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Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa]

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Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:00 pm


WORDS: 430 |Emerald Enchantress

"Did you hear, did you hear?
Apparently the White Empress is going to give a demonstration, at OUR barracks?
Can you imagine? Seeing HER in action!
It's gonna be epic!"

Folk seeming to be abuzz and the young men especially when word spread that a celebrity in the land had arranged for some manner of exhibition, it was perhaps unusual for both warriors and those who ran the great guilds of Fiore to show off their abilities for just anyone, though one supposed that if any would they would hail from the mighty Blue Pegasus. That guild one who rarely seemed to abide by convention and instead favouring perfection, at least physically, the clamour of such activity and the excitement which came with it caught the ears of many, including that of a young woman who perhaps felt a little bit guilty for eavesdropping.

An Empress? In action? I didn't know royalty performed in this land? How queer… The first response which came from a fair skinned femme from a foreign land one which was rooted in confusion as she frowned at the news and lifted a finger to chin to study the revelation, Miss Sung Lo Mei found herself a bit bewildered by the little nom de geurre which so many knew the minx who stood at the top of all the fighters in this land, and perhaps as was typical of her seemed to take it rather literally.
Still, they seem excited, perhaps it might be worth seeing what the commotion is, at the very least? I've never met an empress before… As such feeling no small note of intrigue even if she didn't know just what manner of spectacle she was going to be party to, after a second to consider the event seeming like something worth at least a little of her interest, even if she did not entirely understand that.

“Excuse me. Forgive my eavesdropping, but where did you say that is taking place…?” For that reason approaching the figures who were chatting among themselves and scarcely seeming to pay all that much attention to either the rosiness in their cheeks or the way in which their eyes seemed to trail down the form of a fox who was dressed in something rather taut and tight upon her frame, Mei had always considered the emerald ensemble which she sported to be rather cute and highly functional, but never realised just how enchanting the average male might find it. More to her credit however as she apologized and might soon have them fighting over who got to offer her the gift of an invitation, surely the boys of the Rune Knights here could bend the rules just a little but for the guileless smile of a pretty young women, right~?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:59 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Mei |

It had been a while since Alisa taught a lesson like this, and to so many people to boot. Still, the class wasn't nearly that big, only 10 or so people, but even then, it was a lot more that the reserved guildmaster usually taught. She wasn't even wearing her battle armor, instead, she'd come straight here from her early morning warmup, having already gotten her solo training in, her skin glossy with a faint sheen of sweat as those skintight black yoga pants and sports bra clung to her curvaceous frame, her hair bundled in a long, flowing ponytail as she approached the pond next to which she was teaching her lesson:

"...Remember, at the end of the day, magic is the power to shape the world around you to your imagination.", she explained, one foot stepping into the water as a small magic circle appeared underneath her foot, causing a small crystalline platform to appear under her foot, "Walking on water may seem like something only a water mage should be capable of... But that couldn't be further from the truth. With a little guidance, each and every one of you should be able to do that. Now... Are there any brave volunteers who'd like to go first~?"

Alisa stepped onto the water in earnest now, earning the awes and ooohs of her students, smiling as she looked upon each of them, and couldn't help but notice a rather captivating figure amidst them who hadn't been there before. Catching her eyes, Alisa couldn't help but flash her a smile as their eyes met.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:02 pm


WORDS: 450 |Emerald Enchantress

Goodness, the royalty are warriors in this land…? And impressive specimens too, no less! Many on her side of the demonstration and likely the men who had smuggled her into it seeming to enjoy the vision of such a goddess in sports gear and perhaps oblivious to the finer points of what she wished to show off, Miss Sung on the other hand offered a rapt sense of attention to both the form of the fox and her technique at the same time, and both she had to say impressed her. Perhaps it taking the eye of a woman in similar straits to truly see what was important and in this case those earthy eyes looking just as much at the taut lines of tone as she did the curves the woman flaunted so readily and feeling a quiet sense of envy for both, as much as this she seemed to appreciate the sound sense of instruction which this stranger was offered, and as such seemed a little confused when the figures either side of her seemed to glance about one another sheepishly.

“I would take up the task…!” Wondering if they wished not to burden one of their most eminent individuals but to Mei's mind it seeming a shame to leave this woman waiting and wanting, from among the throng of men who seemed to suddenly feel shy did the girl in green raise her hand highly and clearly, and direct those amber irises toward the amazon with earnestness as she did so. Going a step further in fact as she took the opportunity to separate herself from the pack further by springing from the spot in which she taken up and high over the heads of everyone around her in a manner similar to that of an acrobat, despite the height and distance and the force which was needed to find both the fox seemed to land deftly, and with the long dark trail of hair and glittering blue half skirt which had sprouted from her hips both seeming to ripple and flutter as she did so.

“If you'll have me, your highness?” Placing her feet upon the ground gently and almost as if she had some invisible set of fairy wings to keep her aloft or something, after smiling for a second Miss Sung suddenly remembered the fact that regardless of the acumen she showed this amazon was a member of the highest class and so dipped forward accordingly, presenting herself in a deep and respectful bow as she waited for the woman to respond and accept her as her pupil for the moment. Really, the boys were missing out on quite the accolade right now, no?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:03 pm



Alisa's eyes flared when the very beauty she'd been looking at suddenly stepped up to the challenge. At this point, she had no way of knowing the girl had understood her epithet to be a sign of Royalty, and her eyes flared as she heard what the girl called her:

"Your highness...? Heavens, just call me Alisa~ Please, there's no need for such formalities. Of course I'll have you~", she winked as she motioned her eager volunteer to come on stage as it were, hooking a finger at her with a come hither motion, her eyes casually washing over that sinuous, shapely frame, and in no way missing the effort she must have put into training her body, "Fufufu~... What's your name?"

Still, what impressed her the most had to be the grace of that landing as the girl suddenly plopped down right next to Alisa, and the sculptress couldn't help but eye her, visibly impressed by her grand entrance as one hand fell down to the flare of her hip.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:04 pm


WORDS: 260 |Emerald Enchantress

“O-Oh, I couldn't! Not with a woman of your standing~!” Those brown eyes left blinking as the black belle waved away the need for the formality she showed, Mei looked up with a mild gasp at the generosity which the woman showed, but ultimately proved stubborn on the matter and seemed to wish to continue if only for the sake of courtesy. Though, as she did so, she didn't quite seem to affirm just why it was she saw such a gulf between their stations, mind you.

“Mei! Sung Lo Mei!” Only too eagerly seeming to answer the question she was given a moment later and with that taking one or perhaps two steps forward, those dark and doe-like eyes were full of energy and eagerness to make an impression as she gave up her name, and overall might have given the impression of a young woman meeting some celebrity or something.
“I have travelled to this land from Sin, and would greatly appreciate any guidance you could offer, Empress!” Guileless as the girl in green was however and therefore unable to really think of anyone she might admire more than a potent woman warrior like this one, once more did she offer respect and reverence as she raised her hands before herself to rest her fist against her palm in a show of veneration for the vixen which she had learned in her time at the temple, and just as keenly as she had with her introduction did she offer up both a portion of her origin and thanks in advance for the tutelage as well…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:05 pm



"Oh, by all means... That's simply a title that fell on my lap, there's no need to worry about it.", Alisa replied, waving her hand dismissively, a lopsided smile on her face as she cupped her own cheek.

In her innocence, she expected the girl to have been talking about her position as a Guildmaster, or even a Wizard Saint... Never would she have thought that the girl assumed her rather innocent epithet to translate to any actual Royalty position:

"Ohh, what a gorgeous name~... A pleasure to meet you Mei~!", Alisa's eyes flared when she heard the girl's name, true she did look decidedly foreign but now she could identify her as someone from Sin or at least with Sinese heritage, even before the girl replied, "My~... You've really come a long way hmmm? In that case, I'd be thrilled to teach you everything I know~?"

An offer already stretching past the scope of this lesson, as Alisa quickly took a liking to this bright eyed young beauty:

"Well, lets start with something simple~... What kind of Magic do you use, Mei?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:05 pm


WORDS: 290 |Emerald Enchantress

“I feel your name is also beautiful and elegant, like it's bearer?” There seeming to be something about the casually charming manner with which this raven headed royal conducted herself which Mei admired from the offset and an understated kindship which came with it, almost immediately did the sinese stunner wish to emulate the woman and perhaps through that did she seem to return that casual sense of charm which she carried in the return of the compliment she was given, without fully realising it of course. I mean, it wasn't as if she was intending to flirt with a woman like this by design, more accident.

“Well, you see, I am not as adept at the arts of your country as most but…” Blinking and clapping her hands together in a manner which was once again reminiscent of someone younger than the nineteen cycles of the seasons which Miss Sung had seen when she was asked about her magic, that simplicity and sense of integrity meant that she had no issue confessing the fact that as far as spell craft was concerned she had little, though wasn't entirely without her blessing in such an area.
“I have this~? My hairpiece allows me to use my chi to summon my weapons, and armour~?” Affirming the fact that her time in temple had at the very least taught her how to gather and measure her chi a little bit even if she was far from the master the monks were, through that and a little gift of an item which she was able to draw an elegant curved blade from she showed her own pseudo-magical ability, and looked toward the woman before her eagerly like some manner of rabbit or doe waiting upon a treat…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:14 pm



"My myyy, such a flatterer~...", Alisa purred as she cupped her cheek, holding the girl's gaze as she simply stood idly in the water, and couldn't help but nibble her bottom lip... There was always somethings special about being praised by a girl this beautiful~? So as she watched the girl producing her weapons out of thin air, Alisa's eyes flared. Well, that's a basic magic, but it's always an impressive one, "You say that but... Not everyone can do that~? Most people need items and artifacts to use... But... If i'm understanding correctly... You really posess no magic of your own?"

Alisa's brow arched as she said this... The other students gawked, a little stunned by the revelation... After all this was a lesson for mages, but one assuming that all the students already had some experience in magic. Alisa scratched her temple, folding the other arm under her full, luscious bust, and finally spoke:

"In that case, there's no better time to learn kike the present~...? If you're already accustomed to using your chi, that means you're on the right track. Out here, what you call Chi in the east is simply known as magic power, the same power that fuels your magic. And to wield magic, you simply need to will it? Take a deep breath, and imagine the soles of your feet floating on the surface of the water..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:19 pm


WORDS: 450 |Emerald Enchantress

“The Arts which the monks taught me… Were limited to the physical, and use of chi to augment them?” The brunette barely seeming to notice the murmuring and scoffing which seemed to ripple through the crowd as between her testimony and the shrewd observation of the woman in charge illuminated the fact that she was without her own manner of magic, that ever earnest manner of the enchantress found her nodding and taking up several martial poses to imply her greater prowess in those kind of arts, before returning the weapon she had brought to bear back to the object in her hair.
“You will!? Excellent!” Sufficed to say that she was excited soon after when next the ravishing 'royal' offered her the chance for some personal instruction, energy and eagerness seemed to abound in that doe-like gaze as Mei pulled her hands up in front of her with joy, and then seemed to shuffle ever closer to pay full attention to the sagely advice which she would be given.

“Hm. Yes, that makes sense. Sounds simple enough? Yes, I think I can feel it!” Nodding and lifting her finger to her chin as she listened intently to the instruction and finding the practice easy enough in theory for her to feel confident, Miss Sung brought her hands together in a prayer-like manner and began to breath inward and outward slowly as she had been taught and her new mentor suggested, and after closing her eyes for a moment could feel the energies within her cycling around enough to feel her assurance only growing.

“Now…” As such feeling there was only one thing to do and that to put the theory into practice as it, those dark irises seemed to focus upon the body of water which the empress herself had used for her own demonstration, and with slow and purposeful steps did she march toward it with her hands still gathered together and perhaps the anticipation of the crowd building as well. I mean, was it really going to be this easy?
“Kya~!” No, was the simple answer. The fair skinned fox certainly gathering her chi or her mana or whatever one wished to call it but not seeming to do much to repel herself from the surface of the water, instead a foot which was so sure that it was going to meet with firmness and success slipped deep into the fluid and so too did the femme who commanded it, giving only a girly scream as she seemed to practically faceplant the water with a noted splash and provide a spectacle for all who watched her in the process. Though, not the one everyone had anticipated, one imagines…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:26 pm



"That is quite a straightforward, effective way to fight. They taught you well~", Mei was hitting all the right buttons, and Alisa was finding herself more and more drawn to that one pugnacious pupil who everybody else no doubt saw as the underdog.

Alisa may not have been trained this way, but it was still her preferred way of fighting, a perfect meld of magic and martial prowess that she'd honed throughout the passing years. The fact that they shared a similar fighting style only made her feel closer to the girl, and as her hand came to rest on the flare of her hip, she simply nodded, and encouraged her:

"Mhmm, give it a try~"

Her brow arched, Alisa watched attentively, making sure to follow each of the girl's motions... Just how many magic teachers would have tried to teach magic from scratch on a lesson like this? But Alisa was far from the usual teacher, and she knew even the other students could learn something from this. She could sense the girl's mana welling up, but soon enough, her eyes flared as the girl fell into the water. With a low gasp, Alisa darted over to her in a flash and held on to her arm, catching the girl and pulling her up and out of the water:

"Well done~... You were off to a goos start, right on the first attempt~? Don't worry, we can try it as many times as you like~", she encouraged, a knowing smile on her lips and a frown over her shoulder as the girl's classmates laughed, and simply smiled, catching the girl by the wrist and pulling her up, before finally scooping her back up.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:27 pm


WORDS: 300 |Emerald Enchantress

“Arg! Blarg~!” Certainly happy to be offered a helping hand by her would be teacher given the rather minor fact that her performance in the fluid substrate left a lot to be desired given the mountain upbringing she had been given, Miss Sung seemed to flail for a moment as the mix of surprise and absent water experience meant that she kicked up a hell of a wake of water in her attempts to right herself, and seized the arm which had been offered to her without a moment of hesitation.
“Goodness, t-thank you!” Drenched by her experience and certainly not looking like the most ladylike of characters through it either, the laugher of the 'class' fell on deaf ears as the fair skinned fox pulled against the aid which was offered in order to thrust herself back onto more solid ground, and perhaps put a little too much oomph into her act as she seemed to thrust her frame against that of her teacher, practically falling into the arms of the woman rather than finding her feet beneath her.

“That one was… A little trickier than I had thought?” The long lashes of the lass seeming to flutter over her doe eyes once she had done so and peeking up at the older woman with a note of wonder at the view she was given as a result, after a moment the minx seemed to remember that she was currently seeming to cling to the frame of a member of the cultural and hopped away with the first hint she had showed of redness in her cheeks, before lifting her hand behind the back of her head and lamenting her mistake. After all, even if Alisa said otherwise, it did not feel all that successful from where she was standing…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:29 pm



"Fufu~... You're welcome.", Alisa flashed her that soothing, reassuring smile, not thinking any less of her for failing that first attempt. After all, if she were capable of pulling it off right away, then one might argue if the girl even needed the lesson to begin with?

The crystal mage was a patient teacher after all, and wouldn't mind repeating the lesson... But even she couldn't help but look on with wide eyes as the beauty practically fell into her arms:

"My, easy there~... Take your time, steady your breathing. Is that not what the monks taught you~?"

And yet Alisa couldn't help but raise her hand and gently brush a loose dark lock away from the girl's eyes, their faces so close together she could only smile and admire that breathtaking beauty in all her glory:

"You can try as many times as you'd like...? What do you say, feeling ready to give it another try~?", she replied, her voice smooth and honeyed, silky as she had nothing but encouragement for her, not really minding how the girl was pretty much clinging to her now, her chin rested on Alisa's plush, firm bosom, stuffed in that tight fitting sports bra


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:30 pm


WORDS: 290 |Emerald Enchantress

“…” Unsure of exactly what to say as she found this tall and fantastic woman reaching up to her brow and brushing her hair back for her, such a small and simple act of such intimacy was something which reminded Mei of the memories she had of her mother, which seemed to excite her in more ways than one. Feeling close to this new figure in her life for that simple reason, she felt her face warm and lips curl up into a girlish smile at the sweetness of the gesture, and for reasons she couldn't quite comprehend also felt an urge to lean into the act as well.

“You are right, just like the vaulting roundhouse, it is foolish to expect success first time!” This very fact and the words of encouragement that the ebony headed enchantress offered to her helping Miss Sung to regather both her courage and her spirit, while her hopes had been dashed a little by that initial lack of success all too quickly did those white teeth flash in a grin as the young woman nodded, and found herself overcome with both a sense of exuberance and an eagerness to impress.
“Practice reaps its own rewards, no?” Not letting her gaze falter for a moment as she cleared enough distance between them to leave Alisa safe and then once more indulging a leap into the air which she made look effortless, all too quickly did she lash her heel and then toe about like each were swift and strong enough to fell an oak, flicking some of the wetness which clung to her off as she did so in fact, before settling on the ground again with a look to her new teacher which was just begging for praise…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:32 pm



"Fufu~...", Alisa was utterly enthralled by her... She met the girl's smile with her own, and happily let Mei linger as she stroked her hair gently, tenderly, her touch soothing and affectionate, as though she'd just met a kindred spirit she wanted nothing more than to nurture and protect, "Indeed, it's exactly as you say. Don't forget that magic is a skill, and it can be learned and trained just like any other. It doesn't matter whether you were born with it or not."

Perhaps a few years ago that might have made a difference, but not today. It seemed as though the moment the gates had been closed between dimensions, the number of magic users in Earthland began to swell, as though the magic that had once been draining into the other dimensions began building up enought to accumulate in people's bodies... Alisa would leave that to the theoretical arcanists though, and simply look on in awe at the perfectly executed leap:

"My~... Glad to see that little slip up hasn't daunted you in the slightest~? Fufu~... Very much so... Keep trying and trying again, and eventually you won't fall anymore. And at that point, you'll have reached me~", Alisa replied, practically daring the beautiful warrior to meet her in the water once more... While she wasn't going anywhere, hand on her wide, womanly hip, just waiting for the beauty to meet her...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:33 pm


WORDS: 290 |Emerald Enchantress

“Being bad at something is merely the first step in the process of being good at something, wouldn't you agree~?” A knot appearing in the brow of the brunette for a moment as the woman she was with remarked on her dauntless attitude, Mei showed that while being raised by monks in the mountains had not endowed her with terribly good swimming skills or the ability to clearly spot acts of deception, it had given her quite the well of confidence and a can do attitude which made her see every challenge as an obstacle to overcome. This would prove no different, in her eyes.

“I shall master this skill and prove myself to you, highness!” The daring of the dark dish also something which she could not ignore though as much about show herself as a worthy student of so impressive a figure as anything, Miss Sung straightened up and placed her knuckles in front of her chest as she bowed forward respectfully, and offered a bright and beaming promise to the black haired belle on her dedication to the craft which she sought to share with her mentor.
“Now, deep breath, and…” Climbing back upon the proverbial horse almost immediately afterward as well and once more assuming an almost prayer like pose as she closed her eyes and focused her mind and her mana upon the task to which she had been set, once more did she strut to the edge of the water but when the girl in green reached it this time she was more cautious, more furtive, as she lifted her heel and slowly lowered it against the fluid medium, and as such for just a moment she thought she felt just the tiniest hint of pressure seeming to bear against it…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:36 pm



"Very much so. If you're truly perfect, it also means there's no room for you to improve in any way~ It means you're stagnated.", Alisa nodded in approval at Mei's choice of words, fully understanding the words that she'd probably picked up from her monk teachers, after all, those small but crucial slices of wisdom were crucial for a healthy progress to any budding martial artists. To know one's limits, but accept them, as they're not walls but new plateaus one can strive to reach, "And I keep telling you, just call me Alisa~...!"

Once again the sculptress could only reinforce as she frowned at the beauty in front of her, a hint of redness on her cheeks. Alisa disliked being treated like Royalty, but coming from somebody so young and earnest, she almost felt a little humbled by it:

"Oh my~...", but even Alisa could only gawk as the girl took her stance, and suddenly stepped beautifully onto the waters... To an onlooker, it may have been hard to see... But to a keen eyed observer like Alisa, and one endowed with magical sight of all things, she could see it, the pressure beneath the girl's feet as she was trying to step on something solid rather than liquid, "Pure chi is by far the freest of elements. Pure mana, the closest you can get to the real essence of magic... This means that only doubt stands between you... And your imagination."

With these words of encouragement, Alisa kept her eyes peeled, glued to Mei's every action as the girl slowly took her first steps in walking on water. A small step for a mage, but for a girl like her... It was a new beginning.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:37 pm


WORDS: 300 |Emerald Enchantress

“Ah! Ahaha!” The result of her first attempt leaving Mei in a state of disbelief in a moment when she gingerly set the sole of her foot down upon the water and to her great surprise found the water not buckling but rather supporting her, those brown eyes widened and the lips of the lass curled as she lifted and lowered her heel to test that she wasn't imagining things, and then chuckled as she took another breath and another step with it.
“I'm doing it! I'm…!” Once more seeming to find the usually fluid medium seeming to hold her weight as well as stone or good soil might have as she let the entirety of her weight bear down upon the liquid beneath her, the smile of the stepping siren seemed to widen all the more with a sense of excitement and achievement, and she only too quickly spun about both at her hips and heels in order to look to the woman who had guided her in the endeavour. Though that was a mistake.

“Arg! Blarg!” Still not quite accustomed to the focus which was needed to make her magical energies hold her on top of this flowing substrate and the mere act of directing her attention more toward her teacher than the task seeming enough to disturb the concentration of Miss Sung and once more send her to the drenched destination she had toppled into a moment ago, all too quickly did she seem to sink back into the pool as if she was like an arrow shot from a bow, and once more was she found clawing at the air in an attempt to right herself as once more her ability to swim was called into question. Clearly they were right when they said that perfection demanded practice, no~?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Mei on Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:38 pm



Alisa's eyes practically glimmered with admiration for her pugnacious new pupil, that look of pure, utter elation in her eyes was just beautiful to see, and the stunned gazes of her fellow student almost as priceless... But it was then that Alisa realized something:

"Careful there, make sure you don't lose your...!", she reached out to Mei, voicing words of caution, alerting her to losing her concentration right at a sensitive time, and in the end...

Her warning came too late as a loud, audible splash filled the air that made Alisa wince, giggling with a soft shake of her head as she finally mumbled the rest of the sentence:

"...Focus...", It was all Alisa could do to hop over to her and hold her hand, pulling her back up until the girl would practically tumble into her arms, Alisa holding on to that wet frame with an affectionate look, not minding how Mei was getting her utterly drenched as she most likely clung to her frame, "Fufu~... Still... That was impressive. Are you quite certain you've never done this before?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:44 pm


WORDS: 320 |Emerald Enchantress

“T-Thank you… Again?” Once more it seeming that the shapely siren was there to help her out of the drink when once again the sinese stunner found herself sinking into it again, if Alisa had set up this exercise with the simple intention of garnering a rather rapid sense of connection and trust with the prettiest girl in the crowd she was more than succeeding at this point as Miss Sung clung to her once more, and only felt herself becoming all the more accustomed to doing so on the second attempt.
“Goodness, I keep getting you… I hope you're not too wet, aiding me like this?” In fact there seeming to be something so very natural about being close to this woman that she felt only a sense of remiss for the fact that she was ruining her outfit through doing so, even with such a worry the brown eyed beauty still felt a sense of comfort and support in what the woman offered her which made it a little difficult to tear herself away from, as if there were some magnet within her or something that she had a little trouble shaking off.

“Spellcraft is new to me, I think? I don't remember learning any…” Feeling a growing sense of comfort with that fact as well even if it did seem to be something new to her, all she could do was look up to this awing figure with earnestness and sincerity as her fellow femme questioned her experience wryly and was given a wholly honest answer in response, or as much of one as she could give. I mean, there might have been a time before she was at the temple when her mother or someone else might have tried something like this, but honestly she could not remember much from those days at all now? It was almost like trying to recall which parts were real and which were dreams…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:45 pm



"Anytime Mei~...", Alisa reassured, and finally caved as she leaned in with a soft, tender, gentle smooch to the girl's forehead, smiling as she stroked the back of her head, until she was practically rolling one of those loose locks around her finger, "Fufu~... If you ask me... I think I'm just... Wet enough~..?"

Even Alisa couldn't help but giggle as she laced her words with innuendo she doubted the girl could actually understand, but at the same time she was amused at simply tempting her with them regardless of that, her hand sliding down and caressing her upper back:

"Mmm, you don't really need to think anything new or different about it... It amounts to nothing more than simply weaving your Mana in the desired shape...? A bullet, a shield, a platform... All mages wave their own spells not unlike what you just did.", Alisa encourged, feeling no need to pull away from this bewitching beauty as she simply shared her own experience, "But... You have all the time in the world to learn it~...? I'll be here to walk to through it every step of the way~..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:47 pm


WORDS: 360 |Emerald Enchantress

“You're…?” A shiver seeming to make Mei shudder as she found her hair once more being toyed with and tousled by the temptress before her, though the commentary of the coquette seemed to meet with a note of confusion and a knot within the brow of the brunette some part of the girl seemed to recognise the subtle sense of seduction which her teacher seemed to be weaving and made the minx not only quiver, but burn as well. Warmth and colour once more seeming to rush to the cheeks of the girl in green as she looked up to her fellow and all too suddenly the lass aware of how quickly her heart seemed to be pounding when she heard that soft and sweet giggle and felt the fingers of the fox run a little further down her frame, long lashed seemed to beat like the wings of a butterfly over those dark and deep doe eyes, and she couldn't help but swallow what was within her mouth because of just how dry her throat was feeling all of a sudden.

“A-Are you sure you have time…?” Such an act almost making her stumble over her words as she unconsciously lifted her hands to the hips of the taller and stronger woman, though the idea of enjoying the fact that this marvellous minx wished to mentor her was something which thrilled her in ways she couldn't quite describe, all the same she couldn't help but to glance downward and then to the faces which watched them with a note of guilt for the feeling of burden she felt she was placing on the breathtaking beauty.
“I'd hate to be an imposition?” Assuming that a woman of royal stock like this one would have all kinds of things to be doing and none of them indulging the attempts of a rookie who was greener than the costume she wore, Miss Sung titled her head to one side and pouted a little as that glossy gaze seemed to widen even further, and made her look all the more like a lamb or something of the sort who had no idea of the slaughter which awaited them…

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:48 pm



"Fufu~...", Gods, she's so cute... So so cute~... Even Alisa couldn't help but miss the intimacy of their current position, but in the end neither of the two made any motion to peel away, and Alisa just felt her pulse quicken more and more as time went on, "Why, of course i have time for you~? Though if you'd like..."

Alisa tilted her head as the beauty in her arms hesitated, wondering if she wasn't maybe imposing on the tall sculptress' goodwill, but little did she know that Alisa was utterly charmed by her already, so much that she could simply smile as Mei brought her hands down to her hips for support, a gesture evidencing their growing intimacy with one another as the sculptress simply swayed those hips ever so subtly left and right:

"I'd be happy to show you some more after this lesson...~?", Alisa offered, her brow arching as she wondered what the girl would think of this proposition, after all, she'd be happy with any excuse to spend more time with her stunning new pupil, enthralled by that endearing pout on the girl's face


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:49 pm


WORDS: 260 |Emerald Enchantress

“Some more…?” Certainly finding it harder and harder to remember the face that they were currently being watched by a group which one had to expect was becoming equal parts delighted and discomforted by the spectacle which unfolded before them as she looked into that hypnotic gaze, all the same the innocence which Mei had to matters of interpersonal connection seemed to shine through when, despite the comfort she showed in being held by this breathtaking beauty, she was confused by the invitation which she was given afterward.

“Oh, other spells?” As such left to frown for a moment as the ravishing royal offered her to show something more, such an open ended enticement was something which many who were in the know so to speak might have guessed and jumped upon, but for one so unversed and lacking for experience in these areas as this earthy haired enchantress all that she could guess was that the woman wished to teach her more than the simple art of walking upon water.
“Do you think we'll have time?” With that in mind Miss Sung simply tipping her head to one side as she questioned the hour of the day and wondered just how much time that the temptress had to dedicate to her, though she might have been thrilled to enjoy more of the company and expertise which Alisa had to offer the doe eyed doll could scarcely think of imposing herself further, especially if the woman had plans for her evening and such. I mean, folk of her ilk usually had soirees and the sort to attend to, no?

A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.


Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:50 pm



Alisa too had practically forgotten the lesson she was supposed to be giving here, but at the same time, she was sure nobody would mind the little intermission... However, Mei's response made her brow raise. Heavens, had she really missed what Alisa was saying:

"Spells~...? Nonono, I don't mean that at all~...", Alisa shook her head, amused by how endearing her new pupil looked when completely missing the undertones behind her words, only to chuckle as properly invited her this time, "Hmmm, how about you join me for dinner~?"

Even now she found herself running her hands down that silky smooth hair, gazing into the girl's eyes with that honeyed smile, enthralled by how warm her kouhai felt while clinging to her as such, the sensation alone shooting a shiver up her spine:

"And then we'll have all the time in the world~", Alisa purred, those plush lips curling that bit wider as she couldn't help but feel her heartate quicken a bit.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Weaving a Spell~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:52 pm


WORDS: 280 |TOTAL: 4200 |Emerald Enchantress

“You… Ah, yes. Dinner, you say? A fine idea!” Once more the brow of the brunette seeming to knot for a moment as the dark dish denied the idea that she intended to teach her further spells today, after a moment of contemplation those long lashes seemed to beat a few times and a smile spread across the face of Miss Sung as she realised the intent which lay behind the invitation Alisa had given her, or at the very least the guileless interpretation she might make of it.
“We'll no doubt be in need of sustenance after a day of training!” Lacking that necessary understanding of the nuance regarding romance and the like to realise that there might be something more to the invitation than the mere opportunity to garner nutrients from a decent meal, even so that small and simple idea sans the implications seemed to garner a wide eyed excitement in the face of the doe eyed doll for the mere prospect of enjoying something yummy with the company of her new cohort, as on some level she was rather eager to get to know the woman better.

“Yes, if you'll have me, I'd be happy to join you?” For that reason the girl in green seeming to peel herself away from the woman and once more bow forward in respect and reverence for the raven haired royal, in all honesty she could scarcely believe her good fortune in managing to fall into the lap of someone so generous with both her time and attention, and that was without Mei even knowing just how much this vixen wished to spoil her. Gosh, she was the luckiest lass in the land, no~?


A precious smile

"Worth More Than Any Gem~"
- Sung Lo Mei

credit to nat of adoxography.

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