they kept coming and bring rather serious in nature. She still was paying attention to what the other people around her where doing. She was not horrible self centred she just seemed to be doing a few things her way at this time, Eventually something would change with that.

But it seemed Iza pointed out things, Even Judith did not know, Suppose she could not blame herself for that, As she did not know how to tell the signs of that at all. It was something completely out of her realm of knowing. But at least Judith herself never claimed she was all knowing, she just happen stance to know how to give good advice when need be. But it was an interesting thing to learn, Ryuuji was possible an elf and not a demi-human like he thought.

As things seemed to die down from the hoard that was before them Judith considered it a job well done over all. They would not have to move on to other things. A in the end simple task for the group. But this was just the good sign of guild members knowing how to work with one another. Iza was a good part of this effort even if not part of Fairy Tail, Judith with not having much worry about him. The odd ones where the most interesting help. The team had achieved victory this day.

Then it seemed the group needed to continue on after this. But Judith seemed some what cautious even if not needed she was still worried about if something else were to come. This was Judith being paranoid, It was some what a given feeling of hers she just had it all of the time. Judith always did put up a good front, But in some manner she hid that she was overly cautious and at time paranoid for the safety of other for no reason then just motherly instincts. It was why she was called Fairy Mother and or Guild Mother.

But alas she was just paranoid as nothing else was really coming for them. So Judith would merely just put away her things since she did not need them for now. As everyone else would seemingly move on to what the next so would Judith. The tense feeling was gone, any possible worry in Judith's mind and possibly on her face was gone. It was back to focus on other things they needed to do. for whatever else they would see and find in these caverns.

Leaving herself at the back for these situation, She was just being the ever watchful woman she was. It was nothing against anyone here, She was just unsure what all to expect, Judith did not like that feeling of not being prepared even if everything was going to be find at this time. Eventually as well her worry would pass while they went on. Judith would seemingly be her self again and she would just seen like her typical friendly mother elf. Far less scary then what anyone would say of her here. A good adventure in the end


Total: 1501


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