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Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits]

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Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:09 pm


Kaito had heard that the country that he had helped to save was running a festival of sorts or event how ever it was wishing to be called he was going to do his best to make this work out for them and not make any trouble if he can help it. Kaito was walking wearing more normal clothes so he didn't stick out in the crowd with his cute ducky charm attached to his clothes cause for some reason he liked to have it on himself and people seemed to like seeing it as well so he would wear it every where pinned to his clothes. As he walked past street vendors they would give him free samples and Kaito would accept as he didn't want to be rude to them but other people would look at him oddly as the vendors did this to him and then they would walk up to the same vendors and be denied a free sample from them for some reason or questioned to why they thought they could get a free sample from them. Kaito could sense someone with a blood thirst nearby but it seemed to soon fade after.

#2Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:22 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza had been relaxing for quite some time in Joya. He didn’t leave the place as it seemed like the Faction, he was in was all over the place. He decided to enjoy his time as it seemed like his Shogun had decided to throw a huge event within Joya. This was good as he would find a way to make jewels for himself as well. Sylph was always by his side, making sure that nobody gave him a naughty look. The little fairy was hovering around him as he was on a stand. He was juggling balls into the air right now. It was one, then two, then three, and then four. It continued to increase until there were six of them.

They were impressed with what he was doing, not a lot of people could do something like that right? Well, he had decades of practice. He would soon light them up on fire as they were in the air.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:34 pm


Kaito saw the man juggling the balls and he wondered if it was this area he had sensed it from or somewhere else, cause no way someone here would have that as there were pretty much just children and young adults around this area. He looked to the jester and he wondered if that lack of scent meant he was a full elf or if something he was wearing, all the food and drinks around was throwing off his sense of smell. Kaito knows not to dwell for long or he will end up catching someone's eye probably. He walks past another stall that called out to him and gave him a sweet for free and he wondered why people always did that to him gave him free things and samples but as always he thanked them and snacked as he went on his way looking at more of the things and games that were going on around the place.
(160) (358)

#4Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:54 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza had hatred for humans indeed, he looked at them and he wanted them all to burn, but his need to appease his Shogun stopped him from lashing out. He noticed someone in the crowd, this person was a bit different than the rest of the people there. It wouldn’t take him long to realize who he was and it brought a smile to his face. Sylph looked at him as he was juggling the fireballs the people were in awe and giving him jewels for his performance.

“Why are you smiling for Iz?” She asked him curious to hear what he had to say.

“I foun someone interestin. Try not ta lose him.” He said his eyes looking in a specific direction.

Sylph heard him and she nodded. She saw who he was looking at and she would be in the air watching him go to a different stance.

Iza was finishing up his performance as he knew where to go after this.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:04 pm


Kaito was kneeling and looking at a gold fish catching game and he is handed one of the catching tools to play with as a free play and Kaito wondered if that was really an okay thing to accept but he had seen a small girl struggling and failing and telling her mother that she wanted a stuffed animal that you had to catch the biggest and heaviest fish for to win. Kaito smiles and he looked at the fish and then he put the catching tool into the water and pulled out the biggest fish on the first try as his eye showed him the weak spot in the catching tool and Kaito avoided it so the catching tool wouldn't break and he gets the stuffed animal that the little girl was wanting and crying cause she failed to win and he handed it over to her with a smile. "Take good care of it okay?" The little girl smiled and hopped up and down excited and her mother looked at Kaito with a huge smile and thanked him and then Kaito moved on to look around more.
(191) (549)

#6Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:25 pm

Iza Bicdic
His performance had come to an end and people were putting the jewels in his hat. When he saw that they would scatter away from him, his smile would reveal as he was able to take jewels from these people. He would catch each of the balls, using his wind magic to kill the fire with powerful winds as the balls were placed into the hat. He picked it up and put the jewels in his pocket as it was time to look for Kaito.

“He hasn’t moved from his last spot. It seems like he was helping a kid win a prize.” She said to him.

Iza heard this and he moved over to the area and soon enough he would tap Kaito on his shoulder from his right side.

“It’s not every day ya see someone as famous as ya in Joya. I guess this event caught ya attention here?” He asked wondering how Kaito would respond to him.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:51 pm


Kaito felt the tap on his shoulder and he turned around and looked at the man and he heard what the man said. Kaito tilted his head at the man’s comment. "I am famous?" Kaito was honestly confused by this comment he had never thought of himself as famous or anything like that. He had just lived his life and did what he had to do. "I guess you are right I am not usually in this country I think the last time I was here was when I helped to remove the shogun." he was not sure if that was even a known thing or not though he had heard of a statue that depicts heroes on it but he is not a hero just a guy doing what he has to do to get by day to day. "Since you know who I am May I ask who you are?" He figured it was only fair to ask the other man’s name as well as he seemed to know who Kaito was.
(174) (723)

#8Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:00 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza would look at this man, and tilt his head at his words. This man didn’t even know that? No way he was that dense. This man was indeed the most famous person in this world. The only one who rivaled him was a man named Yuurei. These two had different accolades behind them that was for sure, but there was no way he didn’t know this.

“Ya kiddin me right? With the things ya have done especially, with dat Yuurei guy, you must not be bright enough to see ya famous in Earthland.” He said to Kaito.

It was a bit irritating, but he did his best to relax. It seemed like he was there at that time when the war happened. Then he would have to thank him for his effort. He bowed slightly to him as he had asked him who he was.

“I see, thank you for ya service in making my Shogun the Shogun. My name is Iza Bicdic at ya service.” He said this as he looked at Kaito with a smirk on his face even though nobody could see with the mask on his face.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:33 pm


Kaito smirked at the man after hearing the man calling him not bright. "I think your mask slipped a bit there calling me not bright." Kaito guessed this man wasn't as "Fun" as he looked like as he was just called stupid by the other man. He just doesn't worry if he is famous or not or if he is considered a hero to people. "Well mister Iza I just don't worry about if I am famous or a hero or not. I just do what I can where I can. Yuurei is more a hero and a famous man than I am I just drift through life and sometimes my feet have to hit the ground running." In a way Kaito was just humble and in some forms he just doesn't understand why he is famous or why it mattered he was famous besides to make the guild he is in look good and get Judith some new members as he was never out for glory or to be a hero he just wanted to be himself and that is something his Grandmother beat into him to not let it all go to his head.
(200) (923)

#10Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 2:53 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard what he said and he would rub the back of his head. It was true he had lost him right there when he said that to Kaito. He was called out on it and he would laugh a bit, wrapping his hands on his abdomen.

“Ya right, I apologize. Ya just caught me off guard, and I couldn’t help it.” He explained himself to Kaito as would move on to the next thing he had said.

“I see, so ya consider him the hero and you the person who is just there? That’s interestin. Ya don’t give ya self enough credit I guess.”  He said to him as he looked around.

“So, since I’m here with ya, how about we do something togetha? We can get to know each otha if ya like? I want ta see what makes ya tick Kaito Todaro.” He said to him as he waited for him to give him an answer.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:23 pm


Kaito looked to the person that had spoke to him. "Yeah I have heard that a lot that I don't give myself enough credit but I also don't bask in the lime light of the grand spot light on the center stage." That was from back in the day when he had helped at the Hosenka plays and shows as he had to play the main actor a few time for things there and to help the actors and actresses that worked the place. He had no idea if the other man would understand what he meant by what he said but he figured they will figure it out and didn't need him to explain to them about it.

He heard the man ask him if he would walk around with the other man. "I guess I would look a little less dangerous if I was walking around with someone else, instead of wandering around by myself, something you wish to see?" Kaito asked the man as he had said he was from here maybe he had an idea for a spot to check out.
(189) (1,112)

#12Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:15 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza could only do one thing, he would put his hand on his mask as he would lift himself back and laugh a bit. This man was special indeed, and he enjoyed hearing him talk.

“So, ya support those who ya feel deserve the centa stage. I mean if that is how ya live ya life, nobody could tell ya otherwise. That’s fa sure.” He said to him that he was fine with that.

He would pry him on trying to change his being or anything like that. Sylph looked at him as she was flying around him a bit.

“He’s kind of cute, Iza. Still, it seems like a lost soul from what I can tell.” She said to her partner as she returned to his side.

He heard his words and he nodded agreeing with him, but then he was asked if there was something he would like to do.

“No, I reside hea, so I figured we do what ya want. I’m from the Shinigami Convocation and she is Sylph.” He said to Kaito as he had forget that in his introduction.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 6:14 pm


He looked to the jester and he thought about what he had just said. "It is one of my magics functions to support in a fight, I am a support and defense heavy mage." Kaito was just stating facts that he was not one of the hard hitting and attack oriented battle mages as he didn’t seek that route in life he followed the route the wind blew him in and he had at one time wanted to wield a scythe as well but it seemed the sword more took on his life as the sword he had, had seen him through a ton of things he doesn’t know what he would have done if he didn’t have this sword by his side his life would have been so much different and Kaito had to admit it to himself.

He looked at the tiny woman and he corrected her. "My soul isn’t lost it is fractured." Again he was telling the truth as he was not sure what he could do about any of this and when the man had just asked him to pick he just started walking to return to his wandering as stall vendors handed him free things to try.
(203) (1315.)

#14Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 7:53 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard him as he kind of knew a bit of his spell, but listening to him explain a bit more was interesting. Still, if he was the support and defense guy of a team, did that mean, that Yuurei and Kaito together were unstoppable whenever they were together? That would be a scary thing to see and for anybody to handle.

Sylph was a bit confused with her words and she laughed a bit.

“Well, that’s good to know, but I’m just saying you look like a lost person. It’s like you don’t know where you belong, or that is what I get from you.” She said to him trying to clarify her words.

Iza would pat her on the head and she would accept it without a problem.

“So, what do you wanna do Kaito? Is there anything in Joya that has caught ya interest or anything here ya want to do?” he said to Kaito waiting to see what he would say.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:01 pm


He rubbed his chin to what she had said to him and then he spoke again. "Aren't we all like that though lost in our own little journey looking for where we belong but never fully fitting in?" Kaito's tone was teasing toward the small woman as he was in his own way having a bit of fun with her and he hoped that she could enjoy it even if he was looking a bit dumb in some ways to what he was saying and acting.

He heard the other man speak again. "I really have no plans for places I am literally just wandering and enjoying." A stall keeper gives him a free bottle of Sake and Kaito kept walking and he looked to the jester. "Would you like this I don't drink so I really have no use for it." He held the bottle out to the other man when they were out of sight of the person who gave it to him and he also offered snacks to the small woman and the man as well that he had on him from the vendors and hard working people.
(197) (1,512)

#16Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:33 pm

Iza Bicdic
Sylph looked at him and shook her head. He wasn’t wrong about that, but with how famous he had been, if he didn’t have a place to fit in, then that was his own fault.

“I guess you’re right we are all lost in our own way. I have a place to fit in and it is with Iz here. He’s who I want to spend the rest of my days with. I’m surprised with everything you’ve done, you haven’t found a place to belong.” She said this as it was what she had gotten from his words.

Iza waited for his question to be answered, and soon enough he did. It was an answer he didn’t expect. It was sad that he didn’t want to do anything. Why was he here then? He was asked if he wanted the sake that he had, and Iza would take it without a problem.

“Sure, I’ll take it out of ya hands if ya don’t want it.” He said as he would drink this later.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 6:33 am


He looked at the small woman. "I never said I don't have a place I belong as I am exactly where I belong, part of Fairy Tail, friends with Yuurei and now walking around this Joya festival. Even you two appearing and following me, was probably fated." He handed over the bottle to the jester and he kept walking just taking in the sights and enjoying the things that were around and how nice the people are to him. He doesn't understand to why they are being so nice to him or that it is the charm that is causing it to happen and he wonders if this man and his small woman were trouble makers or if they are as well nice people of this country Kaito would have to find out sooner or later where they stood and if he will be able to help them if things were to go bad for them but Kaito also can not get past a strange feeling around the jester.
(171) (1,683)

#18Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:34 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza and Sylph looked at him and then they looked at him. They had a smile on his face as that was not what they were expecting him to say. This guy was a bit off, but who were they to judge? Iza had been alive for so long that he had met quite a lot of people similar to Kaito.

“I see, ya contradicted wat ya said earlier then. Still, it’s all good, if I say so ma self. As fa us meetin I don’t think fate had anythin ta do with it. I just saw ya, and when I realized who ya was, I was like let me see wat ya up to.” He said to Kaito.

He would take the sake and open it a bit. He would take a whiff of it, and it would be delightful. He decided to take a bit of it right now and swished it in his mouth before swallowing and closing the bottle.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 11:32 am


Kaito looked at the jester and shrugged. "i don’t know about that one, I just happened to cross your path while following a sense of blood lust and you followed me. Some times with the puzzles pieces from other sets still match to fit a different one." that probably made no sense but Kaito was more saying it isn’t totally black and white and some times the puzzles pieces just fall into place on the wrong puzzle but because the piece fits you don’t have to worry about it and just move on with their life. Kaito didn’t really seem too bothered by the jester and his small female friend but he was also not fully understanding of them wishing to follow him. Kaito’s danger sense sparked and he raised his hand without looking catching a baseball that had hit one of the rigged bottle knocking over games bottles and flew at his head. The man that had thrown it was begging forgiveness for it and the vendor smirked and said that kaito could toss the ball for the man and attempt to win him a prize, Kaito nodded then threw the ball and it blasted through the bottles and knocking over the stand the bottles were on as that stack was glued magically to not come apart or fall over but the stand it was on was not.
(229) (1912)

#20Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:10 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard him and he nodded; it seemed like his blood lust was revealing when he was around the people earlier. Well, that would explain why he was around at the time.

“I see someone was thinkin about killin someone around the area ya say? That is interestin, I wonda who dat coulda been.” He said to Kaito.

It was then a ball was flying straight toward him, and he wondered if the guy would be able to catch it. He did though, without even looking in the direction where it had come from at first. It allowed him to realized that he could sense when danger was moved toward him or the area around him.

“How ya do dat? Is there a tick ta it? Ya didn’t even see it comin?” He asked him wondering what he would say to him.

Sylph was also surprised about this as she didn’t think someone could do that.

“Reflex of a God?” She asked wondering what he would say as well.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 12:22 pm


He looked at the man and spoke. "I ate this strange fruit and it gave me powers it was a very disgusting taste but I guess it was worth it, but at the price that fruit would have costed me to buy I was not going to let it go to waste as I just happened to find one." He had no idea what it was when he ate that fruit that awoke him to being a Demi-god he had just tried it to see what it tasted like and it awoke something in him. He has no idea how it worked out why it worked but not he was more of a freak than he was before he ate it.

"So are you two dating?" He was referring to the small woman and the giant jester as they seemed cute together and he had no idea how that would work but it was something that had crossed his mind to ask so he did so. He was still walking and talking while looking at things.
(180) (2,092)

#22Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 1:10 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard him even more confused than he was before. This man ate a fruit that caused him to be able to do that. Well, damn he wanted one of those, where could he find one.

“You should give one to Iza, so he could do the same thing.” She said to him.

He laughed when he heard her words and he patted her head.

“I was tempted ta ask ya where ya get it from, but now dat I think bout it, I don’t think I need it. There is something from my home dat will allow me ta become stronga I just need to wait for the opportunity ta do dat.” He said to him.

That was when a question was asked, one that made him laugh and Sylph blushed.

“No, we’re not dating. He’s my partner and I want to see him succeed.” She said to him embarrassed about his words.

“She loves me dat’s fa sure, but dat would neva work.” He said as she pouted hearing his words but he would pat her on the head.



Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 2:26 pm


Kaito looked at them as they had denied being together. "hey I am not here to judge you two for loving who you love, my wife is a necromancer so you can find love with the oddest of people and at the oddest of times, but it can work out." Kaito as usual had the work idea of them as he kept walking and enjoying the sights the sounds and entertainment that was being offered as well was women thanking him for being a hero and he takes it with a humble smile and a thumbs up. His life was weird and he was never going to not be someone’s hero it seemed but some times he felt lonely and like he wanted to stop and just make a family and move on with his life, but he knows no matter how hard he might try to do that he was never going to be able to do that as he would be pulled right back into it again or have what he loves stolen from him. For now he was just going to enjoy the sights and sounds here with his new odd friends.
(195) (2287) (Exit)

#24Iza Bicdic 

Walk along the streets (with Iza) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 2:48 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard him and he nodded understanding where he was coming from. He didn’t see Sylph like that. She was too tiny and even though she was always there for him, he didn’t think it could ever be. Sylph, on the other hand, needed to find a way to become bigger and then he would be interested.

“Thank ya fa the advice I will think bout it. So, Kaito, where is ya, necromancer wife? Are ya the only one who knows of ha? Have ya introduced her ta ya friends?” He asked as he was walking with him.

Sylph was curious to know where his wife was too. She would have loved to see how they would have acted with each other.

“I wished you brought her here. That would have been something different.” She spoke he thoughts out loud as they continued through the festival.

It seemed like he didn’t want them around, but was too good of a person to say otherwise.



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