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The Real Pest (DRank)

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The Real Pest (DRank) Empty Sat Jul 20, 2024 7:21 am

Another typical day, another round of work. Woken up at the crack of dawn for his usual routine of breakfast and warm up exercises. Goji received word by messenger of a request personally addressed to him. A fellow mercenary living within the campgrounds he considered home making sure he got the message as soon as it had arrived. Skimming the details over a few bites of cooked meat, the instructions included were laid out plainly. Just the way he preferred. Seems the person in question who had sent the message knew him well enough to get straight to the point. Which is why as he reached the bottom of the hand written paragraphs it came as no surprise when he recognized the name elegantly signed at the bottom.

"This guy again." Curious as to why but not one to refuse an easy payday either. Goji rolled the note and tucked it away in his pocket. Finishing off the last of his meal before he prepared his things and set out towards the town of Orchidia. Hitching a ride on a delivery cart along the way to save some time and energy. Within an hour or so he'd arrive at the heart of the town itself. Making sure to pay his way as he made way to the decided meet up place.

[ WC - 221/500 ] @Altuo Dorian

#2Altuo Dorian 

The Real Pest (DRank) Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:07 pm

Altuo Dorian
Words : 280 / 500Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Lion's PrideTags : @GojiSpells UsedNone
Right on cue and with time to spare.
What an obedient little lap dog.

This lascivious thought in and off itself made Altuo's all too fair face turn wicked, a suggestive smirk curling his lips along a sly pathway from one arrow sharp ear to the other. Perhaps their time together was starting to become too commonplace of late. Then again- the devil was snapped from his thoughts as his amber eyes refocused themselves upon the towering terror of a mercenary.

By now his lithe leather bound frame adorned in a curated mix of shiny trinkets and cloth finery was no doubt intimately familiar to dear ole Goji. Hard to miss and even harder to- nevermind that. Having been eagerly anticipating his partner's arrival Altuo rose from his resting spot without so much as a wave of the hand. Skipping the usual formalities outright of which he knew Goji would be all too relieved by.

Reaching for a sack that had been slumped over by his feet. An odd assortment of clicking and clatter would no doubt catch interesting attention as the bundle was lifted off the ground and tossed in Goji's direction. "Slept well I hope pup? I won't bore you with the details this morning. Just know I owe a favor to an unlucky innkeeper and we'll leave it at that. Now, do try to keep up." With a simple nudge of his head in the direction of where they were headed, Altuo lead the path towards the inn he had taken residency in only a few nights ago. The innkeeper of said establishment none too keen on seeing him returned but nevertheless prepared to accept his aid.
deadly sins


The Real Pest (DRank) Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:56 pm

Seems the fanciful fool was in a much more colorful mood than usual today. Judging from the way Altuo was quick to trade courtesies with mockery right out the gate. Goji could feel his eyes rolling in his own skull as he was given the title of 'pup' out of the blue. His narrow eyes shooting the wizard a strange look as he approached. Keeping the commentary in the back of his mind for later, ready to return the snark tenfold when the prime opportunity to do so presented itself. For now all he wanted to do was get on with the day's task.

Thankfully his wait wouldn't be too long, as the moment the two of them were together Altuo got straight down to business. A weird adjustment to how they usually handled missions but not an unwelcome one either. A nice change of pace for sure. Following close behind as he was tossed a sack of goods. Only briefly questioning the weird noises coming from the contents that shifted around inside. As they arrived at the inn, it became evident that there were a few staff members that weren't entirely too pleased to see them or rather more specifically Altuo for some reason. Even so, they were willing to let the two men carry on with their work. "Do I even want to know what beef they have with you?"

[ WC - 453/500 ] @Altuo Dorian

#4Altuo Dorian 

The Real Pest (DRank) Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 4:59 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 521 / 500Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Lion's PrideTags : @GojiSpells UsedNone
"Wouldn't you like to know weather boy." An interesting turn of phrase Altuo had learned during a rousing stint at the very same inn they stood in now. He had been neck deep in cups along with a few fellow adventurers to keep him company at the time. However, that was neither here nor there. The two of them weren't present to reminisce but rather make good on a debt that Altuo had incurred upon himself through less than savory behavior. "Regardless, nothing a little reparations can't fix. Let's make this quick and easy."

Opening the bag he had passed along to Goji. From it he pulled a handful of classic wooden rodent traps. The kind with the metal snapback that were known to be a terror on one's fingers. A fate he would do well to avoid if he could help it. "I'll take care of the tavern down here. You go handle the rooms upstairs. Once we're both done I'll treat you to lunch. Savy?" The two of them were closely monitored by the innkeeper who was floating around the inn. Altuo merely flashed a smile in their direction before getting straight to work. Carefully placing traps in key locations while narrowly avoiding an accidental trigger or two. Once done, he made himself comfortable at his usual table. Waiting for Goji to rejoin him as he ordered a pint, a glass of wine, and a platter to be shared.
deadly sins


The Real Pest (DRank) Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 5:49 am

A bit of a weird answer that Goji didn't quite understand but he wasn't going to question it either. As the promise of lunch captured his full attention instead. "I'll expect the good stuff if that's the case." Taking the rest of the traps up with him to the second floor. In near record time Goji sped through the setup of each trap. Practically slapping them into place as he went room by room. The motivation of a feast was somehow stronger than the need for coin.

Once the last trap was set and the sack that held them was empty. He wasted no time heading back downstairs where Altuo had made himself comfortable at a table already filled with goods to chomp down on. Taking a seat of his own Goji helped himself to the spread of freshly cooked goodness. Lifting his pint in the air as a toast before digging right in.

[ WC - 607/500 ] Quest Complete

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