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Seven's Champion (Lore/SL)

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Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:27 pm


Renji would make his way to the arena as the crowd was excited to see what was going to happen next. The Exceed would make his way to the arena as he waited for his opponent.

“The next person is a man from Seven! He is someone who we think has a good chance of winning this! Let’s bring out Adonis!” She shouted a man with a spear and shield had come out of the gates and toward the arena.

When he got to the arena, he slammed his spear onto his shield and got into a fighting stance. Renji figured he would do the same thing as he looked at the man with a serious look on his face.

The announcer would make her way to the edge of the arena and when she was in the clear it would start.

“Begin!” She shouted as they glared at each other before they made their moves.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:27 pm


Renji and Adonis had rushed toward each other. The battle had started, and Renji was quick to slash at the man, to see it being blocked by the man. It was then he saw the spear being thrust at him, and he would dodge it. This was the second time he had to fight against a spear in this tournament. It was then another attack with a spear had come his way and he would jump over Adonis.

He would kick off the man and it would give him distance as he turned to look at him. The man stumbled forward but ran toward him as the Exceed had landed on the ground. It was then Renji would swing his Sword Staff and a slash of mana would rush towards Adonis. The warrior would dodge the attack and he would use a move of his own. He would thrust his spear at Renji and a huge spear made of mana made its way at him.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:27 pm


Renji saw this and he sucked his teeth as he felt like this was going to hurt. He would take it in as he didn’t mind the damage. He would be pushed back from the blow, and he coughed up blood from that attack. He couldn’t allow himself to get hit by too many of those attacks. He was going to have to finish this fight.

Adonis was close to the man he had hit and he thrusted his spear at Renji. The man would use his staff to parry the attack and push it away from him. It was then he would counter with a slash to the man’s chest hitting him with everything that he had. Adonis felt this and he would stumble backward as he felt the blow breaking his armor.

This was good and he rushed toward Renji again as the two were doing their best to land hits on one another, but the two were dodging and blocking to the best of their abilities.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:28 pm


Renji figured he would do his best to end this now. He would run to Adonis, and he would thrust his claw at the man. The warrior would dodge the attack, and it would cause Renji to stumble forward, the Exceed had planned this and he looked back as he watched the man thrust his spear at the Exceed’s back. He had a smirk on his face when he saw this because it was perfect. It was then Renji had disappeared from where he was, and he would claw his way onto Adonis’ back.

The damage was great, and the warrior’s eyes widened when he felt the blow as he fell to the ground. He didn’t expect a disappear to an attack like what just happened now.

When the announcer reached the ten counts, she got onto the arena and rushed to the middle.

“We have ourselves a winner! Renji!” She shouted as the crowd cheered to see a victor emerging from this.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:28 pm


Renji would raise his arm into the air, and he would make his way back to the waiting room. He would get treated for the wounds he suffered from the fight. Yuurei would see the return of his partner, and the next two fights would go on. They took some time, but it would soon be Yuurei’s turn. The Seraphim made his way to the gates, and he waited for his name to be called out.

“For our last fight we have someone in Fiore who is trying to give us a show a man who uses guns as his arsenal! Giovanni!” She shouted as a man with two guns came out into the arena.

“We have been waiting to see what he would do in this round! Let’s bring out Yuurei!” She shouted.

The gates opened and Yuurei made his way to the arena as well. The two of them would look at each other, with Giovanni being further away from Yuurei than all his other opponents.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:29 pm


When the fight began Yuurei had two weapons out, one being his Gae Bolg again, and the second being his Zabimaru. The man would start shooting at Yuurei, but the Seraphim was on the move. The shots were missing their marks. It was then that he would shoot more at the Warden, but this time they would start following him. The Seraphim expected something like that to happen, and he would launch his Gae Bolg at the man without hesitating. Giovanni would dodge it when it got close to him.

Yuurei would also separate Zabimaru into six pieces and they would fly toward his target as well. Giovanni had enough time to dodge these attacks as well as he wasn’t sure what Yuurei was doing. Still, Yuurei was running away from the shots that were coming his way as he was plotting his next move. Gae Bolg would turn around and it would come back to Giovanni from behind.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:29 pm


Zabimaru’s pieces would return to the hilt of the blade, and then it happened. Yuurei would cover himself in his Symbiotic suit to block the attacks, and then appendages would stretch out to hit Giovanni. He would be pushed back from the hit, but then something would pierce his leg too. Yuurei’s Gae Bolg would hit its marking, hindering him from moving. He would get his spear back and then he figured he would finish it off with his other spear. A huge spear would appear from above and it would land right on top of Giovanni finishing the man who couldn’t move from where he was.

The announcer was surprised by what she saw, but she rushed to the arena to declare Yuurei the winner as Giovanni was unconscious on the floor. When it was over, the crowd would cheer Yuurei on, and he would leave the arena. The two of them would leave the place and prepare for the next fighting round tomorrow.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:30 pm


There were only two fights today and Renji was already in the arena as they had announced him and his opponent. The two of them were ready to fight as Renji’s opponent had two daggers in his hand. The two of them would clash with each other, the fight lasting a bit longer than usual, but the result was that Renji was the victor. The wounds he had suffered from the fight were great, but not life-threatening. He would get treated for the wounds that he suffered, and he decided to rest up. It was Yuurei’s turn soon after and he would make his way to the arena.

When it was his turn to fight, he would make quick work of his opponent. He couldn’t help but end this quickly as he wanted to fight Renji, who he knew made it to the final. The crowd was shocked to see how his fight had gone and couldn’t wait to see who would take it all in the finals.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:31 pm


The next day arrived, and Yuurei made sure their equipment was top-notch and ready for their final bout. They were going to be fighting each other. Yuurei knew that Renji didn’t have armor, so he wouldn’t wear any, and he told Anti and Migi not to interfere in this fight. They would listen and they would watch it all. He also told his cape not to interfere either.

“We finally made it to the finals, there were two incredible fighters who fought their way through tough opponents! But there could only be one winner! Who will it be Yuurei or Renji!” She shouted.

The two of them would enter the arena at the same time as Yuurei would have his Yin and Yang Gauntlet on him. Renji would have his Chaos Claw and Jeweled Sword Zelretch in his hand. They would both bow to each other before they got into a position to fight.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:31 pm


“Begin!” The announcer said as she would get out of the way.

Yuurei would push forward as he would close the gap between Renji. The Exceed saw this and he would see the man throwing punches at him. He would dodge the first two and he would slash at him with his claws and bonk him with the staff. The Seraphim would dodge the attacks as he knew he was weaker than Renji right now. He had let out his true form revealing his wings to the Exceed. Renji sucked his teeth as he knew this was about to get harder.

Yuurei dodged the attacks and launched a kick straight toward Renji’s jaw, but not before being kicked right in his abdomen and being pushed back. The two of them looked at each other before they rushed forward to each other again. The crowd was surprised about how the fight started but were on the edge of their seat ready to see what would happen next.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:32 pm


Yuurei would get close to Renji again, the two of them were avoiding lethal hits toward them. Whenever they were hit, it would be a graze of sorts. This wasn’t good, but at the same time, the damage had been reduced. The crowd was roaring with cheers to see the two of them fight. Yuurei was getting ready to attack Renji, but the Exceed had raised his arm into the air. A huge pulse of violence would come out from the staff. It would head toward Yuurei, but the Seraphim would punch the spell as he dispersed it and proceed to move forward.

Renji saw this and the two of them clashed with both of their weapons before headbutting each other and jumping back from the blows. They would have a smirk on their face as they were going to proceed now. Renji knew Yuurei knew about the Chaos Claw spell because this weapon was his, but he had to use it and see if he could hit.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:32 pm


Yuurei went to punch Renji in the stomach, but his partner disappeared from in front of him. The Seraphim would suck his teeth as he didn’t think Renji would use that move right away. Still, he had a plan to block it. He would activate his Seikuken to parry the attack; he pivoted his foot to turn to Renji and he would parry the attack before he would punch him in the face and send him flying.

Renji would slam his Chaos Claw on the ground to stop him from falling out of the arena. He would get up from the ground and he would spit the blood to the side. He ran toward Yuurei as the two of them continued trying to hit each other, but not before Renji launched a spell from his staff. It was in point-blank range, and he did it when Yuurei was attacking him. Yuurei would see this, and he would be hit by the violent mana that had come out from the staff.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:33 pm


The two of them looked at each other as the crowd was cheering with excitement about this. They didn’t know what was going to happen next, but were happy this was happening right now.

“You have gotten better at fighting Renji. I think this tournament was good for you.” He said to his partner.

“I couldn’t continue to be dead weight, so learning how to fight here was better than I could imagine. Still, aren’t you going easy on me?” He asked Yuurei.

Yuurei laughed a bit as he wasn’t. He was enjoying the fight that is all.

“Not at all, I wanted us to enjoy our fight. If I hit you with something crazy, it would just put you on edge and I didn’t want that right off the bat.” He said to his partner.

Renji understood and he would rush toward Yuurei. When he got close, he would launch a slash from the Staff, which Yuurei dodged.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:33 pm


Yuurei counterattacked as Renji had appeared right in front of him. He dodged the punch that Renji launched and when he went to land a punch on his partner he would clash with the staff. The two weapons had broken and then he looked over to his remaining gauntlet. It was time to use it and see if Renji could withstand the blow from the attack. He was resistant to light, so it was why the fight had taken so long. A Taiju symbol had appeared under Yuurei and he would launch a punch again at Renji. The Exceed saw this and he would meet him with the Chaos Claw. The two of them would clash against, and both gauntlets would break as well.

Still, Renji would be blown back by the attack as he was panting from the damage. Yuurei would see this, and he would prepare himself to continue fighting. Renji gathered himself as this was going to end in the next punch.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:34 pm


Yuurei and Renji would rush toward each other and the two of them would stop right in front of each other. The two of them would cock their fist back as they stared at each other. The crowd were all standing up, holding their breaths, and waiting to see what was about to happen. The two of them would swing with all they had, and they would connect on each other’s cheek. They would tilt their head the opposite way when they were hit, and both were sent flying to the edge of the arena and onto the floor.

They were both lying down on the ground for a bit as the announcer was doing the count. When it got to eight, Yuurei would slowly get up with a smirk on his face. It was then that it would count to ten and Renji stood on the ground as he couldn’t get up from that last hit.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:34 pm


“We have ourselves a winner! They both fought hard, and they both did their best, but Yuurei is now the winner of this tournament! He has won his grand prize and estate of his own to be built or claimed anywhere within Seven! And is now declared as the Champion of Champions within the Arena!” She shouted as the crowd roared with excitement to see who won it all.

Yuurei would raise his arm up into the air as he was happy to enjoy all the fighting. He was able to fight different people from all over Earthland here and now things had come to an end. Renji would slowly sit up, shaking his head from that blow. Yuurei would help him up and the crowd would cheer for him too. Renji would raise his hand up in the air and the announcer would approach Yuurei.

“What would you do with the rights to have a spot within Seven!?” She asked him waiting to see what he would say.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:35 pm


Yuurei would look at everybody here and he would smile at them. This was a place he enjoyed a lot and one where he couldn’t help but want to belong. Of course, he loved the North, but it seemed like Fiore didn’t even make sense to him. Things were happening in his region that shouldn’t have happened, but they did. He had a tight relationship with the people there, so for chaotic things to happen there didn’t make sense.

“I will make a place and bring the people that lived in the North of Fiore to this Polis State I will create! I will also let in anybody who seeks a new home as well! As long as they follow the rules there, they can be as free as they want to be!” He shouted this out loud so they could all hear him.

The crowd would roar as they were excited to see what would happen in the future of Seven.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 4 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:36 pm


The announcer heard this, and it seemed like things were going to change within Seven. She wondered if it was for the better, but that was yet to be seen. Yuurei would get jewels from the tournament as well. It wasn’t just that, but he would also get a reputation far beyond what he had now within Seven. He would also be presented with a crown for the champion of champions. The previous one had died of old age, and it was why the tournament had been held. Yuurei would gladly accept it as he would take Renji to go see the medical team. When he came back, he would celebrate in the middle of the arena with the crowd who watched it all from the beginning to the end.

He wondered what the future was going to hold for him and those he loved and cared for. Still, he could only be excited as this was going to be enjoyable. How would the other leaders from the other Polis State think about this situation? Where are they going to try and stop him or leave him be, so nothing bad happens to their own place?



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