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Work work and Undead Work.(open social.)

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Work work and Undead Work.(open social.) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 11:34 am

Averie was back in Era, Back at work and in depth reading into many things. This time Averie had gone and started digging into murders and crimes that had gone cold. After all she felt if in some manner she could provide a new means of getting formation on them giving how talking to the dead seemed to give her may ways to possible solve the problems with them.

Averie was just arriving to start considering where to start with her plans since she was just thinking at the base of the idea, find cold cases and read them through, Then dig into the details based off of her magic to find the missing pieces to solve it. From talking to no longer living victims or possibly dead guilty people. She had many options they could do to see many things through, if only she would not be too distracted by other things.


Work work and Undead Work.(open social.) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:27 pm

Argen had lived in this place for almost two decades, but for some reason, the locals still didn't hesitate to dump their grunt work on him, and his spine wasn't getting any healthier from it either. He had just helped a local fisherman carry multiple crates of fish from one side of the dock to the other, multiple times in fact. he was glad that business was booming to this extent, but he wished that old Fisher would dump the work on his lazy son instead of him. Well, at least he let him keep a crate he was carrying. He personally wasn't a fan of fish but he had a feeling his parents would love this small gift.

As he attempted to maintain his walking rhythm to forget how tired his arms were, he would spot a strange sight not uncommon in Fiore. The woman a few meters in front of him was contemplating something heavy, and he had no intention of wondering what. But now that he had started he couldn't just go on with the rest of his day as if nothing happened. He approached the woman, fish still in his arms.

"Hello Miss, are you lost? I can help you if you need it." He said with his head behind the crate


Work work and Undead Work.(open social.) Empty Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:17 am

It was a good way to bring Averie back to reality, But in some manner it left her confused because she was thinking of a few things. How to go about, who to talk too. Get permissions form family to talk to victims. Which would be a fairly a lengthy conversation because a necromancer just asking asking if it was okay to summon your dead family member.

But suppose Averie needed to put her face away from the current file and talk to the person who asked her a question."Huh?...Oh no i am not lost, I am just looking into notes of cold cases murders for work."Averie mentioned as she did seem to at least managed to put her finger on where she had read up too.

Letting him now."I am one of the local rune knights...Just I tend looking into past crimes compared to current ones."Averie would leave out for now the other things she used to help with these old cases.


Work work and Undead Work.(open social.) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:23 pm

Argen found the woman odd in a way he couldn't explain. Perhaps she was more eccentric than she let on, or maybe he was reading too much into it. Either way, at this point, his interest was peaked. She called herself a member of the Rune Knights, making her a wizard. He couldn't have guessed from simply looking at her, but I suppose that is the purpose of introductions. He's not aware of many guilds but he's sure that the Rune Knights are a major one. Maybe this woman in front of him was even cooler than she looked.

Even if he knew how varied the jobs wizards received were, he never expected a detective among their ranks. Cold murder cases huh? It was a bit grim, but someone had to do it, and aside from her gloomy demeanor, this woman seemed perfect for the job. It is a bit odd that she's looking at past cases though, perhaps she was trying to prove someone wrong.

"Ah, I see, so you're not lost after all." He could leave at this point but it felt a bit odd to cut it off at that point, it'd seem like he was plotting something. "Well,  even if it's not directions,  but you need help with something,  just let me know." He said with an awkward smile. "Oh, I'm Argen by the way, my friends and family call me Kenny."


Work work and Undead Work.(open social.) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:09 am

Averie was now going to continue being the oddity, After all she was just how she was, a bit odd a rune knight one who was not out in the fields arresting people she was looking into older cases for the many things that could easily be closed. But that was from her own magical powers."No, just making sure I do at least get out every once and a while, Rather then just sitting in a office all day....my fiance might enjoy if i got out more and got some sun."Averie mentioned even if it was not entirely a needed thing to mention.

But alas she would continue one, after all some one would."I figured a walk would help. But I will have to talk to a few people....get permission to talk to their family members, Then ask the awkward question of summoning their passed on family members for a moment to ask them questions."Averie already listing off things on her to do list. While actually hinting she was a necromancer.

But he stated his name she did not mind giving hers to him only because it seemed over all harmless."Greetings Agren, I am Averie one of the many rune knights here as well as the Local Nercomancer, It is nice to meet you."At least it did not seem that some one would be having a problem, with meeting a nercomancer but Fiore was a different place then at home.

Since he was called Kenny he would be treated as such."Well Kenny, I suppose I am not seeking out much at this time, I am just start to read a few case, But I do have to ponder, Is there anything I could consider helping you with?"Averie was still a Rune knight, She did feel like she a sense of duty.


Work work and Undead Work.(open social.) Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 5:20 pm

In his own way, Argen was an oddity as well, despite having the capabilities to succeed in one, he never found himself in a guild, yet he always managed to speak to wizards like he was one, perhaps it was his inherent cockiness. The woman mentioned her job and fiance. He wasn't aware a guild called 'the rune knights' would have that many office workers but that wasn't the only assumption made about her that was disproved in that sentence.

"Well I actually deal with the same problem, we both have pale skin after all. In my case, my parents would prefer for me to get more of a tan, so they are more than happy to see me outside for most of the day."

As he gave a light-hearted tidbit about himself to the woman, he realized just how odd her sentence was. Summon their passed family members? He must be mistaken, she said it in such a normal, unothered tone that perhaps he had merely misheard her. He adjusted his posture slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Well I already introduced myself, though I'm not anything special, I'm glad someone like you is around, though admittedly I don't know much about the Rune Knights." He paused. "But, if you want to help me with something, I suppose a way to spend the rest of my day would be nice, you seem to be dealing in...interesting activities."


Work work and Undead Work.(open social.) Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 7:10 am

Averie seemed almost fair more thinking this matter as a means to get some one comfortable with being around the Rune Knights, Even if there was more friendly and more social people to talk too."The work of the Rune Knights do range vastly, From affairs with mages what they can cause and the situations that resolve from them...make arrests."Averie seemed to be trying to recall off the top of her head the many things the rune knights do.

"Some handle defence of areas, It does vary. In my case I either end up in the office doing paper work, Or looking into past crimes yet to be solved seeing if information can be recovered or found with willing people allowing to speak to their family members."Averie would try not to dive too much into long hours of trying to prove to other people that nercomancy isn't entirely an evil magic as much as other people would say other wise.

But Averie did not know the people well enough, She was mostly use to Icebergian people. So this would be useful to her over all."I suppose that is a decent option, If do not mind that i will be digging into notes, You will not be allowed to at whatever these cases simply because it is legal related."She seemed to be okay with, but looking into the legal stuff she had on her would be something she would be a bit more weary of.

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