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Fury Road [NQ - Itti]

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Fury Road [NQ - Itti] Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 11:30 am


WORDS: 360 | Business Blues

“With all due respect, Sir, I think it would be better for you should ride "shotgun" for this one?” The brow of the blonde lifting when her commanding officer seemed to offer her the wheel in their pursuit of their target and the justice which might come with it, whether it had been his intention or not to hint that she might be better driving in this circumstance than she was the simple fact remained that to the mind of Miss Adler it was the optimal solution, especially when one considered the task at hand.
“My magic is better for a defensive rather than offensive or evasive campaign, and your boast the better arsenal when it comes to weaponry…” For that reason the fair femme barely seeming to break stride as she lunged for the seat of the impressive vehicle which Ittinidi commanded and slipping into the seats which were as fine and rich as any Corinthian leather, though the bespectacled boscosi was not one who readily admitted her shortcomings in this situation she could scarcely deny them, especially considering just how decisive the armaments of her ally had proven in events thus far.

“I think our aim should be to end this as quickly as we can.” For that reason happy to play chauffer even if she was rather new to this whole automotive thing, what Anika lacked in experience behind a wheel she would more than make up for when it came to the command of equestrian endeavours and she felt confident for the skills transfer there, though even then still felt her pulse quicken when she got the chance to press the pedal and feel the beast which would carry them roar with life.
“The longer we dally, the more time the enemy has to wreak harm upon the city…!” Wasting little time once they were both in position however and gunning the machine hard from the get go, she had to hope that the man would forgive her for putting his machine rather rigorously through its paces given the circumstances. After all, as she said the longer they waited, the worse things were going to get, right~?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Fury Road [NQ - Itti] Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 11:57 am

Ittindi had been surprised by the answer of Seargent Adler wanting to drive the car over shooting. It was a tactical choice, as the car drained minimal mana for advance Knights like themselves. It was like one of those action comics he read as a child, Ittindi was even in a tuxedo, though when he got in the car he barely fit with his top hat on.  They were speeding down the road in pursuit of a criminal. One that had managed to evade both Seargent Adler and Ittindi due to their supporters being willing to sacrifice themselves for him. This time they created a distraction which the rest of the detachment that Sergeant Adler had come with were cleaning up. They were both tired of his continued rampage through their city. Ittindi would pull out his large cross rifle while leaning out of the window.

It was a weird feeling bracing against the wind while also trying to aim his rifle. It was like planks, but in a more life-threatening way. He still had to feel the recoil of the rifle, Ittindi would need to visit his favorite massage parlor after this debacle. The thought occurred to him that this might not be possible without the aid of his awakening, secretly thanking Naki, they’d hum with his praise.

Right when he was lining up for his first shot, the car swerved. Ittindi couldn’t believe it, he’d wait for Seargent Adler to swerve before trying to line up his sights again. Taking the time to rest his eyes, he’d look around their area to see how much damage they’d have to report later. So far there hadn’t been any civilian casualties just buildings damaged from other carts and carriages swerving out of the fleeing vehicle’s path.

”Lucky turn by them, I’m going to blow out one of their tires. Your goal is to get us parallel when the road opens enough to slam into them. Don’t worry about hurting the car I can pay for repairs and be reimbursed later.”

As Ittindi braced himself for the turn, he’d line up his sights shooting one of the vehicles many tires. The first shot was effective as he heard the rattling. He’d need to line up another shot when he felt a shot coming at him from one of the vehicles windows. Instinctively he’d jerk himself back into the car taking a breath smiling at Seargent Adler to reassure the situation was ok. Once he heard the pause between shots, he’d burst right back out the window trying to gain visibility on their situation again.

WC: 433


Fury Road [NQ - Itti] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 8:03 am


WORDS: 640 | WORDS: 1000 | Business Blues

Good grief, I had heard these machines had horse power, but this is… The bespectacled beauty never before sitting behind the wheel of a magnificent mechanical monstrosity like this one and rather thinking that she could get used to the experience, like many officers she had been trained to use the standard cars and such which were used in their sector, and yet as she felt the machine in her grasp growl and rumble along the streets she had to feel a sense of power and prestige with it given the choice of vehicle as well.

He's… Still wearing the hat…? Not that she wasn’t a little distracted when she noticed the fact that said party had seemed to slip into place next to her with his lofty headpiece still intact, though Miss Adler was one who tended to keep a serious and straight face she couldn't help but to double take a little when she spotted him seeming to compress himself into his seat in order to maintain the state of his headwear, and perhaps in lighter circumstance might have even let out a little chuckle.
Talk about keeping one's standards high…! Even so the blonde boscosi respecting his dedication and discipline and both of these things that she held in the highest regard, he violet eyed vixen more and more seemed to see why most seemed to regard Ittindi as the best dressed man in all of the Rune Knights and perhaps even Fiore as a whole, and seemed to enjoy that fact on a personal level as well. She liked men who kept themselves well put together.

“R-Right, sir!” Not that she really should be focusing upon such things in this moment of crisis and feeling reminded of such a fact when the man in charge spelled out their aim clearly and coolly, a flash of redness seemed to form in the cheeks of the girl as she refocused herself upon the road and the task at hand, feeling a note of embarrassment for both the distraction and perhaps deeper reasons as well. After all, matters of fraternization had been her downfall before, no?

“There they are!” The mood of the minx shifting quickly however a she laid eyes upon the 'prize' which they had been pursuing as well, perhaps the sheer automotive acumen of the vehicle in which they were currently riding shone through thanks to the swiftness and efficiency with which they had caught up with their quarry, and the lavender irises of the driver shone in response.
“Nearly…” Measuring their motion as she focused upon the road and the vehicle which they pursued at this red hot pace, the fingers of the fair headed fox tightened as Anika watched their target lurch from one side and toward another to evade the major's shot, and so too did her gaze narrow with annoyance.

“Look out! They've got a weapon!” All too quickly that lilac colour growing wide however when one of the figures within seemed to poke their own head out and with it bring a gun of their own, some mix of panic and reflex compelled Miss Adler to jerk the wheel in order to protect her partner, though even with that was glad when she looked to the side and saw that he had dragged himself back inside, and was even grinning as he did so.
“You almost look as if you're enjoying yourself…” The worry of the woman melting at the sight of that smile and the reassurance which came with it and perhaps even a layer of that strict and businesslike manner seeming to disappear with it, the cleansing tide of relief seemed to soften the slender siren slightly, before the sharpness in her eyes returned and she hammered the car even harder to line him up a better shot than before…

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Fury Road [NQ - Itti] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 10:09 am

” Enjoying myself? I guess I am Seargent, I blame my Master for that one.”

He would shout from the window while trying to line up a tire shot and for once Ittindi wasn’t sure if he was referring to his Young Master who had taken him on so many perilous journeys that most of the Rune Knights tasks felt small in comparison, or the demon soul that resided in him from another world. They both had pulled Ittindi towards the dangerous, he’d be lying to himself saying that he’d prefer to be in a desk. The truth was that Ittindi enjoyed heart racing action, but most field work was anything but; he had spotted the shooter reloading and prepping to peak. Deciding that taking him out was a higher priority Ittindi would shift his aim. With an anticipated shot he’d fire twice to incapacitate the gunman. He was lucky Ittindi didn’t value his life highly and so far the car had purposedly avoided running into any civilians. Instead of going for lethal shots he just incapacitated the man, hopefully he had on a seatbelt or something for what was coming next.

I’m touched that by your confusion Ittindi, you have been a most confusing avatar for me as well.

That was the other issue with wagon or car chases, when you inevitably caused the criminal to crash, he wanted as little delay to roadways and damage as possible. They hadn’t found themselves on a busy street just yet, and Ittindi didn’t’ want to give a chance to the driver to find more chaos to throw off his Seargent Adler. He’d have to sacrifice his aim for a quicker shot, they were losing to much time. He didn’t hit the tire directly but either the shrapnel or a piece of the bullet pierced another tire as the car started to swerve back and forth in the road. Ittindi would duck back into the car and look over at Seargent Adler again, knowing that they should catch the vehicle any moment. He’d put his cross in front of him thinking he needed to install a gun rack in the vehicle.

” Make sure you have your seatbelt buckled and slam into them Seargent Adler. If you feel a little dizzy or sore after that’s normal but we’ll be pursuing them as soon as we stop their vehicle so follow me as soon as you’re able. “

Ittindi doubted he needed to warn her, but he didn’t see the harm in being prepared even when engaging in reckless action. He’d put one hand on his rifle the other on his top hat as he prepared himself. It’d be an interesting experiment for how his danger sense reacted in a situation with millions of variables.  It also occurred to him he probably needed to make a defensive spell for more than just himself for situations like this. He prayed to Illumin that they didn’t cause to much damage, so far he didn’t see the bill running up past 1 to 2 million jewels.

WC: 510/943


Fury Road [NQ - Itti] Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:38 pm


WORDS: 620 | WORDS: 1620 | Business Blues

“Your master…?” Feeling her curiosity piqued when her cohort confirmed the fact that he was indeed enjoying himself with this little act of driven daredevilry, the sense of command with which he oh so often carried himself made Anika surprised to hear of the major speaking of a 'master', and she wanted to ask after the subject more directly as a new layer on both the man beside her and the budding connection between them seemed to reveal itself.
“They seem quite the character, judging by their pupil at least, sir.” The lilac eyed lass left to wonder if they had built up enough of a rapport for such an inquiry however as she considered the batter, the high level of respect which she had for her partner seemed to stifle some of the usual candour which she typically showed her peers or subordinates, and so she merely comments on the matter in an offhand manner to hint at her interest. If he wanted to talk about it she'd definitely have an open ear, but would not press the issue if not.

“Yes sir!” Ultimately for the moment however it seeming that the pair had fatter fish to fry than matters of reminiscence and mentorship, the blonde boscosi nodded at his command about seatbelt and clicked her own into place because of the caution, and gripped the steering wheel tightly as she readied herself for the reckless but necessary course of action which would follow.
“Brace yourself!” The second which would have ticked by in the interim almost seeming to turn into hours as the slender stunner drew alongside the now flagging vehicle, Miss Adler's nose flared as she drew on deep draughts of air in a hard and purposeful fashion in order to build up her never, before twisting the object within her grasp and forcing their car to lurch toward that of their target suddenly and strongly.

“Hnnnnggg!!!” Even that mere act seeming to rock the leggy lawkeeper as the sudden shift in G Force threw her in the opposite direction in which she had turned the car, all that Anika could do was groan as she fought through those vital moments to keep them on course for collision, but even this was a mere prelude toward what was to follow as she rammed her side of the car into that of their enemy. Both of their automotives hardly seeming to be taking a gentle stroll through the country and neither much wanting to give way as a result as the two came together, some mix of the power with which the major's motor was capable and the limited traction of their deflated enemy seemed to allow the ride of our would-be heroes to win out, and yet the result was far from perfect, and ever more distant from enjoyable as well.

“Graahhhhhhh!!!!” Rubber seeming to screech and scream as metal crunched and groaned under duress, the world about the bespectacled beauty seemed to rattle and howl as the force of the impact seemed to rattle her from side to side and front and back, and likely would have proven to be even worse if not for the belt which the man in charge had insisted that she strap over herself.

“Unnngghhhh…” Still that very object likely to leave her with a bruise tomorrow but at least seeming to spare her a battered skull or something of the sort, all the same Miss Adler was rocked by the collision that she could feel her neck throbbing and head spinning as a result of it, though still despite the disorientation she still tried to spot a sign of their would-be targets. Though maybe she might just need more than a moment to get her head on straight, eh?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Fury Road [NQ - Itti] Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 10:42 pm

” Yes well he’s a childhood friend his family were my first employers and nurtured the butler arts in me. We’re around the same age he’s currently the guild master of Sleeping Calamity.”

Ittindi would respond to Seargent Adler’s questions nonchalantly. Ittindi was aware that his close group of peers stood above him. That just meant he had more room to grow, they had to live within their own and others’ expectations there’d be no crowds depending on Ittindi anytime soon. If he got his wish on ministry assignment his main goal would to be unmentioned. Better that way he wanted a safer world and to be the best butler in it neither would bring worldwide acclaim. Service was always one thing, as the image of the head butler appeared in his mind’s eye.

Journey before Destination, yes your role model was a wise man for his limited time here. You know I could help you talk to him next time you die the connection is weaker then…

The thought disgusted Ittindi and thought it’d be a profane mark on the afterlife, Naki could feel it and dropped the subject. Ittindi would readjust his seatbelt right before Seargent Adler took her deep breath and told him to brace. It reminded him of the first time he had been hit by a guild master as a fledgling mage. Ittindi had taken a great risk holding his rifle, mostly because he could survive any kind of fatal accident. Luckily for him he was just bruised but no serious harm, he’d stumble out of the vehicle. His knees were shaky, and he left his rifle in the car. Seargent Adler would be free to grab it if she wished to try it. Ittindi had out his dominator, scanning for where the leader was. Surely he’d have a higher crime coefficient than the rest, he was tired of this nonsense.

”If you’re still alive out there I”d suggest surrendering before more bloodshed has to occur.

He didn’t mind giving Seargent Adler first dibs if she wanted, but he wanted to stop this gang’s farce of a criminal empire before it hurt more civilians. These people did worse than that though, they littered, graffitied and just made a mess of the neighborhood. Lowering property value, interest from other businesses the list went on, truly the worse kind of scum on the planet. Ittindi bloodlust was starting to come through, he was lucky there was another Rune Knight with him. Or he might make an exception, after all some crimes were serious enough that you didn’t deserve a second chance.

WC: 434/1,377


Fury Road [NQ - Itti] Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 1:35 pm


WORDS: 290 | TOTAL: 1910 | Business Blues

“M-Major…?” Perhaps some clash of constitution or the mere fact that her side of the vehicle had bore the brunt of the collision seeming to be the reason behind the blonde boscosi stalling in her exit, Anika fought against the way in which her head was spinning and neck was throbbing, and sounded far meeker when she called out to the man she had been fighting alongside as she heard him rustle and exit the vehicle to confront what remained of their enemy. Damn, she would be winning no points with him like this, would she?

The force of their foes meanwhile at least comparatively rocked and perhaps ever more so since they had far less warning about the impact than either the belle who had initiated the act nor her associate, one of this daredevil duo seemed to have left a trail of drooling redness which oozed down the glass of the door thanks to the impact and the way in which his frame had been flung about with it, he had been left drooling upon the dashboard by his cohort and likely in need of some medical attention sooner rather than later. Yet his cohort was not inside.

"F*** you, Pig!"

Instead the leader of the gang seeming to pop the door and thrust himself out with the weapon which they had been using to try and deter the advance of the knights in hand, though it was clear that he wasn't doing all that well for wear some force of adrenaline and desperation saw him point its barrel toward Ittindi and pull the trigger on it haphazardly, letting loose a barrage of bullets from its spout which were barely aimed. Though at this range, was aiming really all that necessary…?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.


Fury Road [NQ - Itti] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 7:37 am

Ittindi would hear Seargent Adler’s voice through the wreckage and feel an immediate pang of guilt. He was so focused on the mission he had forgotten to check if his comrade was ok, he’d have to write himself up on that in the report.  Had she called out to him when he was still in the car his mind racing on adrenaline and bloodlust. He started count backwards from 100 at increments of 17 to calm himself.

83…Ittindi saw sweeping the scene that most of the criminals had been disabled in the wreck, that wasn’t a surprise. They needed a medic, but he had to clear the area before he would, or Seargent Adler was already calling it in. Either way his danger sense alerted him before he even saw the man. A shame that his dominator didn’t react, which meant that Ittindi would bring in the man alive.  

66…He didn’t have enough time to see if there were any civilians nearby, with Seargent Adler in the car he figured it ok to risk dying in front of a bunch of hallucinating criminals. He’d just say they lied on the report, they weren’t big time enough for their reputation to carry that kind of weight.  Ittindi had been shot a couple times before, though this would be his first gun fire death. He rushed the man taking all the bullets in his abdomen, the sharpness at first took his breath away.

49…He was surprised how fast the fade to black was, the man must have landed more shots than Ittindi initially counted, either way he’d find himself more refreshed than before the car accident. The man was screaming now as Ittindi’s Dominator was pressed on his forehead. He had made sure to keep it on non lethal, but this would still leave a decent bruise. He figured the gun shots would allow him some leeway, not to mention his suit was ruined until he had it repaired.

32…He’d limp away from the criminals looking over at Sergeant Adler’s and the car, if she had gotten out at any point of time and seen Ittindi he’d have to explain himself. That wouldn’t be too hard she seemed the type to be able to swear to secrecy.

15…When he made it halfway the distance he’d call out to Seargent Adler, making sure to turn around to observe the criminals even though it wasn’t needed with his senses. It was more to stop himself from losing control and doing more, there was a short second that he considered exploding on his death. Or was that Naki?

”You want to…HRAGHDHHDH…apologies do you want to call it in Seargent or would you prefer I do it?”

0…Ittindi was ready to turn in the criminals and get their reward for another one gang leader taken away from the interior. When he coughed there was some leftover blood from his death his body was expelling. He’d wave his hand as if it was no big deal if she mentioned it. Seargent Adler was proving to be quite effective, Ittindi would have to extend her an offer when he was made a colonel to the Ministry of Communication. He’d limp back towards the car and ask Seargent Adler while they were walking.

”You want to drive or ride shotgun on the way home?”

WC: 555/1,932


Fury Road [NQ - Itti] Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 12:32 pm


WORDS: 580 | TOTAL: 2490 | Business Blues

“…Sir!” The woman left woozy by the crash but doing her best to fight against the brain rattling concussion or whatever it was that she had suffered, the sound of the gunshots from the criminal seemed to be like something of a wake up call for Anika as she tried to push herself to continue, and the panic which they induced seemed to see adrenaline surging through her once more to give her that jump start she needed to get going again. As such seeming to snap out of her daze and have just enough in her system to overlook the way in which her head was throbbing, with the door on her side seeming to be jammed she instead flung herself across the seats and out of the side from which her partner had exited, and though her landing wasn't particularly comfortable she was soon on her feet and rushing to aid the man with whom she had embarked upon this destructive derby.

“Goodness, you… Looks like you hardly needed me today?” No doubt breathing a sigh of relief however when she found one of their targets still seeming to be stunned within the car while the other was being held at gunpoint by Ittindi himself, though Miss Adler burst back into the action with her own dominator ready she quickly stowed it in favour of a pair of cuffs, which she was more than happy to clap around the wrists of their capture once she had disarmed him.
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”” Kicking the weapon he carried well out of either of their reach as she wrapped those manacles around the wrists of their prime target and forced him against the side of the car, even in this woozy state the blonde boscosi seemed able to recite the rights of their suspect verbatim, and soon had him restrained and forced onto the floor as she began to signal for backup on one of her screens, though stopped as she looked toward the form of her fellow officer.

“Wait, are you hit, sir?” Scarcely seeming to guess that he had been injured from how he had so ardently kept their catch detained and yet now that those baby blues had a chance to see him all too quickly noticing the state of that usually pristine uniform, Anika's eyes widened as she looked at the injuries with which he had seemed to be afflicted and wondered just how he was still functioning though didn't question it.
“We're going to need a wagon for the captures, and a medical team! Priority order!” All too quickly changing her magic to radio mode and freeing up her mitts to help the man with his injuries, the bespectacled beauty looked a little panicked as she tried to press her hands on the placed which seemed the worst injured to apply pressure, and likely later would be rather red faced for touching up a superior officer who in truth was for one reason or another carrying little in the way of mortal harm anymore. Though, points for effort, especially when she didn't know that, right…?

You Are In Need of Discipline

And I shall hammer it down upon you~!
- Anika Adler

credit to nat of adoxography.

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