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The Dragon and The Pup (Arena)

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The Dragon and The Pup (Arena) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:47 am

Back from the brink of one spar and already on to the next with plenty of drive and adrenaline still left to give. Though the main event in his books had already come and went in spectacular fashion. There were still plenty of other worthwhile competitors just around the corner that were chalk full of potential for some good ole bloody amusement. The kind Goji was a sucker for time and time again without fail. After all, the determination to brawl and maybe even come out on top fueled him more than he could ever rightly explain.

Having taken a short break after his first match of the day. Stretching, hydrating, and patching up any injuries from the round he had braved prior. Once the officials were done with their inspections enough to give the green light of approval. He was put back in the saddle for round two. Not wasting a moment longer than he needed for any last minute prep beforehand. Goji stepped up to the iron gate standing between him and the arena. The rhythmic clinking of chains that made it rise up and away bringing him a peace of mind as they locked into place. Once more he was ushered in into the fray. The toll of the announcer and rumble of the crowds adding to the fire that was burning furiously in his chest at that moment.

Two balled fists were brought to the ready upfront as he mocked a few punches through the air to keep himself limber. As the two combatants closed the distance Goji's narrow baby blues locked onto the other man who he recognized only in name. A top contender who had made impressively easy work of the leaderboard to an almost frightening degree for some folks. To Goji, such a prospect was almost too much to contain. If the man was as good as his reputation had suggested so far then this was going to be one hell of a time. "Quite the hot streak you got going. Hope you don't mind if I cool it down some."

[ WC - 348 ] @Go D. Drakkon
Combat Info:

#2Go D. Drakkon 

The Dragon and The Pup (Arena) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 1:39 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon kept losing, but at the same time, he felt like he was getting stronger. The fight he had with Kaito had allowed him to gain things he honestly didn’t think he would be able to gain. He had gotten stronger, that was for sure after he rested and got his stuff prepared, he knew it was time to go to his next match.

He wasn’t sure who he was fighting here, but he would keep the same energy he had within the last two losses he had. He would only use his katana and that was it. Drakkon was doing his best to master the art of swordsmen ship and he wouldn’t stop until he succeeded.

Drakkon was in front of the gate waiting for it to open up once again. He had wrapped the Bandana on his head again had wondered who he was fighting this time. It seemed like the gates were opening, but it wasn’t his at first. He was fine with that as it seemed like he would finally come out second. He would wait for his turn, the crowd cheering excited to see the fight start. Soon enough, his gate would open and the announcer would call out his name.

That was enough for the crowd to cheer. They saw him lose to Kaito, but what he had done was different than anything they had seen before. The son of chaos walked into the arena and looked at his opponent. He was a big guy, not as tall as him, but he was bigger than Drakkon.

When he approached him, in the arena he heard his words and tilted his head. He saw he was going to use his hands, but Drakkon wouldn’t be kind enough to do the same. He unsheathed his blade as he took a stance of his own.

“Sorry, someone just cooled it down before you. I’m starting to think it's because I’m physically weak, but I will rectify that soon.” He said to Goji.

They were around three meters apart as he stared into the man’s eyes as well. He took in a deep breath and then let it all out. It was then the announcer told them that the match would begin.



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The Dragon and The Pup (Arena) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:20 am

"Suit yourself." Not wanting to drag out the festivities longer than needed Goji set into action. His fists being slammed together in a show of strength as his eyes transcended their usual tone. A deep crimson washed over the blue color until it was all but consumed bringing with it a vibrant glow. The power of a daemon's obscura at work as it empowered him down to the core. Even with the boost he was far from a master at unlocking it's full potential. Something he hoped to improve on with each match he was lucky enough to be involved with throughout the tournament.

That said, it wouldn't be the only tool at his disposal. Clearly lacking the competitive edge of a blade or any weapon for that matter. Unlike his opponent who stood on business staring straight and true down along the folded steel of a pristine katana. Goji brought with him an unusual arsenal that often floated under the radar for most. The only exception being made for those with a keen sense for magical perception. Here's hoping it would give him the upper hand this time around.

Silently wanting to gauge Drakkon on a few points before things got too chaotic to handle. Goji started his assault on the simpler side going in for a lunge to narrow the three meter gap between them quickly. A pursuit to see how the man himself would react. Without so much as a wince or twitch, his physicality would shift into gear. From under his garments skin dissolved into a metallic alloy that crept along every inch from head to toe. Should Drakkon return the strike with their own he would be well fortified against the retaliation or at least that was the plan. With one coiled fist pulled back in preparation, as soon as he was in range Goji would go to swing with the full brunt of his might.

[ WC - 669 ] @Go D. Drakkon
Combat Info:

#4Go D. Drakkon 

The Dragon and The Pup (Arena) Empty Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:44 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked at Goji, the man was ready for combat, and he would be too. His eyes stared into the face of the man that he was fighting. He didn’t have to hold back with swings, because he knew in his current state, his strength was nothing. Still, it meant being able to fight others without taking them out in one shot. He was still mastering his weaponry. That was when he saw it, something happened within the man’s eyes, it looked that close to a demon. He was a daemon? Well, that was interesting and he wondered if this man had met Lumikki.

Drakkon saw it the man had rushed in on him. This man was brave, he could see the fighter within his eyes. He welcomed it, and honestly, he enjoyed it. He stared at him as he would return the blow to Goji. He was also tasting this man, he wasn’t sure what he could do, and he couldn’t feel the aura of death looming over him. This man was fierce, but it didn’t send chills down his spine yet. It was men like Ikazuchi and Brone that terrified him when they shouldn’t be able to.

Still, as he closed the gap, Drakkon would swing down his blade without hesitating as well. He aimed for the left shoulder of Goji, swinging it down vertically to see what he would be able to do to the young man. When his punched landed the punch, he felt it hit him, damaging his kimono and bringing Drakkon to twitch a bit. That was a nice power to the attack, it was similar to his own. He wondered if the man would be hurt by this attack. His eyes scanned for the signs of pain and such if his attack would go through.


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The Dragon and The Pup (Arena) Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:37 pm

Not quite shaken but definitely roused by the steadfast resilience Drakkon radiated in the wake of the oncoming attack. It was almost as if the strike barely scratched the surface of the man's rugged exterior much less even phased them in the slightest manner. Instead only leaving behind a mild suggestion of results at best. The well crafted kimono adorning their body showing faint signs of wear and tear at the point of impact. It wasn't much but still something to go off of at least. Now it was just a matter of figuring out what else was hiding under the surface.

There wouldn't be much time to ponder the possibilities on the spot however as no sooner did Goji's fist make connection did his opponent return the favor as expected. To interest, with as forward an approach as his own. The gleaming katana that had been waiting at the ready was brought down in one fiercely fluid swing from above. A shrill of sharp ringing filling the arena as sleek metal glided through the open air with fair precision. It's intended mark struck true with a power that made Goji stumble back slightly yet with little signs of pain nor pressure to be seen. As if the hit had been absorbed by something outright.

Doing his best to regain footing as his balance was thrown off kilter from taking things head on. A few seconds too late and he might have fallen right on his face against the coarse ground below. Narrowly dodging such a fate Goji dropped down into a semi-crouch. The tightness in his legs springing him forward as he locked on to Drakkon's waistline specifically. Still within enough reach to attempt a dive, Goji would make it look like he was going in for another punch when in reality there was something else in mind. If he could get within reach without any issues two hulky arms would wrap around Drakkon like a vice. Taking advantage of their center of gravity at first chance and turning it against them. Whether such a tactic proved effective came down to was who was faster in the end.

[ WC - 1,028 ] @Go D. Drakkon
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