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V. Poisoner's Delight

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V. Poisoner's Delight Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:59 am



Name: Poisoner's Delight

Slot: Necklace

Type: Necklace

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Durability: 2x S-rank


Description: Among the many crazy but brilliant minds of Talaz Lagaar, lived a scientist devoted to his work. His interests lied in both chemistry and biology, often taking pleasure in witnessing the result amid his live subjects. In a fleeting whimsy, an idea stirred within him. A necklace filled with some of his more potent work, capable of spreading his formula in a toxic gas that lingers before it decays. Should one use this necklace to facilitate their work, they should find an extra sting that remains.


Requirements: None.


  • Toxic Cloud: Debuffs cast by the user now also apply around them for one rank lower at a distance equivalent to the rank of the spell as an AoE and linger without the need to pay for each individual impacted by the debuff if their targets are impacted by the toxin cloud.

  • Refined Toxin: Toxin Cloud causes targets who are impacted by debuffs to be debuffed a further amount equivalent to one rank lower than the base spell rank, if they stand within the Toxin Cloud for more than two turns.

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