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The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits]

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The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 12:57 pm

Yijun heard that an event was taking place in the country of his faction and he figured that he was going to go to it though he figures he will just stick out like a sore thumb in the group and that was something that he didn't want to do, so he guessed if he saw any of his faction mates he would just team up with them and then go to the main area so they could hopefully enjoy the event together though he was not sure who he could even find to enjoy the event with as he figured that it was not Iza's cup of tea as he was an oddball but he did enjoy showing off to a crowd so that was something that he would need to keep an eye out for the jester. Yijun got close to the event that was going on and he scanned the near by area and he saw the face that had recruited him and he went toward her. "Long time no see Lady Akuko would you be my buddy for the event?" He figured she probably had better things to do than hand out with him but it was worth an attempt.


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 4:28 am

Alas It had been a while,Akuko herself some what had been seem less and less now days. But as always she would eventually show up again. Between thinking with in her own thoughts and a few behind the scenes. Between ever drifting thoughts and some what being peace with most of her life Akuko seemed to at least be okay even if a few things did not work out for her in this life.

But when some one greeted her it seemed to tuned her back into the world around her and she did actually pay attention.Akuko still spoke slightly distant and calmly."I have no one else to go with, So I will."Akuko answered casually.

As she looked around, for something almost like something here was missing and she was trying to find it. "We will most likely find Miko as we go on..."Akuko mentioned in thought.


Last edited by Akuko on Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:54 am; edited 1 time in total

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:02 am

Yijun guessed that he couldn't complain with her saying something that kind of wounded him as he had walked up on her and really he was nothing more than just an ant compared to the hard work and time Lady Akuko had put in. So he was fine with the woman goin ehhh no one else asked me so it might as well be with you type answer she gave him. "Was there anything that you were wanting to see first or try first? I am not really from around here and I am still getting use to things and people." Yijun figured it was just easier to be honest that he was not sure of what he could do or what he would be doing at a festival like this as while he grew up he grew up poor and monks barking at him about worldly possessions not really being worth the price tag. He is looking around at the stalls as he walked with Lady Akuko. He was unsure if he was really fit to be walking by her side or not but if the Lady wasn't going to say he wasn't then he was going to keep his mouth shut and keep close to her.
(210) (416)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:07 am

While Akuko did not realize it effected him so, She had a lot of other things in mind with other situations going on in her life. Some how Akuko had just been getting by but she seemingly over all started becoming more emotionally dead over time and she had not addressed it much, she was some what happy and content dealing with her life as it was now. Even if something still missing.

Since the mission was find Miko at this time. She had to make sure one thing. That Yijin remembered or had met Miko before."I do intend some shopping, I just...merely want to be sure Miko is not causing trouble with anyone who happens to be selling sweets and fruits...Miko tends to try to steal form them for some reason..."Akuko mentioned as she walked along the stalls checking the ones that had fruits, candy and anything sweet.

Miko was where around here. One could hear the russeling of an animal like being close by almost like it was trying to be sneaky but searching.


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:18 am

Yijun looked at the woman and thought about what she just said. "Is that the strange little fluff cloud looking monster you had before?" He remembered it being a small like dark fluff cloud if he wasn't mistaken. He followed after her as he was going to help her look for the creature. "Was there anything special that you were looking to shop for?" He guessed he should ask so he could take mental notes of the places he passed so he could come back to them if they had anything that the woman might be looking for here at the festival. Yijun was going to do his best to help her if he could but he also knows that he might just be wasting her time as he might not be able to really help her but he was going to give it his best shot at it. He doubted she would look for anything to shameless or embarrassing while she was with him. His eyes stayed peeled and looking for the small creature she was looking for around the food stalls of the festival.
(190) (606)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 3:30 am

It seemed he was also correct."Yes, Miko over all tends to just run off on it's own."And so far any attempts to fine Miko seemed to have no shown up much. but that was what Akuko seemed to focus on the most at the time. Making sure Miko was not going to do things to make too much trouble.

Every time there was thump or a loud noise of something falling Akuko seemed to right away look towards to figure out what was going on. Each time it seemed not to be Miko. Just some one who had dropped something

But that seemed to be it up until Akuko saw a fruit stall walked over and seemed to get an orange. Looking around and still over all no sign of Miko. Then she started peeling orange. After a moment of quiet she looked around and would just do at other people had before."Miko...I have an orange."And waited to see what would happen, she assumed it would not work right away.

As for what she wanted she was unsure."Well I never really found out what I really want, Just know i should go outside."


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 5:17 am

Yijun knew that Lady AKuko was a bit strange but she was starting to act down right bizzarre like this miko thing was some horrible monster but it was so tiny and looked like it was no kind of threat but maybe that was just how it tricked people into thinking it was just some kindly little cute creature. Yijun was guessing that Lady Akuko was just worried about the creature and not what it could be doing or things it could be getting into. "Well you said you needed to shop, so i figured that meant that you had an idea of what you needed or wanted, like clothes, food, toys, or some kind of gift for someone special." Yijun had no idea if the woman was married, seeing anyone or if she was just living her life solo as he had never figured out anything about her besides rumors she was a horrible trickster demon, which were clearly not true as this woman seemed very disorganized and clumsy to him, nothing like a demon should be like or one of the rumors he had heard about her at least so he just kept looking around for the little creature.
(203) (809)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:24 am

Eventually one could see, That maybe Akuko had always been a bit unsure of a lot of things now days. Even now thinking about the things to buy she was unsure, But suppose that was just the plight of Akuko."Suppose you have a point...I over all maybe I should stick to getting some things to eat much like what i just got now."Akuko mentioned as she took wedge from the orange.

Looked around as it seemed to have naught lured in Miko quite yet, Was this the sign that Akuko was focusing on trying to get Miko to come back to her that her thoughts might not be fully. But There was a sound of something rustling even faster now like it was trying to move towards them and it had other things. How close was Miko? was it even Miko? the best sigh was a very loud annoying one second squeak noise like something was stopping it.


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 10:15 am

Yijun heard her and he smiled. "Good to hear Lady Akuko lets make sure that you get something good to eat." Yijun watched her take a piece of her fruit and start to eat then he hears a sound coming from behind him. He turned around and looked toward where the noise was coming from. He then felt something bang into his shin and he looked down at the creature that the other woman had been looking for. "Seems like we found your little friend." He had slowly kneeled and put his hand out to the small creature as he was going to pick it up and then hand it to Lady Akuko and hopefully she will now feel better and they can keep going on with their walk around the city and the festival though he is not fully sure if she will like to keep being seen with him but he was going to do his best to not make her look bad.
(169) (978)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 6:33 am

In some manner touching Miko might be it's own struggle, After all Miko was fuzzy being yes, but was in tune to what was around them. After the squeak it was trying more and more to get to Akuko quicker while it did stop to watch during the moment Yuijin was about to reach for Miko. Miko didn't know him and now the problem in which was how Miko could be happen.

It would seem just as he was about to reach and touch Miko it turned to look at Yujin, Let out the highest pitched squeak that lasted a span of 5 second and ran off to Akuko and right away hide behind her back, While it seemed stupid because hiding behind Akuko was mere pointless and  you could see the fur of Miko behind her, It seemed at least for now it stopped screaming and was more scared.


Last edited by Akuko on Thu Aug 15, 2024 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sat Aug 10, 2024 8:02 am

Yijun covered his ears when the creature had let out a scream like that. "Why did it scream like that? Is it racist?" Yijun was saying that as asking if it didn't like people that weren't human or demi-god like her as it had been screaming about behind someone else before hand that wasn't human. He was still a bit shellshocked from the loud noise so he sat on the ground as his head and his ears were ringing. He was not happy about that and he wondered if maybe he was just not meant to be here and have fun especially if this was how the day was going to start for him here. He tried to stand up as his head was killing him and he used a healing spell on himself to little effect but it got rid of the headache for now but he was going to have to look around for a medical stand if there was one near by them.
(168) (1,146)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Mon Aug 12, 2024 5:41 am

Akuko let out a sigh. Miko was some what smart but Miko was also a real pain to deal with at times."No...Miko is simple minded...it's thinks it is in trouble."Akuko mentioned while she seemed a bit distance sounding and disconnected, This was some what her actually caring and trying to explain something to not make the situation to annoying to deal with.

Adding in a bit more."I do not know if you had met Miko before or not, but if Miko thinks your a stranger it might think you want to kidnap it, eat it or a few other things."It proved Miko was simple minded at this time.

But Akuko then simply asked."Do you require anything? Miko isn't normally able of causing damage to anyone, But I should make sure."No Miko was now sneaking it's way towards the fruit in Akuko's hand seemingly not hiding but think it could get away with trying to get the fruit in its  own hands.


Last edited by Akuko on Thu Aug 15, 2024 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:50 pm

Yijun looked at her and heard what she said about it just being a simple minded creature, Yijun let out a sigh. "Sorry for making it scream then I swear it had met me when you recruited me to the faction. Maybe I am wrong or maybe it forgot about me since then." He shook his head as she offer to get him something and get some medicine from a stand and took it to help him with the headache that the creature had given him and he wondered if he was just causing a scene here or not. "Do you think that it will be okay with me being around you or do you think I should go off alone and not risk making it scream again?" Yijun figured it was just better to ask her as he was not fully sure if it was okay for him to be walking around with her since she is lady Akuko of the faction not just some random woman or member but thee Lady Akuko.
(178) (1,324)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 1:30 pm

His second guess was most likely the most logical and Akuko would even mention as such."I am unsure which it truly might be because Miko can not speak, But I assume Miko does not remember you."Akuko seemed to think that was the most fitting answer. Akuko figured it as much, Communication was always odd for Akuko, But much like most likely everyone else looking around at the time everyone seemed okay while the situation settled.

As for what Akuko thought she figured it would be okay."Miko should be fine around you eventually, Miko is entirely off of how often you interact with them."She said as she then looked around for Miko as it went for the fruit. Miko was not a quiet as it went for it making an ahhh noise as it went close enough to it. Then Akuko pulled it away from Miko. In which an annoyed squeak was heard.

Akuko was seemingly being a pain to Miko but this was most likely because Miko was causing troubles. It was almost as if Miko was acting akin to a scared and slightly spoiled child and Akuko was merely delaying giving what it wanted. Then it just bumped into Akuko.

Then she merely looked at it."Stop being a pain." Miko seemingly let out a sigh. After looking slightly defeated Akuko then fed Miko the fruit.


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:32 am

Yijun wondered if this was really the smartest idea or not as being seen around with him might ruin the Lady's name as he thinks she is married. "Uh okay Lady Akuko. I just don't want to cause any harm to your name and your standing." Yijun was trying to treat her with as much respect as he can as he knows very well that this woman is his suprior and she is the hand of the Shogun so he needed to make sure that he didn't disrespect her or cause harm to her name. He watched as the creature seemed to act like a baby that was fussy and looking for everything it wanted to just be handed to it and not really listening to Akuko. Yijun wasn't any good with beast taming so sadly he couldn't help her with dealing with the fluff ball.

He looked at the creature. "If you dislike me make a baaahh sound." He wanted to test how smart the creature was he and grabbed a sweet roll while paying for it to see if it is as food motivated as well as he had a strange feeling about this creature like it was more than it appeared to be but it wasn't at it's protentional yet.
(217) (1,541)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 11:02 am

The only hint of actual emotion that Akuko would actually expressed at this point, For she actually looked confused. Not realize how she was coming off was most likely causing a few problems."I am confused, why on earth would that ever happen?"Akuko actually posed this as a serious question to him.

After all she was just talking about how miko was a pain and not him."I am talking about how Miko is a pain in the butt to deal with...your not a worry, I don't entirely care about how my name is at this point."Akuko's old daemon mind set was still some what there, even while in this peaceful state.

Miko the other hand after finally seemed to just celebrate its victor of getting the fruit of Akuko by greedily just eating the fruit and when it was asked the question it looked at him and did not give it him an answer


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:15 pm

He looked her straight in the eyes and he spoke. "Well I am a daemon and you are a demi-Goddess, you are the shoguns right hand are you not? Have the rumors lied to me?" He was not sure if maybe he had been mislead and he bought a few drinks from a stall and he handed her one as he feels he has done something stupid and caused another issue with the woman that was in front of him. Hearing her say she doesn't care about her name he was confused as he had heard Joyan people hold their names in high regard why would the woman not do the same was there something wrong with her name or did someone taint her name already?

"Why do you not care about your name?" He grabbed plate of sweets buying them and holds a couple out to her to see if she will take them as now he was a bit worried about the woman that he was walking the city with and if something had happened to her and if she even trusted him to be talked to about it. "Also while I am clearing up rumors are you married?" He figured that he should find out since this was probably the only chance he would get to even ask her about it in a lower risk time.
(235) (1,776)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 6:16 pm

He wanted honest answer from Akuko he had them now, With that he merely look at him and said."She and I are close friends, I am her right hand out of trust and friendship. While my actions are limited for the most part."Akuko said. She did remember the last time she punch some one in front of her current partner and seemingly turned them into cloud of blood mist from strength she had with in her, But that at the time was not relevant to the conversation."Daemon or not, any action by you under our title and banner is more important than what you are. Actions....speak loud then words."The oldest saying possible was just used on Yujin.

Akuko did not care about her name. But maybe her answer seemed to be the key thing to pay attention too."My name will always be overshadowed by Mishiko, She had always be the one for the gaining the praise or blow back for actions of the nation...Never me."He would have to take that as he would.

Then moving on. He asked if she was married and her answer was not as detailed as the rest."No, I am not married."Then just as the moment came, Miko made a loud squeak like it was demanding more sweets.


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:51 am

Yijun laughed a bit to him self when she said the actions speak louder than words line as she was not the first to say that to him but it seemed that she didn't get the praise that she was worth getting and was truly over shadowed in all ways by the shogun. He gently reached over and took her hand. "Then lets have fun as equals, do you like playing these rigged games?" He asked her that teasingly as she had pretty much dispelled that he needed to act super proper around her and he lead her to the games that were more then likely rigged and he started to play them and have little success with the goldfish game as it seemed the paper net things they gave him to use were super weak and there was no way of winning above a certain level as the weight of the fish would just tear the net and the fish just get away.
(166) (1,942)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:42 am

Rigged games where some what annoying but suppose, When she was a daemon she did rig a few things against people before."They get some get annoying, But I suppose it is worth a try."Akuko seemingly continuing not thinking about her problems and flaws that were not really talked about at the time.

But she did actually seem able to continue a conversation with ease."But was that all you really needed to ask me about?"She sounded as curious as some one who started withdrawing her own emotions could feel at this time one day she make work on this, just not now as she had other things to do while making sure Miko didn't sneak off.

After all these outings where always annoying because Miko tended to sneak off and cause problems. Miko was starting to feel ignored however, nudging Akuko again because it assumed Akuko still had sweets.


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 2:05 pm

"Is there more i should ask about you? I guess I could ask what you are looking for in a man? Do you have interest in dating again?" He was teasing her a bit cause she asked him such a broad thing out of no where. He guessed he would cheat a bit at the game, he handed her the paper net. "Your turn to try this make sure you keep the fish on the far right side of it and it won't rip." He used his skill from his division of the faction to make sure that she could win against the game that was rigged for everyone that tries it to fail, he hoped it might impress her a bit but he also knows that she would probably not be won over so easily from a simple trick like that but he figured that he was giving it his best try to see if she might just at least crack a smile.
(168) (2,110)


The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 4:28 pm

Dating again for the most part she was dating right now as far as she knew, herself and who was with was going a long just fine, just as person normal everyone was busy with their lives."Dating again? I am currently with some one..."Akuko said because she was unsure what this man was hearing and from who. She would have to look into it later."If I was single i would need a bit more time before choosing."Akuko mentioned hoping it was the correct answer he was seeking. Unless something weird that happen while she was not looking.

But she was given a an explanation on what she needed to do. This would prove only one thing, Akuko was not good at these games even if she was trying. While he seemed to explain it well, Akuko was not doing the greatest. It really did not help that Miko was some what trying to help and horribly failing as well. As Miko thinking Akuko was not doing it right seeming went and nudged her hands off of actually achieving it.

There was a mere moment of annoyance on her face, until it was all over and she failed. Then after finishing the game Akuko merely figured it was not time to move on whatever else they could do here. Miko had caused her to lose. So she would also find it snacks.




The Daemon and the Demi-god (with Akuko) [CE – High Spirits] Shenhe10

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