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After the Round table [CE – High Spirits]

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After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 1:15 am


Lumikki had left after the events within the basement of the club. The trio enjoyed their time until she saw it fit to leave. Finally enjoying a grand new experience was pleasing if not tiring and she so had wished to retire under a pile of her blankets, achieving the most comfort.

It would be Erica, one the highest of Eight Pinions that would wake her. Softly stirring the Demoness from her slumber with a cup of green tea and breakfast within arms reach. The Sun had already hung in the sky for some time then, almost at the peak of its arc. And so even when Lumikki fussed, she soon conceded to Erica’s demands. Begrudgingly enjoying the breakfast prepared while her Pinion carefully brushed and fixed her hair.

After a nice shower, Erica helped her into another kimono, different to the one worn just prior. It was white with splashes of blue and a motif of flowers that look like those of Lily of the Valley, her favorite kind. With make up masterfully done by Erica, and her hair finished with its flourishes and flair. The braids done in a tie up fashion with hair pieces tucked within her locks that added a sense of movement from the pieced hanging.

With a sleepy kiss blown to Erica, Lumikki turned her special key into the lock of her room’s door, opening a way to Drakkon’s home from the room he had offered her for the night. And she’d walk sheepishly to the dinning hall to await him.


After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#2Go D. Drakkon 

After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:37 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had become an underworld Boss. He was able to do a lot more now than he normally could before. He had his promise to the Shogun that he wouldn’t use the people in Joya as any type of human trafficking, but he would be using other people from different countries. They were a good source of jewels, and he couldn’t help it. He just let the other bosses know they couldn’t touch the people of Iceberg, Joya, and Seven due to Yuurei, Mishiko, and Lumikki. He didn’t have a treaty with Yuurei, but he knew the man was in Seven and if he got a whiff of this, then it would cause trouble on him.

He wasn’t done enjoying his time though with Lumikki. No, she was here in Joya because he invited her and after all of this had happened, he figured he would enjoy the rest of her time here together. There was fortunately a festival going on right now all because of the Shogun right now. He was wearing his green kimono as he figured he wanted to go with this color today. He felt like red or black was like a battle or darkness thing for him personally.

When he was done getting ready, he noticed one of his men approaching him.

“What would you like us to do today?” He asked him waiting for an answer.

“Any men who aren’t working today allowed them to enjoy their day to day. Any men that are working today, tell them to continue working. Have Hai with you and allow him to oversee things, if he sees anything going wrongly don’t stop him from taking care of it.” He said to him.

The man would bow when he heard the orders and he would walk away. With that, he would make it to the dining hall to see Lumikki was waiting for him there. He approached the beautiful woman and he would go behind her and he would take out a necklace that was dark purple, and blue as if it were ice.

“I’m glad you stood and decided to enjoy the festival with me. I have a gift for you can I put it on your neck.” He said to her as he was already there, but if she refused he would take it away.



After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:34 pm


Lumikki did her best to not rub at her eyes. The burning sting from awakening had not yet left and as it lingered, it was bringing slight tears to her eyes. Erica did her best when painting her face, but what more, she wanted to look elegant today. A proper Joyan festival was something she read in books and heard in passing from her brother's short stories. Though she enjoyed her time in Hosenka, it could compare.

This overwhelming excitement would occupy her as she waited, enough for her to hardly notice the steps from the owner of the home. His vivid green kimono complimented the shade of his hair and piercing hues of his eyes. Though the change of dress was subtle to his usual attire, one could somewhat make out the difference in his poise now.

His servants stood silent, watching their master and leader saunter into the room just behind the Demoness. Her hands almost brought to her face, only to be halted just a few inches from her cheeks. His voice came as a startle, but not enough to shake her, just spare her from the last of the remnants of sand from the corners of her ears. And she noticed his hovering hands and gave time for his words to settle. Lumikki would sheepishly nod before tilting her head just right.

When the gift was secured and lacked around her neck, the cold metal and heavy ice like gems brought a sense of weight on her chest. It was pleasing, as it was exciting to be not only thought about, but treated. When Drakkon finally parted from her, pulling back to she her clearly, Lumikki twirled with all the life she could muster from within her. Trying to remain graceful, but having to make do with her sloppy finish. Kimonos were far more restricting than she was used to, but their charm superseded her desire for comfort.

"Mighty kind of ye, consider me grateful." Lumikki gave a slight bow to show sincerity, pulling back to revel her mischievous grin. "Are ye as excited for the festival? I know ye've grown used to such things, but Joya really is as colorful as it's charming." Of course, such words come from a place of nativity. The colorful beast held an underbelly of its own, and though she caught a glimpse of it, it was not enough to hamper her overall excitement.


After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#4Go D. Drakkon 

After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 7:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon waited to see if she would accept the gift, and when he saw her shift her chin he knew. That was good, and honestly, he didn’t mind if she had denied it. He would have understood, but instead he would lock the necklace on her neck and he would let go as it gently fell on her collar bone. He watched her turn around to look at him. He could see that she was happy with what he had done, and that was good. He didn’t even notice her messing up the spin as she spoke to him and then bow to him slightly.

“Ah yes, I wanted to thank you for helping me out the other day. I also wanted to show my appreciation toward you.” He said to her as she asked him about the festival.

He would grin and he was glad she asked him about it.

“Yes, I’m excited for the festival. This is the time where I make sure things go smoothly. If I catch anybody messing around with the storefronts I manage, and protect, well things won’t go well for them. Where Shinigami Convocation takes care of things the right way and by the rules, I take care of things differently, direct and right away.” He said to her as his men would be all over the festival today.

He walked next to her as he put his arm out for her to wrap around his as they would open the door.

“Today, I won’t lift a finger, only to enjoy the festival with you. I don’t have to do anything anyway today, my men will be on top of things, so yes I am excited for the festival today. We can eat Joyan food and play games and such as we walk around.” He said this to her and once they were ready they would be on their way.



After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 7:45 pm




Lumikki of Iceberg


"Mortals invent constellations yet they refuse to acknowledge the Darkness in between."




Lumikki beamed from his response, taking it as an offering for her contribution. It was a fun concept to dance around and enjoy as a Demon, all the more when the company was interesting. For a sleepy morning, she was shifting into a more energetic demeanor, uncharacteristic but fun.

”Things sound more complicated than I thought for ye. I forgot just how intricate yer world is. Truly in the shadows, I’m envious.” Her melodic voice sounded serene as she murmured her thoughts.  In her ebb and flow, she went on, ”The Shogun is a beautiful as she is impressive. Death is an interesting thing to reign in on itself, but war is its share of enticing. Perhaps it’s the Demon in me talking, but Joya is sentimental to me. Hearing of yer influence is an entertain topic, I hope the darkness of this lands is worth ye locking onto this role…..something tells me I’ll be locking into more things too….”

Drakkon stepped beside her and offered his arm, it was unexpected and that in itself is why she wasn’t surprised, more amused. She’d drab onto him, allowing him to be a gentleman as she was now playing the role of a lady. ”I look forward to it~ Hosenka could never compare, and me local fair is barely a pale imitation.” With a wide smile, she let him take the lead.





"In the Darkness away from the false glamor of light the truth stands unmasked and free."



After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#6Go D. Drakkon 

After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:53 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked at her and smiled as if it was true, but there was always a possibility for the thing anybody would rage about, betrayal. He heard her words and he was glad that she thought these lands precious. He was on the move to doing things he wanted to do, but it would never lock him in one place. He had a hierarchy in this place, one that he used to his full capacity.

He had a smirk on his face. Hosenka would never compare, but that was his home too. He wanted to bring his mother back home, something he would do soon enough. He walked out of the estate with Lumikki by him as they were off to enjoy their time.

“My world, is interesting indeed, but there is always one thing you have to worry about, constant or unexpected betrayal. There are men in this world who don’t know how to enjoy a good thing and have to ruin it. It happened in the past, and I’m sure it will happen in the future. At least you have people that will not betray you. I think as long as you’re with that Winged man and dwarf, you will always have someone to hold you still.” He said this as he was happy for her.

“As for the Shogun, she seems depressing in my eyes. It’s like she’s looking for something or for someone to fill a void that she seems to have. I wondered what happened, and who could even amount to her interest.” He was curious about the events that would be held in Joya.

It wouldn’t take long for the two of them to arrive at the festival. The lights that were hung up throughout the area and the trails led to different types of activity. There were a lot of people scattered and bunched up in certain areas. It was indeed lively. The noise was high and it was due to everybody having a conversation at the same time.

He looked around seeing that there were a lot of things to do. He was here for Lumikki, so he figured he would ask her what she wanted to do.

“So, where should we start Lumi?” He asked her curious to hear her words.



After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:02 am




Lumikki of Iceberg


"Mortals invent constellations yet they refuse to acknowledge the Darkness in between."




”Ye’d be right on that, and I’d need it. The vermin creep from within the cracks of the walls, it’s becoming an ordeal to swat ‘em away. But betrayal? Well it’s far harder to be betrayed when ye have too many eyes about. May yers serve ye well.” Lumikki paused as she thought that last point over, trying to make sense of his words paired with her experience. She only met the Shogun once in person and could not quite speak on her disposition or demeanor. Mostly tying back the Goddess’ tendencies and quirks as representations of her domain and its attributes.

”That is much to gleam in that one meeting of yers. I could say she was a more akin to the sounds of a last whisper, but I can’t attest that she’s in need of a void being filled. As for her gaze? It felt like her focus veered away at times, but in a world with many people often having things plaguing their thoughts literal and not, who is to say what’s occupying hers. Granted her presentation was quite meticulous, but beyond that, well I can’t very well say.—But, it’s fascinating to note indeed that in yer recent ascent up the latter, ye got to meet her. I wonder what other interesting encounters ye’d find with more time.”

The pair had arrived at the festival. Thankfully there were plenty of clouds in the sky, not enough to darken the event, but it aided in keeping it cooler than not. Lumikki and Drakkon approached the growing crowd. Most of the narrow streets from which the stands were held have an abundance of visitors. Most of them looked local to the country, but like Lumikki, there would be a few who stood out. Their manner of dress varying from that of Joyan tradition or a representation of their own cultures.

”Perhaps we could start with something to eat? Then walk around and figure out all the things they’ve gotten planned. Back hope, just around Orchidia, the Joyan residents held a small festival of their own. Hardly anything grand or impressive, but it had much charm. So I could only imagine what they’d have here, but for one, I’d like to catch one of their performances when they have it. Maybe I could learn a new story….what do ye have in mind? After the some food, I’d assume there’d be some time to kill. I wouldn’t mind shopping as we wait either but I can’t imagine that’ll be entertaining for ye.”





"In the Darkness away from the false glamor of light, the truth stands unmasked and free."



After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#8Go D. Drakkon 

After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 8:23 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard her words and he laughed a bit. That was true, she had a bunch of ravens roaming about and gathering information. It seemed like a lot of the people in Paradise Dawn enjoyed doing information gathering from what he could tell. He heard her speak about his meeting with Mishiko. It wasn’t anything that was long, no, it was just to establish the boundaries between them. She wanted to let him know the rules and hoped that he followed them. It was nothing too dramatic, which he was fine with as he was used to working with what he had in front of him.

“Well, we just went over a few things about my ruling on the Yakuza. It seemed like my dad had gone over some rules with her previously and we did the same is all. From there I was able to glance that about her.” He said to Lumikki as they were moving about.

Still, he looked at her and it would seem like she was taking everything in. That was good as he was hoping she wanted to do something here. He waited patiently as she started speaking, the first thing they would do was food and she spoke as if she had planned it already. A smile escaped from his face as this was all fine to him. She asked him if there was anything he wanted to suggest as it might be boring for him.

“Let’s go get something to eat. We can get some snacks at that stand right there. It looks like they have a variety of Japanese snacks and the sort. I don’t mind if we walk around and look for a performance. It shouldn’t be hard, they enjoy bringing out history of something from the past.” He said as he started walking to the stand.

He didn’t ignore what she had asked as he was going to comment on it right now.

“I don’t mind going shopping either. It would be nice to see you try on different outfits. It would be my pleasure.” He said to her, letting her know she had the greenlight if she pursued it.



After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:45 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"Mortals invent constellations yet they refuse to acknowledge the Darkness in between."

Lumikki chuckled, she couldn’t help herself and it slipped from her lips. Though she wasn’t embarrassed for it. The idea of the God of chaos having a meeting with one of their own and formally accepting her rules was by far amusing. ”I’d cherish the thought of what it must have looked to see yer father sitting there and listening to the Shogun’s requirements. Nice to know that he could follow a sense of order when needed but I don’t blame him for wanting to avoid enemies amid the Okami of death. Back home, one would do well not to cross Hel needlessly. The domain of death is quite the oppressing one indeed and I find great solace in knowing I won’t have to delve in it meself. Good thing willing of course.”

The pair wandered all around while Lumikki made note of all the tasty treats. Until finally they began to approach the stalls and she’d go off purchasing many things to eat. In the end she’d gather Yakitori which was grilled chicken on a stick, Ikayaki which was grilled squid on a stick and something one rarely eats, Jaja Batas which was grilled potatoes with butter, and deserts like Taiyaki the fish-shaped pastry with tasty fillings, Dango with sweet sauces, and Ichigo Ame the candied strawberries. The Demoness slipped each addition treat into her void so it was easy for her to carry, while starting off with the Yakitori first.

Lumikki took her time savoring half the stick before entertaining conversation again, the chicken was a delight on her tongue. And as they passed the food stalls, they were crossing into the games and shops. Though it would be a stand of masks that claimed her gaze. With glee, she’d point over to the stall with her half eaten stick, slightly wagging it in her excitement, and she’d turn over to Drakkon with a smile. ”I always found the decorative masks quite charming. What a colorful way to play a character. Ye know, I asked Mishiko if I’d be a Yokai in her lands and to me delight she said yes. Now to which? Hard to say. But not that I think of it, would ye be considered a Yokai too? Or are ye closer to the Kami in that regard…hard to say really. But if I choose a Yokai to be, a Yuki-Onna suits me fancy just fine. Tengus though fascinating, I’m not sure they’d accept me.” With a hop in her step, Lumikki skipped over. Getting closer to the stand to look at all the mask hanging from the hooks. There were foxes, rabbits, kappa, and oni. And of course toward the counter, there were some intricately designed dragons of various colors and detail. She kept shifting through them until she found something more suiting to her, often shielding her identity anyway. It would be a nice addition to the options she employed and maybe inspiration for a shadow mask in the future.

So as Lumikki continued to tear the chicken off with her sharp teeth, she would walk around the stall until she found her treasure.

"In the Darkness away from the false glamor of light, the truth stands unmasked and free."

After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#10Go D. Drakkon 

After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard her words and he nodded. He did understand why his father didn’t fight against it, this wasn’t for him, but for Drakkon. It was that, and when they spoke, he said they couldn’t really have wars with other Gods in this realm or the damage to this world would be something that nobody had ever seen before.

“I mean I don’t think my dad fears the God of Death. He is after all a Primordial God, one of the old Gods. I’m pretty sure he just wanted me to handle things in his stead, so if I didn’t like the rules, I could fight against it.” He explained to her.

It was then when they got to the stall, she would order a bunch of stuff. He smiled at her as it seemed like she didn’t want to miss a thing when it came to this stuff. He didn’t blame her for it and he would have done the same thing.

“I would like the Yakitori and the Taiyaki please.” He said that the Taiyaki was what he really wanted, but he would eat that after.

He looked at her with a smile on his face, he could see how happy she was now that she ordered and got some of the stuff that she wanted. He moved alongside her as he could see her giddy and such. He would take a bite of the chicken, pulling it off the stick as they had made it to another stall. This time it was a mask stand. He could see the excitement behind her and he was fine with it.

He heard her speak and it would seem she wanted to talk about which entity would align more to them specifically. He thought about the two choices that she had brought up and he had a smirk on his face.

“A combination of the two would suit you better in my opinion. As for me, I would say a Kami in that regard, but I guess to others I handle I would be considered a Yokai.” He laughed a bit as he moved over to the stall.

He would pick a dragon that is green and purple. He would put that on the side of his head and pay the person manning the station for the two masks. Once that was done he would eat a bit more of his chicken as he would continue following her.



After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:40 am




Lumikki of Iceberg


"Mortals invent constellations yet they refuse to acknowledge the Darkness in between."




Lumikki circled around the stall for a few times. Looking at all the options and moving over the mask to get the gist of their weight. It wasn’t until her third look around that something appealing happened to catch her eye. It was a gleam of white that was overtaken by all the bright colors, all the decorative and intricate pieces were simply eye catching. So much so that even one with eyes as sharp as hers could easily overlook many of the details, and many of the masks.

As her eyes darted to the one drawing her attention, Lumikki gasps softly. It was not a perfect representation of her, how could it be. She was quite the odd creature and quite the odd combination. But the bird mask carefully painted in white with glossy white resin and blues speckles like falling snow, had her heart. Its delicate white wings ended in frosty blues and the eye’s holes lined in a cyan. Lumikki, carefully taking the mask in hand, would softly run her finger over the surface. Feeling how surprising smooth the paint was finished. She slid it onto her face and decided she’d wear it for much of the time spent.


╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Curtain Call
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝





"In the Darkness away from the false glamor of light, the truth stands unmasked and free."



After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#12Go D. Drakkon 

After the Round table  [CE – High Spirits] Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:00 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had paid for two, but it seemed like Lumikki was having a hard time looking for one that suited her. It would take a bit, but soon enough she would find one. It was beautiful and it fit her perfectly. He had a smile on his face. He would eat more of the food he had in his hand and he would enjoy every bit of it. This was enjoyable and he was happy that she was also enjoying it as well.

“It seems like you’re enjoying yourself.” He said to her as he was glad to be with her right now.

His eyes looked around as he was with Lumikki. He was trying to see what else they could do around this place. He figured they would continue walking around the festival. She did want to see a show, so maybe they could see if they could find one right now.



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