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Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki]

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Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:07 am

Kahu Rock, a slender thread of land perpetually embraced by the ocean, had become Tōga's sanctuary. This isthmus, where the boundaries between land and sea blurred, beckoned him with an irresistible allure, drawing him back time and again.

Today, Tōga stood on this sun-kissed strip, a vibrant figure against the endless blue canvas. Clad in swim trunks and a crisp white tee, the only hints of his warrior spirit were the sheaths housing his twin blades. He had positioned himself at the isthmus's heart, where the gentle crescendo of waves from both sides provided a soothing rhythm. With meticulous focus, Tōga immersed himself in the intricate choreography of weapons training. His movements flowed with a practiced grace, each strike and parry honed by countless hours of dedication. Yet, despite the undeniable growth in his magical abilities—a testament to recent hard-won victories—a nagging doubt gnawed at him. He sensed his swordsmanship had stagnated, reaching an impasse.

This persistent unease had prompted him to reach out to Lumikki. Word had spread through the island's ever-active grapevine of her return to Luluhawa. Utilizing their unique, often unconventional communication—a system as intricate and unpredictable as their bond—Tōga had extended an invitation. His request was simple yet significant: a sparring session, armed only with their chosen weapons, devoid of any additional battle gear. As he awaited her arrival, Tōga's mind raced with possibilities. His theory, born from countless hours of solitary practice and introspection, whispered that the key to unlocking his full potential lay in the crucible of real combat. Perhaps, he mused, endless repetition of forms was not enough. The unpredictable chaos of sparring with a worthy opponent might be the missing piece.

The sun ascended, its warmth seeping into Tōga's muscles as he continued his exercises. Each movement was a silent invocation, a hope that this day would mark a pivotal moment in his journey as a swordsman. The rhythmic susurrus of the waves became a metronome for his intricate kata.

As he flowed through his routines, Tōga envisioned the impending clash with Lumikki. He pictured the glint of steel, the rapid exchange of blows, each combatant pushing the other to new heights. In these imagined duels, he saw himself adapting and evolving, his experience and intuition coalescing into something greater than the sum of its parts. Anticipation crackled in the air, an almost tangible energy that seemed to electrify his surroundings. Tōga sensed this could be a turning point, a catalyst for exponential growth. The prospect both thrilled and humbled him, a reminder that true mastery was an eternal journey of discovery.

Pausing to catch his breath, Tōga surveyed the breathtaking panorama around him. The isthmus, a fragile strip of land caught between two vast bodies of water, mirrored his current state. He stood at a crossroads, poised between the familiar shores of his existing abilities and the unexplored ocean of his potential.

The distant cry of a seabird brought him back to the present. He resumed his practice with renewed vigor, each movement imbued with purpose and anticipation. Today, on this sun-kissed sliver of land, he would test his theory. With Lumikki as his partner, he would hone his skills in the forge of friendly combat, pushing beyond the confines of solo practice into the realm of dynamic, adaptive swordsmanship.

As the morning progressed, Tōga's excitement grew. He sensed that he was on the brink of something profound. Whatever the outcome of this sparring session, he knew it would be a defining moment in his journey as a warrior. With each passing minute, he drew closer to unlocking the next chapter in his quest for martial excellence, guided by the timeless rhythms of the sea and the unwavering determination that burned within him.

wc: 650


Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:11 am


Lumikki, rolling out of her bed as she often would, woken by one of higher Eight Pinions—Erica. The graceful woman clad in emerald greens would nudge the Demoness out of her sleep. A nice cup of tea and a small breakfast prepared in a table just beside the bed. Tenevi, who was just in her masters nightly embrace would stir back to life as well. The pair both blinking their eyes until they’ve returned to the state of existence.

“The sun rises my Revna, and so should you. There was a boy who invited you for training today, if I remember correctly. Let’s get you ready for your day then?” Her voice was gentle but stern, and in her elegance, she sounded soothing. Enough to not incur the Demon’s wrath for the disturbance and one of the reasons it would be Erica who usually woke her, Eirunn being the other. To those who wake her besides the two, had to face a chance of her biting chill and shadowy claws. A hassle that was far too much trouble for most.

”Aye, I believe it so….but why did he have to choose to meet in the infernal morning?! Would have good sense to figure a Demon’d prefer the night or at least late in the afternoon.” Yet her grumbles meant nothing to Erica as the homunculi tugged Lumikki from her sheets. Pulling away all the layers of blankets she used to get comfortable, and sitting her up to begin the meal prepared.

“I know dear, but you wanted to attain mastery, no?. Up, up, up up. Eat up, I have your outfit prepared as well.” She’d push the table closer and Lumikki would begrudgingly eat. Her appetite hadn’t caught up to her yet as she was freshly woken and half asleep. Tenevi herself was still curled into a ball beside her, not ready to fully wake herself. But the harpy had the benefit of sleeping in where Lumikki did not. And so the Guild Master of Paradise Dawn slowly worked through her breakfast and shuffle into her clothes. All the while lightly reading some passages for her current book in hopes to distract herself from the burning sensations of her eyes and the lull of her thoughts. When she was done and dressed, she’d pull out her skeleton key and walk through the door, only her guild hall would not be on the other side. Instead, Lumikki would walk from the entrance of a past inn she’s visited and make her way to the spot she was told in message.

In her raven form, hardly distinguishable from any other, Lumikki flew to the point where the oceans converged. In a place hidden with Kahu Rock. It didn’t take her long to find her partner, his bright pinkish hair made him stand out to the contrasting cool hues of the sea just beside them. So Lumikki perched and observed him for a little while longer as he practiced his technique and stances. Trying to see what she could learn from him before they begin their little bout.

”Ye sure ya won’t tire out on me if ye keep at it? Fascinating still seeing a man work on his craft. Mage work is much akin but far less physical as much as it is tedious studies and theory crafting. Wouldn’t change it for the world thought, I’m just too hungry not to pursue being stronger, like Odin was too ravenous not to consume more knowledge.” She’d speak more matter-a-factly than her usual playful tone allowed, but the raven was still so tired that one could hear how much mirth was drained from her voice. Perched on a rock, Lumikki but a simply raven, would observe his response before finally shifting back to something more human. As a flourish of feathers and plumage would swirl around hr in a vortex to revel her transformed. Her brown skin glistening in the sun and her pale while hair pulled back in two braids. She wore a deep blue one piece bathing suit with lily motif, while her moving shadows that normally swirled amid her legs now came up to her thighs. Her eyes showed she was still sleepy and the chill of the morning did nothing to relieve that, if at all, made her more tired.

”How do we begin this lad?” She’d ask right after a deep yawn that she followed with a screech. Her lazy hand pulled feebly at her side until it finally appeared to grasp something that was apparent to be there. Eventually pulling forth her Abyssal Spine staff from the thin air it occupied in the in between realms. She’d slide off the rock soon after to meet him, giving him a slight and sheepish nod before trying to shake herself more awake. And with her staff in both hands, she’d playfully swing it around.


Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Img_0811

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Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:56 pm


The slender ribbon of Kahu Rock stretched between two vast expanses of azure, a natural marvel that served as Tōga's open-air dojo. This narrow isthmus, barely more than a sandy spine, offered an unparalleled vantage point. To the east and west, the infinite blue of the ocean spread out like twin canvases, their horizons blurring into the sky in a seamless display of nature's artistry.

The ambiance was a concerto of subtleties. Seabirds wheeled overhead, their cries carried on the salt-laden breeze. The gentle lapping of waves against the shore provided a soothing counterpoint, their rhythmic pull and release a hypnotic invitation to the depths. Nature, in all its glory, seemed to pour itself over the landscape like liquid gold, gilding every surface and enhancing the visual feast that surrounded Tōga.

In this idyllic setting, the dragon slayer moved with fluid grace. His twin blades, Rengoku's Kimetsu and Zangetsu, carved intricate patterns through the air, their polished surfaces catching and reflecting the brilliant sunlight. Tōga's body was a study in controlled power, his legs bending and extending with practiced precision as he traced elaborate circles in the sand. Each movement flowed seamlessly into the next, creating a mesmerizing dance of steel and skill. So engrossed was Tōga in his training that he remained oblivious to Lumikki's arrival, despite his keen senses having detected her presence. The demoness, ever enigmatic, had chosen to observe from afar, her form hidden beneath an avian guise. It wasn't until she shed this disguise, her icy, dark magic shimmering around her as she shifted back to her humanoid form, that Tōga finally broke from his trance-like state.

"Oooooneeeee-chan!" Tōga's exuberant greeting rang out across the headland, his arms waving with characteristic enthusiasm. Lumikki stood before him, resplendent in a sleek one-piece swimsuit, her Abyss Spine staff held with casual authority at her side.

Catching his breath, Tōga's mind raced with the ideas that had been percolating during his solitary training. "Ya see, I've been thinking," he began, his words tumbling out in an eager rush. "We're mages, right? We study nature, find ourselves, and manifest it into magic – it's a whole mental and spiritual thing."

He paused, gathering his thoughts before plunging on. "But what's missing from that? We work our minds, we manifest our spirits, but what are we doing for our bodies?" The question hung in the air, pregnant with possibility. "I feel training our bodies has to help with training our magics. And just as we use books and staffs as mediums for augmenting our magical arts, weapons can be used the same way for the body, and even magic, too."

Tōga's enthusiasm was palpable, his eyes shining with the excitement of revelation. After a deep breath, he laid out his proposal. "So here's what I suggest! We spar. Your staff versus my swords. We go all out and learn more about ourselves and our weapons – no magic!"

The challenge hung in the air between them, a tantalizing prospect that promised growth and discovery. In this moment, on this slender strip of land caught between two seas, Tōga and Lumikki stood poised on the brink of a new adventure. The ocean breeze swirled around them, carrying with it the promise of revelation and the thrill of friendly combat.

As they faced each other, weapons at the ready, the very air seemed to crackle with anticipation. This was more than just a sparring match; it was an exploration of the intricate ballet between body and spirit, between physical prowess and magical potential. In pushing their bodies to the limit, they sought to unlock new depths of understanding about their magical abilities.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its golden light over the scene. Seabirds circled overhead, as if sensing the impending clash of titans.

What do ya say?

wc: 664 [1,314]
Combat Log:


Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:35 pm


Tōga, ever radiant, like the small solar flare he embodied. His blaring energy, even at this time of day, mirrored well with the clear and sunny skies up above. The only thing missing now was his insistent heat to be pointing her way, which didn't take long to occur soon after her transformation. As if he was so lost in his trance that it took her appearance to drag him back to the realm. And there it was, his candid demeanor now lighting up the husk of his expression with his usual affectionate attitude. As happy and joyful as ever, and vexing the Demoness who woke up not too long ago. Her eyes were still heavy, the staff barely any lighter in her hands.

"Ya daft lad, thought that was what we agreed on. I am good for the challenge; I figure it'd be a good way for me to connect with me people ye see. They aren't privy to magic and mages. They are a gruff sort, enamored with strength and endurance. Things I've forged at but not yet tinkered. I have the potential, but not yet the skill or experience." She paused, her face somewhat disgruntled. Lumikki would pull back and look toward the cove again. "That changes now though..."

Lumikki turned back, snapping back to her indifferent facade. She moved to the spot that seemed best to start and Tōga wandered off to his. As the pair readied their stance, Lumikki tried to recall the styles of all those she often fought beside. Somewhat nervous about this endeavor, but there was no greater time or person to start with. "Oy, ye only get one sword, by the way. I hope ye know that!" She'd exclaim, pausing for a moment to let it hang in the air so that he would have the time to agree and concede. After which, she'd lunge in with hopes of getting a strike. With her staff in both hands, Lumikki thrusted her Abyss Spin before pulling it back and swinging it into a diagonal slash.


WM-Diaries of an aspiring Valkyrie:

Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Img_0811

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Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:34 pm


The sun hung resplendently in the sky, showering the narrow strip of land between two merging seas with its brilliant light. This serene morning, still fresh and untouched, would soon bear witness to a dance of blades on the sandy isthmus, a silent observer to the combat that was poised to unfold.

Tōga's voice broke the quiet anticipation, ringing across the beach with a note of admiration. "Yeah, I heard the dwarven people aren’t just master craftsmen but also quite skilled with the weapons they forge," he declared, his gaze affectionately fixed on Lumikki, who stood ready across from him. Her readiness to spar, grounded in her proud heritage, only heightened his enthusiasm. "That’s why I wield these swords," he continued, more to himself than to Lumikki. "Joya is famed for its swordsmanship, and as much as I love my magic, I can’t rely on it alone."

Ahhh, only one sword today?” Tōga queried with a playful smirk as he carefully set Rengoku’s Kimetsu aside, embedding it upright in the sand where it caught the light on its tiger-striped blade, standing sentinel away from the fray. “No problem, I figure Kimetsu isn’t too fond of demons anyway, so I’ll stick with Zangetsu—it was my first, after all.” While his preference was to refine his dual-wielding technique, Tōga respected Lumikki’s terms; her participation was enough reason to adapt. If a single blade was her condition, he would honor it graciously.

As they faced each other, separated only by several strides of sand, Tōga took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with a controlled exhale. His eyes, a kaleidoscope of hues, shone with respect and readiness as he observed Lumikki’s initial advance. She moved with a precision that belied her demonic heritage, her staff slicing through the air in a deft arc.

Caught slightly off guard, Tōga narrowly dodged her initial thrust, only to feel the sting of her staff across his chest. "Tch!" he grunted, feeling the impact resonate against his ribs. Not one to dwell on a hit, he pressed forward, Zangetsu swinging horizontally with intent toward Lumikki’s midsection. Regardless of the outcome, he was quick to retract and strike again, his blade cutting through the sea breeze in a vigorous attempt to reach the same target.

wc: 401 [1,715]
Combat Log:


Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:21 am


Lumikki was full of resolve. Her swings were sloppy and forceful but it was because she wasn’t well practiced. Her muscles were not yet settled into the movement. Yet there was potential in her strike, though lacking grace, there were remnants of a technique in there. Mashed together from past observations. Perhaps there was more reason than she assumed to pursue this.

Lumikki just managed to land her strike, Tōga recoiling from its impact, but he would recover just enough to swing as well. With the sword held tightly within his grasp, lean in and attempt a slash. Lumikki recklessly tried to block it, pulling her staff to take the brunt of the blow, but would fail in her endeavor and take it on the arm instead. The sting of it was a good reminder of where she was lacking, and decent motivation to help prompt her to learn. But it was not yet enough to stop her altogether.

So by Tōga’s next slash, Lumikki was more prepared. Her staff was already poise to block the move and take the damage instead but the difference in strength became more clear to her as she tired to hold her own. The sand beneath he giving way, Lumikki was pushed back. It was either dig her toes into the sand to hold out or be knocked over. She just managed to hold out but would soon fix her footing and swiftly lunge backward. Now positioned to observe the best time to strike, but her conclusion was to let him come to her first and from there she’d make her next move. Thinking it better not to do the same thing twice.


WM-Diaries of an aspiring Valkyrie:

Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Img_0811

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Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:29 am


No flicker of remorse shaded Tōga’s resolve as he launched himself into the fray against Lumikki. She was a figure carved from the primordial ice and shadow, her powers dwarfing his own with an effortless grace that could quell his fieriest blasts. Such formidable prowess made her an ideal opponent—one whose chilling aura could extinguish even the most rampant flames, yet who also embodied the very essence of combat where raw magic intertwined with the steel of a blade.

In this dance of ice against fire, every move Tōga made was calculated, not born from overconfidence but from a deep-seated thrill that surged through him with each clash of their weapons. The impact of Zangetsu against Lumikki wasn’t just a strike; it was a call to arms, a spark that ignited the air between them with the electric charge of challenge and response.

As the blade connected with a resounding thud against the demoness, Tōga’s lips curled into a smile. It wasn’t tinged with arrogance but with the exhilaration of combat—the type that thrummed through his veins, urging him onwards. The hit was solid, significant, but more than the physical impact, it served as a catalyst, stirring Lumikki into a heightened state of defense. Her reaction was swift, a tactical retreat that Tōga noted with the keen interest of a seasoned warrior.

His steps were quick and decisive as he moved to close the distance Lumikki sought to put between them. She was evidently strategizing, seeking a momentary reprieve to recalibrate and perhaps counterattack with renewed vigor. Tōga understood this dance well—the push and pull of combat where each fighter sought to impose their rhythm upon the other.

Lumikki’s retreat was met with relentless pursuit, as Tōga did not relent but instead intensified his assault. His blade, Zangetsu, cleaved through the air with renewed purpose. First, a horizontal slice aimed to test her defenses, followed swiftly by a vertical slash designed to compound the pressure and challenge her from multiple angles.

wc: 398 [2,113]
Combat Log:


Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 6:39 pm


Lumikki knew that Tōga would be soon to follow, and it was his impatience to do so that made him a fool. Like she die, he should have taken the moment to plan his next step. While Lumikki lacked strength, she far made up for it in speed. So if she was careful and meticulous, it would be possible to whittle him down, only if she remained mindful.

So as Tōga attempted to press her, Lumikki quickly spun in place to kick up the sand and obscure where she was or the stance she held. As soon as Tōga crossed the half way point of his charge. Lumikki was mindful to run to his right side to limit his reaction with the blade. He just missed his horizontal strike and on his turn to face here was trying for a vertical one next. Lumikki took the moment to plant her feet for a moment and jab her staff into his side before quickly jumping back and taking off in a run around him. With heavy steps, Lumikki made sure kick the sand up from the ground in her rotation. Surrounding Tōga in a sand circle to break through before he could find her.

”Sadly I have not unlocked all me power yet. Still rising to power see….But where I can’t beat ye in raw strikes, wit will have to do.”


WM-Diaries of an aspiring Valkyrie:

Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Img_0811

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Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 6:35 am


Tōga's impatience was palpable, driven by two distinct motivations: his insatiable thirst for combat and his relentless desire to recreate the intensity of a true battle. Most duels, regardless of the combatants' strength or the stakes involved, were fleeting—mere minutes of frantic struggle. Yet, to those engaged in the clash, those minutes stretched into what felt like endless moments. In reality, these encounters were over almost as quickly as they began, leaving no room for hesitation or mercy. There was no benefit in taking it easy or pausing for breath. While clever strategies and meticulous preparation could delay the inevitable, the moment of truth always arrived—when weapons would meet, and wills would clash in a definitive test of resolve.

As the battle commenced, Lumikki, the ever-watchful dwarf, retreated with calculated steps, her mind racing to devise ways to outlast her fiery opponent. She knew that prolonging the encounter was her best hope against Tōga’s overwhelming power. Tōga, however, was not one to be easily deterred. His anticipation grew as he prepared for his initial strike, confident in his abilities. Yet, just as he began his assault, Lumikki, quick and cunning, kicked up a cloud of sand, sending it high into the air. The sudden blinding dust caught Tōga by surprise. Despite her smaller stature and lack of raw physical strength, Lumikki had managed to create a diversion that even he found impressive.

Tōga’s first slash cut through empty space, his blade missing its mark as the cloud of sand obscured his vision. His second attempt fared no better, the swirling sand disorienting him just enough for Lumikki to land a well-placed jab with her staff. The unexpected strike elicited a sharp wince from Tōga, who, still blinded, relied on his other senses to regain his bearings.

Ouch!” Tōga muttered, his eyes squeezed shut as his nose took over the task of locating his elusive opponent. Lumikki’s tactic had been clever—using the sand as a smokescreen to mask her movements. But Tōga was no novice. He had fought many battles and had honed his senses to a razor’s edge. He was already familiar with Lumikki's scent, which allowed him to approximate her general position despite the visual impairment.

Sand, though effective in the short term, had its limitations. It was dense and would not linger in the air like a dust cloud, quickly losing its potency unless continuously stirred up. Tōga knew that by paying close attention to the subtle changes around him, he could somewhat track Lumikki’s movements. He shifted into a defensive stance, his body tense but focused, waiting for her next move. Every sound, every rustle of the sand, became a clue as he sharpened his focus, determined not to let her gain the upper hand.

Ever the elusive one, Lumi-chan,” Tōga called out, his voice laced with both admiration and challenge.

wc: 497 [2,610]
Combat Log:


Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:26 pm


”I have to be, Dragon Slayer!” Lumikki called out, her silent steps would not betray where she was but her voice rung clear as it circled around him. She spoke without losing an ounce of breath, but there was not cockiness in her pitch either. She knew quite well how large the difference in their strength was and she lamented it. Knowing that for the moment, as she was, she was an incomplete Demon. Not yet commanding the extent of her potential or strength. She may be infantile amongst her kind, hardly living for a years time with her new existence; one could even claim that gave reason for her not to be fully matured, but Lumikki wouldn’t have it. Her magic maybe grew more potent by the day, and her speed more jarring, but now she hungered for the thrill of crushing opponents within the grasps of her talons and she will not stop in her relentless pursuit to achieve that.

”Or should I refer to ye as a hunter of all things, Demons as well.” There was annoyance this time where it didn’t exist before. Remnants of their last fight and the realization to his arsenal still vexed her. She had to pay some mind just to not gnash her teeth, but she couldn’t hide the snarl on her face. The speed and sand saved her from being seen, but the drip of venom still churned in her words. And as she kept him at the corner of her sharp eyes, she waited for another opening to strike again.

Tōga would not make it easy, his stance now tightened in defense as he awaited her next move. The Flame-eater may be gung-ho but not daft enough to needlessly rush into another strike. Especially after the ploy Lumikki just demonstrated, and now it was becoming harder for her to step in again freely. She did not hate this, for it was what she needed. How else could she temper her steel if there were not flames to push her, if there wasn’t a little pressure to set her straight.

Lumikki spent the next three rotations planning her footing and entry. First finding the right spot to kick off from, seeing it was a pultruding rock just to a little behind from his left. From there, she had to mentally play out and ready the moment. Where Lumikki was swift and graceful with wings, it was not the same as running about. Her footing would be key, playing a large factor she couldn’t ignore. So when she was ready, the Demoness would use the rock to alter the direction of her sprint, now heading for Tōga at the center of her zone with the staff readied for another quick jab for his back.


WM-Diaries of an aspiring Valkyrie:

Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 5:42 pm


"A hunter, huh?" Tōga mused, a realization that resonated with his core being. He had always known this about himself, his instincts and a part of his past echoing this truth before he even joined the Rune Knights. In Joya, where supernatural creatures and menacing Yokai roamed, the life of a hunter was common, respected, and steeped in honor. It was a path that demanded courage and resilience, and Tōga had embraced it wholeheartedly. However, his chosen path conflicted with his feelings for Lumikki, a creature of the night. Yet, he didn't judge her by her origins, but rather by the substance of her character. Sometimes, the demoness embraced her true nature, unapologetically. Other times, she was as human as any mortal. Tōga saw her as a magnificent blend of both, and that was enough for him to accept and cherish her unconditionally.

Now, those honed hunter's instincts were called upon once more. The swirling vortex of sand and debris mustered by the Ice Maiden was a prelude to her attack. Tōga, his blade held close in a defensive stance, met the challenge with a smile. He waited tolerantly, his muscles coiled like a spring, ready to unleash his counterstrike.

As Lumikki burst forth from her makeshift tempest, her speed a familiar blur, Tōga braced himself. He absorbed the impact of her attack, his body already moving in anticipation. The damage was minimal, a mere inconvenience. With his blade poised, he instinctively turned, sweeping it in the direction of Lumikki's strike, hoping to catch her off guard. His attack was a calculated gamble, a sacrifice of a pawn in an attempt to capture her queen.

Without missing a beat, he followed up with a downward strike, aiming for her new position. His movements were fluid and precise, reimbursement from training and countless battles fought. The dragon slayer was a predator in his own right, his instincts honed to a razor's edge.

wc: 344 [2,954]
Combat Log:


Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 5:43 pm


The jab had landed. Of course it would, there was no reason for it to do otherwise. Her speed far exceeded his and despite his sharp instincts and reflexes, there was little much to do but take the blow.

But that was the thing sadly. It was hardly a blow, and he’d prove as such when he moved entirely unencumbered. His moves were still swift following her own and now her advantage was lost. If Lumikki could react fast enough, perhaps she could have then lunged backwards. Prolonging this fight for a little longer more. But she couldn’t move that fast, at least not in that regard. For how shift she was, her muscles were not yet trained in a warriors movements. She did quite well to study their stances, even her sloppy attempts to mimic them were riddled in potential, but that did not mean she could earn their prowess just yet without their proper training.

Lumikki understood now that it was time to get Brone’s proper mentorship again.

Lumikki was struck by both hits, and though she could still keep going, she chose not to. She learned all she needed to learn from this fight. Just where her competence ended. If she could hit for more damage, that strike could have turned their playfight into her favor but now she saw it was strength she’d need to build if she wanted to make any more progress. Strength and technique.

Knocked onto the ground, Lumikki laid flat and defeated. ”Not bad for me first go around, but I could be so much more……I’m not happy with this Tōga….but I’ll climb up to the ranks of Valkyrie next….”


╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Curtain Call
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Ice Cools Tempered Steel [ft. Lumikki] Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 1:04 pm

"Lumi-chan!" Tōga's voice echoed across the sandy expanse, a mixture of concern and astonishment etched on his face. He had witnessed his twin attacks connect, sending the demoness tumbling onto the soft beach sand.

A wave of remorse washed over him. "My apologies!" he exclaimed, bowing deeply and extending a hand to help Lumikki to her feet. A sheepish grin played on his lips as he stepped back. "You're so incredibly swift, I reacted instinctively. My bad." He rubbed the back of his head, a nervous tic betraying his embarrassment. The spar was over, but Tōga couldn't shake the feeling that he had let things get a bit out of hand. Lumikki had willingly handicapped herself, agreeing to a duel that relied solely on their weapons and physical prowess. She could be both understanding and fiercely competitive, and Tōga knew he had tread a fine line by pushing her to the edge.

"You were amazing!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "I was truly impressed by your staff skills in close combat." He meant every word. Lumikki's agility and adaptability had surprised him, proving that her mastery extended far beyond her icy magic.

wc: 220 [3,174]

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