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The Long Lived King

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The Long Lived King Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:07 pm


The Long Lived King Img_7716

Four silent wings flapped amid the open blue sky, the ocean of clouds parting from each beat. The chill that clung to the winds were enough to ravenously bite at the flesh of any it touched, but to the Demoness who flew in the sky, it felt just right. Strong gales combed at her plumage and feathers as she soared in her true demonic form. She was but a raven gliding upon the higher currents now. A beast coasting just at the gates of the heavens.

Lumikki with keen eyes, looked deep into the depths for below. Noting all the things and creatures wandering within Harrogath. She was partially trying to count their numbers but the deeper she flew into the old kingdom, the harder it became. A hoard of Draugr was what greeted her. Aimlessly moving upon the land below. Their blue and hollowed flesh blending into the shadows and cool tones of the buildings and snow. And many more were clustered within the old ruins.

It was a sad sight to see, if she harbored any empathy that was. They were long dead by now and made that way from the foolishness of their own king. Their minds had left them from all that time ago, wandering around restlessly within the Earthrealm. Nothing left of most of them but puppets for the king’s lingering control. All Lumikki could do now, was understand from Stigr’s mistakes and fight to never repeat them.

It was clear from the stories gifted to her from Sàga that Stigr was a man that loved nothing more than his people, it was for them that he fought and stood strong. One could say that his only defeat would be to lose them all. So perhaps Stigr runs parallel to Lumikki, who also is doing everything for the love of her home.

Stigr had foregone the gods and it led to his ruin, he thought they would make his people weaker and complacent as they were not relying on their own ability to survive.
Much like Lumikki refuses the push for new technology for a lot of the same reasons. One could wonder if they were truly any different. Or that she simply garnered the favor of the Gods for she was what they wanted for Iceberg all along. As a means to return the focus of the people to their influence and power.

Many thoughts rung with her mind as she mulled over. Ever since the meeting with the man in the tavern, Lumikki was not as sure as she was when she started the journey. Was this for her own means? Or was it for another? And what more, the voice of Stigr now also played her thoughts from a passing memory of the vision depicting the past.

“The gods….,” he spoke in a gruff and hoarse voice that was deep like a lion’s growl,” would take everything if you let them. And they would still ask you for more…” And he believed deeply what he said. “If we do not take a stand, they will be sure to see us all fall….” Stigr took a long pause as if he was thinking over something. Eventually, he began to speak again, “ I have seen it for myself.”

What did this old king know that she did not? Was she another fool in another’s game? She did not know. All she could do is answer the call to defend her home and protect her people and if the Gods would grant her leniency and power to achieve those goals, than it was choice to accept it.

The Long Lived King Img_7717

The young ice mage shook the needless thoughts from her mind, this was a sacrifice she could undergo. Everything about her pointed toward good intentions, that her choices were not of pride but love. It was Iceberg that rooted deep within her and gave her a home. The people within these lands and the culture she thrived amid was whose raised her. And despite her demonic rebirth and desire for chaos and destruction, it would be her motherlands and the veneration of the old Norse Gods that keeps her anchored in honor and humanity. Even her ravens and Valkyrie like appearances are denoted to the myths and symbols of her home. And she will do everything in her power to remember that, no matter how turbulent the waves and currents of the corrupted thoughts wished to push her.

───  ─── ─── ─── ───∘°❉°∘ ─── ─── ─── ─── ───

Lumikki slowly began to descend when she approached an old fortress. Despite the ruins that remained, most of the walls and stone stayed intact. Diminishing her form, Lumikki’s feathers and flesh fell away like falling black snow. Streaking in the sky just behind her as the form settled to that of her usual. She’d squeeze into the gaps of roof, lightly hopping down onto the floor below and walk around the big and empty room she’s enter. Not soul, living or otherwise, moved within. It was as silent as the dead of night and Lumikki would add no sounds to the already deafening chill. No, instead she will find herself going deeper. Crossing many halls and hollowed and decrepit rooms until finally she found what she wanted.

It was a large and cavernous room, much like the others, but within this one, the floor was exposed. The frozen hard soil poked through the stone that made the ground, opened up just enough for Lumikki’s plan. The Demoness then pulled out all the seeds she was gifted, pouring her Obscura to each and every one. The long dormant seeds lapped all the power she had to give them, to which she poured almost every ounce that she had. Sacrificing all she had to give in order to awaken the old magic within them and final did she try to till the ground. Her upper wings craved into the dirt while her hands clutched tightly onto the seeds. Their golden heavenly glow, now slowly eroding into something more ghastly and chilling as her corruption was not only taking hold but giving them new life. Lumikki rejoiced, her efforts were working and she’d swiftly plunge them into the opened earth. Pushing them as far down as she could manage with the last of the strength she still had. Finally, when she was pleased with the depths that she managed to store them, now came the next step. Her next sacrifice. One she felt she needed to do alone. It was why she needed to find a space hidden away, so that she could rest undisturbed.

Lumikki would then form a shard of ice into what looked like a spear. For the moment, using it to keep her standing outright. Before she proceeded, the ice mage wanted to look onto the seeds once more, with her wings, she’d bury out of sight.

With a deep inhale, Lumikki readied herself for what was to come next. She hoped that with this gesture, she’d be the one in control. The Guardian to the gate that was soon to form.

Lumikki took the spear she just made and proceeded to plunge it into her gut. Dark blue blood  seeped from her fresh wound and poured down onto the hilt only to fall onto the soil below. The pain was a lot to bear, and Lumikki would wince and heave before finally falling unto the ground. Where she’d for the next of nine days and nights until her sapping grew to a fine tree. One that could extend the nine realms into ten.

With each passing day, the land surrounding the fortress shifted and segmented. Slowly rising from the mountains it had nuzzled in all this time. By the ninth night, it was far into the sky, now above the Harrogath kingdom as its own structure and the tree Lumikki watered was now akin to a young tree. Still thin but growing fast and strong. It’s golden hues mixed with Lumikki’s magical frost and darkens so that it radiated all the colors in between.

The Long Lived King Img_0711

Curled onto the roots and trunk just beside it, was a sleeping Demoness recovering from her wounds and loss of strength. But it would appear her venture worked and now Yggdrasil bore roots in a new place now. Drinking from the chaos and the Abyss to finish its growth.

Eventually the Demoness will wake, and when she does, the war would begin….

1,399+50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

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Curtain Call
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The Long Lived King Img_0811

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