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Seven's Champion (Lore/SL)

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Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:14 am


Alexander’s sword would disperse into flame and enter his body. He would grow fire and lightning wings on his back, and he would be engulfed in flames and lightning as a flame and lightning sword would appear in his hand. It was then he would fly toward Yuurei and he would swing the fire sword at him. The Seraphim was surprised by this as it would damage his Berserker’s Suit. His ring would heal the damage that had been done and he looked at the man as it seemed like he wasn’t done just yet. That was good as he was hoping for more.

He would dodge the second attack and he could feel the lightning hit him a bit. His armor and helmet would be damaged a bit this time, which brought Yuurei to smile. Still, he was not going to let this go like this. He would swing his arm with his spear and Migi’s appendages would appear as they were ready to strike this man down.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:15 am


Yuurei rushed toward him and he would thrust his Gae Bolg at the man, but he would dodge it by pushing away with his wings. The Seraphim expected this to happen, and his appendages would stretch out, reaching him and cutting up the remainder of his armor and harming Alexander. He would snap the appendages back as he rushed to him and he would try to strike him with Excalibur this time.

The knight knew he had a weapon in that free hand, but he couldn’t tell how long it was, so he took a huge lunge back. The Warden saw this and figured it was time to unleash it then. A huge beam of light would come out from his chest and straight toward the Warden. He tried to block the attack, but it would go through the shield and it would hit Alexander. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, they were surprised at how this fight was going and wondered if Alexander was okay.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:16 am


Alexander had been hit by the attack and at first, he thought he was okay. It was then he would cough up blood and he would kneel to the ground. He wasn’t sure what happened, but those last few attacks were stronger than he thought they would be. He sucked his teeth as he could feel himself losing consciousness. It was then he would hit the ground and everybody would stay quiet for a few seconds, before roaring to see who had come out of this fight victorious.

Yuurei would raise his arm into the air to show he had won and his Avalon was healing him as his ring was repairing any damage that had been done to his armor and helmet. The Seraphim walked off from the arena as the announcer concluded this day’s tournament round. Yuurei would find Renji who was resting and he would pick him up, so they could rest for the day.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:16 am


The two of them would enjoy the rest of the day, resting, getting massages, eating, and sleeping. It was before they knew it the day the next day had arrived. They were well rested, but now they were onto the third round of the tournament. There were seven rounds, and they were only on day number three. It was going to be tough, but they knew they were going to push through it. Yuurei and Renji had made their way to the arena, and they could see they weren’t the only ones who made it. There the audience was ready to go inside, and even the fighters that had lost were here to watch.

It seemed like they were here to see who would take it all and win the grand prize. Yuurei and Renji would make it to the waiting room for the fighters. He would hand over Renji his weapons as he would be the first of the two to fight.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:17 am


Renji was wondering if every fight he was going to have would be a hard one. It might be like that, if everyone was strong in their own right. Still, there might be people who won underhandly and such, but would he be fighting one like that today? He wouldn’t know until the time came. Renji had made his way to the gates as he stretched and waited for things to get started.

The announcer was already at the center of the arena. She was excited about what was to come today. She wasn’t sure how long this day of fights was going to last. Their numbers had dwindled to thirty-two fighters, which meant they were only going to have sixteen fights today. That was a lot, but not compare to the first two days.

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Good morning! We have sixteen fights today and I’m hoping things will be as interesting today as they were yesterday! We had great fights, and then we had fights that were questionable! Let’s see if everything settles down here today!” She shouted speaking about the fights that happened yesterday.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:17 am


“The first to come out is a man who has been around us, for quite some time, but never fought until today! We expect him to go a long way because of who he’s always around! Let’s bring out Renji!” She shouted as his gate would open.

When it fully opened the Exceed made his way to the arena and he was stretching again as he got to the center of the arena. When she saw he was there, she would look to the other side.

“And his opponent, we don’t know how he did it, but he won yesterday’s match in a way that nobody can explain! We hope to find out in today’s match to give it up for Jax!” She shouted as the gate opened and a man with two daggers appeared.

He would make his way to the arena and he would look at Renji with a smirk on his face.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:18 am


Renji had a bad feeling about this guy, but he wasn’t going to let him ruin his way to the top. He figured once he found out what this off feeling was, then he could do something about it. The announcer was not in the arena anymore as she looked at these two.

“Begin!” She shouted as she mumbled to herself good luck to Renji.

The man smiled at Renji, and the Exceed wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but he had moved to the man. When he rushed toward him, he tried to slash the man with his Chaos Claw, but he would go right through the man. He turned to look at the man and he had done the same thing. He felt like this guy was an illusion, it had to be, but then where was the real body? he looked around trying to figure it out and then two daggers were thrown at him.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:18 am


Renji barely noticed the attack coming, and he was able to dodge it in the nick of time. He didn’t know which direction they came from, but how they landed he had a general direction. The Exceed was trying to figure out the source, but the daggers disappeared. The one that was not too far from him continued to smile at him. The Exceed had decided to ignore it for now and work on finding the source. He wasn’t going to use it, but he decided to use it now since something was wrong here.

The Exceed would obtain three hundred and sixty vision now and he rushed around the arena trying to draw this person out. It wouldn’t take long, but he would be attacked again, but this time Renji was prepared. He saw them coming when they got close enough and he would use his huge attack.

He would thrust his arm towards the direction of where the illusion was and a pulse of pure mana would go out in every direction.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:18 am


Renji was hoping it would hit something or someone. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but he was hoping there was a chance he was right. When the attack was done, he didn’t see anything at first, but then something happened. One someone fell from the sky, two the illusion in the arena had disappeared. The person who fell was unconscious from Renji’s attack and it seemed like he might have been the cause of all of this. The Exceed shook his head as it seemed like he was using a trick to attack while being hidden. He didn’t even show himself at the beginning and he was in the air the entire time.

The crowd was shocked that this fight ended fast, and they booed the loser as they felt like he wasn’t fighting fairly like everyone else. Still, he had lost and Renji’s fight was over just like that. He would rest easy this time, and he would make his way to the back.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:19 am


Yuurei would see that Renji had come back to the room, and he saw how fast his partner had arrived. He wondered if he had gotten stronger that quickly. It would be interesting and impressive to him. Renji sat down next to Yuurei and laughed a bit.

“I just fought a cheater. Well, a dishonored fighter. I caught him by surprise and finished the fight quickly. I don’t think the audience enjoyed that fight.” He said to Yuurei.

The Seraphim heard this and nodded as it seemed like there were cunning fighters in this arena as well.

“I see I will keep a mental note on that, but that means my fight is going to happen soon.” He said to Renji as he closed his eyes for a bit.

It wouldn’t take long, but they would come looking for Yuurei saying his fight was next. He was impressed that these fights ended that quickly.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:19 am


Yuurei figured that meant he was going to have to end this fight quickly himself. He couldn’t allow others to rest more than the two of them. He got up and he made his way to the gates as he was going to enjoy whoever he fought.

The announcer was surprised by everything that had happened that day. It seemed like there were people who didn’t show off their strongest moves until today and others didn’t have a way to fight against it.

“Today has been an interesting day! We saw fights finish quickly unlike the first two days. I guess things are getting interesting or the strong fighters are just finally showing off their skills to the other competitors!” She paused for a second.

“Let’s bring our first fighter! He is a man who comes from the Erased Land! We don’t know anything about him, but his name, come on out Hassan!” She shouted as the man came out from where the gates were as he was covered up in bandages.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:20 am


He made it to the arena and she knew it was time to continue on with the next fighter.

“He is a fan favorite here, and people think he will take it all! Will Hassan be able to create an upset against him!? Let’s bring out Yuurei!” She shouted as his gates would open.

When it was fully open, Yuurei would walk out of the arena and he would see the man covered in bandages. He was curious as to why the man was bandaged up, and he heard the crowd cheering as he entered the arena. When she saw that both men were there, she would walk away from the two of them.

When she was in the clear, she knew it was time to start. Yuurei would get into a stance without his weapons as he was thinking about what to use against him.

“Begin!” She shouted out loud as the fight would be able to start.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:21 am


Yuurei waved his hand and he would bring out his Yin and Yang Gauntlet. Migi would extend two appendages from his shoulder and two blades would be formed from the edge of those appendages. He wasn’t done there, but his Anti-Venom Suit on with his Monarch’s Golden Guise on his head. Hassan saw this and the two of them would prepare for the fight. The crowd was on the edge of the sear wondering what was going to happen. The Seraphim looked at the man waiting for something to happen. The man would rush to him and when he got close enough he would stretch both his arms at Yuurei.

The Warden had seen this and he had a smirk on his face. He was right he was using that name for a reason. The bandages were most likely the one he had a long time ago. He used his helmet to see the attacks coming, and he would get closer to him as he did this.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:21 am


Yuurei made his way to the man and his Taijitu Symbol below him. The two of them had locked eyes with each other. It was then that Hassasn’s arm would hit Yuurei on his back, and Anti had countered hitting him back with a force a bit weaker than what he had thrown. The Seraphim wasn’t done though as he said he was going to make this fight quick. He didn’t care who he was and if he was someone dangerous.

Renji finished his fight, and so did he. Yuurei had thrust his fist quickly into the chest of Hassan’s having the impact seem so powerful that a wave of energy had come out of the man’s back. His eyes widened when he felt the blow of this man. He was not human, he was something much more powerful and it had taken a lot out of him. He tried to stay conscious, stumbling back, but soon enough he would fall to the ground before actually doing much.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:21 am


The crowd was in shock when they saw this happening. They didn’t think the last fight of the day would end this way. It was quick, but at the same time, it was amazing. They would roar with excitement to see Yuurei winning in such a fashion. The announcer would get into the arena and she would rush over to Yuurei. He would stretch his arm into the air as he was happy to make this quick.

“And the winner of the final fight is Yuurei!” She shouted with excitement as the crowd was also excited.

The man would walk out off to the gates as he was done for the day. When he got back to the room, he saw Renji waiting for him there. It seemed like it was all over, and they could go enjoy the rest of the day.

“What did you do?” Renji asked Yuurei.

He smiled at him as he was just happy to be done for the day.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:22 am


When they got out of the arena with the remaining fighters, they would all go their separate ways. He looked over to Renji as he figured he would answer him.

“I hit him with one of my strongest attacks. It landed right in his chest and he had hurt himself when he harmed Anti. I made sure to end the fight as quickly as possible as it seemed like that was what everyone was doing today. So, now we got all day today to relax and prepare for tomorrow.” He said to Renji.

The Exceed laughed when he heard this and expected this from his partner. Still, he was glad today they would be able to relax and get ready for tomorrow. The two of them would enjoy their day by going to the hot springs. It wasn’t just that, but they would eat and relax and sleep. Their mental along with their physical body would be able to prepare itself for the next day. The two of them knew if they kept winning it meant that they would have three more fights if they advanced tomorrow.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:22 am


The two of them would wake up for the next day more than ready. The energy that they had saved from yesterday was amazing. It was time to make sure they had been prepared for the tournament today. They were fighting strong fighters, and that much they knew. It was going to be intense and that much they knew. When they were ready they would both head out and be on their way to the arena. When they got there, they would both make their way to the waiting room. Renji had his Chaos Claw in his hand, and he had the Jeweled Sword Zelretch in the other. He knew he was first, and he couldn’t wait to see who his opponent was going to be.

When they went to get him, the Exceed was on his way to the gates already. He knew where he was going and he would wait for his name to be called out.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:23 am


The announcer was in the arena already as the seats had been filled.

“We have four more rounds before we can declare our Champion of Champion! First, let’s bring out the first person in the fight! He seems to be a master with spears and is said to be from Caelum! He won in a quick fashion yesterday, but will he be able to do it again today!? Let’s bring out Jorge!” She announced as the gates opened up and a man with a spear and light armor arrived at the arena.

When that was done she would look over to the next person to introduce.

“This guy had found someone cheating using tricks to win yesterday! He defeated them and now he’s in this round. We have seen him fight three times already, let’s give it up for Renji!” She shouted as the crowd was excited for the fight as the gates opened up on his side.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:23 am


Renji moved through the gates once it was open and he made his way to the arena in front of him. While doing that he could see the man he was facing. This was going to be great and he could already see the goosebumps on his arm. He would get to the arena and the two of them would stare at each other as the announcer made her way to the edge of the arena. There she would look at the two of them and she could see that they were ready.

“Begin!” She shouted as the two of them moved over to each other and started fighting.

Jorge would swing his spear to try and knock Renji out with it. The Exceed would see this and he would crouch to dodge the attack to see Jorge going for another attack. He would counter and they would clash, but Jorge would fail in the trade as he hit him with the staff.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:24 am


He looked at him as he would bring the spear around and he would try to stab Renji from above with it. He was surprised by this action, but he could tell that he was showing him his mastery of weapons. He thought he would be safe, but it would graze him and he would clench his teeth as he felt the pain. He would get out of the way as he stepped back and looked at him. Jorge could see he was a strong opponent, but he figured he would try and end it right now.

The man from Caelum took a deep breath and he would step forward. He was fast, too fast, and if it wasn’t because of Yuurei’s ribbon he would be screwed over. He was able to dodge in time as the spear had pierced him. It didn’t get his vital spot, but it did go through. The Exceed screamed from the pain but knew this was a perfect opportunity.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:24 am


Renji slashed his Chaos Claw right on the man’s face scratching both his eyes with the claws of the gauntlet. This brought the man to stumble back, pulling the spear out of Renji. He tried to look at the Exceed, but it was hard to see when there was blood in his eyes. The Exceed would hold his side for a bit as it seemed like he was really trying to stand up for as long as he could. Still, he rushed at him, bleeding a lot, but not life-threatening right now. Jorge was trying to adjust his vision and when he saw Renji he was getting ready to defend. It was then Renji disappeared and ended up behind Jorge and slashed the man from behind.

He felt the blow from the pain on his back and he fell to the ground as he couldn’t believe this had happened. A mistake was made, and he paid for it.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:25 am


Still, the fight was over, and the crowd screamed and roared to see the intensity of that fight. The announcer would get in the arena and she would announce Renji as the winner. He would raise his arm into the air and after that, he would walk off to the nurse. She would heal him and he would grunt from the pain. He needed rest after that one, and he would sit down in the waiting room. Yuurei saw that he was going through it and figured that it was a tough fight.

He left him alone and closed his eyes. The fights had started and finished and after the seven fights, it was now his turn. He got up from his seat and walked to the gates. When he got there he waited for the gates to open.

“It was a beautiful day for fighting, and we have a final fight today! We would like to bring him out first! Let’s bring out Yuurei!” She shouted as the crowd roared as the gates opened.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:25 am


Yuurei made his way to the arena now as he looked at everyone that was waiting to see his fight. He was going to make this fast. He was not playing games, he wanted to fight Renji and see for himself how much his partner had grown. He was there with Excalibur in his hand and his Fragarch in his other hand. He was planning on returning the attack to whoever he fought. The stronger the better because it meant that this would go nicely.

“Our next Participant, looks like a giant! He’s from Bellum, let’s bring out Armin!” She shouted.

The gates would open and this man that had come out was wearing regular clothes and had his two swords in his hand. They looked like daggers in his hand, but he didn’t mind it. The announcer would walk to the edge of the arena and when she saw both men were ready she would do it.

“Begin!” She shouted.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:26 am


Yuurei’s Symbiotic Suit would start covering him again. He looked at the man as he would get into a stance. Armin knew of him and how strong this man was, but he wasn’t going to back down. He made it this far and he wanted to win it all. The huge giant rushed toward Yuurei and he swung a few times trying to land a hit on Yuurei. He would dodge a few of them to bring him in before what he would do next. Armin would throw a combo, the first would land on Yuurei, returning the blow back at him. Armin would feel it, but continue with his onslaught as he did what he always did win with brute strength.

The second hit would bring forth his Fragarch. The blade revealed itself as it would throw back the damage to Armin. Of course, Yuurei didn’t end things there, no he would swing down his invisible blade, letting out one word.

“Excalibur!” A cone of light energy would sweep Armin off his feet and take him out.



Seven's Champion (Lore/SL) - Page 3 Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 7:26 am


With the damage done to himself and the damage Yuurei also provided, the fight was over and the Seraphim would raise his arm into the air. The crowd would shout as they felt like this man was unstoppable. The announcer was surprised about this as well, but today’s fight was over. The Seraphim would make his way to the waiting room to get Renji. The two of them would go through the same routine to end up back here the next day. This was good, and the Exceed was happy they didn’t do all the fighting in one day.

The damage he took yesterday had brought him in needed a lot of rest. He was at the gates already waiting for his name to be called.

“Let’s bring out the dark horse of this tournament! He has made it to the best of eight and we’re wondering if he will show us what he can do again today! Let’s bring out Renji!” She shouted as the gates opened up.


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