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Seven's Champion (Lore/SL)

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Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:50 pm


Yuurei and Renji had been enjoying their fond home in Seven. They had been there for a few months and they were trying to figure out how they were going to bring people from the North of Fiore to Seven. It was interesting, but he figured that with his plan to create a Polis State for his people, it could be possible. While constantly fighting within Champion of Arena, he learned that today they were going to start a huge tournament. It was interesting, and he figured he could join on this. The people loved when he fought and he wanted a title for all of the fighting he had been doing. If he could win in an official tournament, then he would be crowned the Champion of Champions.

This brought him to make his way to the registration table with Renji next to him.

“We’re here to register for the tournament.” He said to the person in front of him.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:50 pm


Renji figured he might as well join in and test his capability against Yuurei if it ever came to that. The person at the table would hand them forms to fill out. The Seraphim had taken his and Renji his, as they were filling the form out.

“I wonder what they will have us do. There are a lot of people here, so this is going to be interesting.” He said to Yuurei as he continued filling it up.

Yuurei finished up as he looked up to Renji and then around him to see so many people showing up for this.

“They are probably going to cut down the numbers through a free-for-all. What the number is I don’t know, but it's going to be fun.” He said to Renji as the Exceed had also finished filling his.

Once they were done they would walk over to the table again and hand in their forms.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:51 pm


When they turned and walked away, Renji bumped into a big guy who looked at the two of them.

“What are you two doing here? You look too scrawny to be participating in this tournament. You’re going to lose before you even get to the first round.” He said to them.

Renji was annoyed when he heard those words, but Yuurei just shrugged it off for now. He held Renji back and the Exceed looked at him with an angry look on his face.

“Just wait for him in the preliminaries. I’m telling you they are going to have one, so wait there and handle him.” He said to Renji.

The Exceed heard him, but it didn’t mean he wanted to listen. He would relax and he knew that he couldn’t wait to take this guy out. The two of them would sit down on a bench though as they were waiting for the people at the table to be ready to start the first thing of the tournament.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:51 pm


While they waited, the two of them would see various fighters make their appearance. A lot of them were definitely from Seven, but then there were those who he could tell had come from different countries. That meant there were going to be different types of fighting styles represented here. Still, it was not their problem right now as they were napping on the bench they sat on. The people who saw the two of them would ignore the duo. Some of them noticed that it was Yuurei who was there and were excited to test their skills against this man. Some of them had forfeited their chances in the tournament due to him being here.

In the end, after a few hours, the tournament sign-up would be over and the person at the table would let their spokesperson know this. It was then they would arrive with a microphone to speak to the fighters.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:52 pm


“It seems like we have quite a number of fighters in this tournament. Well, it’s safe to say there are too many of you guys participating this year. No worries we had planned for this, so here is the catch. We will have a free-for-all until there are only one hundred and twenty people remaining. You guys will be wearing this.” She showed them the wristband.

“This will allow us to administrate how many people are remaining. It will also help us know who is knocked out or who has fallen out of the arena platform. So, if you can all follow me.” She said this to them and they would follow the announcer to a gigantic room.

Here they would find a huge platform for them to step on and it would be their fighting ground. There were specific people spectating this and these were people who had put a lot of jewels into this.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:52 pm


While each fighter stepped into the room, the announcer would put on a wristband on them. Eventually, Yuurei and Renji would be able to get one as they stepped into the arena. When they did, Yuurei looked at Renji and wondered what weapon of choice would he be using.

“Which, weapons do you want me to give you?” He was curious to hear what his companion would say.

Renji thought about it for a second. He enjoyed the staff Yuurei had with him. He always used it, but should he change it to a style he was much more comfortable in?

“I’ll use that Chaos Claw you have, and I guess the Jeweled Sword Zelretch. It always helped me in the past, so I figured I should continue using it. And I always felt the Chaos Claws matched me as I am a feline.” He chuckled a bit.

Yuurei understood and he would summon those two weapons and he would hand them over to Renji to use in the tournament.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:53 pm


Yuurei, on the other hand, decided that he would use his Gae Bolg and his Yin for this situation. There were a lot of them and he was trying to make sure to be affected when handling everyone here. The two of them would nod as they stretched a bit to prepare for the fight. It took almost an hour to give everybody their wristband, but now the arena was filled, and it seemed like it was about to begin. Yuurei had Anti on him, as he was ready, but was waiting for it to start to make his appearance.

The Seraphim would put on his Golden Monarch Guise to speak to Renji telepathically and he would look around to see if everybody was prepared as well. Renji was jumping around as the only thing he had was his durability from Yuurei and the weapons Yuurei had given him. That was all he needed really as he looked to see if he could find who he was looking for.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:53 pm


The fighting began though, through the announcer's shout to begin. It was then that grunts and screaming started making their way through the area. Yuurei had watched someone rushing after him and he would get close to him as his symbiotic suit would cover him. He got close to the man as he crouched under his attack and then launched an attack of his own. He used Yin to get through his arm as he felt the blow pressed against his bare skin instead. It was then that the man would cough up blood from that attack. When he thought he was fine, Migi appeared stretching out two sharp appendages and cutting the man going through his armor, since it was the same arm Yin had been put on. The man would drop to the ground in an instant.

Yuurei was looking to see if he could find the fastest person here. He wanted to use him as a tool for Gae Bolg.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:54 pm


Renji had watched people gather around him, and before they could do anything, he would quickly thrust the staff into the air and a huge wave would appear hitting everybody that was around him. They would be blown by the attack and their eyes would stare at the man who had surprised attacked them. He didn’t care and he would use his gift and blessing from Bastet and he would be able to see everything around him. It was then these people had rushed over to him. He would dodge a few of their attacks, counter two of them, and then was punched by another.

He could see their attacks coming, but it wasn’t easy dodging when there were too many of them.

What do you want me to do? He spoke to Yuurei through his mind.

Nothing just find me the fastest person here, and keep fighting. I will find the big guy who bumped into you. He said to Renji.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:54 pm


It started Yuurei and Renji could see what they saw and what the other saw. It was perfect and their hunt had begun. The Exceed had clawed his way through a few of his foes and ran around while Yuurei launched eased combo people with a punch thrust with his gauntlet and spear. It was then someone tried to harm him, and Anti would activate and cover Yuurei. He would launch tendrils to those around him harming anybody who got in the way. He moved along this arena as there were people who were dropping like flies.

Renji had teleported using the Chaos Claw and ended up slashing someone from behind. It was then his eyes pierced to see someone running around. Yuurei would notice and he figured that would be his guy. When he rushed over to Renji, he bumped into someone and it was the guy Renji was looking for.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:55 pm


The man would look at Yuurei and he would launch a big swing at the Seraphim. The man would dodge it without a problem not using a lot of energy. He looked at him with a smirk on his face as he shook his head.

“I’m not the person you’re going to be fighting against.” He said to him as Renji appeared behind Yuurei and jumped over his partner.

He kicked the big guy as he pushed him away from Yuurei and he landed on the ground. He cracked his knuckle as he looked at the man with a smirk on his face.

“Oi, remember me? I guess you won't even make it to the next round since we found you.” He said to the big guy.

He heard that and laughed and soon enough he flexed ripping his shirt as he looked at the two of them. Yuurei would turn his back on him as he knew where he was going.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:55 pm


Renji knew he wasn’t going to be helping him on this, and that was fine. They were both fighting their own battles and when the man rushed to Yuurei, Renji would block his path. The man would swing down on the Exceed, and Renji would dodge the attack as he had a smirk on his face. This was perfect and it was what he wanted. He would swing his staff at the man and compressed mana would come out shooting out from the staff as if it was a slash.

The man saw this and he blocked it with ease, which Renji figured he would do. He pushed forward closing the gap between the two of them and he leaped into the air as he slashed at him with the Chaos Claws trying to cut him and make him bleed. The man saw this and his eyes widened, this guy was brave from what he could tell. He would take the hit from the Exceed, but also landed a hit of his own on Renji's shoulder.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:56 pm


The Exceed felt the blow from that attack as he was pushed back. This man was strong, the blow behind that attack attested to it. Still, it was not enough to take Renji out. The Exceed was enjoying this as he got back his composure as he looked at the man. This was perfect and he was ready to continue this. He would push forward again, closing the gap between the two of them. He would kick as the man would block it and he went to grab Renji’s foot, but the man would push away from him, before running toward him again.

The big guy would launch several punches to Renji, causing him to stop pushing forward dodge the attacks, and counter with his own attacks. They were fighting really close, but Renji was waiting for the opportunity to end this fight and get this man out of the tournament. Yuurei was moving around the arena avoiding people looking for the fast guy he saw from Renji’s perspective earlier.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:56 pm


The man had a smirk on his face when he saw Renji trying to attack him, but when he saw the Exceed move back, he would have him. He took a step forward as he had brought his arm all the way back. It was game time and he was about to blow this man away. When he thrust his arm forward a huge blast of mana would head in Renji’s direction. It seemed like this man was strong, but not smart enough to understand this was what he was waiting for.

Renji disappeared from where he was and he appeared right behind the big man. It was at this time, that he had slashed down with the Chaos Claw, cutting the man down. He felt the pain from the blow and his eyes widened as he had been hit by a clean blow. The pain too great, caused him to roll his eyes back and fall to his knees and then to the ground unconscious from the pain.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:57 pm


People who saw the outcome of this battle, stood clear from Renji for the time being. They had fought a lot of people and needed to conserve their energy, so they wouldn’t be eliminated. The man had a smile on his face as he had taken this guy out. His eyes wandered to see what he would do next, or if he would wait for someone to challenge him.

Yuurei had found the man he was looking for. This guy was running around and avoiding people, and pushing those who didn’t see him coming off the ring. That was a loss on their end, but he would put an end to that. The Seraphim would make his way next to him with a smile on his face.

“Seems like you’re fast, but are you strong?” He asked him as the man was surprised that Yuurei could keep up with him.

It was then he would try to headbutt Yuurei trying to catch the Seraphim off guard.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:57 pm


Yuurei knew it was coming, and he would dodge the attack and he would grab the man by the back of his shirt, and he would slam him to the ground. It was then the man felt the danger coming, and when he tried to struggle out of it, he noticed that he couldn’t. It was then that he would be slam to the ground and the impact would take him out. When Yuurei looked down at him he saw that he was unconscious from the blow, which made him sad to see. He would look to see if there was someone else around, but then he heard a noise. It seemed like the fight was over and the necessary people were taken out.

“No more fighting, there are only one hundred and twenty-eight of you left. You can proceed off the stage, and rest a bit while we start the next part of the tournament in the arena. If you have been hurt, you will be tended to, so you can fight at one hundred percent in your fight.” She said to them.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:58 pm


Yuurei and Renji looked at each other and gave the thumbs up to show they were fine. They would step out of the arena, and they would head to where they would wait for their next match to start. The important people here were moving to their next location to watch this one versus one to happen. This would be good and when they sat down, the host of this tournament would start the randomizer. When it finished, it would seem like Yuurei and Renji were in the opposite bracket. That meant if they were to make it to the final, they would fight each other. It also shows that Renji was the first person to be fighting.

His break would only last for a bit, and it was soon his turn to fight again. When the seats were full, the announcer made it to the center of the ring. She was excited for this to happen.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:58 pm


“Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re glad that you all can make it to this beautiful tournament! We had the luxury to watch competitors fight it out and only one hundred and twenty-eight of them remain! We will start the first match of the round! We will also be taking seven days to complete this tournament! It will give our fighters a day to rest before each of their next fight! Let’s start off with the first match!” She paused as the crowd was cheering to see the first fight begin.

She walked around as she was gathering her words.

“On this side, we have someone who comes from Minstrel! He is quick with his Rapier and has pierced the hearts of many! Let’s bring out Roberto!” She shouted as the gate opened and the man stepped into the arena.

The people would cheer him on as they waited for his opponent to show up.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:59 pm


“Now on this side, we have seen him around the Arena, and always with Leviathan! Still, we have not seen him fight until today! He seems to be a brawler through and through! Let’s bring out Renji!” She shouted as the people would whisper wondering if he was as strong as Yuurei.

The Exceed would come out of the gates and move toward the ring. When he got there he cracked his neck as he looked over to his opponent. He bowed slightly as he looked at him and they both got into their stance. Renji had felt the power behind him, which meant it was going to be fun. Roberto felt the power this person had and was worried things were going to get intense right off the bat.

When she saw they were both ready, she would step away from the two of them and she was brimming with light.

“Let the match begins!” She shouted as she hopped out of the arena.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:59 pm


Renji watched Roberto, as the man had done the same thing. When he watched Renji, moved the man saw an opening, which brought him to push forward. The Exceed noticed how fast he moved, the distance between the two of them had closed in seconds. It was then that he saw the Minstrel man in front of him thrusting his Rapier at him.

He dodged it, barely as he was cut on his shoulder as he pivoted his feet. He was countering right now as he tried to spin and cut Roberto with his Claw. He saw this and he dodged the attack, bringing his hair to be cut in the process as he had barely dodged that attack. When he did that he would try to sweep Renji’s feet, but the Exceed would jump away as he got into his fighting stance. When the crowd saw this, they would cheer waiting to see what would happen next.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:59 pm


Renji would swing his Jeweled Sword Zeltrech from where he was and a huge wave of mana would be sent flying to Roberto. He saw this as he smiled and he would do the same. The two attacks would clash in the middle of the arena, and it would explode, bringing up debris into the air. They had the same ideas as they rushed towards where they knew the other’s location as last and when they saw the other’s silhouette, they would attack.

Renji’s Staff would clash with Roberto’s Rapier and when they backed off, the Exceed would try to kick him with a roundhouse kick. The man would dodge as he would thrust his rapier at him. He saw this too late, and he would feel it piercing his shoulder where he was holding his staff.
He felt the pain, he grunted from it, but he couldn’t just push away from the attack. This was a perfect chance to hit him too. Their vision was obstructed because of the debris, but he knew where he was now that his blade had pierced him.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:00 pm


Renji would slash at him with his claw as he was aiming where he thought would be the man’s chest. He would catch him though on the face as the man screamed from the pain, and lunged back away from the Exceed. Renji stumbled back from the pain he felt from the blade coming out of him and they were trying to regain their composure. When the debris was cleared, the crowd would see the two of them still standing but wounded.

Roberto had one eye closed as he had been slashed by Renji, while Renji had a smile on his face as his left arm was bleeding. They would start cheering as it seemed like the first match was good right from the start. The Exceed had seen Yuurei's face worse, so this wasn’t a problem. He would toughen it out and he pushed forward running in a zigzag toward Roberto.

The man from Minstrel saw this, and he thrust his Rapier into the air, activating a spell, and creating a bunch of mana pulses coming from different directions.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:01 pm


Renji saw this and his eyes widened as he couldn’t believe he was going to have to use this spell to protect himself. He didn’t think Roberto would be able to do something like this, but here they were. He thrust his Staff into the air and a bunch of mana would pulse around him and push away as they clashed with each other again. The crowd cheered on as they were on the edge of their seats trying to see what was going to happen now.

The spell would blow up from the attack causing more debris to fill the arena. Renji pushed forward though, while Roberto tried to gain his composure from the slash to his face. It was then that he would see it again, the man had closed the distance between them. Roberto wasn’t going to just sit down and do nothing, he would act and attack right there.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:01 pm


Roberto would wait for the right opportunity and when he saw Renji had gotten close enough, he would thrust his Rapier at the Exceed. Renji knew this was coming and he was waiting for it. That was when he had used Chaos Claw’s spell and he would avoid being hit at the last second. Roberto was confused about what had happened, and that was good.

He was waiting for this opportunity as he didn’t want people to know about his attack in the beginning. It was then he would appear behind Roberto and he was slashing down on him, and he would cut the man down from behind. He would fall to the ground from this attack and Renji would look at him from where he was standing.

It was then the debris would clear out and the crowd would see Roberto on the ground unconscious. The announcer would get back to the arena excited to see that it reached its conclusion.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:01 pm


“I don’t know how he did it, but Renji is the winner! He moves on to the next round!” She said as he raised his arm and walked out of the arena.

The crowd would cheer him on, and when he got through the gate he would lean on the wall as that pierce to his shoulder had poison in it. He was damaging him slowly with that attack. The medical team was on standby and they would take him to heal up before allowing him to leave.

Yuurei had watched Renji’s fight from his sight and he was glad to see his friend would win. Now it was his turn whenever it was that. Still, hours would go by and he wouldn’t be able to go next. He wondered when his turn would be. Renji would eventually make it back to Yuurei as he sat down next to him.

“It seems like a lot of fights have gone. There are only a bit left, so you should be going out soon.” He said to Yuurei.

The Seraphim gave him a thumbs up as he was happy he made it through to the next round.


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