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Seven's Champion (Lore/SL)

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Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:02 pm


It wouldn’t take long, but someone from the arena would approach Yuurei. It seemed like he was the last fight of the day. It felt as if they had done that on purpose, which he was fine with that. He got up from his seat and he would follow them. He knew where to go as he had been here quite a bit. When he got to the gate, they would leave him and he would wait for the announcement.

The announcer would get to the middle of the arena and she was excited with everything that happened.

“We have seen a lot of different fighting styles today, and many of these fights were close matches, while others just showed the difference in power! Still, we have one more fight here today, and it is one you guys have been waiting for! On this side, we have a man who is from Seven a person who is fierce with an Axe! He has fought many times within the arena, but these two have never fought against each other until now! Let’s bring out Theodore!” She shouted as the crowd continued to stomp on the ground excited to see this fight.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:02 pm


Theodore would come out swing his axe around like a helicopter and the people would cheer him on. He would get into a fighting stance as he knew who he was fighting against.

“This man is a person who showed himself in Seven and fought against many opponents! We knew first as Leviathan, but we later found out his true name! He has Sevenese Blood running through his veins and has not seen defeat since he showed himself here! Come on out Yuurei!” She shouted as his gate would start opening in front of him.

He would walk through the gate as he walked to the arena. When he did this the people would cheer him on as they were excited to see who would win this fight today. He would get in the arena and he looked over to his opponent and when he saw what weapon he would use, Yuurei would bring out weapons of his own. His Yin and Yang would show up and he would use them to fight this man.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:03 pm


Yuurei would move around as he wouldn’t have his armor on. He felt it unfair to wear his armor if this man wasn’t going to wear any. He would do this accordingly to his opponents though. His stance was different than most as he was moving back and forth as he was looking at Theodore. The announcer saw they were ready and she would step back and announce the fight to begin. It was then Theodore rushed straight to the Seraphim without hesitation.

The Warden of the North saw this and he commended this man for being straightforward in his attack. He moved his upper body to avoid the swing of the man’s axe. The blade of the axe missing moving past his nose. It was then Theodore would spin around to bring the axe back to cut down Yuurei in the chest.

He would hunch forward to avoid the blade from cutting him and the people were cheering Theodore on as he looked like he was the one in control.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:03 pm


Yuurei was checking out his opponent and he was trying to see what he would do with his attacks. This was interesting to see his pattern, but he could tell Theodore wasn’t weak. The man was pressing on with his attacks and that was good. Still, Yuurei was at his strongest, and he decided that he would be if he fought anybody here. His wings would sprout from his back, and his appearance would change to reveal his true face. Theodore jumped away because that caught him off guard. Yuurei kept moving back and forth as he motioned Theodore to come get him.

The man would have a smile on his face. He would swing his axe over his head, and it would shoot out a twister in Yuurei’s direction. He saw this as he was pleased to see that he was using his magic to fight as well. Yuurei would see this and he would punch the twister that was coming straight for him.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:04 pm


The people in the arena would gasp as they thought Leviathan was crazy for doing such a thing, but then they saw it would be dispersed from that attack. They would roar to see that happening, as Yuurei landed on the ground and he had a smile on his face as he looked at Theo. The axe-wielder saw this and nodded as he figured this man would be able to do something about the attack. He just didn’t think he would be able to do that.

Still, he didn’t think he would have it easy this round, so he would continue to fight Yuurei with everything that he had. He rushed toward Yuurei without hesitating and he kept swinging his axe. The Seraphim kept dodging the attacks, with Theo barely missing. It was then he would hit the ground causing it to shake. This would bring Yuurei to move into the air, and Theo would leap toward him when that happened.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:04 pm


It was then he would swing his axe again trying to cleave Yuurei in half. The Seraphim saw the danger coming and he would counter it with a punch of his own. His Yin clashed with the man’s axe and he could see the damage that was impacted by them clashing. It was then that Yuurei had decided to finally throw in a counterattack. He wasn’t sure if this man would be able to take it, but he wasn’t going to hold his punches against anybody.

The Taijitu symbol appeared under him and he would swing his free hand straight toward Theodore’s stomach. It was then he would feel the blow from the attack, but more so it was the ribs that cracked on impact. He would land on the ground stumbling a bit before kneeling to the ground and coughing up blood. He looked over to Yuurei as he got up slowly. Yuurei would land on the ground as he looked at him and it seemed like he didn’t go unconscious from the first hit.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:05 pm


Yuurei wouldn’t say anything as he was impressed though, and Theo could see it, but he also felt how strong this man was. He would run to him as he would create an invisible aura around him. When he got close to Theodore, the man would swing his axe once again. He was about to use a spell, but something happened. The Seraphim had seen it coming and his Seikuken would block the incoming attack as he parried the axe swing and he counter it with a quick jab into the man’s chest this time. His eyes widened when he felt the blow, soon rolling back as he fell to the ground.

The crowd was shocked to see this, but he knew this was going to be the end result. It took them a bit to realize what had happened, but they cheered when saw Yuurei was the winner. The announcer would get into the arena and she would look around the area.

“And the winner of our final match today is Yuurei!” She said as everyone roared and cheered for the fight.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:05 pm


Yuurei would walk out of the arena as he had acknowledged that he was a strong opponent. He just needed proper training with someone like Brone. He walked through the gates and toward where Renji was waiting for him. The Exceed knew Yuurei wasn’t going to lose as he got up from his seat.

“Alright, let’s get some food and then rest for the next fight tomorrow.” He said to Renji.

Renji was fine with that idea as they would leave the arena together. They would get something to eat, and they would take home with them. Yuurei had summoned his palace in an open space and they would enter it. The servants there would help them prepare things for the night and once they finished eating and showering they would head to bed for the next day. They had both fallen asleep quickly as they were physically and mentally exhausted. As night approached though, morning had come ever so quickly for the two competitors in the arena.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:06 pm


Yuurei and Renji were up for the next day, and they had gotten prepared for what was to come. They had gotten a light meal, one that would not come out when they fought. The crowd within the arena had gathered up as fast as the arena was being opened. They would get their snacks for the show and would get to their seats as they were waiting for the first match of the day to begin.

Renji knew that was him, so he had to make sure they were there now. When he got there, Yuurei would give him the two weapons that he was using, and he would make his way to the waiting room, while Renji made his way to the gate. The Exceed would move to his destination perfectly fine as he knew where to go. When he got to the gate he waited for things to start, his mind wondering how many fights would be left after today.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:06 pm


The announcer would get to the middle of the arena again. She was excited to see what would happen in today’s fight. She looked to see the arena was full, and she had given the fighters enough time to make it to the arena itself.

“Ladies and gentlemen! We’re on the second day of the tournament! It was nice to see everybody fight to their heart's content, but today we move on to the second round! In this corner, he won his fight in a mysterious fashion! Hopefully, we can see what he does today, let’s bring out Renji!” She shouted as the crowd cheered as the gates opened up.

Renji would walk out of the gates and into the arena with his weapons ready. He looked at the crowds as they cheered him on. Once he was done with that, he looked over to the gates and waited for his opponent to show up.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:07 pm


“In the next corner we have a man who finished his fight in style! It was a good match, but it seemed like he was putting on a show for the crowd than anything! He is a man from Fiore, a brawler, let's bring out Ezekiel!” She shouted as the second would open up.

A man would walk out of the arena with his gauntlets on. He smacked his fists together as he approached the arena. Renji would get into a fighting stance as he analyzed the man in front of him. Ezekiel had a smile on his face as he was ready to fight as well. His stance was unorthodox, which would bring the announcer to step away from the two. When she was in the clear, she would look over to the two of them.

“Begin!” She shouted as Renji would be the first to make his move.

He would rush over to Ezekiel and he would prepare for what was to come.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:08 pm


Renji had swung his claw at Ezekiel and the brawler would dodge the attack with ease, and then he noticed another attack coming. The staff that Renji used, definitely used it like it was a sword. Still, it would do bludgeoning damage. The brawler saw this and he pushed forward to the exceed, he grabbed his forearm and he would thrust his shoulder into the Exceed’s chest. Renji’s eyes widened when he felt the impact as he gasped for air and was pushed back by the attack. He stumbled a bit as he looked over to Ezekiel as he was rushing toward Renji.

He didn’t expect this blow to hurt as much. He dodged the attack from his opponent but then was kicked by a blow on his rib from an attack he couldn’t see. He gasped for air as the crowd was all glued to the fight wondering what would happen next.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:08 pm


Renji was surprised, but he could tell this man was a better fighter than he was. It made him nervous and honestly, if this kept up he was going to lose. Ezekiel had rushed toward Renji once again, but the Exceed had other plans. He would thrust his staff into the air and a pulse of pure mana would shoot out violently from where he stood. It would catch Ezekiel off guard, and he would block as the attack would push him away from Renji.

He didn’t expect that from this guy, but it seemed like he was indeed strong. The brawler cracked his neck as Renji regained his composure. The two of them seemed to be enjoying the fight, but there could only be one winner.

Ezekiel rushed toward Renji, and as he got closer, he would throw two quick jabs as he was getting closer to the Exceed. When he did that, two wind punches would find their way heading straight to Renji. One to his chest and the second to his abdomen.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:08 pm


Renji saw it, this time, and he was able to dodge one of them but was hit with the second one on his abdomen. He grunted from the blow as he coughed up blood. The Exceed did not take his eyes off Ezekiel as the man had approached him and was close to attack. Renji would grit his teeth as he knew what was coming. He was going to get hit, but he had to exchange blows this time. He couldn’t allow himself to be the only getting hit.

Ezekiel had launched a right hook to Renji, and the Exceed would throw a quick jab straight onto Ezekiel’s left shoulder. The two would hit, but Ezekiel would jump back while Renji tilted a bit before he got back in position. Ezekiel moved his right arm to his left shoulder as he was bleeding and he was pierced by Renji’s attack.

Renji used his chaos Claw to pierce his skin rather than slashing at him and it seemed like it worked, which was good.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:09 pm


The brawler would shake it off and he would check to see if his arm was still good. When he saw he could move it, he looked over to Renji. The Exceed was hurt but was still able to keep going. This was fun, but he couldn’t just keep getting hit like that. He waited to see what Ezekiel would do right now. The brawler would disappear as he appeared behind Renji.

The Exceed noticed too late and he was hit by the man twice on his back. He felt the blood coughing blood, but he would be able to counterattack as well. He turned around as he stumbled forward and swiped his staff in the air and toward Ezekiel. The brawler would be hit by the attack as he was pushed back and the two of them would stare at each other for a bit waiting to see who would make the next move.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:09 pm


It was then the two of them would both rush toward each other. Renji would slash at Ezekiel, but he was quick on his feet dodging the attacks and launching his own at the Exceed. Renji saw them coming and he would also dodge the attacks. The two of them would dodge and be hit by each other’s attacks every now and then. Ezekiel was concerned with the claw, so being hit by the staff was better than nothing. The crowd was cheering though excited to see the fight still going and waiting to see the end results of it all. When the two of them were going to clash, Renji decided to make his move.

He disappeared just like Ezekiel had done, but this time he was ready to deliver the finishing blow. He swiped down on the man’s back and he cut the man without hesitation. Ezekiel felt the blow and he gasped for air as he didn’t think that would happen. He stumbled forward and turned around to look at Renji.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:10 pm


When he looked over to the Exceed, his eyes widened as he saw that he was in front of him. Renji figured he couldn’t allow him to recover, or things would get worse for him. He would swing the staff right on his abdomen as he would connect causing him to stop right next to Ezekiel. The brawler wanted to attack, but he couldn’t. He felt his body go limp, and his arms fell down to his side. Renji would step away from him and he would fall to the ground.

The Exceed saw this and he raised his arm into the air. The people saw this and roared, excited with the end results. The announcer would rush into the arena and she would stand next to Renji.

“We have ourselves a winner! The first match of the second round is over, give it up for Renji!” She shouted, the crowd got louder, and he nodded acknowledging his victory.

He walked off and made his way to the gates.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:10 pm


He would leave the arena, and he would lean to the wall as he coughed up blood. That man was strong, but was that how every round would be? The nurse there had been waiting and she saw the damage that had been done to him and rushed over to him to heal him as best as she could. Renji would feel the treatment working and he looked at her with a smile on his face.

“Thank you.” He simply said as she continued her work.

Yuurei saw two people leave the waiting room, which meant that they were next. It also meant that Renji’s fight was over, but he didn’t make it back to the waiting room. He was hoping that the Exceed was alright and that he didn’t lose. His eyes closed as he waited for his turn. He knew he didn’t have to wait that long as there were fewer fights today than there were yesterday.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:11 pm


Yuurei continued to wait and soon enough Renji appeared in the waiting room and sat next to him. His eyes open to see Renji was bruised up, but healed. He chuckled a bit as he closed his eyes again.

“I see, you had a rough time. Was he tough?” He asked him waiting for an answer.

Renji looked at him and leaned back as he sighed.

“Yeah, he was tough. He had skills, that were better than mine. I won because I was stronger, but it could have gone either way.” He said to Yuurei.

The Seraphim figured that was the case, and he nodded.

“That’s good that you realize that, I hope you use this tournament to grow and better your skills.” He said Renji.

The Exceed heard his words and nodded as he understood that, he planned to grow in this tournament. Things would get quiet between the two of them, Renji taking his nap, and Yuurei meditating and waiting for his fight to be next.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:11 pm


The two of them were resting and waiting and soon enough the fights had finished. There had been thirty-one fights, which meant there were thirty-one fighters who had reached the next round. That was a lot of people, but the numbers were decreasing rather quickly. Soon enough, it was his turn. His eyes widened when he felt someone approaching him. He looked over to see that they were here to get him. He was fine with that as he would get up from his seat and he walked over to the gates. He stopped right at the gates as he was waiting for the announcer to bring him into the arena.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! What a round this was today! I don’t think any fighters figured it would go this way today, which meant those who remained today were that powerful! Still, we have one more fight for you all today! First, let's bring out a man from Pergrande! He looks like a knight in shiny armor and he is going to prove his worth today against the monster! Give it up for Alexander!” She shouted as the gates opened and a man wielding a shield and sword and covered in armor appeared.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:12 pm


She looked over to the other gate when Alexander was in his position.

“You all have enjoyed his fights and some of us want to see if he will lose in this tournament, while others want to see if he can win it all! A man who is either feared or respected, let's bring out Yuurei!” She shouted as the crowd roared in excitement.

Yuurei would walk through the gates and he noticed what his opponent was wearing. He nodded as he waved his hand on his body. His Berserker Armor would appear, alongside his Lord Drakkon’s Helmet. In one hand he would have his Gae Bolg, and then the second one, it would hold the invisible Excalibur. The crowd was excited to see that he was using a different weapon from his match yesterday. He would get into the arena with Alexander as the two of them stared at each other waiting for this fight to begin.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:13 pm


When she saw the two of them had made their way to the arena, she walked out of their way and to the edge of the arena.

“Let the fight begin!” She shouted as she hopped out of the arena and the two would start.

Alexander would rush toward Yuurei without hesitating. The Seraphim was impressed, this man was braved, or did he already know about him? He would see the blade swinging straight at him, and he dodged the attack. Alexander saw this and he would step in with his shield and thrust the damn thing toward Yuurei. He had a smirk on his face as he would let this happen, and his Berserker’s Suit would activate.

The Arcane energy that was held within the suit, would activate, taking mana from Yuurei and letting it out toward the person that had attacked him. Alexander saw the dangerous attack coming, and his shield would activate a spell that covered him.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:13 pm


Yuurei sucked his teeth when he saw this and touched his helmet. He was protected by his attack, but he would use this attack to break his defense. A beam of light had come out and it would hit Alexander’s defense spell as it would shatter. The man was protected though as he looked at Yuurei. He was able to draw out two of this man’s spells right from the beginning which was a good thing. Yuurei had a smile on his face as this guy wasn’t a bad fighter. He got him to use two of his spells, which was fun indeed.

They had stepped back from each other as they were about to continue their fight in a second. Yuurei was excited and he wondered what else this man could do. Alexander saw he was waiting for him and he would swing his blade and a huge blast of lightning would make its way to Yuurei. He saw this and he figured he would return the favor.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:14 pm


Yuurei would take what looked like his free hand and he would swipe it down toward Alexander.

“Excalibur.” He said as a huge wave of light magic would come forth and toward Alexander’s attack.

The two spells would clash, but Alexander’s would lose out as Excalibur kept going. The knight saw this and he was surprised by this as it would hit him as he would be pushed back. This was a powerful attack, and it was surprising to him. Yuurei had also launched his Gae Bolg into the air as it was heading toward Alexander from his right.

The knight’s armor was damaged, but it was still on, but he did feel the blow from the attack. He noticed that the hand to the left was holding a weapon he couldn’t see, but then he noticed something else. Where was that spear that was in his right hand? He looked around and he saw it flying in his direction. Still, where it was heading was a place he wouldn’t be able to reach in time.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 2 Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:14 pm


Alexander hoped that his armor could take the hit for him, but it would pierce through his ankle and then reappear in Yuurei’s hand. The man would grit his teeth, screaming slightly under his breath. He felt the pain in his ankle and when he tried to move he saw that he couldn’t. This man had damaged his ankle and harmed him directly. That spear wasn’t ordinary either; these were weapons that he couldn’t explain, but they were too powerful to be wielded by one person. Still, he was in this fight, he didn’t lose consciousness, which meant he had a chance to turn this around.

He decided he would use it; Alexander was hoping that he would use this at least next round, but against Yuurei he had no choice. He would take his blade and he would stab himself with it, Yuurei tilted his head wondering what was going to happen now.


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