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Sights of Blue[Good Quest, Closed]

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Sights of Blue[Good Quest, Closed] Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 2:06 pm

Dex Miller.

A crazy person.

But really just a mentally ill individual that people couldn't comprehend, because schizophrenia in DSM-5 didn't exist in this setting. Or maybe psychosis. It didn't matter though. Chishio had a job to get done.

Her goal was to assist this man in regards to some light nonsense story he had seen. She was unsure if this was a genuine plea of help or just nonsense. To her, this could be easily a hallucination he had due to his unstable mentality but he still had a problem that should be investigated nonetheless. She had mixed feelings as if to help him or more like felt she might be wasting her time. Yet there was some sort of motive here in terms rewards. Low on money, it couldn't hurt to take 5 minutes for a look. Right?

Oh there he was.

Dex Miller was looking at his shadow and moving his body in erratic positions in hopes of changing the shape.

“Hello. Sorry for interrupting your fun with shadow puppets and play but are you Dex?”

“Are you the mage who will help me?” he turned towards her seemingly irked by her sarcastic greeting.

“Perhaps.” It was a monotone response with no emotion behind her answer. She blinked at Dex who then became quite confused from the flat statement.


Sights of Blue[Good Quest, Closed] Empty Today at 1:20 pm

"Do you know why you are here?"

"Well, you said you saw something and wanted me to look. Right?"

"We wait til' it's nighttime. I will show you." the deranged man replied promptly and turned away. He continued to make shadow puppets under the tree.

Did this fucker want help or not? Chishio laid her hands on her hips. She looked down and shook her head from side to side. She too had a short fuse, probably some anger management disorder. Damn, she probably needed a diagnosis and a check-up with the psychiatrist. Was she truly wasting her time? The girl began to debate whether it was worth staying or not. It was the afternoon, so it wouldn't be too long. After a moment of mental debate, Chishio walked to the other side of the tree, opposite of Dex, and sat down. She inhaled and exhaled from her fuse being set. The woman took a bounded set of pages from her bag and promptly flicked pages.

A few hours later, the sun began to set and the moon was starting to take its place.

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