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Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki]

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#1Brone Heavyaxe 

Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 8:34 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The march back to the main hall was joyful as all the dwarves involved with the venture to the Dragon Chamber were singing, their voices echoed greatly throughout the tunnels, making all the way back to the the main hall. Though many of them were exhausted and greatly injured, their merriment hid their tired faces and their pain. Brone, who didn't even have the strength to tie his hair back, walked amongst his kin as they crowded around him, all singing though many claimed they weren't at their peek performance while sober, but neither of them dared to rush ahead, given many didn't have the strength to move faster than a mere walk.

The young Heavyaxe wiped blood and brushed hair from his face as he looked over to where Lumikki and Morgrym were; her father had pulled her to the side to ask her of what happened after they jumped through the portal, though he tried to be professional and serious, as he would with any soldier, he couldn't help but smile, for his daughter had not only survived the harrowing experience but also defeated the menace who was a bane to every clan member. He asked of her magic, how powerful her ice was, how she was able to make the axe he wielded which was now bloody and dull from defeating the giants. His awe was obvious and his focus was solely on her and Brone wasn't surprised.

The echoes from their merriment and singing echoed so loudly that the dwarves that remained behind to protect the main hall had already suspected the victory and prepped the table, food and ale for the next days' celebration. By the time the warriors returned, the preparations were ready and they were greeted as heroes. Cries of joy and victory rippled through the hall as kegs of ale were popped and plates of food were swarmed.

Normally, Morgrym would make an announcement of what happened, but he put it off for later that day so that everyone could gain their second wind and have their fill while they were at their high in their excitement. But after he had his time with Lumikki, he brought her and Brone together at the war room alone. "The gems?" he was straight forward with Brone, and the young dwarf understood, the congratulations wasn't as important and making sure the clan treasures were safe, so he placed the cloak he used as a make-shift bag onto the round table and allowed it to fall away, revealing the seven gems: the amethyst, the emerald, the opal, the diamond, the ruby, the citrine, and the sapphire. Morgrym gave a heavy sigh of relief once he seen the sapphire was fine, "Thank te both of ye, ye damn heroes ye are" he gave a wide smile before pulling both of them into a hug.

"I would want to spend a meal alone with ye and yer mother" Morgrym said to Lumikki as he leaned and tightened his hug with her so their cheeks pressed against one another while Brone pulled away, "But as the head of the clan, I have to oversee the celebration and make an announcement soon."



Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 6:44 am


”Papa, Papa! Slow down,” Lumikki giggled through her words as she pulled herself toward him in another embrace. He had so many questions, rightfully so, and Lumikki was more than eager to answer them. As she did, her subtle magic would pour around him like a refreshing mist, sprouting her healing flowers that would rapidly bloom and whither in the places where there were wounds. Though such a spell could not alleviate his tiredness sadly, that was simply a burden still his to carry, he could at least do so much less pained than he was before.

”Well Nan taught me frost magic as ye know,” Lumikki began at the beginning, eventually weaving in that due to her “talents” she was destined to take on darkness too. ”Oh well ye know how Nan always helped me learn to make ice sculptures, well I was always listening to ya too. And so when it came to weapons Pa, I’d always think back to those days in yer forge. All the teachings and lessons about the importances of details and craftsmanship, well, I carry it in me work too. And anytime I look over a weapon mind ye. Least enough to recreate it with me magic.” She’d underplay just how strong her magic had became in a short time, to the point it had already beaten out the weapons back in the guild hall or how masterful she’s become in her recreations, embedding them with her frost powers. Of course at this point, especially with the swing of such an axe, Morgrym would figure it all on his own. Her humbleness a stark contrast to the merry boastfulness of the Dwarven warriors all around them. But this was fine with the Daemon, she did not need a spotlight or the grand honor, only a part to play in her beloveds stories.

By the time they returned back to the main hall, the tables were all packed and brandished with a second feast. Reward for a battle hard fought, and win or lose they’d have gotten it. But the seasoning of victory could easily rival any other, and the ale and meat would only taste sweeter for it. Viola, the one mostly in charge as her husband Morgrym Lead the battle, had meticulously organized their second celebration. It was her swift direction and stern but steady voice that kept the anxiety away from all who were left. As those that were left behind were itching for their lost chance at glory or the brothers and sisters that would not return to those walls. And with all the many clans now assembled together, that was more hands to assemble in the kitchen when it came time to cook the meals for morrow.

Viola, more tense than she would let one, was the first to demeanor as she dashed for here husband and child. Embracing the too both with a flow of happy tears that she nuzzle into Lumikki’s face and Morgrym‘s beard. And in turn, the two would embrace her back, sheepishly in comparison as the two were well worn out for their efforts. It would be the subtle head nod toward the tables that alert his people that it was time to eat and refresh. As they kept their eyes on him awaiting the next command or announcement, but they were not disappointed with his muted gesture. They were more interested in a meal and ale than the telling of the story for now.

After Morgrym and Lumikki both consumed their respected two plate fills, her father would nudge her and gesture toward the main doors. Brone would receive much of the same as they all met and left together, at last to discuss the core of the issue and catch Morgrym on.

”Huh, heroes? Pa were family, it’s a given. Like Ma slaving in the kitchens all last week for the reunion,” the Daemon would chuckle but it was true. They simply did what any Dwarf would.

Morgrym hugged Lumikki so tight, she was almost tempted to cast her defensive armor. This vice grip was testing the limit of her bones, but she knew it was all out of happiness and love so she endured it. Much like any sound Dwarf would. ”Give us an hour and we’d prob want another meal anyways. Plenty time to get our own moment and make the best of the clan’s reunion. We’d just have to sate the lot back in the hall and be done with it. Simple enough, no? I’m sure Ma would really be happy for it too, she added meat to our plate three times before we finished half of what’s on it.”


Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Nerili11

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#3Brone Heavyaxe 

Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:10 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"By the Stone, I don't know how yer mother does it" Morgrym chuckled as he ran his fingers through his hair. Viola had awed him with her fortitude and work ethic, matching that of any female dwarf, this about her were few of the many things that snagged his heart and had Viola capturing his love as well as him, "With how the food is going so quickly, best that we get te our seats before it's all gone, and I'm sure yer mother is looking for us anyway" he gave another hug to Lumikki before turning to Brone, he looked him up and down, "That ain't ash, is it" when Brone and Lumikki returned through the portal, Morgrym had assumed the young dwarf was covered in ash or soot, but seeing him closer, he realized this wasn't the case.

"I don't think so" Brone looked down upon his hands and arms, checking his skin for any sign of his old complexion, to no avail, "I think it happened during the fight with Grektor" he began thinking back to the fight, wondering when this change could have happened. Morgrym went silent for a moment before turning to Lumikki for a few seconds and then he left the chamber after telling them to wait there. Soon enough two elder dwarves, Sif of the Långsiktighet Clan, and Galdur of the Hrútr Clan. They were the wise ones, the former known for having foresight that rivaled powerful magic and the latter being knowledgeable of many secrets.

The two elders approached Brone and observed him. Sif smiled as if she was already aware of the answer they were pondering, while Galdur stroke his beard, contemplating, "Why do ye stare? I told ye we'll be greeted by one" Sif said confidently.

"Ye told me that two centuries ago" Galdur replied without looking back to her, but keeping his eyes on Brone, "Tell me, lad, what did ye see down there in the magma chamber?"

Brone was surprised, he had only told a few dwarves about where he fought Grektor, describing the cavern, the news must have spread quickly, "Pools of magma, a lot of rock, no life" he thought back to the fight, trying to recall everything, then he remembered the shard, "And a big black slab", when he said this, both Sif and Galdur widen their eyes, Sif smiled widely still as she leaned on her cane while Galdur continued to stroke his beard.

"What do ye know of this slab?" Galdur asked.

"Grektor was spilling his words like he won a dragon hoard; he said the slab was a shard of the... Mallim, I think it was called, said he was gonna become a Dhain with it" Brone was starting to realize what the questioning was about, but a part of him didn't want to believe the possible conclusion that he himself might have become this Dhain.

"And ye touched it?" Sif began to question. Brone nodded, "What did ye see?" She somehow knew he had a vision despite that the young dwarf didn't tell anyone about it yet.

"I was in the biggest kingdom of gold and silver, and in the middle was the biggest black anvil I ever seen"

Both Sif and Galdur said in unison "The Mallim". Afterwards, Brone explained he awoke with the shard vanished and he was different. "Ye absorbed the the piece of Dhurain's forge" Said Sif said, "And became a Dhain dwarf" Galdur finally accepted the fact. Brone and Morgrym stared at the elders, speechless for moment before they turned to face one another. This seemed unbelievable. Such a tale was simply that, a tale, even though they both believed in Dhurain and the great forge, it was still hard to believe they would see the existence of a dhain as well as a shard of the Mallim.

"Congratulations, lad" Sif slightly nodded her head in acceptance, her smile still wide. Galdur simply grunted; regardless, Brone bowed his head in respect.

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Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:13 am


”Ye know what Nan always said, Pa. Mum’s the fire in yer forge.” Which was not far from the truth. Though versed in the ways of frost magic with great competence, Viola strutted with the gusto of an inferno or a dancing flame. For better of worse, Viola would move about her life with every ember of her passions focused in usually steady consistent blazes; but in times like these, she’d explode like a solar flare and accomplish her small miracles. Nan would make it a point to tease her daughter for Viola’s tendencies, but woven in were times of worry was well. Something Viola lacked to a great degree was stillness. An aspect of ice that reminds you to slow down.

”I just hope Mum would be able to rest soon. I just know she was worrying the whole time but she put this all together to help her keep distracted..” Nan wouldn’t be the only one to worry as Lumikki often did too. And the more the Dameon grew the more she somewhat saw her mother as fragile.

Morgrym hugged Lumikki with all the affections he had, agreeing that the Daemon’s words were true. And so he’d turn over to Brone, much of the warmth draining out of his face until his expression settled onto something more stern and stoic, but it was nothing harsh. It was odd to confront such a weird reality, especially with all the events that transpired for rapidly just moments ago. Who was to say why his cousin now bore an ashen skin or what truly transpired while they were alone with that mad mage. With Morgrym‘s peace that his precious daughter was back home safe, he now extended those remaining worries to the next of his precious kin.

With Brone’s response, it was clear that this was above his understanding. Morgrym swiftly sought out the council of those he deemed more wise. Leaving the pair to occupy the war room alone until his return. “This has been quite the day Uncle. Could ye believe that just a few hours before, I subdued a beast that grand and made him me mount. Then as we began to enjoy the festivities, a great robbery occurred only for it to prove being a mad cousin of some lost clan, and now were a figuring out what happened to ye….Do ye know what happened?” It never dawned on her to explain what she saw as things moved so fast. They had moments to return to through the portal before it closed, and even when returned, Lumikki was sound asleep from all the energy spent only to wake up and indulge in a feast. This was the only moment they’ve been alone in a while.”Uncle, while ye were in the chamb—“ But she could not finish what she had to say for Morgrym had returned along with two others. Elders from Lumikki’s understanding, to which she’d bow in respect and pull away.

The Daemon was somewhat uncomfortable to go on, feeling that this situation now transcended her. This was a conversation for the adults, and so she’d walk behind and find herself a seat at the table while the older duo would make sense of Brone’s changes and account. It was an odd exchange from there, as the back and forth progress until one could know for sure what was going on. Dhain Dwarf? Lumikki wondered, the thing of Dwarven legends? Of course unlike those in the room, she hardly questioned it. If her Guild Master was a Seraphim, a Demon occupied her mind for intervals of time, and one day she too would aspire to be one. Then who was to say that something like this could only be in myth and legend? No, that didn’t seem real to the Daemon anymore, and it would appear for them too as the two elder Dwarves would conclude their investigation in unison.

”If I could add to the details for the scene,” Lumikki finally spoke up, she was going to finally continue what she was saying before. “I happened to observe when the slab broke away and it was indeed a spectacle for sure. It begun with body looking like white hot metal as he collapsed on the ground. Triggering the slab to break away like dust or soot that coated his skin. Even since that died down, he’s looked like this. Does that mean one would always combine with a shard? Would that be the reason such a process is so rare?” Lumikki had many questions, but she was hoping her account could help settle things. If not add more information to the table for discussion.

Though what ever answers remained, Lumikki was in awe of her Uncle’s transformation. Like Yuurei, he’d find a path to ascension. Lumikki could only hope that she too would one day be so lucky but that was a matter she’d remain silent in. Her Uncle still barely understood what she was, so she did not need further questioning.


Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Nerili11

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#5Brone Heavyaxe 

Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 8:47 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Everyone in the warroom looked over to Lumikki as the young demi-human gave her point-of-view of what happened to Brone along with assumption. Brone wanted to speak, his mouth moving and hesitating, but he didn't know what to say or what to ask, this was all so confusing, too much for him to process and understand what had happened to him, he felt the same, just... stronger in some sense.

"I suppose that would make sense, for the Mallim was said te be where the first dwarves, the dhains, were forged from" Galdur stroked his beard as he was staring off, thinking about all his collected research he had earned in his centuries as a historian and archiver, "Some would say before we were flesh and blood, we were ash and stone" Galdur then suddenly stopped picking at his beard and looked at Lumikki, questioningly, she didn't seem like a naive adolescent.

For the moment, the attention shifted from Brone to Lumikki; Sif inched closer to the young Omena, staring deeply into her eyes as if she was trying to see something. Suddenly Morgrym pulled his daughter to his side and gave her a slight squeeze as he chuckled with pride, "I tell ye, she has her mum's mind, so quick witted".

"Ye have yer own shard ye te have, little one" Sif smiled widely as she spoke to Lumikki. For a moment the men were silent and confused.

"Mallim shards, as the lass said, are rare, hard to predict if she'll find one" Galdur dismissed his colleague's claim, but Sif turned around and began walking the door without even replying to Galdur, which he usually hated, but to make sure he wasn't embarrassed by her action, he too had walked away, both exiting the war room without another word.

Morgrym looked at Lumikki and Brone, confused by what Sif had said, he tried to hold onto his smile, but had difficulty trying to figure out what to say about Sif's last statement, but then it dawned on him that they had stated in the War Room too long, "Dhurain's beard! We have te get back!" he then rushed out through the doors.

"Yer own shard?" Brone smirked as he looked to Lumikki. Though he wasn't sure if his niece could find another shard, not fully understanding how rare they are, or if it's even possible for a non-dwarf to absorb it as he did, he was sure she was powerful enough to find something similar that would allow her to ascend, given he's witnessed her potential, "Alright, let's get back, and yer right, today was a hel of a day" The dwarf laughed/

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Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:36 am


Soon after her interjection, Lumikki was struck with both attention and fascination. Two things she would not expect from those who were as old and wise as the pair before her. Despite their ages, the spark of life had yet to dwindle from their eyes. As lively as the crackling flames within her father’s forge, the two elders gazed upon her. Both deciphering and trying to gleam who Lumikki was at her very core.

The little raven in turn was quite perplexed. Almost trying to shrink down her already small frame in an attempt to diminish and be gone from their sight. But begrudgingly, just with how sharp were Lumikki’s eyes, it seemed equally as sharp as theirs. There was nowhere to hide, and from Sif in particular. A woman who approached her with cryptic words in an almost all knowing and ominous fashion.

”Aaah, is that so the?” She’d try to ask, wishing to know more if the woman cared to elaborate; but she turned tail and walked out the door. It would seem that Galdur too was taken aback by her cryptic inference but the woman chose to pay him no mind any further. Simply leaving from where she came and walking back to what Lumikki could assume, would be the main hall again.

Perhaps the call of another meal called to them all, Galdur would not suffer staying any longer and with their joint departure, even Morgrym would take the opportunity to return again. He’d leave Lumikki and Brone to linger just a little longer.

Oy, to that indeed Uncle. Least it be far from not eventful, though I could do away with this ever happening again. Bless the Gods that be, that we could return all the gems to their respected families. I wouldn’t wish to mull over what would have came to be without ‘em. But enough of that now, how does it feel to be a Dhain and what more, the first in centuries? Bet ye never tasted victory this sweet have ye? Even with Yuurei or Kaito by yer side. Of course, I’m sure they’d take the piss out of all the fun innit too but we take what we could get. It was truly an honoring fighting alongside ya and for the family no less.” The pair were half way back to the hall by then. Listening to the echos of cheers and boisterous stories stirring within the confines of the main hall. “Seems they wasted no time getting their strength back in ‘em, well good, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Ya know Uncle…I know ye mentioned struggling with Grektor before. I’m really glad I was able to aid ya. Feels like I came a long way from the Joyan war, especially in magic. Granted that mage hardly made it as easy as I made it look to seem. He was a crafty bugger and I could see now how he always caused a problem….”


Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Nerili11

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#7Brone Heavyaxe 

Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 12:35 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"The first dhain in centuries" Brone's eyes glossed over as he began to finally take in what this truly meant. He simply wanted to stop Grektor with whatever his plan was and return the gems, but this turn out couldn't be any better; he thought about how his parents would react once he returned to the main hall and inform them, "This victory tis one of a kind, never thought I would find myself in such a dangerous adventure" as they walked, he would look to Lumikki and presented as wide smile, baring his teeth, "The best part was having me kin fight alongside me, especially you" he nudged her slightly. For the rest of the travel before they reached the main hall, Brone would comment happily of the spells and transformation Lumikki had shown, but went silent as he noticed how loud and rambunctious the festivities came to be, to which he then laughed.

"Aye, lass, we both came along way since Joya, and I couldn't be prouder of ye" he would quickly ruffle her hair slightly nudging her to her father and mother's direction across the main table before rushing off himself to meet up with his parents. His mother would tackle him into a hug, nearly pressing the wind from his lungs before she pulled away and question his skin while his father pointed out his growth spurt. Brone laughed and before he could answer, a bellowing yell from the head of the table called everyone to silence.

"This day marks a point in history for the clans!" Morgrym began. He stood at the head of the table with Viola sitting at his right side, "Though the treacherous Grektor had stolen our gems, sacred te each of us, two heroes have defeated him and claimed them back!" A cheer erupted as Morgrym placed the gems onto the table before him; they gleamed beautifully as all marveled them. One by one, Morgrym would call up each of the clan heads to retrieve their respective relic.

"Brandarbetare Clan!" His voice echoed the hall as all fell quiet. Grungde would stand, then walk over to the front. The moment he grasped the citrine, a deep sigh came over him before the rest of the Bradarbetare clapped, welcoming their clanhead back to the table and the citrine back home.

"Långsiktighet!" The young dwarf, Oldor, should have stood, but he nudged his sister to stand. As Bianra looked at her brother with a confused glance, he simply smiled at her before nudging her again. She nodded before walking to the front and grabbing the opal; her clans applause welcomed her back to her seat.

"StarkMithril!" Thondor was next, he proudly retrieved the diamond and took his seat without hesitation.

"Heavyaxe!" Dordon was to stand, but he slammed an open palm onto Brone's back, pushing off his seat before kicking him forward. The four arm, ashen dwarf gave his father one look, seeing his mother slapped him across the back of the head before he walked to the head of the table. He exchanged a smile and nod with Morgrym before taking the emerald into his hand. Though this wasn't the first time he has seen the clan's gem, it was the first time he has touched it. The walk felt long as he he made his way back to his seat as his clan applauded.

"Hrútr!" Morgrym would look over to Lumikki and given her a nod.

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Last edited by Brone Heavyaxe on Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:33 pm


And the Daemon would walk with at slight bounce in her step, almost skipping to meet him. The vitality was pouring off of her, the giddy energy quite bubbling. Though she would do her best to maintain a graceful demeanor, the addition of her small wings sprung forth from her back portraying a delicate beauty with how she moved. The would flutter softly in her motions, adding to the energetic display. And while as the Dwarven eye had laid upon her, Lumikki’s gaze would never stray from her dad just up ahead.

In a swift and elegant gesture, Lumikki would bow slightly and upon the raise she’d bring her right hand to chest. Honoring both her father as well as the head of the clan. Fighting the urge to hug or nuzzle Morgrym, she’d instead choose to rest her left hand upon his arm and bring her right toward the gem with she’d retrieve and press to her chest.

Finally, the little raven would look upon the crowd. The partial dim room, now almost silent. Her keen and piercing eyes now combing the room for her mother, followed by the figures who put a stake in her life. With a warm smile, she’d greet. With dazzling eyes, she’d share her love. And when she was done, she’d turn back to her father whose gaze was upon her. His deep settled and worn Dwarven features, soft and amicable in a display of love for her. The feeling was mutual and she’d have him know it.”ᛁ ᛚᛟᚢᛖ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛊᛟ ᛗᚢᚲᚺ ᛈᚨᛈᚨ, ᚨᚾᛞ ᛗᛁ ᛚᛁᚠᛖ ᛁᛊ ᛊᛟ ᛗᚢᚲᚺ ᛒᛖᛏᛏᛖᚱ ᚠᛟᚱ ᚺᚨᚢᛁᛜ ᛁᛟᚢ. ᛏᚺᚨᚾᚲ ᛁᛟᚢ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛏᚨᚲᛁᛜ ᛗᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛗᚨ ᛁᚾᛏᛟ ᛁᛟᚢᚱ ᚠᚨᛗᛁᛚᛁ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚲᚨᚱᛁᛜ ᚠᛟᚱ ᛟᚢᚱ ᛚᛁᚲᛖ ᛊᛟ ᛈᚨᛊᛊᛟᚾᚨᛏᛖᛚᛁ. ᛒᛖᛊᛁᛞᛖᛊ ᛗᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚾᚨᚾ, ᛁᛟᚢ ᚹᛖᚱᛖ ᚲᚢᛁᛏᛖ ᚦᛖ ᛚᛁᚷᚺᛏ ᛁᚾ ᚺᛖᚱ ᛚᛁᚠᛖ. ᛚᛁᚲᛖ ᚦᛖ ᚠᛚᚨᛗᛖ ᛏᛟ ᚺᛖᚱ ᚠᛟᚱᚷᛖ, ᛁᛟᚢ ᚲᛖᛈᛏ ᚺᛖᚱ ᚷᛟᛁᛜ. ᚨᚾᛞ ᛁ ᛃᚢᛊᛏ ᚺᛟᛈᛖ ᚦᚨᛏ ᛁ ᚲᚨᚾ ᚲᛖᛖᛈ ᛞᛟᛁᛜ ᛁᛟᚢ ᛈᚱᛟᚢᛞ.”(“I love you so much Papa, and my life is so much better for having you. Thank you for taking me and Ma into your family and caring for our like so passionately. Besides me and Nan, you were quite the light in her life. Like the flame to her forge, you kept her going. And I just hope that I can keep doing you proud.”) She spoke in a soft whisper, her voice only hitting upon her fathers ears. The Daemon was indeed thankful for the moment, and honored to join the celebration.

Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#9Brone Heavyaxe 

Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:02 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone joined the Hrútr clan in applauding for Lumikki as she picked up the sapphire, he cared not if anyone noticed. There was a moment he saw that his niece whispered something to her father in which Morgrym's grin crept onto his face, looking emotional. Eventually the Hrútr clan head then surprised Brone by giving an explanation of why Brone was ashen. Most of the dwarves would look his way and whispers began to circulate as the title "dhain" came from Morgrym's lips. The story of Mallim shard was brought up as the reason to why Grektor did what he did, but the clan head finished it with Brone and Lumikki heroically saving the day and the former taking in the shard, becoming the dhain.

The moment of silence did make Brone nervous, unsure how he would be received, he had faced many threats, but this was different and he wasn't sure how to handle it, he couldn't punch his way out of it. Then an applause from everyone came with cheers. Brone smiled and gave a nervous wave while his father placed a hand on his shoulder in support.

"And we'll wrap this up and get te our food and drinks with this last thing" Morgrym announced, causing all to fall silent again. The dwarf would turn to his daughter and place a hand on her shoulder, "Me daughter, Lumikki Omena, is hereby dubbed heiress te the Hrútr Clan!" The reaction was a mixture, many applauded, many cheered, there were gasps of surprised and there were even a few 'meh' with a dwarf saying "I mean, she is his daughter, saw that coming", but for most, this was a big deal, given that the Hrútr Clan is the main branch.

The cheers and died down until it fell silent before each of the clan heads raised their tankards in the air, one by one, they gave their blessing happily which caused the crowd to erupt in loud cheers once more. Brone was excited and overjoyed. This would be a memory that he was sure will be carved into the walls of the halls.

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Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:49 pm


Despite the crowd being fully aware of their relation, or that it could make sense to crown her, Lumikki was taken entirely by surprise. She’d look over to her mother panicked, only to see her shaking her head as if to say she didn’t know. The sincerity in her face sold it, Viola too was in disbelief but it soon melted to a merry and proud expression. Yet Lumikki could not accept the reality, feeling she would be the last one in which the news would fully sink in.

She looked back unto her father, his proud expression beaming with love and joy. He pulled Lumikki into his arms, coaxing her to take it all in. I won’t let ye down Father…” They lingered for a brief moment before Morgrym let her slip away. As she stepped back, the two remaining gems caught her eyes as they glimmered among the man dancing flames. The radiance was equal to all the others retrieved, but their lack of home bothered her. How they say alone, almost discarded, played with her sentimental recollections. Lumikki always knew the clan as five, it was all she’s ever heard. Yet one branch of the parted, the other brought to ruin by the very thing that gives her strength. It was not like a Dwarf to pale at the confrontation of a challenge, nor was it in her sense of pride and honor to allow things to remain as they have. Lumikki was more than the Demi-human she was born as, or the Daemon that she came to be. She was also a Dwarf through and through and she shall prove that for one on final time. To them, and to herself.

And so all her discomfort and meekness died away as her face turned stern like the spitting image of her father and she’d face the crowd cheering before her. Almost born anew for the second time. Her voice, still full of love, now command respect as well, far removed from her childish or studious demeanor as she allowed the power she accumulated in her life to back up her tone. Because of course she was a warrior like any of them and deserved to be seen as such, now more than ever.

”Thank ye lads, ye have me honor and respect. I feel no greater joy than having ye as me family and in me life. Ya all took me in and in turn ye’d always have me by yer side. For I am Dwarven like any other, reforged many times in me life and all in yer grace and likeness. To the lessons instilled or stories learned. The honor and valor I’ve gained I owe to ye all. And in this skirmish, I hope I’ve proven me value at yer side.” Lumikki took a moment to pause, giving them a chance to speak among themselves their thoughts and feelings of her character and words. Or how they noticed the growingly imposing chill rising and the flickering chandeliers. Lumikki looked dainty as a glance, her wings made her seem delicate and flight. It juxtapose the her squared stand and imposing presence. She did not mean to scare them, but respect needed to be earned, and one usually trusted in power if they were assigned a position to protect.

”Dwarves worth their weight in gems and gold rise to the challenge with family in mind and in heart. I volunteer to prove the same. It came to me attention we aren’t a family of five, what a shame to learn there were two more clans. Breaks me heart to see their gems sittin’ on the table left there and I’m sure there are others who feel the same. These gems are our family glory, our treasure, our emblem. We cannot forsake out other bothers and sisters any longer. If I am to take lead of this family one day, then I choose to take lead of all us. All of the Hrútr will be under me wings, and there will be no if, ands about it. So father, as me first act of carrying yer name, let me prove me grit and mend the family. If I learned anything from the story I’ve heard today about the Dragon Chamber, than I know we are stronger when completed. And as the sapphire, proof of me family, I shall carry and remember those burdens. I the one who forges with frost will labor to usher our new age and see to it that all Seven clans of the Hrútr are never left wanting and unfortified!”

She spoke with passion that permeated her words and blazed the further she went on. Her wings extended as if to emphasize her devotion and decree. Swearing onto the family she now hails, that she would elevate them further. It was quite ambitious indeed, but one expected that of a Dwarf. Always wanting to strike down the enemies who were towering quite high. And she’d mean every word, etching it into one of many of her life long purposes. What did not know was how long said life would be.

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Curtain Call
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Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#11Brone Heavyaxe 

Returning of the Gems [Brone/Lumikki] Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 6:10 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
As Lumikki and Morgrym embraced, the dwarves continued to cheer, it wasn't until Lumikki started her speech that all fell silent again. Her words emotionally moved the stubborn stones, she was happily accepted by her clan because her mother married into the family, then she earned her place as she saved them all, and with this speech, it would be hard to find any dwarf who lacked liking of her; but like any dwarf, regardless of blood, a dwarf must prove themselves to their kin eventually, even if they are happily accepted.

She then brought up the other two clans; many of the dwarves fell into whisper. Brone brought his face over his mouth to keep himself from chuckling. He knew well she was bold enough to make such move; the reason why the conversation of the missing clans were brought up in the war room was because they were involved, but this was kept in the war room amongst the elders, clan heads and trusted few, but here the heiress has done the unthinkable, bring to light the lost clans and swearing to bring them back.

Morgrym couldn't deny this quest, the look in his eyes flared like a brand new forge, "Aye, me daughter, your request is accepted, take the amethyst and the ruby with you and find the lost clans... and bring them home" he grasped his daughter's hands into his, showing he fully supported her. One last cheer erupted; this day would go down in dwarven history as the story of the Raven and the Dhain who defeated an evil sorcerer to save the sacred gems and the start of a journey to bring the clans together.


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